The Myth of Republicans Walking Away because of Trump

So what was it about Trump's handling of Covid that was a failure?

Since you ask

The ONE thing he could have done is WEAR A MASK. Simple gesture to send a message to the American people that COVID was serious and people needed to take precautions.

Instead, he refused to wear a mask, held events without social distancing or masks, ridiculed those who wore masks, turned it into a political statement and attacked Governors who took strong COVID preventative measures.

Beyond that, he lied to the American people about how serious COVID was, promised quick fixes, told people he had it under control, pitted states against each other for resources, withdrew from WHO........

A complete FAILURE of leadership
Cost him the election
Fraud cost Trump the election. Be honest it is good for you.
Not engaging in silly conspiracy theories
They got people killed
So what was it about Trump's handling of Covid that was a failure?

Since you ask

The ONE thing he could have done is WEAR A MASK. Simple gesture to send a message to the American people that COVID was serious and people needed to take precautions.

Instead, he refused to wear a mask, held events without social distancing or masks, ridiculed those who wore masks, turned it into a political statement and attacked Governors who took strong COVID preventative measures.

Beyond that, he lied to the American people about how serious COVID was, promised quick fixes, told people he had it under control, pitted states against each other for resources, withdrew from WHO........

A complete FAILURE of leadership
Cost him the election
Fraud cost Trump the election. Be honest it is good for you.
Not engaging in silly conspiracy theories
They got people killed
The conspiracy was the fraud and now the cover up. Complete with censorship and political harassment from the FBI. Intimidation and power work well together. Look at how fast the country has turned to shit.
So what was it about Trump's handling of Covid that was a failure?

Since you ask

The ONE thing he could have done is WEAR A MASK. Simple gesture to send a message to the American people that COVID was serious and people needed to take precautions.

Instead, he refused to wear a mask, held events without social distancing or masks, ridiculed those who wore masks, turned it into a political statement and attacked Governors who took strong COVID preventative measures.

Beyond that, he lied to the American people about how serious COVID was, promised quick fixes, told people he had it under control, pitted states against each other for resources, withdrew from WHO........

A complete FAILURE of leadership
Cost him the election
Fraud cost Trump the election. Be honest it is good for you.
Not engaging in silly conspiracy theories
They got people killed
The conspiracy was the fraud and now the cover up. Complete with censorship and political harassment from the FBI. Intimidation and power work well together. Look at how fast the country has turned to shit.
Still not engaging in silly conspiracies
The fact is that there is nothing Biden has done that is that bad. Americans largely support it.

What are you talking about? Everything he's done so far is bad. His policies are going to make things much worse. All you have to do is read them.

The real problem we have in this country is stupid people voting; people who are voting on personality instead of leadership.
The fact is that there is nothing Biden has done that is that bad. Americans largely support it.

What are you talking about? Everything he's done so far is bad. His policies are going to make things much worse. All you have to do is read them.

The real problem we have in this country is stupid people voting; people who are voting on personality instead of leadership.
Of Course ....Republicans think everything Biden has done is bad

Why America did not elect Trump
The ONE thing he could have done is WEAR A MASK. Simple gesture to send a message to the American people that COVID was serious and people needed to take precautions.

It wouldn't have changed anything.

Instead, he refused to wear a mask, held events without social distancing or masks, ridiculed those who wore masks, turned it into a political statement and attacked Governors who took strong COVID preventative measures.

You mean those same preventative measures they are trying to get rid of now even though things are worse now than when they first put them in? Trump knew why they were doing it, to try and get Biden to win. Trump made fun of Slow Joe because he wore a mask 100 feet from the guy who was interviewing him outside with nobody else around. The only other people he made fun of was before most people weren't wearing a mask and Dr. Fauci stated there was no need for one. After masks were recommended by him and the CDC, Trump didn't make fun of anybody wearing a mask.

Beyond that, he lied to the American people about how serious COVID was, promised quick fixes, told people he had it under control, pitted states against each other for resources, withdrew from WHO........

What does withdrawing from the WHO have to do with it? At the beginning he was trying to reassure and calm the public. That's what a leader is supposed to do.

None of the things you posted would have made any difference in the world. If he did the exact opposite of what you wrote, we would have had the same amount of cases, the same amount of deaths, the same everything. His leadership during this time was excellent. Wish I could say the same for the Democrat hero Cuomo who sent 12,000 elderly Americans to their death.
So what was it about Trump's handling of Covid that was a failure?

Since you ask

The ONE thing he could have done is WEAR A MASK. Simple gesture to send a message to the American people that COVID was serious and people needed to take precautions.

Instead, he refused to wear a mask, held events without social distancing or masks, ridiculed those who wore masks, turned it into a political statement and attacked Governors who took strong COVID preventative measures.

Beyond that, he lied to the American people about how serious COVID was, promised quick fixes, told people he had it under control, pitted states against each other for resources, withdrew from WHO........

A complete FAILURE of leadership
Cost him the election
Fraud cost Trump the election. Be honest it is good for you.
Not engaging in silly conspiracy theories
They got people killed
The conspiracy was the fraud and now the cover up. Complete with censorship and political harassment from the FBI. Intimidation and power work well together. Look at how fast the country has turned to shit.
Still not engaging in silly conspiracies
Not working. The fraud was massive and it is never going away.
Of Course ....Republicans think everything Biden has done is bad

Why America did not elect Trump

Yes, everything he's done is bad. Signed over 50 executive orders. Stopped the Trump wall so more diseased illegals can infect our country and take jobs Americans need so badly now. He put over 1,200 Americans on the unemployment line, and killed 60,000 future jobs so his buddy and supporter Warren Buffet can profit with his trains driving that oil across the country instead of having it piped in.

He's pissed of the border patrol, pissed off ICE, pissed off an American Indian tribe, pissed off the people of New Mexico, pissed off people in the military, pissed off parents who have daughters in school athletics. The guy has been an absolute disaster, and it's only been three weeks. Now he wants to make millions of Americans criminals with all the stupid gun laws they are going to try and pass.
OK people, if you leave the Republican Party, where are you going to go? To this shit festival?

You can start supporting real Republicans. Those who maintain Republican values. Those who ignore wild conspiracies. Those who are appalled by the extremists in the Party
And accept it if voters Even reject real republican values.

Let’s face it the op is correct. Trump did a great job the last four years if you’re a republican. Except for the way he handled corona of course. And all the law breaking.

Without his inept leadership during COVID, Trump would have won a second term.
The U.S is not even in the Top 10 worst affected globally.
Trump provided enough ventillators to even donate to developing countries. He also developed the Trump shot, and by closing down China early saved 2 million lives (according to Fauci.
When Biden came into the Whitehouse, everything was ready on a silver platter.
The Myth of Republicans Walking Away because of Trump

Just like the polls were a myth?
Polls are the world's purest paid propaganda, and if some people haven't figured out never to look at one or finish an article that the word "poll" pops up in, I have.

The polls predicted Trump would lose by a wide margin.....he did

The polls predicted Trump would lose Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona.....he did
All part of the coup which they were plotting for 4 years.
Bump up the opinion polls.
Close down the count centre. Bar observers. Get the media and Big Tech to declare victory before count is over.
Then ban anyone who questions the result.
"We will never let this happen again." Jack Dorsey. November 2016.
As stated in the linked article, Joe Biden is the greatest hope for re-unifying the Republican Party under Trumpism, if not under Trump.

Newt has always been one tuned-in dude. Nothing sells guns like Obama's gun-grabbing policy, and the more the Left tries to blot out Trump, the bigger he'll loom on the return.

I expect Trump to scare up a total replacement for Big Tech to completely remove them from the equation. No conservative will need ever again put up with censure.

All the Lefties can sit on Google, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter yelling at the sky.
The U.S is not even in the Top 10 worst affected globally.
Trump provided enough ventillators to even donate to developing countries. He also developed the Trump shot, and by closing down China early saved 2 million lives (according to Fauci.
When Biden came into the Whitehouse, everything was ready on a silver platter.

Exactly. Now watch how they try to give slow Joe all the credit when things start getting better. In fact they're already getting better. 53 million Americans got their first shot, and 20 million got their second. For the first time in months, we had less than 100,000 new cases yesterday. By the end of April, this virus will be just about a thing of the past unless Joe's buddies in China release a new one on us that these vaccines won't stop.
The ONE thing he could have done is WEAR A MASK. Simple gesture to send a message to the American people that COVID was serious and people needed to take precautions.

It wouldn't have changed anything.

Instead, he refused to wear a mask, held events without social distancing or masks, ridiculed those who wore masks, turned it into a political statement and attacked Governors who took strong COVID preventative measures.

You mean those same preventative measures they are trying to get rid of now even though things are worse now than when they first put them in? Trump knew why they were doing it, to try and get Biden to win. Trump made fun of Slow Joe because he wore a mask 100 feet from the guy who was interviewing him outside with nobody else around. The only other people he made fun of was before most people weren't wearing a mask and Dr. Fauci stated there was no need for one. After masks were recommended by him and the CDC, Trump didn't make fun of anybody wearing a mask.

Beyond that, he lied to the American people about how serious COVID was, promised quick fixes, told people he had it under control, pitted states against each other for resources, withdrew from WHO........

What does withdrawing from the WHO have to do with it? At the beginning he was trying to reassure and calm the public. That's what a leader is supposed to do.

None of the things you posted would have made any difference in the world. If he did the exact opposite of what you wrote, we would have had the same amount of cases, the same amount of deaths, the same everything. His leadership during this time was excellent. Wish I could say the same for the Democrat hero Cuomo who sent 12,000 elderly Americans to their death.

The President holds a Bully Pulpit. Wearing a mask sends a message......People need to take precautions. People need to make sacrifices. This is serious.

Trump sent the opposite message
The Myth of Republicans Walking Away because of Trump

Just like the polls were a myth?
Polls are the world's purest paid propaganda, and if some people haven't figured out never to look at one or finish an article that the word "poll" pops up in, I have.

The polls predicted Trump would lose by a wide margin.....he did

The polls predicted Trump would lose Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona.....he did
All part of the coup which they were plotting for 4 years.
Bump up the opinion polls.
Close down the count centre. Bar observers. Get the media and Big Tech to declare victory before count is over.
Then ban anyone who questions the result.
"We will never let this happen again." Jack Dorsey. November 2016.

The coup came from Trump
Of Course ....Republicans think everything Biden has done is bad

Why America did not elect Trump

Yes, everything he's done is bad. Signed over 50 executive orders. Stopped the Trump wall so more diseased illegals can infect our country and take jobs Americans need so badly now. He put over 1,200 Americans on the unemployment line, and killed 60,000 future jobs so his buddy and supporter Warren Buffet can profit with his trains driving that oil across the country instead of having it piped in.

He's pissed of the border patrol, pissed off ICE, pissed off an American Indian tribe, pissed off the people of New Mexico, pissed off people in the military, pissed off parents who have daughters in school athletics. The guy has been an absolute disaster, and it's only been three weeks. Now he wants to make millions of Americans criminals with all the stupid gun laws they are going to try and pass.
81 million people signed up to Biden’s agenda

The fact that he is pissing you off says he is delivering.
The ONE thing he could have done is WEAR A MASK. Simple gesture to send a message to the American people that COVID was serious and people needed to take precautions.

It wouldn't have changed anything.

Instead, he refused to wear a mask, held events without social distancing or masks, ridiculed those who wore masks, turned it into a political statement and attacked Governors who took strong COVID preventative measures.

You mean those same preventative measures they are trying to get rid of now even though things are worse now than when they first put them in? Trump knew why they were doing it, to try and get Biden to win. Trump made fun of Slow Joe because he wore a mask 100 feet from the guy who was interviewing him outside with nobody else around. The only other people he made fun of was before most people weren't wearing a mask and Dr. Fauci stated there was no need for one. After masks were recommended by him and the CDC, Trump didn't make fun of anybody wearing a mask.

Beyond that, he lied to the American people about how serious COVID was, promised quick fixes, told people he had it under control, pitted states against each other for resources, withdrew from WHO........

What does withdrawing from the WHO have to do with it? At the beginning he was trying to reassure and calm the public. That's what a leader is supposed to do.

None of the things you posted would have made any difference in the world. If he did the exact opposite of what you wrote, we would have had the same amount of cases, the same amount of deaths, the same everything. His leadership during this time was excellent. Wish I could say the same for the Democrat hero Cuomo who sent 12,000 elderly Americans to their death.

The President holds a Bully Pulpit. Wearing a mask sends a message......People need to take precautions. People need to make sacrifices. This is serious.

Trump sent the opposite message
Shove your mask. Trump sent the message Americans can make their own decisions. The government is not a babysitter.
A lot of people view the capital riot no different then they did the summer of violence inflicted on thousands of everyday Americans. Congress members whining about feeling threatened when thousands of people live that everyday with little concern from the elites in DC. The majority of people leaving the R party are doing so because of R leadership acting complicit towards the massive election fraud.
The ONE thing he could have done is WEAR A MASK. Simple gesture to send a message to the American people that COVID was serious and people needed to take precautions.

It wouldn't have changed anything.

Instead, he refused to wear a mask, held events without social distancing or masks, ridiculed those who wore masks, turned it into a political statement and attacked Governors who took strong COVID preventative measures.

You mean those same preventative measures they are trying to get rid of now even though things are worse now than when they first put them in? Trump knew why they were doing it, to try and get Biden to win. Trump made fun of Slow Joe because he wore a mask 100 feet from the guy who was interviewing him outside with nobody else around. The only other people he made fun of was before most people weren't wearing a mask and Dr. Fauci stated there was no need for one. After masks were recommended by him and the CDC, Trump didn't make fun of anybody wearing a mask.

Beyond that, he lied to the American people about how serious COVID was, promised quick fixes, told people he had it under control, pitted states against each other for resources, withdrew from WHO........

What does withdrawing from the WHO have to do with it? At the beginning he was trying to reassure and calm the public. That's what a leader is supposed to do.

None of the things you posted would have made any difference in the world. If he did the exact opposite of what you wrote, we would have had the same amount of cases, the same amount of deaths, the same everything. His leadership during this time was excellent. Wish I could say the same for the Democrat hero Cuomo who sent 12,000 elderly Americans to their death.

The President holds a Bully Pulpit. Wearing a mask sends a message......People need to take precautions. People need to make sacrifices. This is serious.

Trump sent the opposite message
Shove your mask. Trump sent the message Americans can make their own decisions. The government is not a babysitter.

Cost hIm the election
450,000 died

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