The Myth of Republicans Walking Away because of Trump

The ONE thing he could have done is WEAR A MASK. Simple gesture to send a message to the American people that COVID was serious and people needed to take precautions.

It wouldn't have changed anything.

Instead, he refused to wear a mask, held events without social distancing or masks, ridiculed those who wore masks, turned it into a political statement and attacked Governors who took strong COVID preventative measures.

You mean those same preventative measures they are trying to get rid of now even though things are worse now than when they first put them in? Trump knew why they were doing it, to try and get Biden to win. Trump made fun of Slow Joe because he wore a mask 100 feet from the guy who was interviewing him outside with nobody else around. The only other people he made fun of was before most people weren't wearing a mask and Dr. Fauci stated there was no need for one. After masks were recommended by him and the CDC, Trump didn't make fun of anybody wearing a mask.

Beyond that, he lied to the American people about how serious COVID was, promised quick fixes, told people he had it under control, pitted states against each other for resources, withdrew from WHO........

What does withdrawing from the WHO have to do with it? At the beginning he was trying to reassure and calm the public. That's what a leader is supposed to do.

None of the things you posted would have made any difference in the world. If he did the exact opposite of what you wrote, we would have had the same amount of cases, the same amount of deaths, the same everything. His leadership during this time was excellent. Wish I could say the same for the Democrat hero Cuomo who sent 12,000 elderly Americans to their death.

The President holds a Bully Pulpit. Wearing a mask sends a message......People need to take precautions. People need to make sacrifices. This is serious.

Trump sent the opposite message
Shove your mask. Trump sent the message Americans can make their own decisions. The government is not a babysitter.

Cost hIm the election
450,000 died
Fraud cost Trump the election.
81 million people signed up to Biden’s agenda

The fact that he is pissing you off says he is delivering.

Yes he is delivering: delivering the destruction of our country. Most of the 81 million people who voted for Biden are stupid and politically ignorant. There is nobody that can look at his policies and say these are good for the country.

The President holds a Bully Pulpit. Wearing a mask sends a message......People need to take precautions. People need to make sacrifices. This is serious.

Trump sent the opposite message

We on the right don't look at our government like mommies and daddies like you on the left. Independent and Republicans make their own decisions. We don't take the advice from our party leaders if we feel it's wrong for us. If Trump said everybody should wear a mask (which he did on several occasions) or told people nobody should wear a mask, the same amount of people who chose to wear a mask would wear them and the same amount of people who opted not to wouldn't have worn therm.

Furthermore there is zero evidence that wearing a mask does any good at all. Look at New York. Look at California. What good did mask wearing do them? Florida is doing better than those places and they didn't have nearly the draconian restrictions that commie cities and states had.
81 million people signed up to Biden’s agenda

The fact that he is pissing you off says he is delivering.

Yes he is delivering: delivering the destruction of our country. Most of the 81 million people who voted for Biden are stupid and politically ignorant. There is nobody that can look at his policies and say these are good for the country.

Biden has a higher percentage of educated voters
Trump voters think the election was stolen....can’t teach stupid

The President holds a Bully Pulpit. Wearing a mask sends a message......People need to take precautions. People need to make sacrifices. This is serious.

Trump sent the opposite message

We on the right don't look at our government like mommies and daddies like you on the left. Independent and Republicans make their own decisions. We don't take the advice from our party leaders if we feel it's wrong for us. If Trump said everybody should wear a mask (which he did on several occasions) or told people nobody should wear a mask, the same amount of people who chose to wear a mask would wear them and the same amount of people who opted not to wouldn't have worn therm.

Furthermore there is zero evidence that wearing a mask does any good at all. Look at New York. Look at California. What good did mask wearing do them? Florida is doing better than those places and they didn't have nearly the draconian restrictions that commie cities and states had.
Why you lost
America knew better
Why you lost
America knew better

No, the commies pushed mail-in voting to get the stupid to vote. That's why we lost. It won't be that way in 22, and the way slow Joe is going, you are going to lose the House by huge margins.

Got news for ya...
Millions of Americans voted by mail for the first time this year.
They ain’t going back.
The genie is out of the bottle
Better get used to it
Why you lost
America knew better

No, the commies pushed mail-in voting to get the stupid to vote. That's why we lost. It won't be that way in 22, and the way slow Joe is going, you are going to lose the House by huge margins.

Got news for ya...
Millions of Americans voted by mail for the first time this year.
They ain’t going back.
The genie is out of the bottle
Better get used to it
So you found a way to cheat and you do not want it changed. What a surprise. We will see what the Republican legislatures can do. Remember any voting law passed by the Democrats can be cancelled out after 2022.
Of Course ....Republicans think everything Biden has done is bad

Why America did not elect Trump

Yes, everything he's done is bad. Signed over 50 executive orders. Stopped the Trump wall so more diseased illegals can infect our country and take jobs Americans need so badly now. He put over 1,200 Americans on the unemployment line, and killed 60,000 future jobs so his buddy and supporter Warren Buffet can profit with his trains driving that oil across the country instead of having it piped in.

He's pissed of the border patrol, pissed off ICE, pissed off an American Indian tribe, pissed off the people of New Mexico, pissed off people in the military, pissed off parents who have daughters in school athletics. The guy has been an absolute disaster, and it's only been three weeks. Now he wants to make millions of Americans criminals with all the stupid gun laws they are going to try and pass.
81 million people signed up to Biden’s agenda

The fact that he is pissing you off says he is delivering.
You are deluded.
But, like me you will wake up some day.
Why you lost
America knew better

No, the commies pushed mail-in voting to get the stupid to vote. That's why we lost. It won't be that way in 22, and the way slow Joe is going, you are going to lose the House by huge margins.

Got news for ya...
Millions of Americans voted by mail for the first time this year.
They ain’t going back.
The genie is out of the bottle
Better get used to it
And dead people. And non residents. And underaged people. And multiple repeat voters.
I can tell you this. If what happened in the U.S in November had happened in my country, you would see a real insurrection.
Got news for ya...
Millions of Americans voted by mail for the first time this year.
They ain’t going back.
The genie is out of the bottle
Better get used to it

Correct, they won't be going back, because these are mainly welfare people who don't give a shit about elections or voting. Plop a ballot in front of their face on the kitchen table, yes they will vote. When we get back to normal in this country, so will voting, and half of the voters are completely pissed about this election and the commies impeaching Trump for exercising his constitutional rights; you know, real Americans.

The commies don't think the genie is out of the bottle. If they did, they would have never conducted this second phony impeachment. However in the slightest event you are correct, then what we are living in is the end of the great experiment. The Democrats will have total power, quickly slip to socialism, then socialist/ communism, and finally just communism. They are there already, but we real Americans are not as a majority. The free capitalist republic will be gone forever, and we will ape the other failed socialist and communist states around the globe.
Got news for ya...
Millions of Americans voted by mail for the first time this year.
They ain’t going back.
The genie is out of the bottle
Better get used to it

Correct, they won't be going back, because these are mainly welfare people who don't give a shit about elections or voting. Plop a ballot in front of their face on the kitchen table, yes they will vote. When we get back to normal in this country, so will voting, and half of the voters are completely pissed about this election and the commies impeaching Trump for exercising his constitutional rights; you know, real Americans.

The commies don't think the genie is out of the bottle. If they did, they would have never conducted this second phony impeachment. However in the slightest event you are correct, then what we are living in is the end of the great experiment. The Democrats will have total power, quickly slip to socialism, then socialist/ communism, and finally just communism. They are there already, but we real Americans are not as a majority. The free capitalist republic will be gone forever, and we will ape the other failed socialist and communist states around the globe.
Your first sentence was so offensive, I didn’t bother reading the rest of your screed

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