The N Word

They published an alternative which is much better than banning "Huckleberry Finn".

Truth is Its not a word anyone would use in their daily life, I mean come on. It was used to demoralize and kept people from achieving basic rights. To me its a not an issue.
Then why do so many Blacks make frequent if not constant use of the word?
Then why do so many whites call themselves dagos, wops, micks and guineas?
If blacks want to call each other the N-word when I am not around, then I don’t care. If I happen to be involved in socializing with a group of black people that refer to each other as the N-word in my presence, then they should not be offended if I follow their lead.

Go ahead and think you can use the word. When you heal up, you'll understand why you shouldn't.
If blacks want to call each other the N-word when I am not around, then I don’t care. If I happen to be involved in socializing with a group of black people that refer to each other as the N-word in my presence, then they should not be offended if I follow their lead.
That is a logical point of view. But there are many Blacks who will tell you they have a right to use that word but you do not.

No it's not a logical point of view. It's a white racist pint of view. I've heard whites calling each other racially derogatory words in my presence but I don't feel I have the right to say that to them because they use it. This is an unwise move and a white person doing this is asking for an ass whipping or worse. That's the rule, You can be Billy bad ass white boy if you want to, but you'll end up Billy busted up white boy if you do it.
If blacks want to call each other the N-word when I am not around, then I don’t care. If I happen to be involved in socializing with a group of black people that refer to each other as the N-word in my presence, then they should not be offended if I follow their lead.
That is a logical point of view. But there are many Blacks who will tell you they have a right to use that word but you do not.

No it's not a logical point of view. It's a white racist pint of view. I've heard whites calling each other racially derogatory words in my presence but I don't feel I have the right to say that to them because they use it. This is an unwise move and a white person doing this is asking for an ass whipping or worse. That's the rule, You can be Billy bad ass white boy if you want to, but you'll end up Billy busted up white boy if you do it.
No, it just shows that you are not logical. Notice I didn't say all black people are not logical. If you don't want me to call you "nigga", then don't call yourself "nigga" in my presence.... it's that simple. Also, if you don't want to spent some time in jail and be sued for damages, then you better not lay a hand on me. That's the law!

From a common sense standpoint, I would most likely use discretion if I were in a situation in which I hear black people calling each other "nigga". If I feel that I would be putting myself in danger, I would probably simply mind my own business and go my way. On the other hand, I might simply suggest that they don't use that language around me unless they don't mind me using that language also around them. It's amazing what can be accomplished if people speak to each other tactfully.
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If blacks want to call each other the N-word when I am not around, then I don’t care. If I happen to be involved in socializing with a group of black people that refer to each other as the N-word in my presence, then they should not be offended if I follow their lead.
That is a logical point of view. But there are many Blacks who will tell you they have a right to use that word but you do not.

No it's not a logical point of view. It's a white racist pint of view. I've heard whites calling each other racially derogatory words in my presence but I don't feel I have the right to say that to them because they use it. This is an unwise move and a white person doing this is asking for an ass whipping or worse. That's the rule, You can be Billy bad ass white boy if you want to, but you'll end up Billy busted up white boy if you do it.
No, it just shows that you are not logical. Notice I didn't say all black people are not logical. If you don't want me to call you "nigga", then don't call yourself "nigga" in my presence.... it's that simple. Also, if you don't want to spent some time in jail and be sued for damages, then you better not lay a hand on me. That's the law!

From a common sense standpoint, I would most likely use discretion if I were in a situation in which I hear black people calling each other "nigga". If I feel that I would be putting myself in danger, I would probably simply mind my own business and go my way. On the other hand, I might simply suggest that they don't use that language around me unless they don't mind me using that language also around them. It's amazing what can be accomplished if people speak to each other tactfully.

I just put it to you like this. I don't use the word but if I am around those blacks who do with you and you decide you can use it, I'm just going to watch you get your ass whipped. It's a simple matter white boy. I have been around all kinds of whites that use racially derogatory words with each other in my presence and no matter if they were teammates, roommates or whites I did not know, I did not make myself welcome to use the same words with them. So you are not logical you're an ignorant white racist who just wants to be able to call somebody black that word.
Then why do so many whites call themselves dagos, wops, micks and guineas?
You left out ****, hebe, mockey, polock[/i] (and there probably are a few I've missed). These ethnic epithets are so commonplace they seem to be a rather normal occurrence denoting familiarity as often as dislike or hostility.

I was born and raised in South Brooklyn, in the Waterfront district which was inhabited mainly by Italians. All my friends were Italian. My lineage is German/Dutch. There were no ethnic epithets for us, probably because there were so few of us. But my Italian friends jokingly referred to me as an "honorary guinea."
No it's not a logical point of view. It's a white racist pint of view. I've heard whites calling each other racially derogatory words in my presence but I don't feel I have the right to say that to them because they use it. This is an unwise move and a white person doing this is asking for an ass whipping or worse. That's the rule, You can be Billy bad ass white boy if you want to, but you'll end up Billy busted up white boy if you do it.
Has it ever occurred to you that your reflexive, ghetto-oriented threat of thuggish violence in retaliation for use of a word you consider offensive suggests that the word might properly refer to you and those who think and behave like you?

Do you think successful, respectable, intelligent Black people respond to the use of offensive words with the kind of street-n!gger behavior you've repeatedly referred to in this thread?
Ive never understood why some whites care what a handful of some other group calls themselves. Are you pissed you cant? :laugh:
Its similar to calling a woman a bitch. Some women turned it around to mean strength and assertiveness.
The concept is pretty simple.
I certainly don't care what anyone calls themselves. I guess most of those who object do so because they wonder why the hell you would call your friends a word that you hate being called by whites. That is just my take on it. People worry about the trivial shit.
Ive never understood why some whites care what a handful of some other group calls themselves. Are you pissed you cant? :laugh:
Its similar to calling a woman a bitch. Some women turned it around to mean strength and assertiveness.
The concept is pretty simple.
I certainly don't care what anyone calls themselves. I guess most of those who object do so because they wonder why the hell you would call your friends a word that you hate being called by whites. That is just my take on it. People worry about the trivial shit.

It is quite trivial.
No it's not a logical point of view. It's a white racist pint of view. I've heard whites calling each other racially derogatory words in my presence but I don't feel I have the right to say that to them because they use it. This is an unwise move and a white person doing this is asking for an ass whipping or worse. That's the rule, You can be Billy bad ass white boy if you want to, but you'll end up Billy busted up white boy if you do it.
Has it ever occurred to you that your reflexive, ghetto-oriented threat of thuggish violence in retaliation for use of a word you consider offensive suggests that the word might properly refer to you and those who think and behave like you?

Do you think successful, respectable, intelligent Black people respond to the use of offensive words with the kind of street-n!gger behavior you've repeatedly referred to in this thread?

No. Because I use the words I do here on purpose in response to the gutter trash racism I read from those like you.
Ive never understood why some whites care what a handful of some other group calls themselves. Are you pissed you cant? :laugh:
Its similar to calling a woman a bitch. Some women turned it around to mean strength and assertiveness.
The concept is pretty simple.
I certainly don't care what anyone calls themselves. I guess most of those who object do so because they wonder why the hell you would call your friends a word that you hate being called by whites. That is just my take on it. People worry about the trivial shit.

If you didn't care you would be in here so consistently adding your 2 cents. You just have a problem understanding why whites can't use the word. Because you whites do the same thing to each other but we aren't acting all confused about why would whites call each other names they wouldn't want blacks to call them.
Ive never understood why some whites care what a handful of some other group calls themselves. Are you pissed you cant? :laugh:
Its similar to calling a woman a bitch. Some women turned it around to mean strength and assertiveness.
The concept is pretty simple.
I certainly don't care what anyone calls themselves. I guess most of those who object do so because they wonder why the hell you would call your friends a word that you hate being called by whites. That is just my take on it. People worry about the trivial shit.

If you didn't care you would be in here so consistently adding your 2 cents. You just have a problem understanding why whites can't use the word. Because you whites do the same thing to each other but we aren't acting all confused about why would whites call each other names they wouldn't want blacks to call them.
Once again, you posted your idiotic drivel. I can post my opinions without being part of the issue. And I really don't care who uses the word. Where do I show having a problem with it? You are a racist black asshole, yes, you are racist, you try to talk down to all white posters, even when they don't post negative replies toward blacks. You have shown your hatred over and over. You claim whites don't know what it's like to be black, I agree, but you certainly aren't an expert on whites. Shame on you.
No. Because I use the words I do here on purpose in response to the gutter trash racism I read from those like you.
I honestly don't know what you mean by my "racism." That word is grossly over-used and mis-used and it means different things to different people: I once heard a young Black girl on a radio call-in program say her father is "racist against cats."

So please be specific re: your comment on my "racism." Show me an example if you can. If I agree with your assessment I will not argue with it. I might be a "racist," but that would depend on what the user of the word means.
No. Because I use the words I do here on purpose in response to the gutter trash racism I read from those like you.
I honestly don't know what you mean by my "racism." That word is grossly over-used and mis-used and it means different things to different people: I once heard a young Black girl on a radio call-in program say her father is "racist against cats."

So please be specific re: your comment on my "racism." Show me an example if you can. If I agree with your assessment I will not argue with it. I might be a "racist," but that would depend on what the user of the word means.
He calls me racist too but cannot show anywhere I have posted anything racist.
Ive never understood why some whites care what a handful of some other group calls themselves. Are you pissed you cant? :laugh:
Its similar to calling a woman a bitch. Some women turned it around to mean strength and assertiveness.
The concept is pretty simple.
I certainly don't care what anyone calls themselves. I guess most of those who object do so because they wonder why the hell you would call your friends a word that you hate being called by whites. That is just my take on it. People worry about the trivial shit.

If you didn't care you would be in here so consistently adding your 2 cents. You just have a problem understanding why whites can't use the word. Because you whites do the same thing to each other but we aren't acting all confused about why would whites call each other names they wouldn't want blacks to call them.
Once again, you posted your idiotic drivel. I can post my opinions without being part of the issue. And I really don't care who uses the word. Where do I show having a problem with it? You are a racist black asshole, yes, you are racist, you try to talk down to all white posters, even when they don't post negative replies toward blacks. You have shown your hatred over and over. You claim whites don't know what it's like to be black, I agree, but you certainly aren't an expert on whites. Shame on you.

Hate schmate! You are the idiot Molly. And you keep calling me a racist but try showing me where I have said blacks are superior.. You keep talking about how I don't know what it's like to be white. That's stupid. You don't face racism, you make up racism when its not. You face no discrimination because of your skin color, you make that up too. You are here talking about how you don't care about a word, but if you didn't you wouldn't be in here making as many comments as you do. When you guys talk about assimilation what in the hell do you think that mans Molly? It means that we must adapt and conform to the white mans rules if societal behavior and standards. Hence we must learn to understand and practice things as done by whites in order to survive, This means we learn about whites. You don't seem to get that in all your false equivalence laden postings.

When you guys talk about assimilation what in the hell do you think that mans Molly? It means that we must adapt and conform to the white mans rules if societal behavior and standards. Hence we must learn to understand and practice things as done by whites in order to survive,

Specifically What "white mans' rules of societal behavior and standards" must you adapt and conform to?

When you guys talk about assimilation what in the hell do you think that mans Molly? It means that we must adapt and conform to the white mans rules if societal behavior and standards. Hence we must learn to understand and practice things as done by whites in order to survive,

Specifically What "white mans' rules of societal behavior and standards" must you adapt and conform to?

Specifically explain what is meant by assimilation.
Ive never understood why some whites care what a handful of some other group calls themselves. Are you pissed you cant? :laugh:
Its similar to calling a woman a bitch. Some women turned it around to mean strength and assertiveness.
The concept is pretty simple.
I certainly don't care what anyone calls themselves. I guess most of those who object do so because they wonder why the hell you would call your friends a word that you hate being called by whites. That is just my take on it. People worry about the trivial shit.

If you didn't care you would be in here so consistently adding your 2 cents. You just have a problem understanding why whites can't use the word. Because you whites do the same thing to each other but we aren't acting all confused about why would whites call each other names they wouldn't want blacks to call them.
Once again, you posted your idiotic drivel. I can post my opinions without being part of the issue. And I really don't care who uses the word. Where do I show having a problem with it? You are a racist black asshole, yes, you are racist, you try to talk down to all white posters, even when they don't post negative replies toward blacks. You have shown your hatred over and over. You claim whites don't know what it's like to be black, I agree, but you certainly aren't an expert on whites. Shame on you.

Hate schmate! You are the idiot Molly. And you keep calling me a racist but try showing me where I have said blacks are superior.. You keep talking about how I don't know what it's like to be white. That's stupid. You don't face racism, you make up racism when its not. You face no discrimination because of your skin color, you make that up too. You are here talking about how you don't care about a word, but if you didn't you wouldn't be in here making as many comments as you do. When you guys talk about assimilation what in the hell do you think that mans Molly? It means that we must adapt and conform to the white mans rules if societal behavior and standards. Hence we must learn to understand and practice things as done by whites in order to survive, This means we learn about whites. You don't seem to get that in all your false equivalence laden postings.

You call me racist, I don't believe whites are superior. I can certainly post on any thread regardless of the reason. Where did I mention assimilation? You make up excuses to say you know about whites, total bullshit. Where did I make up anything about being discriminated against for being white? Lol, you post so many lies.
Ive never understood why some whites care what a handful of some other group calls themselves. Are you pissed you cant? :laugh:
Its similar to calling a woman a bitch. Some women turned it around to mean strength and assertiveness.
The concept is pretty simple.
I certainly don't care what anyone calls themselves. I guess most of those who object do so because they wonder why the hell you would call your friends a word that you hate being called by whites. That is just my take on it. People worry about the trivial shit.

If you didn't care you would be in here so consistently adding your 2 cents. You just have a problem understanding why whites can't use the word. Because you whites do the same thing to each other but we aren't acting all confused about why would whites call each other names they wouldn't want blacks to call them.
Blacks using the word opens the door for whites to use it.

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