The myth of the so called "southern strategy" brought about by leftist propagandists.

The thread premise is a lie.

The Southern Strategy was – and still is – a fact; used by Republicans to attract Southern racists and bigots to the Party:
The Southern Strategy attracts whites with extensive experience with blacks to the Republican Party.

I still vote Democrat, but I do not like what has happened to the Democrat Party since 1963.

the explanation is here.

So, secret code words is all it took to flip a third of the country?

LOL. That's stupid.

To support the Southern Strategy Conspiracy Theory, the claim was that Nixon PANDERED to southern racists.

To do that, POLICY must be looked at.

Nixon was the President the presided over the majority of the desegregation of the Southern schools.

It is absurd to think that some "code words" outweight actual policy and actions in the minds of voters.

If southern white voters were voting for the republican that was desegregating their schools, then to claim that they were voting for him because of wacism, is nonsense.

The claims of hte Southern Strategy are clearly FALSE.
So, secret code words is all it took to flip a third of the country?

LOL. That's stupid.

To support the Southern Strategy Conspiracy Theory, the claim was that Nixon PANDERED to southern racists.

To do that, POLICY must be looked at.

Nixon was the President the presided over the majority of the desegregation of the Southern schools.

It is absurd to think that some "code words" outweight actual policy and actions in the minds of voters.

If southern white voters were voting for the republican that was desegregating their schools, then to claim that they were voting for him because of wacism, is nonsense.

The claims of hte Southern Strategy are clearly FALSE.

And other Civil Rights thing he did….and supported
The thread premise is a lie.

The Southern Strategy was – and still is – a fact; used by Republicans to attract Southern racists and bigots to the Party:

‘Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman tacitly admitted the racial basis of the southern strategy. In prepared remarks to the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, Mehlman acknowledged that “some Republicans [were] trying to benefit politically from racial polarization,” adding that “we were wrong” and calling it “not healthy for the country for the political parties to be so racially polarized.”’

The Southern Strategy continues to this day, as expressed by white grievance politics and racist replacement theory.

Another lie from Clayton…..the southern strategy tactic is used to hide the actual history and current racist practices of the democrat party….accuse the Republican Party of the actual crimes and policies of the democrat party

the explanation is here.

Wow she even managed to roll in the new bogey man of the democrats….Christian nationalism…..the democrats are trying to turn that into the new “Qanon….” But since no one knew what qanon was, that didn’t work out so well… on to the new lie about Christian nationalism….another thing no one outside of the democrat party political machine knows about…
They thought civil rights legislation and the War on Poverty would make up for centuries of brutalizing racism?
"Centuries of brutalizing racism" are not responsible for the fact that by every objective, measurable criterion blacks tend to be significantly less intelligent than whites. They are not responsible for the fact that American Negroes have an illegitimacy rate that is two and a half the white rate, and a murder rate that is nearly eight times the white rate.

After the crushing of the Bar Kokhba Revolt in 136 AD Jews were persecuted and discriminated against for nearly two thousand years in Europe. This culminated in the Holocaust. Nevertheless, today Jews dominate positions requiring superior intelligence. In the United States Jews behave at least as well as white Gentiles, and incomparably better than American Negroes.

Those who blame "centuries of brutalizing racism" for black social pathology cannot explain why black social pathology has gotten worse since the civil rights legislation was passed and the War on Poverty was declared.

This dog has been genetically selected for tameness:


This dog has been genetically selected for ferocity:


This man has been genetically selected for obedience to the law:

whiteman 2.jpg

This man has been genetically selected for criminal behavior:


The difference between the first man and the second man is the reason the Southern Strategy worked, and why it continues to work. Lower income whites, who benefit from Democrat economic policies, usually vote Republican because they do not trust the Democrat Party on the issues of crime and race.

Lower income whites frequently see blacks up close on terms of approximate equality. They cannot afford to live in neighborhoods where housing prices keep blacks out.
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This dog has been genetically selected for tameness:

View attachment 677931

This dog has been genetically selected for ferocity:

View attachment 677932

This man has been genetically selected for obedience to the law:

View attachment 677933

This man has been genetically selected for criminal behavior:

View attachment 677935

The difference between the first man and the second man is the reason the Southern Strategy worked, and why it continues to work. Lower income whites, who benefit from Democrat economic policies, usually vote Republican because they do not trust the Democrat Party on the issues of crime and race.

Lower income whites frequently see blacks up close on terms of approximate equality. They cannot afford to live in neighborhoods where housing prices keep blacks out.
Actually most low income GOP whites live in rural areas and don't know any blacks at all and are thus open to all kinds of racist propaganda which they get plenty of... Nowadays lower income republican voters are totally misinformed and can't change the channel and see reality... It is like the Brexit voters in Britain. The fewer foreigners they knew the more they hated them and thought they were taking over the country due to garbage propaganda and lies.....
Liberals make excuses for blacks, but blacks are responsible for their problems and many of ours.
Actually the problem is racist GOP ignorant voters like you who vote for the worst giveaway to the rich tax policies in our history and have given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere in the modern world by far. Change the channel for God's sake dipstick. Besides healthcare and daycare and great infrastructure, every other modern country has cheap college and training so they get the good jobs. Here we have to save the greedy idiot GOP rich from paying their fair share, goober.
Actually most low income GOP whites live in rural areas and don't know any blacks at all and are thus open to all kinds of racist propaganda which they get plenty of... Nowadays lower income republican voters are totally misinformed and can't change the channel and see reality... It is like the Brexit voters in Britain. The fewer foreigners they knew the more they hated them and thought they were taking over the country due to garbage propaganda and lies.....

This is the reality about black crime:

According to the FBI, African-Americans accounted for 55.9% of all homicide offenders in 2019, with whites 41.1%, and "Other" 3.0% in cases where the race was known.[52]


Democrats are racist against who, brainwashed functional moron?

The white democrats are racist against blacks, and the black democrats don't like whites....racists of all colors flock to the democrat party today because to enact racist policies, you need big government...and the democrat party is the party of the biggest they all end up in that party, pushing to increase their power over the very groups they hate.....

La raza...hispanic racists

Congressional black caucus
Black racists....

White democrats.....racists against the other groups...

They all work together to grow government, then use the various government agencies to grow their own power and attack their race enemies....

The democrat party has been and will always be the racist party.
Actually the problem is racist GOP ignorant voters like you who vote for the worst giveaway to the rich tax policies in our history and have given us the worst inequality and upward mobility ever and anywhere in the modern world by far. Change the channel for God's sake dipstick. Besides healthcare and daycare and great infrastructure, every other modern country has cheap college and training so they get the good jobs. Here we have to save the greedy idiot GOP rich from paying their fair share, goober.

The wealthy are now voting for the democrats, you idiot....the biggest corporations and the tech giants are all on board big government and the democrat you fucking eyes you blind fool.....
The wealthy are now voting for the democrats, you idiot....the biggest corporations and the tech giants are all on board big government and the democrat you fucking eyes you blind fool.....
Man the Paid Web Warriors from the Far left & left here are drunk on teh Kool-Aid
The wealthy are now voting for the democrats, you idiot....the biggest corporations and the tech giants are all on board big government and the democrat you fucking eyes you blind fool.....
WTF? out of your mind. You are just the dupe of swine like Trump Addison, Murdoch,the Kochs. Thank god they're dying off, super dupe. If you count all taxes we have a flat tax system a huge giveaway to the rich and all because of the Reaganist GOP and the dupes...
Man the Paid Web Warriors from the Far left & left here are drunk on teh Kool-Aid

Lol change the channel and try real journalism from every other TV network in the world and every newspaper not owned by Murdoch in the US .... try france 24 the BBC ANYTHING but Murdoch and Internet conspiracy nuts now being sued out of their asses the scumbags
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