The Myth of Republicans Walking Away because of Trump

Got news for ya...
Millions of Americans voted by mail for the first time this year.
They ain’t going back.
The genie is out of the bottle
Better get used to it

Correct, they won't be going back, because these are mainly welfare people who don't give a shit about elections or voting. Plop a ballot in front of their face on the kitchen table, yes they will vote. When we get back to normal in this country, so will voting, and half of the voters are completely pissed about this election and the commies impeaching Trump for exercising his constitutional rights; you know, real Americans.

The commies don't think the genie is out of the bottle. If they did, they would have never conducted this second phony impeachment. However in the slightest event you are correct, then what we are living in is the end of the great experiment. The Democrats will have total power, quickly slip to socialism, then socialist/ communism, and finally just communism. They are there already, but we real Americans are not as a majority. The free capitalist republic will be gone forever, and we will ape the other failed socialist and communist states around the globe.
Your first sentence was so offensive, I didn’t bother reading the rest of your screed
What a moron.
Got news for ya...
Millions of Americans voted by mail for the first time this year.
They ain’t going back.
The genie is out of the bottle
Better get used to it

Correct, they won't be going back, because these are mainly welfare people who don't give a shit about elections or voting. Plop a ballot in front of their face on the kitchen table, yes they will vote. When we get back to normal in this country, so will voting, and half of the voters are completely pissed about this election and the commies impeaching Trump for exercising his constitutional rights; you know, real Americans.

The commies don't think the genie is out of the bottle. If they did, they would have never conducted this second phony impeachment. However in the slightest event you are correct, then what we are living in is the end of the great experiment. The Democrats will have total power, quickly slip to socialism, then socialist/ communism, and finally just communism. They are there already, but we real Americans are not as a majority. The free capitalist republic will be gone forever, and we will ape the other failed socialist and communist states around the globe.
Your first sentence was so offensive, I didn’t bother reading the rest of your screed
but first register the pigs to vote democrat
If Trumpism is all that's left of the GOP...the GOP is in trouble
This kind of thing has happened in the past. It's difficult to look back in 2021 and make the comparisons to the past, because we assume (and want to think) that we learn from history.

I sure did.

But we haven't. This leads me to think that this is a fundamental element of human nature -- that we appear to reach a point at which we are willing to fall for someone like this.
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Trumpism has replaced Conservatism as the ethos of the Party. They overlap but are not the same. The Mitt Romney/Bush wing is obsolete and powerless.
How can Trump replace conservatism when conservatives are non existent? Who was the last conservative leader?

I'll wait...
How can Trump replace conservatism when conservatives are non existent? Who was the last conservative leader?
I agree that this is not conservatism. Would you call it populism?
Perhaps but conservatism as a governing principle is all but dead imo. Other than a handful in DC the left and the right are all to eager to dig that hole all the way to China.
OK people, if you leave the Republican Party, where are you going to go? To this shit festival?

You can start supporting real Republicans. Those who maintain Republican values. Those who ignore wild conspiracies. Those who are appalled by the extremists in the Party
The "real" Republicans are greatly outnumbered by trump's Nazis. They lost the GOP's conservatism decades ago, but held on hoping the Party's move to neoconservatism and the recruiting of the extreme right would not bring the Party's death knell. Well, the trump Nazis finally killed that hope in the real Republicans on January 6th.

As far as the congressional Democrats, they are too centrist oriented, and so, any bold legislation to help average Americans escape the disastrous effects of Reaganomics after four decades, just ain't gonna happen. Most congressional Democrats are content, even prefer to be the minority party. They can tell their constituents they are powerless to stop the Republican policies that benefit only the super-wealthy and Big Business. But most of those Democrats vote with the Republicans when the legislation "feeds the greed" of the fat cats, and screws the folks back home. (Also, the big political contributors like it when a bill they want, passes with tremendous bi-partisan cooperation.)

So, all this lunacy of the trump Nazis about the "socialist" Democrats is bullsh!t. The trump Nazis have been gung ho for socialism long before their cult leader trump seduced them with fascism. The RWNJs, prior to becoming trump's Nazis, have been pro-socialism ever since the Reagan administration. That's when the government began borrowing hundreds-of-billions to establish the socialist policies that have given, yes GIVEN, with no strings, those billions-of-dollars to Big Business and the billionaires. But the trump Nazis have been, and still are, too stupid and brainwashed to understand what's been staring them in their faces for these many, many years.

Trumpism has replaced Conservatism as the ethos of the Party. They overlap but are not the same. The Mitt Romney/Bush wing is obsolete and powerless.

Trumpism supports one thing.....Trump

Nope. It supports a better, stronger America. Before the very convenient Chinese Virus UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. All with Trump at the helm.

Biden has already undone loads of the good Trump did. Expect the Second Great Depression with your boy Biden at the helm.
Trumpism has replaced Conservatism as the ethos of the Party. They overlap but are not the same. The Mitt Romney/Bush wing is obsolete and powerless.

Trumpism supports one thing.....Trump

Nope. It supports a better, stronger America. Before the very convenient Chinese Virus UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. All with Trump at the helm.

Biden has already undone loads of the good Trump did. Expect the Second Great Depression with your boy Biden at the helm.
Oh get real Trump was riding the Obama Recovery wave and spending trillions to do it.

You know nothing and say much
Trumpism has replaced Conservatism as the ethos of the Party. They overlap but are not the same. The Mitt Romney/Bush wing is obsolete and powerless.

Trumpism supports one thing.....Trump

Nope. It supports a better, stronger America. Before the very convenient Chinese Virus UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. All with Trump at the helm.

Biden has already undone loads of the good Trump did. Expect the Second Great Depression with your boy Biden at the helm.
Oh get real Trump was riding the Obama Recovery wave and spending trillions to do it.

You know nothing and say much

Oh Barry left him a fair hand but by doing what he did Trump improved on it and that's why we had UE the lowest its been in 50 years, jobs all across this country and a great economy.

Trump did away with Barry's business killing EO's. You can bet Biden reinstated them.

Oh and I do know what I'm talking about. Google is your friend. Use it dumbass.

Get ready for the Second Great Depression cause it coming with Biden at the helm.
Your first sentence was so offensive, I didn’t bother reading the rest of your screed

You are offended by the truth. Look at the map. How do ghetto and low income people on the dole vote?
Lets look at the real truth
Republicans suppress the vote among low income people and in the ghetto. They reduce the number of polling places, number of voting machines and move polling places to inconvenient areas.
Yet, they still line up to vote.


Keep mail in voting?
You bet your ass.

Imagine you are a rock-solid Republican and you have held your nose at some of President Trump's antics but support....essentially every tangible thing he did for the past four years (taxes, immigration, international agreements, the economy, regulations). And now this series of events of January 6th, and YOU'VE HAD ENOUGH! You are LEAVING!

OK. Then President Biden revokes the permits for the Keystone XL pipeline. Then he stops construction of the border wall, a stunt that will COST MORE THAN COMPLETING IT. Then he rejoins the corrupt WHO. Then he illegally claims that we are back into the Paris Climate fiasco and the foolish Iran agreement that Iran never actually lived up to. Then he opens up immigration from the shit-hole mainly-Muslim countries. Then he starts releasing thousands of bogus asylum seekers, promising to let in hundreds of thousands more per year, even KNOWING THAT MORE THAN 90% OF THEM HAVE NO LEGITIMATE CLAIM UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW. And on and on. It never ends.

OK people, if you leave the Republican Party, where are you going to go? To this shit festival?

As stated in the linked article, Joe Biden is the greatest hope for re-unifying the Republican Party under Trumpism, if not under Trump. He has undertaken more mindless, self-destructive, vindictive actions in a month than any President in history. He has NO POLICIES other than repudiating Trump's accomplishments.

Where are you going to go? To the Democrats? Ain't happening. We see these fatuous articles about Republicans leaving the party, but they are nothing but Leftist wishful thinking. Americans who actually work for a living (as few Leftists do) know which side of the bread is buttered.

American conservatives, not Republicans, but REAL conservatives, are appalled at the total incompetence and mismanagement of the American economy. The business community wants economic and social stability, and Trump delivered neither. You can plan long term when the President might wake up tomorrow and start another trade war.

The Repulican Party didn't even bother to have a platform this last election. The vote was either, we're with Trump, or we're not, and many more Americans are NOT with Trump. The assumption that 74 million people voted FOR Trump is a total fallacy. Many of those 74 million voted for the (R) after his name and nothing more. Millions more voted against the Democrats.

Unless and until Republicans ditch the white supremacy and the authoritarianism, they will continue to be a party that decent people will not support. They're lost mainstream Americans and are just the party of lies and hate at the moment. That's why people are leaving. The Republican Party offers NOTHING to the American people but hate and violence.
Oh Barry left him a fair hand but by doing what he did Trump improved on it
By adding TRILLIONS to the debt

And no dumbass... you do NOT know what you're talking about. Idiot Republicans like you have been predicting a Depression ever since Obama was elected...

Imagine you are a rock-solid Republican and you have held your nose at some of President Trump's antics but support....essentially every tangible thing he did for the past four years (taxes, immigration, international agreements, the economy, regulations). And now this series of events of January 6th, and YOU'VE HAD ENOUGH! You are LEAVING!

OK. Then President Biden revokes the permits for the Keystone XL pipeline. Then he stops construction of the border wall, a stunt that will COST MORE THAN COMPLETING IT. Then he rejoins the corrupt WHO. Then he illegally claims that we are back into the Paris Climate fiasco and the foolish Iran agreement that Iran never actually lived up to. Then he opens up immigration from the shit-hole mainly-Muslim countries. Then he starts releasing thousands of bogus asylum seekers, promising to let in hundreds of thousands more per year, even KNOWING THAT MORE THAN 90% OF THEM HAVE NO LEGITIMATE CLAIM UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW. And on and on. It never ends.

OK people, if you leave the Republican Party, where are you going to go? To this shit festival?

As stated in the linked article, Joe Biden is the greatest hope for re-unifying the Republican Party under Trumpism, if not under Trump. He has undertaken more mindless, self-destructive, vindictive actions in a month than any President in history. He has NO POLICIES other than repudiating Trump's accomplishments.

Where are you going to go? To the Democrats? Ain't happening. We see these fatuous articles about Republicans leaving the party, but they are nothing but Leftist wishful thinking. Americans who actually work for a living (as few Leftists do) know which side of the bread is buttered.
/——/ I think it’s fake news. Not one Trump supporter I know has anything bad to say about Trump. It’s an attempt to discourage us and make us give up. Disinformation is th egg heart and sound the democRAT party.

Imagine you are a rock-solid Republican and you have held your nose at some of President Trump's antics but support....essentially every tangible thing he did for the past four years (taxes, immigration, international agreements, the economy, regulations). And now this series of events of January 6th, and YOU'VE HAD ENOUGH! You are LEAVING!

OK. Then President Biden revokes the permits for the Keystone XL pipeline. Then he stops construction of the border wall, a stunt that will COST MORE THAN COMPLETING IT. Then he rejoins the corrupt WHO. Then he illegally claims that we are back into the Paris Climate fiasco and the foolish Iran agreement that Iran never actually lived up to. Then he opens up immigration from the shit-hole mainly-Muslim countries. Then he starts releasing thousands of bogus asylum seekers, promising to let in hundreds of thousands more per year, even KNOWING THAT MORE THAN 90% OF THEM HAVE NO LEGITIMATE CLAIM UNDER INTERNATIONAL LAW. And on and on. It never ends.

OK people, if you leave the Republican Party, where are you going to go? To this shit festival?

As stated in the linked article, Joe Biden is the greatest hope for re-unifying the Republican Party under Trumpism, if not under Trump. He has undertaken more mindless, self-destructive, vindictive actions in a month than any President in history. He has NO POLICIES other than repudiating Trump's accomplishments.

Where are you going to go? To the Democrats? Ain't happening. We see these fatuous articles about Republicans leaving the party, but they are nothing but Leftist wishful thinking. Americans who actually work for a living (as few Leftists do) know which side of the bread is buttered.

American conservatives, not Republicans, but REAL conservatives, are appalled at the total incompetence and mismanagement of the American economy. The business community wants economic and social stability, and Trump delivered neither. You can plan long term when the President might wake up tomorrow and start another trade war.

The Repulican Party didn't even bother to have a platform this last election. The vote was either, we're with Trump, or we're not, and many more Americans are NOT with Trump. The assumption that 74 million people voted FOR Trump is a total fallacy. Many of those 74 million voted for the (R) after his name and nothing more. Millions more voted against the Democrats.

Unless and until Republicans ditch the white supremacy and the authoritarianism, they will continue to be a party that decent people will not support. They're lost mainstream Americans and are just the party of lies and hate at the moment. That's why people are leaving. The Republican Party offers NOTHING to the American people but hate and violence.
/——-/ “Unless and until Republicans ditch the white supremacy and the authoritarianism”
Ahhhh, I love the smell of libtard straw man arguments in the morning.
Oh Barry left him a fair hand but by doing what he did Trump improved on it
By adding TRILLIONS to the debt

And no dumbass... you do NOT know what you're talking about. Idiot Republicans like you have been predicting a Depression ever since Obama was elected...

LOL Well Biden just added 1.9 trillion to the debt. Oh and I do know what I'm talking about but you sure don't. Google is your friend. Use it.

Oh and with Biden and his runaway EO's we will get the Second Great Depression.

Just to let you know. I'm not a Republican. I'm an Independent. Not sorry at all to burst your anti-Rep bubble.

CBO has already said his $15 an hour minimum wage will cost 1.4 million jobs. He will be the harbinger of the Second Great Depression and just think. You voted for his stupid ass.
Trumpism has replaced Conservatism as the ethos of the Party. They overlap but are not the same. The Mitt Romney/Bush wing is obsolete and powerless.

Trumpism supports one thing.....Trump

Nope. It supports a better, stronger America. Before the very convenient Chinese Virus UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. All with Trump at the helm.

Biden has already undone loads of the good Trump did. Expect the Second Great Depression with your boy Biden at the helm.
Oh get real Trump was riding the Obama Recovery wave and spending trillions to do it.

You know nothing and say much

Oh Barry left him a fair hand but by doing what he did Trump improved on it and that's why we had UE the lowest its been in 50 years, jobs all across this country and a great economy.

Trump did away with Barry's business killing EO's. You can bet Biden reinstated them.

Oh and I do know what I'm talking about. Google is your friend. Use it dumbass.

Get ready for the Second Great Depression cause it coming with Biden at the helm.

The Great Depression, and the three economic collapses that have occurred since the Great Depression, all came as a direct result of Republican policies. No Democratic President has ever crashed the economy. 3 out of the last 4 Republican Presidents have crashed the US economy, and on both of the previous occasions, the nation was bailed out by the Democratic Party, who restored the economy, only to have the next Republican President, make a worse mess of the economy than the previous Republicans.

Obama's orders didn't kill businesses. Trump's erratic policies, and instability killed businesses. Job creation SLOWED when Trumpo killed the regulations and his own EPA said that the removal of clean air and water regulations would kill thousands of Americans every year. That's what Donald Trump did best of all - killed Americans.

Trumpism has replaced Conservatism as the ethos of the Party. They overlap but are not the same. The Mitt Romney/Bush wing is obsolete and powerless.

Trumpism supports one thing.....Trump

Nope. It supports a better, stronger America. Before the very convenient Chinese Virus UE was the lowest it had been in 50 years. We had jobs all across this country and a great economy. All with Trump at the helm.

Biden has already undone loads of the good Trump did. Expect the Second Great Depression with your boy Biden at the helm.
Oh get real Trump was riding the Obama Recovery wave and spending trillions to do it.

You know nothing and say much

Oh Barry left him a fair hand but by doing what he did Trump improved on it and that's why we had UE the lowest its been in 50 years, jobs all across this country and a great economy.

Trump did away with Barry's business killing EO's. You can bet Biden reinstated them.

Oh and I do know what I'm talking about. Google is your friend. Use it dumbass.

Get ready for the Second Great Depression cause it coming with Biden at the helm.

The Great Depression, and the three economic collapses that have occurred since the Great Depression, all came as a direct result of Republican policies. No Democratic President has ever crashed the economy. 3 out of the last 4 Republican Presidents have crashed the US economy, and on both of the previous occasions, the nation was bailed out by the Democratic Party, who restored the economy, only to have the next Republican President, make a worse mess of the economy than the previous Republicans.

Obama's orders didn't kill businesses. Trump's erratic policies, and instability killed businesses. Job creation SLOWED when Trumpo killed the regulations and his own EPA said that the removal of clean air and water regulations would kill thousands of Americans every year. That's what Donald Trump did best of all - killed Americans.

What a load of horse shit. But then no one expects anything else from your stupid Canadian ass.

Barry's EO's did indeed kill business. Trump wrote orders that helped business hence the UE the lowest it had been in 50 years. Jobs all across the country and a great economy.

The EPA has way to much power. Hell if someone dumps a load of shit on YOUR property. Guess who has to clean it up?? That right. You pay the clean up costs.

Donald Trump did great for America and Americans. You won't see that with Biden. He's already dumped 1.9 trillion into the debt and his EO's sure don't help America or Americans.

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