The N Word

The "N" word? I find it odd...that the people that use the word the most are the ones that are the most sensitive to it's usage. Rappers, poor blacks. Why is that? Can you "take back" a word you abuse yourself? How does that work?
The word n!gger can be used in two very different contexts, either as a direct personal insult, which is plainly provocative, or it can be used in an academic context -- as per this example.

When the word is used with clear intention to offend then an angry response is understandable and justified. But when there is no such intention there is no valid reason for anyone to protest its use and/or to presumptuously attempt censorship and to impose arbitrary restriction on another person's vocabulary.
Tell that to those who use it in rap songs, greeting others, etc...but if someone not black uses it...all hell breaks loose.

No .we don't have to tell anybody that any different than you have to tell other whites to stop calling each other wops, dagos, guineas and micks.
Just like you, what I'm interpreting from all of this is just one underlying question that they are asking:

"You all use the word towards each other, so why are you bothered by us using it"?

Speaking for myself, I do not associate with anyone who uses that term, nor do I allow it in my household. And truthfully, no one in my circle of friends allows it either. So at best I think it is an exaggeration when some here say they hear it "daily".
Do other blacks call you Uncle Tom because you have self respect?

No. Because besides having self respect, I also help less fortunate people that need a chance that would otherwise be denied in the mainstream.

The common misconception is that black people who value education, work and self reliance are "labeled".

That is just not true.

Do you believe that self respect is an anomaly in Black people?

No. But I think most blacks do think so.


If you actually believe that , then you are grossly misinformed.

Have a great life.....hopefully devoid of ALL Blacks.

I pray that my grandchildren never encounter anyone who thinks as you do.

They will be better off.
What is wrong with what I said? Do you ever LISTEN to other blacks? If one is successful, or has values in bettering themselves for their children, they are mostly looked down upon by many blacks that call them Uncle Tom. Blacks who tell other blacks to knock it off with the pants down around their knees are piled on verbally. Those who do not say n*gger and refuse it to be used in their home are seen as "uppity". Now tell me that is not the case. I won't believe you because every damn day, some black is calling another black "n*igga".

That's not the case. I'm black and successful don't use the n sword and gave never been called a I'm or uppity. Nor have any of my friends grew up with w are also black and t he same thing. My parents and grandparents discouraged the use of that word in the 60's-70's when we were children and it was never allowed to be used by anyone in our house. Both my parents did OK and no one ever called them toms either. So no that's not the case. When have you heard anyone calling Oprah a Tom? You are another ignorant backwards white dumb ass who has decided to bark out her stupidity.
Do other blacks call you Uncle Tom because you have self respect?

No. Because besides having self respect, I also help less fortunate people that need a chance that would otherwise be denied in the mainstream.

The common misconception is that black people who value education, work and self reliance are "labeled".

That is just not true.

Do you believe that self respect is an anomaly in Black people?

No. But I think most blacks do think so.


If you actually believe that , then you are grossly misinformed.

Have a great life.....hopefully devoid of ALL Blacks.

I pray that my grandchildren never encounter anyone who thinks as you do.

They will be better off.
What is wrong with what I said? Do you ever LISTEN to other blacks? If one is successful, or has values in bettering themselves for their children, they are mostly looked down upon by many blacks that call them Uncle Tom. Blacks who tell other blacks to knock it off with the pants down around their knees are piled on verbally. Those who do not say n*gger and refuse it to be used in their home are seen as "uppity". Now tell me that is not the case. I won't believe you because every damn day, some black is calling another black "n*igga".

That's not the case. I'm black and successful don't use the n sword and gave never been called a I'm or uppity. Nor have any of my friends grew up with w are also black and t he same thing. My parents and grandparents discouraged the use of that word in the 60's-70's when we were children and it was never allowed to be used by anyone in our house. Both my parents did OK and no one ever called them toms either. So no that's not the case. When have you heard anyone calling Oprah a Tom? You are another ignorant backwards white dumb ass who has decided to bark out her stupidity.
I am caucasian. I do NOT and never have called friends or family or just meeting someone for the first time a derogatory name that is for whites.

"Hey! Good morning you cracker!" going into a store.
"How's it going, honky?" to my husband.
NO WHITE PERSON does that. Not even kidding around.
And since you are attacking instead of don't have the mentality to talk about these issues. So, go chuck a spear and eat a fucking watermelon.
No. Because besides having self respect, I also help less fortunate people that need a chance that would otherwise be denied in the mainstream.

The common misconception is that black people who value education, work and self reliance are "labeled".

That is just not true.

Do you believe that self respect is an anomaly in Black people?

No. But I think most blacks do think so.


If you actually believe that , then you are grossly misinformed.

Have a great life.....hopefully devoid of ALL Blacks.

I pray that my grandchildren never encounter anyone who thinks as you do.

They will be better off.
What is wrong with what I said? Do you ever LISTEN to other blacks? If one is successful, or has values in bettering themselves for their children, they are mostly looked down upon by many blacks that call them Uncle Tom. Blacks who tell other blacks to knock it off with the pants down around their knees are piled on verbally. Those who do not say n*gger and refuse it to be used in their home are seen as "uppity". Now tell me that is not the case. I won't believe you because every damn day, some black is calling another black "n*igga".

That's not the case. I'm black and successful don't use the n sword and gave never been called a I'm or uppity. Nor have any of my friends grew up with w are also black and t he same thing. My parents and grandparents discouraged the use of that word in the 60's-70's when we were children and it was never allowed to be used by anyone in our house. Both my parents did OK and no one ever called them toms either. So no that's not the case. When have you heard anyone calling Oprah a Tom? You are another ignorant backwards white dumb ass who has decided to bark out her stupidity.
I am caucasian. I do NOT and never have called friends or family or just meeting someone for the first time a derogatory name that is for whites.

"Hey! Good morning you cracker!" going into a store.
"How's it going, honky?" to my husband.
NO WHITE PERSON does that. Not even kidding around.
And since you are attacking instead of don't have the mentality to talk about these issues. So, go chuck a spear and eat a fucking watermelon.

So like I said, whites call each other wops, guineas, dagos and mics quite frequently. You are another dumb ass backwoods ignorant white racist. Maybe the end of net neutrality will force ISP's to erase sites like this where people like you think you can freely hurl your ignorance.
Just like you, what I'm interpreting from all of this is just one underlying question that they are asking:

"You all use the word towards each other, so why are you bothered by us using it"?

Speaking for myself, I do not associate with anyone who uses that term, nor do I allow it in my household. And truthfully, no one in my circle of friends allows it either. So at best I think it is an exaggeration when some here say they hear it "daily".
Do other blacks call you Uncle Tom because you have self respect?

No. Because besides having self respect, I also help less fortunate people that need a chance that would otherwise be denied in the mainstream.

The common misconception is that black people who value education, work and self reliance are "labeled".

That is just not true.

Do you believe that self respect is an anomaly in Black people?

No. But I think most blacks do think so.


If you actually believe that , then you are grossly misinformed.

Have a great life.....hopefully devoid of ALL Blacks.

I pray that my grandchildren never encounter anyone who thinks as you do.

They will be better off.
What is wrong with what I said? Do you ever LISTEN to other blacks? If one is successful, or has values in bettering themselves for their children, they are mostly looked down upon by many blacks that call them Uncle Tom. Blacks who tell other blacks to knock it off with the pants down around their knees are piled on verbally. Those who do not say n*gger and refuse it to be used in their home are seen as "uppity". Now tell me that is not the case. I won't believe you because every damn day, some black is calling another black "n*igga".

Lady, I LIVE with Black people, the vast majority of my family and friends are Black and by the way, I happen to be Black. The majority of the people that I worked with and managed were white and of the white people that I count as friends not ONE even remotely shares your misinformed, ignorant point of view.

It is your prerogative not to believe what I say, nor do I care if you do, however your limited contact with select Black people who happen to fit into your myopic view of the entire race does not make you correct.

As I said before, have a good life, and I sincerely hope that NO Black people are cursed by EVER crossing paths with the likes of you.

You belong in Alabama in the 1930's, in a sheet and a hood.
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Do other blacks call you Uncle Tom because you have self respect?

No. Because besides having self respect, I also help less fortunate people that need a chance that would otherwise be denied in the mainstream.

The common misconception is that black people who value education, work and self reliance are "labeled".

That is just not true.

Do you believe that self respect is an anomaly in Black people?

No. But I think most blacks do think so.


If you actually believe that , then you are grossly misinformed.

Have a great life.....hopefully devoid of ALL Blacks.

I pray that my grandchildren never encounter anyone who thinks as you do.

They will be better off.
What is wrong with what I said? Do you ever LISTEN to other blacks? If one is successful, or has values in bettering themselves for their children, they are mostly looked down upon by many blacks that call them Uncle Tom. Blacks who tell other blacks to knock it off with the pants down around their knees are piled on verbally. Those who do not say n*gger and refuse it to be used in their home are seen as "uppity". Now tell me that is not the case. I won't believe you because every damn day, some black is calling another black "n*igga".

That's not the case. I'm black and successful don't use the n sword and gave never been called a I'm or uppity. Nor have any of my friends grew up with w are also black and t he same thing. My parents and grandparents discouraged the use of that word in the 60's-70's when we were children and it was never allowed to be used by anyone in our house. Both my parents did OK and no one ever called them toms either. So no that's not the case. When have you heard anyone calling Oprah a Tom? You are another ignorant backwards white dumb ass who has decided to bark out her stupidity.

IM2. Please forgive me, but you are are far more patient than I am.

I would not dignify that poster with another single word.....this is someone who actually believes that "MOST Black people have NO self respect".

That is a broad brush statement that clearly defines what kind of person this is.

The same exact kind of ignorant bigot that MLK gave his life fighting to silence.

In his own words:

"There is nothing more dangerous than sincere ignorance or concientous stupidity"
No. Because besides having self respect, I also help less fortunate people that need a chance that would otherwise be denied in the mainstream.

The common misconception is that black people who value education, work and self reliance are "labeled".

That is just not true.

Do you believe that self respect is an anomaly in Black people?

No. But I think most blacks do think so.


If you actually believe that , then you are grossly misinformed.

Have a great life.....hopefully devoid of ALL Blacks.

I pray that my grandchildren never encounter anyone who thinks as you do.

They will be better off.
What is wrong with what I said? Do you ever LISTEN to other blacks? If one is successful, or has values in bettering themselves for their children, they are mostly looked down upon by many blacks that call them Uncle Tom. Blacks who tell other blacks to knock it off with the pants down around their knees are piled on verbally. Those who do not say n*gger and refuse it to be used in their home are seen as "uppity". Now tell me that is not the case. I won't believe you because every damn day, some black is calling another black "n*igga".

That's not the case. I'm black and successful don't use the n sword and gave never been called a I'm or uppity. Nor have any of my friends grew up with w are also black and t he same thing. My parents and grandparents discouraged the use of that word in the 60's-70's when we were children and it was never allowed to be used by anyone in our house. Both my parents did OK and no one ever called them toms either. So no that's not the case. When have you heard anyone calling Oprah a Tom? You are another ignorant backwards white dumb ass who has decided to bark out her stupidity.

In his own words:

"There is nothing more dangerous than sincere ignorance or concientous stupidity"
Boy! Was he ever proven wrong about that! I wonder if he pondered that quote while he bled out...
No. Because besides having self respect, I also help less fortunate people that need a chance that would otherwise be denied in the mainstream.

The common misconception is that black people who value education, work and self reliance are "labeled".

That is just not true.

Do you believe that self respect is an anomaly in Black people?

No. But I think most blacks do think so.


If you actually believe that , then you are grossly misinformed.

Have a great life.....hopefully devoid of ALL Blacks.

I pray that my grandchildren never encounter anyone who thinks as you do.

They will be better off.
What is wrong with what I said? Do you ever LISTEN to other blacks? If one is successful, or has values in bettering themselves for their children, they are mostly looked down upon by many blacks that call them Uncle Tom. Blacks who tell other blacks to knock it off with the pants down around their knees are piled on verbally. Those who do not say n*gger and refuse it to be used in their home are seen as "uppity". Now tell me that is not the case. I won't believe you because every damn day, some black is calling another black "n*igga".

That's not the case. I'm black and successful don't use the n sword and gave never been called a I'm or uppity. Nor have any of my friends grew up with w are also black and t he same thing. My parents and grandparents discouraged the use of that word in the 60's-70's when we were children and it was never allowed to be used by anyone in our house. Both my parents did OK and no one ever called them toms either. So no that's not the case. When have you heard anyone calling Oprah a Tom? You are another ignorant backwards white dumb ass who has decided to bark out her stupidity.

IM2. Please forgive me, but you are are far more patient than I am.

I would not dignify that poster with another single word.....this is someone who actually believes that "MOST Black people have NO self respect".

That is a broad brush statement that clearly defines what kind of person this is.

The same exact kind of ignorant bigot that MLK gave his life fighting to silence.

In his own words:

"There is nothing more dangerous than sincere ignorance or concientous stupidity"

I don't plan to.
No. But I think most blacks do think so.


If you actually believe that , then you are grossly misinformed.

Have a great life.....hopefully devoid of ALL Blacks.

I pray that my grandchildren never encounter anyone who thinks as you do.

They will be better off.
What is wrong with what I said? Do you ever LISTEN to other blacks? If one is successful, or has values in bettering themselves for their children, they are mostly looked down upon by many blacks that call them Uncle Tom. Blacks who tell other blacks to knock it off with the pants down around their knees are piled on verbally. Those who do not say n*gger and refuse it to be used in their home are seen as "uppity". Now tell me that is not the case. I won't believe you because every damn day, some black is calling another black "n*igga".

That's not the case. I'm black and successful don't use the n sword and gave never been called a I'm or uppity. Nor have any of my friends grew up with w are also black and t he same thing. My parents and grandparents discouraged the use of that word in the 60's-70's when we were children and it was never allowed to be used by anyone in our house. Both my parents did OK and no one ever called them toms either. So no that's not the case. When have you heard anyone calling Oprah a Tom? You are another ignorant backwards white dumb ass who has decided to bark out her stupidity.

In his own words:

"There is nothing more dangerous than sincere ignorance or concientous stupidity"
Boy! Was he ever proven wrong about that! I wonder if he pondered that quote while he bled out...

No. He was never proven wrong. The ignorance and stupidity that is acted out daily in this forum proves that fact.

And of course, since he was murdered in 1968, he never could have envisioned that the introduction of the Internet would produce an entirely new generation of insidious, poisonous, trash.
The word is pervasive in "black culture", their way of talking, their music, etc. Not very common at ALL to hear white people say the N word, at least where I live. Aside from a small minority, most people have more class and respect than to speak in such a way.
The word is pervasive in "black culture", their way of talking, their music, etc. Not very common at ALL to hear white people say the N word, at least where I live. Aside from a small minority, most people have more class and respect than to speak in such a way.
Same here. In fact I rarely if ever hear the word used by Whites.

While I won't attribute diminishing use of the word to the factor of social class, I do have the clear impression that White society in general has made a sincere effort to be more accepting of Blacks. Unfortunately, what that effort has produced is a substantial and somewhat intimidating increase in Black-on-White violence and Black crime in general.
So like I said, whites call each other wops, guineas, dagos and mics quite frequently. You are another dumb ass backwoods ignorant white racist. Maybe the end of net neutrality will force ISP's to erase sites like this where people like you think you can freely hurl your ignorance.
I haven't heard the words, wop, guinea, dago, mick, (, used in any way other than friendly ribbing since the sixties -- and I'm from the New York, New Jersey area.
Overcoming a symbol of oppression; co-opting it and making it your own robs it of its power over you. Like wearing the fang of a beast you have conquered.
Very true.

"The American Negro will not be truly free until the word, n!gger, no longer troubles him. Because the striking of chains and the death of Jim Crow does not free the mind." (James Baldwin, speaking at Columbia University, September, 1974.)

But the kind of freedom you and Baldwin are speaking of will not exist until use of that word by Whites is no longer offensive to Blacks.
Ive never understood why some whites care what a handful of some other group calls themselves. Are you pissed you cant? :laugh:
Its similar to calling a woman a bitch. Some women turned it around to mean strength and assertiveness.
The concept is pretty simple.
Ive never understood why some whites care what a handful of some other group calls themselves. Are you pissed you cant? :laugh:
Its similar to calling a woman a bitch. Some women turned it around to mean strength and assertiveness.
The concept is pretty simple.
You're trying to understand something that simply does not exist.

Whites don't care what others call themselves. At issue here are those Blacks who seem to believe they are somehow empowered to censor the White vocabulary. What these Blacks are saying or implying is they hold exclusive right to use the word, n!gger, and to forbid its use by Whites.

I'm not talking about use of the word, n!gger, or any other word, as a personal insult, but rather its ordinary conversational or academic usage. There actually is an effort to have the word, n!gger, removed from the text of such classic works of American literature as Mark Twain's, Huckleberry Finn. "Huckleberry Finn" and the N-word debate - CBS News

What's next?
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If blacks want to call each other the N-word when I am not around, then I don’t care. If I happen to be involved in socializing with a group of black people that refer to each other as the N-word in my presence, then they should not be offended if I follow their lead.
If blacks want to call each other the N-word when I am not around, then I don’t care. If I happen to be involved in socializing with a group of black people that refer to each other as the N-word in my presence, then they should not be offended if I follow their lead.
That is a logical point of view. But there are many Blacks who will tell you they have a right to use that word but you do not.
If blacks want to call each other the N-word when I am not around, then I don’t care. If I happen to be involved in socializing with a group of black people that refer to each other as the N-word in my presence, then they should not be offended if I follow their lead.
That is a logical point of view. But there are many Blacks who will tell you they have a right to use that word but you do not.
Yes, I know. That’s when I say don’t use the word around me if you don’t want me to slip up and use the same word. At that point I either get my ass kicked, or I don’t.
Ive never understood why some whites care what a handful of some other group calls themselves. Are you pissed you cant? :laugh:
Its similar to calling a woman a bitch. Some women turned it around to mean strength and assertiveness.
The concept is pretty simple.
You're trying to understand something that simply does not exist.

Whites don't care what others call themselves. At issue here are those Blacks who seem to believe they are somehow empowered to censor the White vocabulary. What these Blacks are saying or implying is they hold exclusive right to use the word, n!gger, and to forbid its use by Whites.

I'm not talking about use of the word, n!gger, or any other word, as a personal insult, but rather its ordinary conversational or academic usage. There actually is an effort to have the word, n!gger, removed from the text of such classic works of American literature as Mark Twain's, Huckleberry Finn. "Huckleberry Finn" and the N-word debate - CBS News

What's next?

They published an alternative which is much better than banning "Huckleberry Finn".
Truth is Its not a word anyone would use in their daily life, I mean come on. It was used to demoralize and kept people from achieving basic rights. To me its a not an issue.
If blacks want to call each other the N-word when I am not around, then I don’t care. If I happen to be involved in socializing with a group of black people that refer to each other as the N-word in my presence, then they should not be offended if I follow their lead.

Interesting point,;; which could get you hurt.

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