The N Word

Well Molly because I was successful doesn't mean THAT I have not been held back and it certainly doesn't eliminate the fact that white racism exists. And you can stop lying Molly. You have talked about Affirmative Action like I said.
Liar. Show proof. I have only said I have not benefited. Put up or stfu

So then you did talk about Affirmative action. And you have benefitted from it. No one tells you that you got that business loan because you were a woman and they had to hive loans to women because they weren't. No one tells you that you got hired because you are a woman because they weren't hiring women. This is the problem with you whites and your beliefs about Affirmative Action. White women have been the prime beneficiary. You are a white woman.

And stop asking me to show poof if things. You call me a racist and never show any proof.
The proof is in your statements about "you whites". I have never mentioned Affirmative Action in regards to black people. I don't believe anyone has really benefitted from AA. People will hire who they want regardless. I was turned down for jobs due to my lack of experience and qualifications. I was also turned down because I was older and a younger person with less experience and qualifications was hired. Shit happens, and I really don't want to work for people who hire based on skewed preferences.

No there is no proof in me saying you whites. Whites such as yourself try making everything the same when it's not. You see Molly you have bought into the white mans psychosis. This is where he has benefitted from being white by race and sex based preference for about 200 years by written law and the day that he must compete them suddenly it's unfair for people to be hired by race or sex. You really need to understand why the policy was created and stop being a dumb white woman who if not for the civil rights movement would be at home fat with 20 kids cooking stew or sewing hubbys socks.
While things are still not equal, this is not 200 years ago, bringing it up is pointless, we can't change it and are not responsible for it. If you can't live in the here and now, you are to be pitied. I am not a dumb white woman. I have always been independent, so has my mother, who was here before the Civil RIghts Movement.

OK Molly, would you like to discuss the impact of the founders and constitution on the America today?
Liar. Show proof. I have only said I have not benefited. Put up or stfu

So then you did talk about Affirmative action. And you have benefitted from it. No one tells you that you got that business loan because you were a woman and they had to hive loans to women because they weren't. No one tells you that you got hired because you are a woman because they weren't hiring women. This is the problem with you whites and your beliefs about Affirmative Action. White women have been the prime beneficiary. You are a white woman.

And stop asking me to show poof if things. You call me a racist and never show any proof.
The proof is in your statements about "you whites". I have never mentioned Affirmative Action in regards to black people. I don't believe anyone has really benefitted from AA. People will hire who they want regardless. I was turned down for jobs due to my lack of experience and qualifications. I was also turned down because I was older and a younger person with less experience and qualifications was hired. Shit happens, and I really don't want to work for people who hire based on skewed preferences.

No there is no proof in me saying you whites. Whites such as yourself try making everything the same when it's not. You see Molly you have bought into the white mans psychosis. This is where he has benefitted from being white by race and sex based preference for about 200 years by written law and the day that he must compete them suddenly it's unfair for people to be hired by race or sex. You really need to understand why the policy was created and stop being a dumb white woman who if not for the civil rights movement would be at home fat with 20 kids cooking stew or sewing hubbys socks.
While things are still not equal, this is not 200 years ago, bringing it up is pointless, we can't change it and are not responsible for it. If you can't live in the here and now, you are to be pitied. I am not a dumb white woman. I have always been independent, so has my mother, who was here before the Civil RIghts Movement.

OK Molly, would you like to discuss the impact of the founders and constitution on the America today?
No, I prefer discussing the issues today. The past is just that, in the past. Of course the past had an impact, there has been sufficient time to recover, IMO. There were many wrongs done, also wrongs righted, but not to the fullest extent that is should be. I cannot change that but I sure get blamed for it, don't I?
Nah, she is talking about todays white colleges. Your "reality" doesn't not exist and total freedom? Turn black and see how free your ass really is.

Your post is another example of your racism.
Presuming you are an adult American, what am I free to do that you are not free to do?

Please be specific.

There are places I cannot live where you can.

Look fool I get tired of whites like you who fill this forum with racist bullshit every day asking a question like I have to prove something to your racist ass after you post volumes of racism. So ether you are suffering froom psychosis or dementia, but you need to drop the pretense.
enough with you throwing the racism word around at people who are definitely not racist. Pretense about what? I never asked anyone to prove anything, except to prove where I posted something racist. This is why I said you hate white people. PRIME EXAMPLE....nothing I have said is remotely racist....but here you are, throwing the word out without valid reasons. What volumes of racism did I post? NONE. You are definitely the one suffering from some form of pathological lying illness.

Was I talking to you? I called mike a racist because that's what he is. So if you're so tired go to bed.
Nah, she is talking about todays white colleges. Your "reality" doesn't not exist and total freedom? Turn black and see how free your ass really is.

Your post is another example of your racism.
Presuming you are an adult American, what am I free to do that you are not free to do?

Please be specific.

There are places I cannot live where you can.

Look fool I get tired of whites like you who fill this forum with racist bullshit every day asking a question like I have to prove something to your racist ass after you post volumes of racism. So ether you are suffering froom psychosis or dementia, but you need to drop the pretense.
enough with you throwing the racism word around at people who are definitely not racist. Pretense about what? I never asked anyone to prove anything, except to prove where I posted something racist. This is why I said you hate white people. PRIME EXAMPLE....nothing I have said is remotely racist....but here you are, throwing the word out without valid reasons. What volumes of racism did I post? NONE. You are definitely the one suffering from some form of pathological lying illness.

Was I talking to you? I called mike a racist because that's what he is. So if you're so tired go to bed.
Yes you responded to my post, but this is a forum where anybody can reply to another's posts
Nah, she is talking about todays white colleges. Your "reality" doesn't not exist and total freedom? Turn black and see how free your ass really is.

Your post is another example of your racism.
Presuming you are an adult American, what am I free to do that you are not free to do?

Please be specific.

There are places I cannot live where you can.

Look fool I get tired of whites like you who fill this forum with racist bullshit every day asking a question like I have to prove something to your racist ass after you post volumes of racism. So ether you are suffering froom psychosis or dementia, but you need to drop the pretense.
enough with you throwing the racism word around at people who are definitely not racist. Pretense about what? I never asked anyone to prove anything, except to prove where I posted something racist. This is why I said you hate white people. PRIME EXAMPLE....nothing I have said is remotely racist....but here you are, throwing the word out without valid reasons. What volumes of racism did I post? NONE. You are definitely the one suffering from some form of pathological lying illness.

Was I talking to you? I called mike a racist because that's what he is. So if you're so tired go to bed.
Mike is another person you call racist like you do me, which is false. You really are pathetic.
So then you did talk about Affirmative action. And you have benefitted from it. No one tells you that you got that business loan because you were a woman and they had to hive loans to women because they weren't. No one tells you that you got hired because you are a woman because they weren't hiring women. This is the problem with you whites and your beliefs about Affirmative Action. White women have been the prime beneficiary. You are a white woman.

And stop asking me to show poof if things. You call me a racist and never show any proof.
The proof is in your statements about "you whites". I have never mentioned Affirmative Action in regards to black people. I don't believe anyone has really benefitted from AA. People will hire who they want regardless. I was turned down for jobs due to my lack of experience and qualifications. I was also turned down because I was older and a younger person with less experience and qualifications was hired. Shit happens, and I really don't want to work for people who hire based on skewed preferences.

No there is no proof in me saying you whites. Whites such as yourself try making everything the same when it's not. You see Molly you have bought into the white mans psychosis. This is where he has benefitted from being white by race and sex based preference for about 200 years by written law and the day that he must compete them suddenly it's unfair for people to be hired by race or sex. You really need to understand why the policy was created and stop being a dumb white woman who if not for the civil rights movement would be at home fat with 20 kids cooking stew or sewing hubbys socks.
While things are still not equal, this is not 200 years ago, bringing it up is pointless, we can't change it and are not responsible for it. If you can't live in the here and now, you are to be pitied. I am not a dumb white woman. I have always been independent, so has my mother, who was here before the Civil RIghts Movement.

OK Molly, would you like to discuss the impact of the founders and constitution on the America today?
No, I prefer discussing the issues today. The past is just that, in the past. Of course the past had an impact, there has been sufficient time to recover, IMO. There were many wrongs done, also wrongs righted, but not to the fullest extent that is should be. I cannot change that but I sure get blamed for it, don't I?

You truly are the poste child for white fragility. Racism exists today, and racist polices of the past created damage that has yt to be fixed. You seem to think that past racism just occurred and disappeared with no consequences created by those actions that took place.
The proof is in your statements about "you whites". I have never mentioned Affirmative Action in regards to black people. I don't believe anyone has really benefitted from AA. People will hire who they want regardless. I was turned down for jobs due to my lack of experience and qualifications. I was also turned down because I was older and a younger person with less experience and qualifications was hired. Shit happens, and I really don't want to work for people who hire based on skewed preferences.

No there is no proof in me saying you whites. Whites such as yourself try making everything the same when it's not. You see Molly you have bought into the white mans psychosis. This is where he has benefitted from being white by race and sex based preference for about 200 years by written law and the day that he must compete them suddenly it's unfair for people to be hired by race or sex. You really need to understand why the policy was created and stop being a dumb white woman who if not for the civil rights movement would be at home fat with 20 kids cooking stew or sewing hubbys socks.
While things are still not equal, this is not 200 years ago, bringing it up is pointless, we can't change it and are not responsible for it. If you can't live in the here and now, you are to be pitied. I am not a dumb white woman. I have always been independent, so has my mother, who was here before the Civil RIghts Movement.

OK Molly, would you like to discuss the impact of the founders and constitution on the America today?
No, I prefer discussing the issues today. The past is just that, in the past. Of course the past had an impact, there has been sufficient time to recover, IMO. There were many wrongs done, also wrongs righted, but not to the fullest extent that is should be. I cannot change that but I sure get blamed for it, don't I?

You truly are the poste child for white fragility. Racism exists today, and racist polices of the past created damage that has yt to be fixed. You seem to think that past racism just occurred and disappeared with no consequences created by those actions that took place.
Never said or implied that at all. I just said things have not been righted to the fullest extent that they should be. You are really an anger asshole. You hang EVERYTHING that is negative to blacks is related to white racism. BULLSHIT. Yes, racism exists. WTF do you want, really? What do you expect from white people? I cannot make racism go away, I can't make somebody like you. White fragility? Do you even know what that means? Looks like you had to find a dictionary to find another insult to throw out.
Nah, she is talking about todays white colleges. Your "reality" doesn't not exist and total freedom? Turn black and see how free your ass really is.

Your post is another example of your racism.
Presuming you are an adult American, what am I free to do that you are not free to do?

Please be specific.

There are places I cannot live where you can.

Look fool I get tired of whites like you who fill this forum with racist bullshit every day asking a question like I have to prove something to your racist ass after you post volumes of racism. So ether you are suffering froom psychosis or dementia, but you need to drop the pretense.
enough with you throwing the racism word around at people who are definitely not racist. Pretense about what? I never asked anyone to prove anything, except to prove where I posted something racist. This is why I said you hate white people. PRIME EXAMPLE....nothing I have said is remotely racist....but here you are, throwing the word out without valid reasons. What volumes of racism did I post? NONE. You are definitely the one suffering from some form of pathological lying illness.

Was I talking to you? I called mike a racist because that's what he is. So if you're so tired go to bed.
Yes you responded to my post, but this is a forum where anybody can reply to another's posts

Well then what you need to do is not enter a conversation where you we not talked to in order to express a stupid opinion not based on he evidence seen in every thread in this section. You know it's funny Molly, but Delores is a white woman but she's not here doing the things you do. Esmerelda , same thing. So then while I'm not saying you have to think like them I know from experience there is a difference between a real white person who is non racist and one lying about it. I've done work with far too many sincere white people and that's why I know that you are a fake.
Presuming you are an adult American, what am I free to do that you are not free to do?

Please be specific.

There are places I cannot live where you can.

Look fool I get tired of whites like you who fill this forum with racist bullshit every day asking a question like I have to prove something to your racist ass after you post volumes of racism. So ether you are suffering froom psychosis or dementia, but you need to drop the pretense.
enough with you throwing the racism word around at people who are definitely not racist. Pretense about what? I never asked anyone to prove anything, except to prove where I posted something racist. This is why I said you hate white people. PRIME EXAMPLE....nothing I have said is remotely racist....but here you are, throwing the word out without valid reasons. What volumes of racism did I post? NONE. You are definitely the one suffering from some form of pathological lying illness.

Was I talking to you? I called mike a racist because that's what he is. So if you're so tired go to bed.
Yes you responded to my post, but this is a forum where anybody can reply to another's posts

Well then what you need to do is not enter a conversation where you we not talked to in order to express a stupid opinion not based on he evidence seen in every thread in this section. You know it's funny Molly, but Delores is a white woman but she's not here doing the things you do. Esmerelda , same thing. So then while I'm not saying you have to think like them I know from experience there is a difference between a real white person who is non racist and one lying about it. I've done work with far too many sincere white people and that's why I know that you are a fake.
What a load of bullshit! LOL you are so comical and delusional. Not a fake bone in my body. I speak my mind and if you don't like it, tough shit, still not racist. Just because you speak to some white people who find fault only in other whites, does not make them right. You do not know me, you are just a huge whiner, you whine about EVERYTHING. Grow up and try to not be so judgmental. You sure are immature for someone in their 50s. You argued even when I found something I agreed with you on. Shame on you. Unless a white person kisses your ass and totally agree with you, you call them racist. It is evident on many of your posts.
No there is no proof in me saying you whites. Whites such as yourself try making everything the same when it's not. You see Molly you have bought into the white mans psychosis. This is where he has benefitted from being white by race and sex based preference for about 200 years by written law and the day that he must compete them suddenly it's unfair for people to be hired by race or sex. You really need to understand why the policy was created and stop being a dumb white woman who if not for the civil rights movement would be at home fat with 20 kids cooking stew or sewing hubbys socks.
While things are still not equal, this is not 200 years ago, bringing it up is pointless, we can't change it and are not responsible for it. If you can't live in the here and now, you are to be pitied. I am not a dumb white woman. I have always been independent, so has my mother, who was here before the Civil RIghts Movement.

OK Molly, would you like to discuss the impact of the founders and constitution on the America today?
No, I prefer discussing the issues today. The past is just that, in the past. Of course the past had an impact, there has been sufficient time to recover, IMO. There were many wrongs done, also wrongs righted, but not to the fullest extent that is should be. I cannot change that but I sure get blamed for it, don't I?

You truly are the poste child for white fragility. Racism exists today, and racist polices of the past created damage that has yt to be fixed. You seem to think that past racism just occurred and disappeared with no consequences created by those actions that took place.
Never said or implied that at all. I just said things have not been righted to the fullest extent that they should be. You are really an anger asshole. You hang EVERYTHING that is negative to blacks is related to white racism. BULLSHIT. Yes, racism exists. WTF do you want, really? What do you expect from white people? I cannot make racism go away, I can't make somebody like you. White fragility? Do you even know what that means? Looks like you had to find a dictionary to find another insult to throw out.

Well you can stop telling me how angry I am like its wrong for me tp be angry. I don't know what white people like you have inside your heads but it certainly can't be brains if you actually think someone is supposed to be pleased about the continuing racism practiced by whites while they lie about it. Yep, I know what white fragility is. Simply put, It is the defense mechanism whites like you use in conversations about race. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. .You can holler bullshit until the moon turns to cheese but I can support that comment. You cannot do the same for yours.
While things are still not equal, this is not 200 years ago, bringing it up is pointless, we can't change it and are not responsible for it. If you can't live in the here and now, you are to be pitied. I am not a dumb white woman. I have always been independent, so has my mother, who was here before the Civil RIghts Movement.

OK Molly, would you like to discuss the impact of the founders and constitution on the America today?
No, I prefer discussing the issues today. The past is just that, in the past. Of course the past had an impact, there has been sufficient time to recover, IMO. There were many wrongs done, also wrongs righted, but not to the fullest extent that is should be. I cannot change that but I sure get blamed for it, don't I?

You truly are the poste child for white fragility. Racism exists today, and racist polices of the past created damage that has yt to be fixed. You seem to think that past racism just occurred and disappeared with no consequences created by those actions that took place.
Never said or implied that at all. I just said things have not been righted to the fullest extent that they should be. You are really an anger asshole. You hang EVERYTHING that is negative to blacks is related to white racism. BULLSHIT. Yes, racism exists. WTF do you want, really? What do you expect from white people? I cannot make racism go away, I can't make somebody like you. White fragility? Do you even know what that means? Looks like you had to find a dictionary to find another insult to throw out.

Well you can stop telling me how angry I am like its wrong for me tp be angry. I don't know what white people like you have inside your heads but it certainly can't be brains if you actually think someone is supposed to be pleased about the continuing racism practiced by whites while they lie about it. Yep, I know what white fragility is. Simply put, It is the defense mechanism whites like you use in conversations about race. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. .You can holler bullshit until the moon turns to cheese but I can support that comment. You cannot do the same for yours.
You are really a dickhead. It is wrong to be angry when someone is not being racist or denying racism. You cannot support your claims of racism about me. FAILED AGAIN. You really should find something else to whine about. You don't give a shit what whites think about anything, yet you want whites to care about what you think. What defense mechanism did I use, please describe it in detail, since you seem to think you have a
In light of the recent incident involving LeBron James, I would like to share some portions of Michael Eric Dyson’s book, “Tears We Cannot Stop,” and also add some words from my own book.

“N*****. Admit it, beloved, that word – that abomination – is still with us. Yes, it’s ugly. Yes, it’s full of hate. And yet, a lot of you, or at least a lot of the folk you know, still think of black folk as n******. I remember the first time I heard the white world call me “n*****.” I say white world because it was not an individual man saying that to me, mind you, even though the words came from his mouth. This man was simply repeating what he had been told about me. I was every black person he’d ever met. We were all the same. That’s what n***** meant. That’s what it still means.”

“And please don’t make a silly false equivalence between us. Some of you claim that black folk are racists too when they use epithets like honky, redneck, cracker, ofay, gray boy and the like. That you know that’s a lie. N***** has no rival. There is no rough or refined equivalence between the term and the many derisive references to white folks. Those terms don’t evoke singularly gruesome actions. N***** is unique because the menace implies is portable; it shows up wherever a white tongue is willing to suggest intimidation and destruction. There are no examples of black folk killing white folk en masse; terrorizing them with racial violence; shouting “cracker” as they lynch them from trees and then selling postcards to document their colossal crimes. Black folk have not enjoyed the protection of the state to carry out such misdeeds.”

“The state, in fact, rendered black folk even more vulnerable. White racism was the government’s science project; bigotry was its nightly homework. Evil flashed in a white face in a terrorizing crackerocracy, an exuberantly diabolic band of proud haters of black culture composed of the Klan, the White Citizens Council, neo-Confederate outfits, white nationalist groups, and the legions of unaffiliated fellow travelers. Their mottoes differed, but N***** is the rallying cry for all of them. We must effectively respond in our day to the ugly persistence of racism, even if its form has changed.”

The following words are from a letter I personally received from a young black girl named Jean. She really opened my eyes to how the use of the n***** word can have a devastating effect:

“Dee, the other day I was on a bus and a little white boy spat at me and called me a n*****. Tears came to my eyes. Why must I be called a n*****? I remember the day I Iooked up that word in the dictionary and it said it meant ignorant. I know I’m not ignorant. But if you look up that word in the revised edition it means, Black Americans, Negroes. Why? The walls of anger are getting stronger. I’m tired of trying to love those people. I’m tired of trying to get their education. Dee, as I write this letter I’m in tears. Because I’m writing to you knowing you don’t understand. Getting angry at myself. Hating myself because I’m turning away from God. It’s like I’m second best to him. Hey, wait a minute, those white people are first. Praying to him, wanting him to answer my prayers. Wondering does God love white people more than us. We been the white man’s slaves. Most of our women been their whores. Did God look down on us? Dee, the only desire I have is to die. You know, the first child I have I’m going to name him N***** so he won’t have to learn the hurt I have. He’ll think he’s famous The wall that I have is getting stronger. It’s going to take a miracle. But will your God even help? My mind I going through some changes it wouldn’t have to if white people would leave me alone. I need prayer. Pray for my attitude. The hatred, the pain, the discomfort, the unlovable soul that I have. Maybe God will help then. He’ll listen to you – you’re white!”

I grew up in Missouri and I can not, to this day, remember anything positive being said about black people. I was taught they were dirty, lazy, oversexed and violent. I was told to stay away from them, not to associate with them at all. I heard them called N***** all the time and heard my family say, "They want everything handed to them on a silver platter." This was what was put into my head. And it pretty much stayed there until I met a black man who contradicted every single one of those stereotypes. Thank God I met Henry and since then, the many, many positive black folks who opened my eyes and heart to the truth. I look at things this way. We either recognize racism and the use of the N word for what they are and try to combat them - or we don't. I choose to try.
Oh I see, you can't tell black people how to feel about name calling, but it's okay to call whites names and think it isn't as bad. I think they are both wrong. Treat human beings with respect until they do something to lose that respect.
There are places I cannot live where you can.

Look fool I get tired of whites like you who fill this forum with racist bullshit every day asking a question like I have to prove something to your racist ass after you post volumes of racism. So ether you are suffering froom psychosis or dementia, but you need to drop the pretense.
enough with you throwing the racism word around at people who are definitely not racist. Pretense about what? I never asked anyone to prove anything, except to prove where I posted something racist. This is why I said you hate white people. PRIME EXAMPLE....nothing I have said is remotely racist....but here you are, throwing the word out without valid reasons. What volumes of racism did I post? NONE. You are definitely the one suffering from some form of pathological lying illness.

Was I talking to you? I called mike a racist because that's what he is. So if you're so tired go to bed.
Yes you responded to my post, but this is a forum where anybody can reply to another's posts

Well then what you need to do is not enter a conversation where you we not talked to in order to express a stupid opinion not based on he evidence seen in every thread in this section. You know it's funny Molly, but Delores is a white woman but she's not here doing the things you do. Esmerelda , same thing. So then while I'm not saying you have to think like them I know from experience there is a difference between a real white person who is non racist and one lying about it. I've done work with far too many sincere white people and that's why I know that you are a fake.
What a load of bullshit! LOL you are so comical and delusional. Not a fake bone in my body. I speak my mind and if you don't like it, tough shit, still not racist. Just because you speak to some white people who find fault only in other whites, does not make them right. You do not know me, you are just a huge whiner, you whine about EVERYTHING. Grow up and try to not be so judgmental. You sure are immature for someone in their 50s. You argued even when I found something I agreed with you on. Shame on you. Unless a white person kisses your ass and totally agree with you, you call them racist. It is evident on many of your posts.

Yes you are fake. No those whites I work with do not just find fault with other whites. What they do is recognize the reality of what white racism has done. I'm grown and I damn sure ain't whining. I'm speaking truth about white racism to white racists. I expect this resistance. But you see, racism can't stop me. This is not about kissing anyones ass, this is about you understanding the real toll white racism has wrought upon people of color. You don't get to control either the tone of my commentary or narrative. If the truth is to brutal them stop posting to me. But I am not going to talk any a way hat's going to plea you or male you feel at ease/ That's the way its going to be, and if you don't like those terms, then you know what you can do.
enough with you throwing the racism word around at people who are definitely not racist. Pretense about what? I never asked anyone to prove anything, except to prove where I posted something racist. This is why I said you hate white people. PRIME EXAMPLE....nothing I have said is remotely racist....but here you are, throwing the word out without valid reasons. What volumes of racism did I post? NONE. You are definitely the one suffering from some form of pathological lying illness.

Was I talking to you? I called mike a racist because that's what he is. So if you're so tired go to bed.
Yes you responded to my post, but this is a forum where anybody can reply to another's posts

Well then what you need to do is not enter a conversation where you we not talked to in order to express a stupid opinion not based on he evidence seen in every thread in this section. You know it's funny Molly, but Delores is a white woman but she's not here doing the things you do. Esmerelda , same thing. So then while I'm not saying you have to think like them I know from experience there is a difference between a real white person who is non racist and one lying about it. I've done work with far too many sincere white people and that's why I know that you are a fake.
What a load of bullshit! LOL you are so comical and delusional. Not a fake bone in my body. I speak my mind and if you don't like it, tough shit, still not racist. Just because you speak to some white people who find fault only in other whites, does not make them right. You do not know me, you are just a huge whiner, you whine about EVERYTHING. Grow up and try to not be so judgmental. You sure are immature for someone in their 50s. You argued even when I found something I agreed with you on. Shame on you. Unless a white person kisses your ass and totally agree with you, you call them racist. It is evident on many of your posts.

Yes you are fake. No those whites I work with do not just find fault with other whites. What they do is recognize the reality of what white racism has done. I'm grown and I damn sure ain't whining. I'm speaking truth about white racism to white racists. I expect this resistance. But you see, racism can't stop me. This is not about kissing anyones ass, this is about you understanding the real toll white racism has wrought upon people of color. You don't get to control either the tone of my commentary or narrative. If the truth is to brutal them stop posting to me. But I am not going to talk any a way hat's going to plea you or male you feel at ease/ That's the way its going to be, and if you don't like those terms, then you know what you can do.
LIAR. I am not fake, but continue with your imagination. I have never denied racism. Yes, you are whining, in every post you whine. I asked what the hell do you want white people to do? The whites, like me, who are NOT racist? I don't expect you to make me feel at ease, but you are definitely not fair when you lie constantly. I have come to expect that from you. I am tough skinned, I can take it. You are the one finding fault with everything I say, which in no way is racist. Yes, I do know that white racists have wreaked havoc on black people, it is wrong, I have said it over and over. You refuse to acknowledge that I hate racism, you chose to remain hateful and in denial. Again, I really don't know what you want or expect from people who are not racist. If I had called you a dumb black man, you would find that racist.
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OK Molly, would you like to discuss the impact of the founders and constitution on the America today?
No, I prefer discussing the issues today. The past is just that, in the past. Of course the past had an impact, there has been sufficient time to recover, IMO. There were many wrongs done, also wrongs righted, but not to the fullest extent that is should be. I cannot change that but I sure get blamed for it, don't I?

You truly are the poste child for white fragility. Racism exists today, and racist polices of the past created damage that has yt to be fixed. You seem to think that past racism just occurred and disappeared with no consequences created by those actions that took place.
Never said or implied that at all. I just said things have not been righted to the fullest extent that they should be. You are really an anger asshole. You hang EVERYTHING that is negative to blacks is related to white racism. BULLSHIT. Yes, racism exists. WTF do you want, really? What do you expect from white people? I cannot make racism go away, I can't make somebody like you. White fragility? Do you even know what that means? Looks like you had to find a dictionary to find another insult to throw out.

Well you can stop telling me how angry I am like its wrong for me tp be angry. I don't know what white people like you have inside your heads but it certainly can't be brains if you actually think someone is supposed to be pleased about the continuing racism practiced by whites while they lie about it. Yep, I know what white fragility is. Simply put, It is the defense mechanism whites like you use in conversations about race. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. .You can holler bullshit until the moon turns to cheese but I can support that comment. You cannot do the same for yours.
You are really a dickhead. It is wrong to be angry when someone is not being racist or denying racism. You cannot support your claims of racism about me. FAILED AGAIN. You really should find something else to whine about. You don't give a shit what whites think about anything, yet you want whites to care about what you think. What defense mechanism did I use, please describe it in detail, since you seem to think you have a

Well I'll just have to be a dickhead then. .Why am I to care about what a bunch pf people who see me as subhuman think? And look at your posts for specific examples of the defensiveness I am taking about .Look Molly, you call me a racist and never have shown any specifics, yet you seem to think that I have to show you something. I don't. Not when you don't.. Now take a look at the thread topic, then explain to me why you are here , a white person arguing with blacks about the the N word. Then would you explain to me why you felt the need to enter the thread to male comments on the black culture and then to argue with blacks about how wring we are about black culture?
No, I prefer discussing the issues today. The past is just that, in the past. Of course the past had an impact, there has been sufficient time to recover, IMO. There were many wrongs done, also wrongs righted, but not to the fullest extent that is should be. I cannot change that but I sure get blamed for it, don't I?

You truly are the poste child for white fragility. Racism exists today, and racist polices of the past created damage that has yt to be fixed. You seem to think that past racism just occurred and disappeared with no consequences created by those actions that took place.
Never said or implied that at all. I just said things have not been righted to the fullest extent that they should be. You are really an anger asshole. You hang EVERYTHING that is negative to blacks is related to white racism. BULLSHIT. Yes, racism exists. WTF do you want, really? What do you expect from white people? I cannot make racism go away, I can't make somebody like you. White fragility? Do you even know what that means? Looks like you had to find a dictionary to find another insult to throw out.

Well you can stop telling me how angry I am like its wrong for me tp be angry. I don't know what white people like you have inside your heads but it certainly can't be brains if you actually think someone is supposed to be pleased about the continuing racism practiced by whites while they lie about it. Yep, I know what white fragility is. Simply put, It is the defense mechanism whites like you use in conversations about race. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. .You can holler bullshit until the moon turns to cheese but I can support that comment. You cannot do the same for yours.
You are really a dickhead. It is wrong to be angry when someone is not being racist or denying racism. You cannot support your claims of racism about me. FAILED AGAIN. You really should find something else to whine about. You don't give a shit what whites think about anything, yet you want whites to care about what you think. What defense mechanism did I use, please describe it in detail, since you seem to think you have a

Well I'll just have to be a dickhead then. .Why am I to care about what a bunch pf people who see me as subhuman think? And look at your posts for specific examples of the defensiveness I am taking about .Look Molly, you call me a racist and never have shown any specifics, yet you seem to think that I have to show you something. I don't. Not when you don't.. Now take a look at the thread topic, then explain to me why you are here , a white person arguing with blacks about the the N word. Then would you explain to me why you felt the need to enter the thread to male comments on the black culture and then to argue with blacks about how wring we are about black culture?
Free country. When did I mention black culture? I said I don't believe anyone should call names, how is that arguing?
No, I prefer discussing the issues today. The past is just that, in the past. Of course the past had an impact, there has been sufficient time to recover, IMO. There were many wrongs done, also wrongs righted, but not to the fullest extent that is should be. I cannot change that but I sure get blamed for it, don't I?

You truly are the poste child for white fragility. Racism exists today, and racist polices of the past created damage that has yt to be fixed. You seem to think that past racism just occurred and disappeared with no consequences created by those actions that took place.
Never said or implied that at all. I just said things have not been righted to the fullest extent that they should be. You are really an anger asshole. You hang EVERYTHING that is negative to blacks is related to white racism. BULLSHIT. Yes, racism exists. WTF do you want, really? What do you expect from white people? I cannot make racism go away, I can't make somebody like you. White fragility? Do you even know what that means? Looks like you had to find a dictionary to find another insult to throw out.

Well you can stop telling me how angry I am like its wrong for me tp be angry. I don't know what white people like you have inside your heads but it certainly can't be brains if you actually think someone is supposed to be pleased about the continuing racism practiced by whites while they lie about it. Yep, I know what white fragility is. Simply put, It is the defense mechanism whites like you use in conversations about race. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. .You can holler bullshit until the moon turns to cheese but I can support that comment. You cannot do the same for yours.
You are really a dickhead. It is wrong to be angry when someone is not being racist or denying racism. You cannot support your claims of racism about me. FAILED AGAIN. You really should find something else to whine about. You don't give a shit what whites think about anything, yet you want whites to care about what you think. What defense mechanism did I use, please describe it in detail, since you seem to think you have a

Well I'll just have to be a dickhead then. .Why am I to care about what a bunch pf people who see me as subhuman think? And look at your posts for specific examples of the defensiveness I am taking about .Look Molly, you call me a racist and never have shown any specifics, yet you seem to think that I have to show you something. I don't. Not when you don't.. Now take a look at the thread topic, then explain to me why you are here , a white person arguing with blacks about the the N word. Then would you explain to me why you felt the need to enter the thread to male comments on the black culture and then to argue with blacks about how wring we are about black culture?
Because I am white, you have tried to put me down, while all you accomplished was making yourself look ridiculous. I have called you racist because you have shown only hatred for whites, nothing positive, and you do act like you are superior to me, calling me a dumb white woman. This superiority attitude is definitely a racist trait, whereas I have shown no racist traits.if I were racist, i would not enjoy doing the work I do to help small communities.
Was I talking to you? I called mike a racist because that's what he is. So if you're so tired go to bed.
Yes you responded to my post, but this is a forum where anybody can reply to another's posts

Well then what you need to do is not enter a conversation where you we not talked to in order to express a stupid opinion not based on he evidence seen in every thread in this section. You know it's funny Molly, but Delores is a white woman but she's not here doing the things you do. Esmerelda , same thing. So then while I'm not saying you have to think like them I know from experience there is a difference between a real white person who is non racist and one lying about it. I've done work with far too many sincere white people and that's why I know that you are a fake.
What a load of bullshit! LOL you are so comical and delusional. Not a fake bone in my body. I speak my mind and if you don't like it, tough shit, still not racist. Just because you speak to some white people who find fault only in other whites, does not make them right. You do not know me, you are just a huge whiner, you whine about EVERYTHING. Grow up and try to not be so judgmental. You sure are immature for someone in their 50s. You argued even when I found something I agreed with you on. Shame on you. Unless a white person kisses your ass and totally agree with you, you call them racist. It is evident on many of your posts.

Yes you are fake. No those whites I work with do not just find fault with other whites. What they do is recognize the reality of what white racism has done. I'm grown and I damn sure ain't whining. I'm speaking truth about white racism to white racists. I expect this resistance. But you see, racism can't stop me. This is not about kissing anyones ass, this is about you understanding the real toll white racism has wrought upon people of color. You don't get to control either the tone of my commentary or narrative. If the truth is to brutal them stop posting to me. But I am not going to talk any a way hat's going to plea you or male you feel at ease/ That's the way its going to be, and if you don't like those terms, then you know what you can do.
LIAR. I am not fake, but continue with your imagination. I have never denied racism. Yes, you are whining, in every post you whine. I asked what the hell do you want white people to do? The whites, like me, who are NOT racist? I don't expect you to make me feel at ease, but you are definitely not fair when you lie constantly. I have come to expect that from you. I am tough skinned, I can take it. You are the one finding fault with everything I say, which in no way is racist. Yes, I do know that white racists have wreaked havoc on black people, it is wrong, I have said it over and over. You refuse to acknowledge that I hate racism, you chose to remain hateful and in denial. Again, I really don't know what you want or expect from people who are not racist. If I had called you a dumb black man, you would find that racist.

I told you a long time ago to go into the white community and work to end the racism in it since you claim not to be a racist. If you called me a dumb black man I would laugh. Because I've shown you so many things that a normal person would stop trying to make the arguments you keep trying. I know I am right molly. I know from over 30 tears of research, study, practical application, and advocacy. What is your argument based on? You don't even know that the rate if poverty compared to whites has stayed the same for the last 50 years but you sure want to argue. You don't know that with the same level of educational attainment/experience incomes between back and whites has remained the same for the past 50 years. The black unemployment rate compared to hits is unchanged over the past 50 years, but you sure are quick to argue, tell someone how they are whining then talk about what you didn't do. When yo do that, you are displaying one of the defense mechanisms I described

You see Molly another major problem with whites like you is you want to make up racism when it suits you. White is a demographic term and a term people like you have used since1776 denote your own superiority. But now hat you are in an argument that exposes the fact of white racism now the word white is a racial slur you ca use to derail the uncomfortable conversation by calling the person pointing out the racism a racist.

Another defense mechanism.
You truly are the poste child for white fragility. Racism exists today, and racist polices of the past created damage that has yt to be fixed. You seem to think that past racism just occurred and disappeared with no consequences created by those actions that took place.
Never said or implied that at all. I just said things have not been righted to the fullest extent that they should be. You are really an anger asshole. You hang EVERYTHING that is negative to blacks is related to white racism. BULLSHIT. Yes, racism exists. WTF do you want, really? What do you expect from white people? I cannot make racism go away, I can't make somebody like you. White fragility? Do you even know what that means? Looks like you had to find a dictionary to find another insult to throw out.

Well you can stop telling me how angry I am like its wrong for me tp be angry. I don't know what white people like you have inside your heads but it certainly can't be brains if you actually think someone is supposed to be pleased about the continuing racism practiced by whites while they lie about it. Yep, I know what white fragility is. Simply put, It is the defense mechanism whites like you use in conversations about race. The root cause of the problems blacks face is white racism. .You can holler bullshit until the moon turns to cheese but I can support that comment. You cannot do the same for yours.
You are really a dickhead. It is wrong to be angry when someone is not being racist or denying racism. You cannot support your claims of racism about me. FAILED AGAIN. You really should find something else to whine about. You don't give a shit what whites think about anything, yet you want whites to care about what you think. What defense mechanism did I use, please describe it in detail, since you seem to think you have a

Well I'll just have to be a dickhead then. .Why am I to care about what a bunch pf people who see me as subhuman think? And look at your posts for specific examples of the defensiveness I am taking about .Look Molly, you call me a racist and never have shown any specifics, yet you seem to think that I have to show you something. I don't. Not when you don't.. Now take a look at the thread topic, then explain to me why you are here , a white person arguing with blacks about the the N word. Then would you explain to me why you felt the need to enter the thread to male comments on the black culture and then to argue with blacks about how wring we are about black culture?
Free country. When did I mention black culture? I said I don't believe anyone should call names, how is that arguing?

You have posted in the black culture thread molly. Yes it's a free country and that means I have the freedom to say you are a racist when I read racism coming from you on a consistent basis
Yes you responded to my post, but this is a forum where anybody can reply to another's posts

Well then what you need to do is not enter a conversation where you we not talked to in order to express a stupid opinion not based on he evidence seen in every thread in this section. You know it's funny Molly, but Delores is a white woman but she's not here doing the things you do. Esmerelda , same thing. So then while I'm not saying you have to think like them I know from experience there is a difference between a real white person who is non racist and one lying about it. I've done work with far too many sincere white people and that's why I know that you are a fake.
What a load of bullshit! LOL you are so comical and delusional. Not a fake bone in my body. I speak my mind and if you don't like it, tough shit, still not racist. Just because you speak to some white people who find fault only in other whites, does not make them right. You do not know me, you are just a huge whiner, you whine about EVERYTHING. Grow up and try to not be so judgmental. You sure are immature for someone in their 50s. You argued even when I found something I agreed with you on. Shame on you. Unless a white person kisses your ass and totally agree with you, you call them racist. It is evident on many of your posts.

Yes you are fake. No those whites I work with do not just find fault with other whites. What they do is recognize the reality of what white racism has done. I'm grown and I damn sure ain't whining. I'm speaking truth about white racism to white racists. I expect this resistance. But you see, racism can't stop me. This is not about kissing anyones ass, this is about you understanding the real toll white racism has wrought upon people of color. You don't get to control either the tone of my commentary or narrative. If the truth is to brutal them stop posting to me. But I am not going to talk any a way hat's going to plea you or male you feel at ease/ That's the way its going to be, and if you don't like those terms, then you know what you can do.
LIAR. I am not fake, but continue with your imagination. I have never denied racism. Yes, you are whining, in every post you whine. I asked what the hell do you want white people to do? The whites, like me, who are NOT racist? I don't expect you to make me feel at ease, but you are definitely not fair when you lie constantly. I have come to expect that from you. I am tough skinned, I can take it. You are the one finding fault with everything I say, which in no way is racist. Yes, I do know that white racists have wreaked havoc on black people, it is wrong, I have said it over and over. You refuse to acknowledge that I hate racism, you chose to remain hateful and in denial. Again, I really don't know what you want or expect from people who are not racist. If I had called you a dumb black man, you would find that racist.

I told you a long time ago to go into the white community and work to end the racism in it since you claim not to be a racist. If you called me a dumb black man I would laugh. Because I've shown you so many things that a normal person would stop trying to make the arguments you keep trying. I know I am right molly. I know from over 30 tears of research, study, practical application, and advocacy. What is your argument based on? You don't even know that the rate if poverty compared to whites has stayed the same for the last 50 years but you sure want to argue. You don't know that with the same level of educational attainment/experience incomes between back and whites has remained the same for the past 50 years. The black unemployment rate compared to hits is unchanged over the past 50 years, but you sure are quick to argue, tell someone how they are whining then talk about what you didn't do. When yo do that, you are displaying one of the defense mechanisms I described

You see Molly another major problem with whites like you is you want to make up racism when it suits you. White is a demographic term and a term people like you have used since1776 denote your own superiority. But now hat you are in an argument that exposes the fact of white racism now the word white is a racial slur you ca use to derail the uncomfortable conversation by calling the person pointing out the racism a racist.

Another defense mechanism.
I never denied racism. Why do you lie so much.i have been on this Earth longer than you, so don't try to tell me of all your knowledge as if you know it all. Where did I make up racism? It seems you are the one using the term so loosely.
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