The Myth of Republicans Walking Away because of Trump

The polls predicted Trump would lose by a wide margin.....he did

The polls predicted Trump would lose Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona.....he did

The polls predicted Hillary would win by a landslide, a huge margin, 96% probability, remember ??!

It is my considered opinion that anyone who pays any attention to any poll is a nincompoop.

Sorry, but it is time to move on from the morass of incompetence and plain paid propaganda that polling is.
OK people, if you leave the Republican Party, where are you going to go? To this shit festival?

You can start supporting real Republicans. Those who maintain Republican values. Those who ignore wild conspiracies. Those who are appalled by the extremists in the Party
And accept it if voters Even reject real republican values.

Let’s face it the op is correct. Trump did a great job the last four years if you’re a republican. Except for the way he handled corona of course. And all the law breaking.

Without his inept leadership during COVID, Trump would have won a second term.
Easily. Or if he decided to play the role of bipartisan president I would have loved him. Been honest about abortion, global warming, racism, gays, illegal immigration. If he would have not played politics with wedge issues and told people who did to stop it.

Instead he decided to be the lex Luther for the radical right. Fuck that.

Who is someone who could do what trump did but you would trust them? I’m a liberal and I’d accept a republican like Arnold swartanigger thank god he can’t run he would win easily.

I just disagree with conservatives on what makes a great economy. Unions or every man for himself. And I like social security and Medicare. And I believe corporations should pay taxes. Women should have the right to choose. Diversity programs are good and systemic racism exists.
OK people, if you leave the Republican Party, where are you going to go? To this shit festival?

You can start supporting real Republicans. Those who maintain Republican values. Those who ignore wild conspiracies. Those who are appalled by the extremists in the Party
And accept it if voters Even reject real republican values.

Let’s face it the op is correct. Trump did a great job the last four years if you’re a republican. Except for the way he handled corona of course. And all the law breaking.

Without his inept leadership during COVID, Trump would have won a second term.
Easily. Or if he decided to play the role of bipartisan president I would have loved him. Been honest about abortion, global warming, racism, gays, illegal immigration. If he would have not played politics with wedge issues and told people who did to stop it.

Instead he decided to be the lex Luther for the radical right. Fuck that.

Who is someone who could do what trump did but you would trust them? I’m a liberal and I’d accept a republican like Arnold swartanigger thank god he can’t run he would win easily.

I just disagree with conservatives on what makes a great economy. Unions or every man for himself. And I like social security and Medicare. And I believe corporations should pay taxes. Women should have the right to choose. Diversity programs are good and systemic racism exists.

A year ago, a majority of voters would have said......I don‘t like how he acts, but the economy is strong.

After COVID hit, it was clear he was incapable of leading in a crisis.

After the election, it was clear he is a madman
A year ago, a majority of voters would have said......I don‘t like how he acts, but the economy is strong.

After COVID hit, it was clear he was incapable of leading in a crisis.

After the election, it was clear he is a madman

It's clear he is a patriot.

As normal people (not leftists) know, Trump had nothing to do with the economy that was destroyed by Joe and Hunters buddies in China. He fought against commie Mayors and Governors to open up their areas and stop the suffering. They refused. They insisted to continue to shut things down to win the election even if it meant 100,000 businesses closing for good, and the kids who committed suicide from not being able to go to school. The only thing that mean anything to a Communist is power.

In spite of that, the United States had the lowest GDP damage of all G7 countries. The great President Trump signed a contract with Moderna for the first 100 million doses of vaccine when it came out, with a guarantee of another 500 million doses on demand. Today over a million people a day are being vaccinated, and for the first time in many months, less than 100,000 new cases were reported yesterday. It pretty much looks like by summer, this virus will just about be a thing of the past thanks to President Trump.

Will the media ever give credit to where credit is deserved? Hell no. Biden is now trying to hitch his wagon to Trump's success so they will give him the credit for our improving economy.
Makes me think 2016 was the rigged election. The deep state knew how many Supreme Court picks would be up during the next four years and they had to have that one. Same way they had to win 2000 because they already planned the iraq invasion in the 1990s. PNAC. And heritage foundation. That’s the deep state.

We on the right never had a deep state. That title totally belongs to the Communists. If we had the deep state, Hillary would be behind bars where she should be. The FISA phony applications would have never been submitted. Nobody would be digging into FBI files to change emails, and get a slap on the wrist after being caught.
Trump lost the election because of his inept leadership during COVID

Another leftist lie. When anybody asks what he did wrong, you on the left say "Uuuuuh, he didn't tell people to wear masks" as if that would have solved anything.

In spite of how bad things are in this country, under Hillary it would have been much worse.
Trumpism has replaced Conservatism as the ethos of the Party. They overlap but are not the same. The Mitt Romney/Bush wing is obsolete and powerless.
"Trumpism" is only a new wrapper for populism.....Pat Buchanan ran on the nearly exact platform, but he's not half the speaker and showman that Trump is.

And yes, the GOP is turning away from the Wall Street, country club, military-industrial, RINO neoccons, and in the direction of populism.

Imagine you are a rock-solid Republican and you have held your nose at some of President Trump's antics but support....essentially every tangible thing he did for the past four years (taxes, immigration, international agreements, the economy, regulations). And now this series of events of January 6th, and YOU'VE HAD ENOUGH! You are LEAVING!

OK. Then President Biden revokes the permits for the Keystone XL pipeline. Then he stops construction of the border wall, a stunt that will COST MORE THAN COMPLETING IT. Then he rejoins the corrupt WHO. Then he illegally claims that we are back into the Paris Climate fiasco and the foolish Iran agreement that Iran never actually lived up to. Then he opens up immigration from the shit-hole mainly-Muslim countries. Then he starts releasing thousands of bogus asylum seekers, promising to let in hundreds of thousands more per year, even KNOWING THAT MORE THAN 90% OF THEM HAVE NO LEGITIMATE CLAIM UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW. And on and on. It never ends.

OK people, if you leave the Republican Party, where are you going to go? To this shit festival?

As stated in the linked article, Joe Biden is the greatest hope for re-unifying the Republican Party under Trumpism, if not under Trump. He has undertaken more mindless, self-destructive, vindictive actions in a month than any President in history. He has NO POLICIES other than repudiating Trump's accomplishments.

Where are you going to go? To the Democrats? Ain't happening. We see these fatuous articles about Republicans leaving the party, but they are nothing but Leftist wishful thinking. Americans who actually work for a living (as few Leftists do) know which side of the bread is buttered.

Soon people will see where their hatred has gotten them. Hate is the tool of the devil, and Democrats are the disciples of Satan. You are correct, in two years people will understand what a mistake they made by letting hatred eat them up to the point of installing a crooked guy with dementia into the highest office of the land. It's just a shame everybody else will have to suffer with them.
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Trumpism has replaced Conservatism as the ethos of the Party. They overlap but are not the same. The Mitt Romney/Bush wing is obsolete and powerless.
"Trumpism" is only a new wrapper for populism.....Pat Buchanan ran on the nearly exact platform, but he's not half the speaker and showman that Trump is.

And yes, the GOP is turning away from the Wall Street, country club, military-industrial, RINO neoccons, and in the direction of populism.

They can take all the polls they want. But the truth of the matter is this last phony impeachment was specifically designed to stop Trump from coming back again. Democrats fear Trump more than the fear God himself. He is a grave threat to Socialism/ Communism. They know what their plans are for us, and the devastating results that will come from their policies. When all is said and done, if Trump decides to run again, the public will welcome him back with open arms.

Imagine you are a rock-solid Republican and you have held your nose at some of President Trump's antics but support....essentially every tangible thing he did for the past four years (taxes, immigration, international agreements, the economy, regulations). And now this series of events of January 6th, and YOU'VE HAD ENOUGH! You are LEAVING!

OK. Then President Biden revokes the permits for the Keystone XL pipeline. Then he stops construction of the border wall, a stunt that will COST MORE THAN COMPLETING IT. Then he rejoins the corrupt WHO. Then he illegally claims that we are back into the Paris Climate fiasco and the foolish Iran agreement that Iran never actually lived up to. Then he opens up immigration from the shit-hole mainly-Muslim countries. Then he starts releasing thousands of bogus asylum seekers, promising to let in hundreds of thousands more per year, even KNOWING THAT MORE THAN 90% OF THEM HAVE NO LEGITIMATE CLAIM UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW. And on and on. It never ends.

OK people, if you leave the Republican Party, where are you going to go? To this shit festival?

As stated in the linked article, Joe Biden is the greatest hope for re-unifying the Republican Party under Trumpism, if not under Trump. He has undertaken more mindless, self-destructive, vindictive actions in a month than any President in history. He has NO POLICIES other than repudiating Trump's accomplishments.

Where are you going to go? To the Democrats? Ain't happening. We see these fatuous articles about Republicans leaving the party, but they are nothing but Leftist wishful thinking. Americans who actually work for a living (as few Leftists do) know which side of the bread is buttered.

Soon people will see where their hatred has gotten them Hate is the tool of the devil, and Democrats are the disciples of Satan. You are correct, in two years people will understand what a mistake they made by letting hatred eat them up to the point of installing a crooked guy with dementia into the highest office of the land. It's just a shame everybody else will have to suffer with them.
You are correct, in two years people will understand what a mistake they made by letting hatred eat them up to the point of installing a crooked guy with dementia into the highest office of the land.

I seriously doubt that...If it's only one thing that I've learned about democrats in general, it's that they are some of the least introspective and self-aware people that you will ever encounter....Things will go to shit and it will all be someone else's fault.
Trump lost the election because of his inept leadership during COVID

Another leftist lie. When anybody asks what he did wrong, you on the left say "Uuuuuh, he didn't tell people to wear masks" as if that would have solved anything.

In spite of how bad things are in this country, under Hillary it would have been much worse.
No lie

Face facts, Trump was cruising to a second term a year ago.
COVID revealed his inadequacies to lead.
Jan 6 solidified him as our worst President
The election showed majorities neither support Trump nor AOC. It will remain a question as to whether Trump could have won despite the absurd missteps (Lysol and testing) with Covid. But his leading an insurrection/attempted coup pretty much rendered that as moot, because he is now an anathema to a super maj.
OK people, if you leave the Republican Party, where are you going to go? To this shit festival?

You can start supporting real Republicans. Those who maintain Republican values. Those who ignore wild conspiracies. Those who are appalled by the extremists in the Party

You have no idea what real republican values are. You just believe what you media masters want you to believe.
OK people, if you leave the Republican Party, where are you going to go? To this shit festival?

You can start supporting real Republicans. Those who maintain Republican values. Those who ignore wild conspiracies. Those who are appalled by the extremists in the Party

You have no idea what real republican values are. You just believe what you media masters want you to believe.

I have a better idea of Republican values than today’s Republicans do

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