The N Word

You are a racist Molly. When you talk about affirmative action it is from the perspective of whites getting discriminated against. But you are stupid and seem to think that just because you don't directly say something I can't call you a racist. You only enter threads to criticize blacks and you criticism is based on nothing factual. You never criticize whites and what you say about black folks are the same things racists say. .For example, I can't have a valid argument about racism. I have to be blaming whites for whatever failure you perceive I supposedly had and cannot accept responsibility for my failure. Well I failed to the extent of holding a masters degree, and helped to build 3 organizations. You've accomplished none of that. Between you and I, you are the failure whining about what whites are not getting because you think you are entitled. .
When did I talk about Affirmative Action or whites being discriminated against? NEVER, so quit making up lies. Having your "Masters Degree" doesn't make you smarter than anyone, it just MAY make you more knowledgeable in the fields you studied. When did I whine about whites not getting what they are entitled? LIAR! If you are so successful, you weren't denied or held back by white people, or you would not have achieved anything.

Well Molly because I was successful doesn't mean THAT I have not been held back and it certainly doesn't eliminate the fact that white racism exists. And you can stop lying Molly. You have talked about Affirmative Action like I said.
I believe many folks have "made it" in spite of the attempts that are made to hold them back and that it angers some people to see successful blacks who do not fit the negative stereotypes they love to believe.

Today at a seminar a woman said that her husband is a black physician and that her cousin's husband is also a black doctor. They were travelling together one day when the car in front of them veered off the road into a ditch. They stopped and ran over to the car. They approached the white woman in the driver's seat and asked her medical questions and noticed a child crying in the back seat. The woman was obviously scared of them and refused to let them touch her or her daughter. So they called an ambulance and waited there until it arrived. This woman refused direct help from two highly qualified individuals because of the color of their skin.

Then a young black man said that he had always been a straight A student, went to college, got a job, etc. - did all of the things so many white people tell black folks they must to. But the day he got stopped by a cop for supposedly missing a stop sign, made him, to use his words, "Feel Black" for the first time. The officer pulled him over and before long there were three more cop cars surrounding him. He sat still except for picking up a piece of trash. Immediately the cop yelled, "I should blow your f****** head off right now!"

That single experience let him know that in spite of his successes, he is still often seen as a potential criminal. Another woman in the group said that her son, while attending a mostly white college got stopped nearly every day and hassled. Someone else said that her black college professor got stopped numerous times DWB.

Racism hurts us all and keeps us from benefiting from each other's knowledge.
I wish everyone would succeed in whatever they want. IM2 berates me and calls me racist because I disagree with him. I have never said anything racists on any of these boards or threads. IM2 is always mentioning his Masters degree as if it gives him superiority, but he is an idiot. He constantly calls me names, u
You are a racist Molly. When you talk about affirmative action it is from the perspective of whites getting discriminated against. But you are stupid and seem to think that just because you don't directly say something I can't call you a racist. You only enter threads to criticize blacks and you criticism is based on nothing factual. You never criticize whites and what you say about black folks are the same things racists say. .For example, I can't have a valid argument about racism. I have to be blaming whites for whatever failure you perceive I supposedly had and cannot accept responsibility for my failure. Well I failed to the extent of holding a masters degree, and helped to build 3 organizations. You've accomplished none of that. Between you and I, you are the failure whining about what whites are not getting because you think you are entitled. .
When did I talk about Affirmative Action or whites being discriminated against? NEVER, so quit making up lies. Having your "Masters Degree" doesn't make you smarter than anyone, it just MAY make you more knowledgeable in the fields you studied. When did I whine about whites not getting what they are entitled? LIAR! If you are so successful, you weren't denied or held back by white people, or you would not have achieved anything.

Well Molly because I was successful doesn't mean THAT I have not been held back and it certainly doesn't eliminate the fact that white racism exists. And you can stop lying Molly. You have talked about Affirmative Action like I said.
I believe many folks have "made it" in spite of the attempts that are made to hold them back and that it angers some people to see successful blacks who do not fit the negative stereotypes they love to believe.

Today at a seminar a woman said that her husband is a black physician and that her cousin's husband is also a black doctor. They were travelling together one day when the car in front of them veered off the road into a ditch. They stopped and ran over to the car. They approached the white woman in the driver's seat and asked her medical questions and noticed a child crying in the back seat. The woman was obviously scared of them and refused to let them touch her or her daughter. So they called an ambulance and waited there until it arrived. This woman refused direct help from two highly qualified individuals because of the color of their skin.

Then a young black man said that he had always been a straight A student, went to college, got a job, etc. - did all of the things so many white people tell black folks they must to. But the day he got stopped by a cop for supposedly missing a stop sign, made him, to use his words, "Feel Black" for the first time. The officer pulled him over and before long there were three more cop cars surrounding him. He sat still except for picking up a piece of trash. Immediately the cop yelled, "I should blow your f****** head off right now!"

That single experience let him know that in spite of his successes, he is still often seen as a potential criminal. Another woman in the group said that her son, while attending a mostly white college got stopped nearly every day and hassled. Someone else said that her black college professor got stopped numerous times DWB.

Racism hurts us all and keeps us from benefiting from each other's knowledge.
None of what you said has anything to do with my posts. IM2 is always mentioning his degree, like it makes him superior. He constantly calls all whites on these boards racists. Some may be, but anything I say, he turns it around and lies and says I said things I did not say. He is disgusting and hates whites, it is evident by his posts. When I tell him to show even one post where I said anything racist, he just replies with more rants and lies, never proof. If you are defending him, you are no better.
I'm certain you will think what you will. I just know personally of many successful folks who did have many stumbling blocks put in their way and somehow managed to persevere. Others are not so fortunate. Like the young man I learned about recently who went to a majority white college and left after 6 weeks because of the hostility he felt against him and the constant racial slurs. It's sad.
I have never denied that people have struggled. I have never denied that there i s racism. IM2 calls me racist, he also throws around his degree as if he is superior
What majority White college was this? What you are making seem so ordinary is truly extraordinary in this liberated day and age. In fact, unless you can provide some specific details I will regard what you've mentioned here as deriving from your imagination.
Part of the seminar I attended was for all of us to agree that what was shared would remain confidential and that no names or places would be mentioned outside of that setting. I'm afraid that what you believe to be extraordinary in what you call this liberated day and age, is all too common and often does not get the attention other things do. It might be partially because of the very fact that certain people's reality will be doubted and questioned simply because of its source.
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he also throws around his degree as if he is superior
I don't get that from him. When I first saw him post about his degree, I immediately had respect for him, since I am not even a college graduate. However, I believe that when a black man achieves educational and economic success and is deserving of respect and of having his voice heard, there are still some who will refuse to really listen to what they say. My husband told me years ago when we first met "Don't nobody listen to a black man."
he also throws around his degree as if he is superior
I don't get that from him. When I first saw him post about his degree, I immediately had respect for him, since I am not even a college graduate. However, I believe that when a black man achieves educational and economic success and is deserving of respect and of having his voice heard, there are still some who will refuse to really listen to what they say. My husband told me years ago when we first met "Don't nobody listen to a black man."
I am glad for anyone to achieve their higher education, he just says it as if anyone who disagrees with him is beneath him. Go back and look at the post where he mentions his degree, it is usually amongst degrading comments towards others like it makes him know more.
I don't know if IM2 is consciously lying.

I've noticed over the years that a substantial number of Blacks are pre-consciously engaged in a mass delusion wherein they collectively imagine and exchange various fantasies on the fabricated theme of endless persecution, exploitation, and exclusion of Blacks by Whites. In the same way as a musical melody will embed itself in one's consciousness if it is played repetitively, these delusional notions occur as indisputable reality to those who collectively entertain them.
I know he is diliberately lying. When he says that I post about discrimination against whites ( I haven't), or that I said whites were superior (I haven't), or that I always say racists things ( I haven't),

You are a racist Molly. When you talk about affirmative action it is from the perspective of whites getting discriminated against. But you are stupid and seem to think that just because you don't directly say something I can't call you a racist. You only enter threads to criticize blacks and you criticism is based on nothing factual. You never criticize whites and what you say about black folks are the same things racists say. .For example, I can't have a valid argument about racism. I have to be blaming whites for whatever failure you perceive I supposedly had and cannot accept responsibility for my failure. Well I failed to the extent of holding a masters degree, and helped to build 3 organizations. You've accomplished none of that. Between you and I, you are the failure whining about what whites are not getting because you think you are entitled. .
When did I talk about Affirmative Action or whites being discriminated against? NEVER, so quit making up lies. Having your "Masters Degree" doesn't make you smarter than anyone, it just MAY make you more knowledgeable in the fields you studied. When did I whine about whites not getting what they are entitled? LIAR! If you are so successful, you weren't denied or held back by white people, or you would not have achieved anything.

Well Molly because I was successful doesn't mean THAT I have not been held back and it certainly doesn't eliminate the fact that white racism exists. And you can stop lying Molly. You have talked about Affirmative Action like I said.
Liar. Show proof. I have only said I have not benefited. Put up or stfu

So then you did talk about Affirmative action. And you have benefitted from it. No one tells you that you got that business loan because you were a woman and they had to hive loans to women because they weren't. No one tells you that you got hired because you are a woman because they weren't hiring women. This is the problem with you whites and your beliefs about Affirmative Action. White women have been the prime beneficiary. You are a white woman.

And stop asking me to show poof if things. You call me a racist and never show any proof.
he also throws around his degree as if he is superior
I don't get that from him. When I first saw him post about his degree, I immediately had respect for him, since I am not even a college graduate. However, I believe that when a black man achieves educational and economic success and is deserving of respect and of having his voice heard, there are still some who will refuse to really listen to what they say. My husband told me years ago when we first met "Don't nobody listen to a black man."
I am glad for anyone to achieve their higher education, he just says it as if anyone who disagrees with him is beneath him. Go back and look at the post where he mentions his degree, it is usually amongst degrading comments towards others like it makes him know more.

No I mention my degree to people who make the fucked up comment of how I am blaming whites for my failure like you have done. I do that to make those like you understand that you fucking racists can't beat me. And you aren't disagreeing, you are telling me that what I see isn't happening but everything you don't see is.
he also throws around his degree as if he is superior
I don't get that from him. ....

Of course you don't......

She doesn't because it's not there. Those of you with white fragility have a problem with blacks who speak out forcefully against racism and who reject your bullshit about how we are just blaming whites because we fail. That's why I mentioned my education and work, because you guys are always making that kind of comment like you think it's OK to say hat to somebody. So then when you raggedy racists get told, then you act like I committed a mortal sin because I stood up for myself. And that's all part of how white supremacy works.
You are a racist Molly. When you talk about affirmative action it is from the perspective of whites getting discriminated against. But you are stupid and seem to think that just because you don't directly say something I can't call you a racist. You only enter threads to criticize blacks and you criticism is based on nothing factual. You never criticize whites and what you say about black folks are the same things racists say. .For example, I can't have a valid argument about racism. I have to be blaming whites for whatever failure you perceive I supposedly had and cannot accept responsibility for my failure. Well I failed to the extent of holding a masters degree, and helped to build 3 organizations. You've accomplished none of that. Between you and I, you are the failure whining about what whites are not getting because you think you are entitled. .
When did I talk about Affirmative Action or whites being discriminated against? NEVER, so quit making up lies. Having your "Masters Degree" doesn't make you smarter than anyone, it just MAY make you more knowledgeable in the fields you studied. When did I whine about whites not getting what they are entitled? LIAR! If you are so successful, you weren't denied or held back by white people, or you would not have achieved anything.

Well Molly because I was successful doesn't mean THAT I have not been held back and it certainly doesn't eliminate the fact that white racism exists. And you can stop lying Molly. You have talked about Affirmative Action like I said.
I believe many folks have "made it" in spite of the attempts that are made to hold them back and that it angers some people to see successful blacks who do not fit the negative stereotypes they love to believe.

Today at a seminar a woman said that her husband is a black physician and that her cousin's husband is also a black doctor. They were travelling together one day when the car in front of them veered off the road into a ditch. They stopped and ran over to the car. They approached the white woman in the driver's seat and asked her medical questions and noticed a child crying in the back seat. The woman was obviously scared of them and refused to let them touch her or her daughter. So they called an ambulance and waited there until it arrived. This woman refused direct help from two highly qualified individuals because of the color of their skin.

Then a young black man said that he had always been a straight A student, went to college, got a job, etc. - did all of the things so many white people tell black folks they must to. But the day he got stopped by a cop for supposedly missing a stop sign, made him, to use his words, "Feel Black" for the first time. The officer pulled him over and before long there were three more cop cars surrounding him. He sat still except for picking up a piece of trash. Immediately the cop yelled, "I should blow your f****** head off right now!"

That single experience let him know that in spite of his successes, he is still often seen as a potential criminal. Another woman in the group said that her son, while attending a mostly white college got stopped nearly every day and hassled. Someone else said that her black college professor got stopped numerous times DWB.

Racism hurts us all and keeps us from benefiting from each other's knowledge.
I wish everyone would succeed in whatever they want. IM2 berates me and calls me racist because I disagree with him. I have never said anything racists on any of these boards or threads. IM2 is always mentioning his Masters degree as if it gives him superiority, but he is an idiot. He constantly calls me names, u
You are a racist Molly. When you talk about affirmative action it is from the perspective of whites getting discriminated against. But you are stupid and seem to think that just because you don't directly say something I can't call you a racist. You only enter threads to criticize blacks and you criticism is based on nothing factual. You never criticize whites and what you say about black folks are the same things racists say. .For example, I can't have a valid argument about racism. I have to be blaming whites for whatever failure you perceive I supposedly had and cannot accept responsibility for my failure. Well I failed to the extent of holding a masters degree, and helped to build 3 organizations. You've accomplished none of that. Between you and I, you are the failure whining about what whites are not getting because you think you are entitled. .
When did I talk about Affirmative Action or whites being discriminated against? NEVER, so quit making up lies. Having your "Masters Degree" doesn't make you smarter than anyone, it just MAY make you more knowledgeable in the fields you studied. When did I whine about whites not getting what they are entitled? LIAR! If you are so successful, you weren't denied or held back by white people, or you would not have achieved anything.

Well Molly because I was successful doesn't mean THAT I have not been held back and it certainly doesn't eliminate the fact that white racism exists. And you can stop lying Molly. You have talked about Affirmative Action like I said.
I believe many folks have "made it" in spite of the attempts that are made to hold them back and that it angers some people to see successful blacks who do not fit the negative stereotypes they love to believe.

Today at a seminar a woman said that her husband is a black physician and that her cousin's husband is also a black doctor. They were travelling together one day when the car in front of them veered off the road into a ditch. They stopped and ran over to the car. They approached the white woman in the driver's seat and asked her medical questions and noticed a child crying in the back seat. The woman was obviously scared of them and refused to let them touch her or her daughter. So they called an ambulance and waited there until it arrived. This woman refused direct help from two highly qualified individuals because of the color of their skin.

Then a young black man said that he had always been a straight A student, went to college, got a job, etc. - did all of the things so many white people tell black folks they must to. But the day he got stopped by a cop for supposedly missing a stop sign, made him, to use his words, "Feel Black" for the first time. The officer pulled him over and before long there were three more cop cars surrounding him. He sat still except for picking up a piece of trash. Immediately the cop yelled, "I should blow your f****** head off right now!"

That single experience let him know that in spite of his successes, he is still often seen as a potential criminal. Another woman in the group said that her son, while attending a mostly white college got stopped nearly every day and hassled. Someone else said that her black college professor got stopped numerous times DWB.

Racism hurts us all and keeps us from benefiting from each other's knowledge.
None of what you said has anything to do with my posts. IM2 is always mentioning his degree, like it makes him superior. He constantly calls all whites on these boards racists. Some may be, but anything I say, he turns it around and lies and says I said things I did not say. He is disgusting and hates whites, it is evident by his posts. When I tell him to show even one post where I said anything racist, he just replies with more rants and lies, never proof. If you are defending him, you are no better.
You are talking to a wall when it comes to Delores, Molly. She never sees the blatant racism from blacks. Only whites. She is a race traitor. Kick her to the curb where she belongs.

A race traitor. You might as well pit your hood back on.

So you do this. Show me the laws and policies made by blacks that have denied whites of opportunity. That would be showing us the blatant racism by backs that you claim.
Like the young man I learned about recently who went to a majority white college and left after 6 weeks because of the hostility he felt against him and the constant racial slurs. It's sad.
What majority White college was this? What you are making seem so ordinary is truly extraordinary in this liberated day and age. In fact, unless you can provide some specific details I will regard what you've mentioned here as deriving from your imagination.

It seems like a worn-out old tale we've heard far too often. Today's reality holds far more to examples of White college students being assaulted and harassed by hostile and vindictive Blacks who have achieved total freedom but are not satisfied and now wish to dominate and abuse.

Nah, she is talking about todays white colleges. Your "reality" doesn't not exist and total freedom? Turn black and see how free your ass really is.

Your post is another example of your racism.
I know he is diliberately lying. When he says that I post about discrimination against whites ( I haven't), or that I said whites were superior (I haven't), or that I always say racists things ( I haven't),

You are a racist Molly. When you talk about affirmative action it is from the perspective of whites getting discriminated against. But you are stupid and seem to think that just because you don't directly say something I can't call you a racist. You only enter threads to criticize blacks and you criticism is based on nothing factual. You never criticize whites and what you say about black folks are the same things racists say. .For example, I can't have a valid argument about racism. I have to be blaming whites for whatever failure you perceive I supposedly had and cannot accept responsibility for my failure. Well I failed to the extent of holding a masters degree, and helped to build 3 organizations. You've accomplished none of that. Between you and I, you are the failure whining about what whites are not getting because you think you are entitled. .
When did I talk about Affirmative Action or whites being discriminated against? NEVER, so quit making up lies. Having your "Masters Degree" doesn't make you smarter than anyone, it just MAY make you more knowledgeable in the fields you studied. When did I whine about whites not getting what they are entitled? LIAR! If you are so successful, you weren't denied or held back by white people, or you would not have achieved anything.

Well Molly because I was successful doesn't mean THAT I have not been held back and it certainly doesn't eliminate the fact that white racism exists. And you can stop lying Molly. You have talked about Affirmative Action like I said.
Liar. Show proof. I have only said I have not benefited. Put up or stfu

So then you did talk about Affirmative action. And you have benefitted from it. No one tells you that you got that business loan because you were a woman and they had to hive loans to women because they weren't. No one tells you that you got hired because you are a woman because they weren't hiring women. This is the problem with you whites and your beliefs about Affirmative Action. White women have been the prime beneficiary. You are a white woman.

And stop asking me to show poof if things. You call me a racist and never show any proof.
So you don' believe any women get hired because of their skills? I have been turned down for loans. Try again
he also throws around his degree as if he is superior
I don't get that from him. When I first saw him post about his degree, I immediately had respect for him, since I am not even a college graduate. However, I believe that when a black man achieves educational and economic success and is deserving of respect and of having his voice heard, there are still some who will refuse to really listen to what they say. My husband told me years ago when we first met "Don't nobody listen to a black man."
I am glad for anyone to achieve their higher education, he just says it as if anyone who disagrees with him is beneath him. Go back and look at the post where he mentions his degree, it is usually amongst degrading comments towards others like it makes him know more.

No I mention my degree to people who make the fucked up comment of how I am blaming whites for my failure like you have done. I do that to make those like you understand that you fucking racists can't beat me. And you aren't disagreeing, you are telling me that what I see isn't happening but everything you don't see is.
I know he is diliberately lying. When he says that I post about discrimination against whites ( I haven't), or that I said whites were superior (I haven't), or that I always say racists things ( I haven't),

You are a racist Molly. When you talk about affirmative action it is from the perspective of whites getting discriminated against. But you are stupid and seem to think that just because you don't directly say something I can't call you a racist. You only enter threads to criticize blacks and you criticism is based on nothing factual. You never criticize whites and what you say about black folks are the same things racists say. .For example, I can't have a valid argument about racism. I have to be blaming whites for whatever failure you perceive I supposedly had and cannot accept responsibility for my failure. Well I failed to the extent of holding a masters degree, and helped to build 3 organizations. You've accomplished none of that. Between you and I, you are the failure whining about what whites are not getting because you think you are entitled. .
When did I talk about Affirmative Action or whites being discriminated against? NEVER, so quit making up lies. Having your "Masters Degree" doesn't make you smarter than anyone, it just MAY make you more knowledgeable in the fields you studied. When did I whine about whites not getting what they are entitled? LIAR! If you are so successful, you weren't denied or held back by white people, or you would not have achieved anything.

Well Molly because I was successful doesn't mean THAT I have not been held back and it certainly doesn't eliminate the fact that white racism exists. And you can stop lying Molly. You have talked about Affirmative Action like I said.
Liar. Show proof. I have only said I have not benefited. Put up or stfu

So then you did talk about Affirmative action. And you have benefitted from it. No one tells you that you got that business loan because you were a woman and they had to hive loans to women because they weren't. No one tells you that you got hired because you are a woman because they weren't hiring women. This is the problem with you whites and your beliefs about Affirmative Action. White women have been the prime beneficiary. You are a white woman.

And stop asking me to show poof if things. You call me a racist and never show any proof.
The proof is in your statements about "you whites". I have never mentioned Affirmative Action in regards to black people. I don't believe anyone has really benefitted from AA. People will hire who they want regardless. I was turned down for jobs due to my lack of experience and qualifications. I was also turned down because I was older and a younger person with less experience and qualifications was hired. Shit happens, and I really don't want to work for people who hire based on skewed preferences.
Nah, she is talking about todays white colleges. Your "reality" doesn't not exist and total freedom? Turn black and see how free your ass really is.

Your post is another example of your racism.
Presuming you are an adult American, what am I free to do that you are not free to do?

Please be specific.
he also throws around his degree as if he is superior
I don't get that from him. ....

Of course you don't......

She doesn't because it's not there. Those of you with white fragility have a problem with blacks who speak out forcefully against racism and who reject your bullshit about how we are just blaming whites because we fail. That's why I mentioned my education and work, because you guys are always making that kind of comment like you think it's OK to say hat to somebody. So then when you raggedy racists get told, then you act like I committed a mortal sin because I stood up for myself. And that's all part of how white supremacy works.
Read something interesting in that book "So You Want To Talk About Race," describing "tone policing."

"Tone policing" is when someone (usually the privileged person) in a conversation about oppression shifts the focus of the conversation from the oppression being discussed TO THE WAY IT IS BEING DISCUSSED. Tone policing prioritizes the comfort of the privileged person in the situation over the oppression of the disadvantaged person.

To refuse to listen to someone's cries for justice and equality until the request comes in a language you feel comfortable with is a way of asserting your dominance over them in the situation. By tone policing, you are increasing that disadvantage by insisting that you get to determine if their grievances are valid and will only decide they are so if, on top of everything they are already enduring, they make the effort to prioritize your comfort." I loved this book.
Nah, she is talking about todays white colleges. Your "reality" doesn't not exist and total freedom? Turn black and see how free your ass really is.

Your post is another example of your racism.
Presuming you are an adult American, what am I free to do that you are not free to do?

Please be specific.

There are places I cannot live where you can.

Look fool I get tired of whites like you who fill this forum with racist bullshit every day asking a question like I have to prove something to your racist ass after you post volumes of racism. So ether you are suffering froom psychosis or dementia, but you need to drop the pretense.
You are a racist Molly. When you talk about affirmative action it is from the perspective of whites getting discriminated against. But you are stupid and seem to think that just because you don't directly say something I can't call you a racist. You only enter threads to criticize blacks and you criticism is based on nothing factual. You never criticize whites and what you say about black folks are the same things racists say. .For example, I can't have a valid argument about racism. I have to be blaming whites for whatever failure you perceive I supposedly had and cannot accept responsibility for my failure. Well I failed to the extent of holding a masters degree, and helped to build 3 organizations. You've accomplished none of that. Between you and I, you are the failure whining about what whites are not getting because you think you are entitled. .
When did I talk about Affirmative Action or whites being discriminated against? NEVER, so quit making up lies. Having your "Masters Degree" doesn't make you smarter than anyone, it just MAY make you more knowledgeable in the fields you studied. When did I whine about whites not getting what they are entitled? LIAR! If you are so successful, you weren't denied or held back by white people, or you would not have achieved anything.

Well Molly because I was successful doesn't mean THAT I have not been held back and it certainly doesn't eliminate the fact that white racism exists. And you can stop lying Molly. You have talked about Affirmative Action like I said.
Liar. Show proof. I have only said I have not benefited. Put up or stfu

So then you did talk about Affirmative action. And you have benefitted from it. No one tells you that you got that business loan because you were a woman and they had to hive loans to women because they weren't. No one tells you that you got hired because you are a woman because they weren't hiring women. This is the problem with you whites and your beliefs about Affirmative Action. White women have been the prime beneficiary. You are a white woman.

And stop asking me to show poof if things. You call me a racist and never show any proof.
So you don' believe any women get hired because of their skills? I have been turned down for loans. Try again
he also throws around his degree as if he is superior
I don't get that from him. When I first saw him post about his degree, I immediately had respect for him, since I am not even a college graduate. However, I believe that when a black man achieves educational and economic success and is deserving of respect and of having his voice heard, there are still some who will refuse to really listen to what they say. My husband told me years ago when we first met "Don't nobody listen to a black man."
I am glad for anyone to achieve their higher education, he just says it as if anyone who disagrees with him is beneath him. Go back and look at the post where he mentions his degree, it is usually amongst degrading comments towards others like it makes him know more.

No I mention my degree to people who make the fucked up comment of how I am blaming whites for my failure like you have done. I do that to make those like you understand that you fucking racists can't beat me. And you aren't disagreeing, you are telling me that what I see isn't happening but everything you don't see is.

Nope I never said that. Bit white women have benefitted from Affirmative action the most. And you getting turned down for a loan doesn't change the fact that racism is abundant in the loan process. This is a macro level discussion, if you don't know what that means, maybe you need not be discussing.
Nah, she is talking about todays white colleges. Your "reality" doesn't not exist and total freedom? Turn black and see how free your ass really is.

Your post is another example of your racism.
Presuming you are an adult American, what am I free to do that you are not free to do?

Please be specific.

There are places I cannot live where you can.

Look fool I get tired of whites like you who fill this forum with racist bullshit every day asking a question like I have to prove something to your racist ass after you post volumes of racism. So ether you are suffering froom psychosis or dementia, but you need to drop the pretense.
enough with you throwing the racism word around at people who are definitely not racist. Pretense about what? I never asked anyone to prove anything, except to prove where I posted something racist. This is why I said you hate white people. PRIME EXAMPLE....nothing I have said is remotely racist....but here you are, throwing the word out without valid reasons. What volumes of racism did I post? NONE. You are definitely the one suffering from some form of pathological lying illness.
When did I talk about Affirmative Action or whites being discriminated against? NEVER, so quit making up lies. Having your "Masters Degree" doesn't make you smarter than anyone, it just MAY make you more knowledgeable in the fields you studied. When did I whine about whites not getting what they are entitled? LIAR! If you are so successful, you weren't denied or held back by white people, or you would not have achieved anything.

Well Molly because I was successful doesn't mean THAT I have not been held back and it certainly doesn't eliminate the fact that white racism exists. And you can stop lying Molly. You have talked about Affirmative Action like I said.
Liar. Show proof. I have only said I have not benefited. Put up or stfu

So then you did talk about Affirmative action. And you have benefitted from it. No one tells you that you got that business loan because you were a woman and they had to hive loans to women because they weren't. No one tells you that you got hired because you are a woman because they weren't hiring women. This is the problem with you whites and your beliefs about Affirmative Action. White women have been the prime beneficiary. You are a white woman.

And stop asking me to show poof if things. You call me a racist and never show any proof.
So you don' believe any women get hired because of their skills? I have been turned down for loans. Try again
he also throws around his degree as if he is superior
I don't get that from him. When I first saw him post about his degree, I immediately had respect for him, since I am not even a college graduate. However, I believe that when a black man achieves educational and economic success and is deserving of respect and of having his voice heard, there are still some who will refuse to really listen to what they say. My husband told me years ago when we first met "Don't nobody listen to a black man."
I am glad for anyone to achieve their higher education, he just says it as if anyone who disagrees with him is beneath him. Go back and look at the post where he mentions his degree, it is usually amongst degrading comments towards others like it makes him know more.

No I mention my degree to people who make the fucked up comment of how I am blaming whites for my failure like you have done. I do that to make those like you understand that you fucking racists can't beat me. And you aren't disagreeing, you are telling me that what I see isn't happening but everything you don't see is.

Nope I never said that. Bit white women have benefitted from Affirmative action the most. And you getting turned down for a loan doesn't change the fact that racism is abundant in the loan process. This is a macro level discussion, if you don't know what that means, maybe you need not be discussing.
How do you prove white women have benefitted? I never said people weren't denied loans due to race. You are the one who said white women benefit the most and that I am a white woman, this statement indicated that you believe I benefitted. You don't know me so enough of your assumptions.
You are a racist Molly. When you talk about affirmative action it is from the perspective of whites getting discriminated against. But you are stupid and seem to think that just because you don't directly say something I can't call you a racist. You only enter threads to criticize blacks and you criticism is based on nothing factual. You never criticize whites and what you say about black folks are the same things racists say. .For example, I can't have a valid argument about racism. I have to be blaming whites for whatever failure you perceive I supposedly had and cannot accept responsibility for my failure. Well I failed to the extent of holding a masters degree, and helped to build 3 organizations. You've accomplished none of that. Between you and I, you are the failure whining about what whites are not getting because you think you are entitled. .
When did I talk about Affirmative Action or whites being discriminated against? NEVER, so quit making up lies. Having your "Masters Degree" doesn't make you smarter than anyone, it just MAY make you more knowledgeable in the fields you studied. When did I whine about whites not getting what they are entitled? LIAR! If you are so successful, you weren't denied or held back by white people, or you would not have achieved anything.

Well Molly because I was successful doesn't mean THAT I have not been held back and it certainly doesn't eliminate the fact that white racism exists. And you can stop lying Molly. You have talked about Affirmative Action like I said.
Liar. Show proof. I have only said I have not benefited. Put up or stfu

So then you did talk about Affirmative action. And you have benefitted from it. No one tells you that you got that business loan because you were a woman and they had to hive loans to women because they weren't. No one tells you that you got hired because you are a woman because they weren't hiring women. This is the problem with you whites and your beliefs about Affirmative Action. White women have been the prime beneficiary. You are a white woman.

And stop asking me to show poof if things. You call me a racist and never show any proof.
The proof is in your statements about "you whites". I have never mentioned Affirmative Action in regards to black people. I don't believe anyone has really benefitted from AA. People will hire who they want regardless. I was turned down for jobs due to my lack of experience and qualifications. I was also turned down because I was older and a younger person with less experience and qualifications was hired. Shit happens, and I really don't want to work for people who hire based on skewed preferences.

No there is no proof in me saying you whites. Whites such as yourself try making everything the same when it's not. You see Molly you have bought into the white mans psychosis. This is where he has benefitted from being white by race and sex based preference for about 200 years by written law and the day that he must compete them suddenly it's unfair for people to be hired by race or sex. You really need to understand why the policy was created and stop being a dumb white woman who if not for the civil rights movement would be at home fat with 20 kids cooking stew or sewing hubbys socks.
When did I talk about Affirmative Action or whites being discriminated against? NEVER, so quit making up lies. Having your "Masters Degree" doesn't make you smarter than anyone, it just MAY make you more knowledgeable in the fields you studied. When did I whine about whites not getting what they are entitled? LIAR! If you are so successful, you weren't denied or held back by white people, or you would not have achieved anything.

Well Molly because I was successful doesn't mean THAT I have not been held back and it certainly doesn't eliminate the fact that white racism exists. And you can stop lying Molly. You have talked about Affirmative Action like I said.
Liar. Show proof. I have only said I have not benefited. Put up or stfu

So then you did talk about Affirmative action. And you have benefitted from it. No one tells you that you got that business loan because you were a woman and they had to hive loans to women because they weren't. No one tells you that you got hired because you are a woman because they weren't hiring women. This is the problem with you whites and your beliefs about Affirmative Action. White women have been the prime beneficiary. You are a white woman.

And stop asking me to show poof if things. You call me a racist and never show any proof.
The proof is in your statements about "you whites". I have never mentioned Affirmative Action in regards to black people. I don't believe anyone has really benefitted from AA. People will hire who they want regardless. I was turned down for jobs due to my lack of experience and qualifications. I was also turned down because I was older and a younger person with less experience and qualifications was hired. Shit happens, and I really don't want to work for people who hire based on skewed preferences.

No there is no proof in me saying you whites. Whites such as yourself try making everything the same when it's not. You see Molly you have bought into the white mans psychosis. This is where he has benefitted from being white by race and sex based preference for about 200 years by written law and the day that he must compete them suddenly it's unfair for people to be hired by race or sex. You really need to understand why the policy was created and stop being a dumb white woman who if not for the civil rights movement would be at home fat with 20 kids cooking stew or sewing hubbys socks.
While things are still not equal, this is not 200 years ago, bringing it up is pointless, we can't change it and are not responsible for it. If you can't live in the here and now, you are to be pitied. I am not a dumb white woman. I have always been independent, so has my mother, who was here before the Civil RIghts Movement.

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