The Muslim Army that helped to destroy fascism

I forgot to mention the North African Muslims who fought alongside the French as
You have no morals, you have no intelligence, you are just a low level idiot on some pro-Islam Agenda, which isn't working because you don't possess the intelligence to even be subtle about it....therefore basically everyone can see the Agenda for what it is.

Crawl back under rock.
But they helped to save us from the fascists.Its a fact not an "agenda"

What you should do is acknowledge the sacrifices of these brave people who came over here to fight for your freedom.

As it stands you cant even acknowledge that they exist.

There were NO Fascists during WWI you moron. This fact has already been pointed out to you.
What about the ones in WW2 ? these brave people came over to save you from them and you cant even acknowledge it.

Who? Where?

Are you answering my post # 62? Or do you want me to copy you, you know follow you around repeatedly asking you for know like you do with Tilly and I?

Here you go Lucy. These brave lads stood up to the Nazi filth.

You're just not clever Tommy, this OP thread of yours illustrate this once again.

Your entire OP and subsequent comments, all designed for you once again, to attempt to get people to praise Islam in a pathetic attempt to EXCUSE what your friends the Radical Islamists are now doing....things which you deny they do in numerous threads at drop of hat.

As SOON as I posted THIS these below pictures, your OP immediately got blown out of then continued to post gibberish and historically inaccuracies ie. about "Fascists" in WWI. What a fool you are.

Here, THIS post collapsed your non-argument....Muslims "helping" against Fascists and that WE ALL are supposed to THANK the Muslims and LOVE them Muslim's and Hindu's and Sikh's fighting supporting Fascists:

More proof that you are idiot. I think English term for you is - you're a tit.

Handschar Division - Muslim....OMG how VERY RACIST allowing :eek-52: MUSLIMS to volunteer to serve with Germanics!

13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar (1st Croatian) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The Fez:



The Grand Mufti visits troops:



Let's not forget the Indische Legion who served....OMG how VERY RACIST allowing :eek-52: Indians from INDIA to volunteer to serve with Germanics!

Indian Legion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia



OMG! They're SMILING and obviously enjoying each others company! Herr Himmler, WITH an Indian from INDIA....SHOCKING :eek-52:

Its very simple Lucy. These Muslim soldiers fought the fascists to make Europe free.Can you acknowledge their contribution to saving the world ?
Why cant you acknowledge these people? After all your problem is Islam and not muslims (apparently)

Oh shut up you fool, stop embarrassing yourself.
Cant you acknowledge these brave people because they were actually fighting an evil philosophy that you support ?
Perhaps you could call "one of your people" for an authorised answer . Jews/Muslims there must be a fascist pecking order.
These Asian born pilots were an important part of the RAF and took part in the Battle of Britain and many important bombing raids over Germany.
Its a shame you cant acknowledge their efforts but it doesnt diminish their bravery.

These Asian born pilots were an important part of the RAF and took part in the Battle of Britain and many important bombing raids over Germany.
Its a shame you cant acknowledge their efforts but it doesnt diminish their bravery.

Tommy On Repeat AGAIN:

I forgot to mention the North African Muslims who fought alongside the French as
You have no morals, you have no intelligence, you are just a low level idiot on some pro-Islam Agenda, which isn't working because you don't possess the intelligence to even be subtle about it....therefore basically everyone can see the Agenda for what it is.

Crawl back under rock.
But they helped to save us from the fascists.Its a fact not an "agenda"

What you should do is acknowledge the sacrifices of these brave people who came over here to fight for your freedom.

As it stands you cant even acknowledge that they exist.

There were NO Fascists during WWI you moron. This fact has already been pointed out to you.
What about the ones in WW2 ? these brave people came over to save you from them and you cant even acknowledge it.

Who? Where?

Are you answering my post # 62? Or do you want me to copy you, you know follow you around repeatedly asking you for know like you do with Tilly and I?

Here you go Lucy. These brave lads stood up to the Nazi filth.

Excellent! Many brave people stood up to Nazi filth, including those pictured.

Just as today, many brave people stand up to Islamist filth.
Similar numbers of muslims fighting to preserve your liberty. Will you join me in saluting these brave men and women ?

Which ones? The WWI ones or the WWII ones? You're all over the place.

And you haven't answered any of my questions about why you called IMperial Germany Fascist, or how a German victory in WWI would have destroyed my liberty.
I didnt.I was referring to WW2 in that post.I can see how you might have been confused though.Hope I have cleared that up.

I am a bit shocked that you cant acknowledge that all of these muslims fought and died to preserve your liberty. What do you have a problem with ?

Well, considering how you are conducting yourself and your past posting history, this seems less like a sincere historical discussion and more like pro-muslim propaganda to distract from current issues.

Your blurring of WWI and WWII and Imperial and Nazi Germany for example. That was not good.

It's just another very embarrassing you say, no historical perspective or accuracy at all.

And if he wants to thank someone for helping out in WWI OR WWII, how about AMERICA?

You would think he would have touched on that one first.
Our Tammy hates America.
Here is a bit more.

Winston Churchill summed up the Muslim contribution in his letter to U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt. He wrote, "We must not on any account break with the Moslems, who represent a hundred million people, and the main army elements on which we must rely for the immediate fighting".

How Muslims Won the Second World War

.....and here is what he thought of them:

"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries. Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity."
Here is a bit more.

Winston Churchill summed up the Muslim contribution in his letter to U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt. He wrote, "We must not on any account break with the Moslems, who represent a hundred million people, and the main army elements on which we must rely for the immediate fighting".

How Muslims Won the Second World War
He also said:

How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.
I forgot to mention the North African Muslims who fought alongside the French as
You have no morals, you have no intelligence, you are just a low level idiot on some pro-Islam Agenda, which isn't working because you don't possess the intelligence to even be subtle about it....therefore basically everyone can see the Agenda for what it is.

Crawl back under rock.
But they helped to save us from the fascists.Its a fact not an "agenda"

What you should do is acknowledge the sacrifices of these brave people who came over here to fight for your freedom.

As it stands you cant even acknowledge that they exist.

There were NO Fascists during WWI you moron. This fact has already been pointed out to you.
What about the ones in WW2 ? these brave people came over to save you from them and you cant even acknowledge it.

Who? Where?

Are you answering my post # 62? Or do you want me to copy you, you know follow you around repeatedly asking you for know like you do with Tilly and I?

Here you go Lucy. These brave lads stood up to the Nazi filth.
And these embraced it.
Here you go Lucy. These brave lads stood up to the Nazi filth.

Answer the post you moron:

He doesn't care about the military, here's Tommy's friends and their message about British military


Patriot Lee Rigby in uniform:


Patriot Lee Rigby dead in middle of London street, after being hacked to death and partially beheaded by this African POS holding the meat cleaver:

You are aware that the Rigbys have asked that their sons image is not used for political purposes ?
I have no problem in condemning his killers.
Perhaps you can address my question now ?

Not that I'm using Lee Rigby for political purposes.

Your question? Oh yes, it's the usual idiocy. Others have pointed this out already numerous times in this thread.

Tommy The King of The Loaded Question That Never Makes Any Sense....when losing argument: Scream Bigot! Racist! Nazi! Fascist! :rolleyes-41:

Its very simple Lucy. These Muslim soldiers fought the fascists to make Europe free.Can you acknowledge their contribution to saving the world ?

Muslims wear turbans? I thought Sikhs did.
Tommy doesn't do details.
Answer the post you moron:

He doesn't care about the military, here's Tommy's friends and their message about British military


Patriot Lee Rigby in uniform:


Patriot Lee Rigby dead in middle of London street, after being hacked to death and partially beheaded by this African POS holding the meat cleaver:

You are aware that the Rigbys have asked that their sons image is not used for political purposes ?
I have no problem in condemning his killers.
Perhaps you can address my question now ?

Not that I'm using Lee Rigby for political purposes.

Your question? Oh yes, it's the usual idiocy. Others have pointed this out already numerous times in this thread.

Tommy The King of The Loaded Question That Never Makes Any Sense....when losing argument: Scream Bigot! Racist! Nazi! Fascist! :rolleyes-41:

Its very simple Lucy. These Muslim soldiers fought the fascists to make Europe free.Can you acknowledge their contribution to saving the world ?

Muslims wear turbans? I thought Sikhs did.
Tommy doesn't do details.

Hello Tilly, my favourite lesbian Nazi :wink: :lol:
You are aware that the Rigbys have asked that their sons image is not used for political purposes ?
I have no problem in condemning his killers.
Perhaps you can address my question now ?

Not that I'm using Lee Rigby for political purposes.

Your question? Oh yes, it's the usual idiocy. Others have pointed this out already numerous times in this thread.

Tommy The King of The Loaded Question That Never Makes Any Sense....when losing argument: Scream Bigot! Racist! Nazi! Fascist! :rolleyes-41:

Its very simple Lucy. These Muslim soldiers fought the fascists to make Europe free.Can you acknowledge their contribution to saving the world ?

Muslims wear turbans? I thought Sikhs did.
Tommy doesn't do details.

Hello Tilly, my favourite lesbian Nazi :wink: :lol:
Hello, darling :smiliehug:
Not that I'm using Lee Rigby for political purposes.

Your question? Oh yes, it's the usual idiocy. Others have pointed this out already numerous times in this thread.

Tommy The King of The Loaded Question That Never Makes Any Sense....when losing argument: Scream Bigot! Racist! Nazi! Fascist! :rolleyes-41:

Its very simple Lucy. These Muslim soldiers fought the fascists to make Europe free.Can you acknowledge their contribution to saving the world ?

Muslims wear turbans? I thought Sikhs did.
Tommy doesn't do details.

Hello Tilly, my favourite lesbian Nazi :wink: :lol:
Hello, darling :smiliehug:

Good stuff :smiliehug:
You are aware that the Rigbys have asked that their sons image is not used for political purposes ?
I have no problem in condemning his killers.
Perhaps you can address my question now ?

Not that I'm using Lee Rigby for political purposes.

Your question? Oh yes, it's the usual idiocy. Others have pointed this out already numerous times in this thread.

Tommy The King of The Loaded Question That Never Makes Any Sense....when losing argument: Scream Bigot! Racist! Nazi! Fascist! :rolleyes-41:

Its very simple Lucy. These Muslim soldiers fought the fascists to make Europe free.Can you acknowledge their contribution to saving the world ?

Muslims wear turbans? I thought Sikhs did.
Tommy doesn't do details.

Hello Tilly, my favourite lesbian Nazi :wink: :lol:
What trouble have you been getting into today? :terror:
Not that I'm using Lee Rigby for political purposes.

Your question? Oh yes, it's the usual idiocy. Others have pointed this out already numerous times in this thread.

Tommy The King of The Loaded Question That Never Makes Any Sense....when losing argument: Scream Bigot! Racist! Nazi! Fascist! :rolleyes-41:

Its very simple Lucy. These Muslim soldiers fought the fascists to make Europe free.Can you acknowledge their contribution to saving the world ?

Muslims wear turbans? I thought Sikhs did.
Tommy doesn't do details.

Hello Tilly, my favourite lesbian Nazi :wink: :lol:
What trouble have you been getting into today? :terror:

Well the usual you know :smoke:

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