The multi billion dollar child protection industry


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The Multi-Billion Dollar Child 'Protection' Industry — Steemit

The Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 has created a social engineering program that breaks families apart, all legally sanctioned by the government and operating under the color of law and public support. Instead of protecting families, overzealous state-agencies and their employees are disintegrating the family unit. This is being driven by financial incentives (paid by tax dollars) to remove children from their "less than perfect homes" and place them with strangers, which is often a more harmful environment.

When ur an idiot and think the state is your authoritarian Gods who you obey and loathe over takes ur kids and you dumb asses help vote for it leave it to demo scum and rep. fake scum to try and make money off kids just like vaccines and the stupid asses think it's all fake til they take theirs LOL the SCHOOLS are your SNITCHES idiots.
The Multi-Billion Dollar Child 'Protection' Industry — Steemit

The Adoption and Safe Families Act of 1997 has created a social engineering program that breaks families apart, all legally sanctioned by the government and operating under the color of law and public support. Instead of protecting families, overzealous state-agencies and their employees are disintegrating the family unit. This is being driven by financial incentives (paid by tax dollars) to remove children from their "less than perfect homes" and place them with strangers, which is often a more harmful environment.

When ur an idiot and think the state is your authoritarian Gods who you obey and loathe over takes ur kids and you dumb asses help vote for it leave it to demo scum and rep. fake scum to try and make money off kids just like vaccines and the stupid asses think it's all fake til they take theirs LOL the SCHOOLS are your SNITCHES idiots.
Last I knew, states were bending over backwards to offer corrective measures and services to parents neglecting their children or putting them in danger. This is done BEFORE a child is removed, as long as the danger is not immediate. Drug rehabilitation, mental health counseling, family services, are only a few of the services that are routinely offered to parents. When parents can't or won't take advantage of that, child protection workers look at family members who can safely parent the children while keeping them with people they know and love. If the relatives are even more dysfunctional than the parents or do not agree that there is anything wrong with the parents' parenting, that can't happen.
Your link was a bunch of garbage and this thread is one more attempt on your part to make children less safe.

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