The N Word

In light of the recent incident involving LeBron James, I would like to share some portions of Michael Eric Dyson’s book, “Tears We Cannot Stop,” and also add some words from my own book.

“N*****. Admit it, beloved, that word – that abomination – is still with us. Yes, it’s ugly. Yes, it’s full of hate. And yet, a lot of you, or at least a lot of the folk you know, still think of black folk as n******. I remember the first time I heard the white world call me “n*****.” I say white world because it was not an individual man saying that to me, mind you, even though the words came from his mouth. This man was simply repeating what he had been told about me. I was every black person he’d ever met. We were all the same. That’s what n***** meant. That’s what it still means.”

“And please don’t make a silly false equivalence between us. Some of you claim that black folk are racists too when they use epithets like honky, redneck, cracker, ofay, gray boy and the like. That you know that’s a lie. N***** has no rival. There is no rough or refined equivalence between the term and the many derisive references to white folks. Those terms don’t evoke singularly gruesome actions. N***** is unique because the menace implies is portable; it shows up wherever a white tongue is willing to suggest intimidation and destruction. There are no examples of black folk killing white folk en masse; terrorizing them with racial violence; shouting “cracker” as they lynch them from trees and then selling postcards to document their colossal crimes. Black folk have not enjoyed the protection of the state to carry out such misdeeds.”

“The state, in fact, rendered black folk even more vulnerable. White racism was the government’s science project; bigotry was its nightly homework. Evil flashed in a white face in a terrorizing crackerocracy, an exuberantly diabolic band of proud haters of black culture composed of the Klan, the White Citizens Council, neo-Confederate outfits, white nationalist groups, and the legions of unaffiliated fellow travelers. Their mottoes differed, but N***** is the rallying cry for all of them. We must effectively respond in our day to the ugly persistence of racism, even if its form has changed.”

The following words are from a letter I personally received from a young black girl named Jean. She really opened my eyes to how the use of the n***** word can have a devastating effect:

“Dee, the other day I was on a bus and a little white boy spat at me and called me a n*****. Tears came to my eyes. Why must I be called a n*****? I remember the day I Iooked up that word in the dictionary and it said it meant ignorant. I know I’m not ignorant. But if you look up that word in the revised edition it means, Black Americans, Negroes. Why? The walls of anger are getting stronger. I’m tired of trying to love those people. I’m tired of trying to get their education. Dee, as I write this letter I’m in tears. Because I’m writing to you knowing you don’t understand. Getting angry at myself. Hating myself because I’m turning away from God. It’s like I’m second best to him. Hey, wait a minute, those white people are first. Praying to him, wanting him to answer my prayers. Wondering does God love white people more than us. We been the white man’s slaves. Most of our women been their whores. Did God look down on us? Dee, the only desire I have is to die. You know, the first child I have I’m going to name him N***** so he won’t have to learn the hurt I have. He’ll think he’s famous The wall that I have is getting stronger. It’s going to take a miracle. But will your God even help? My mind I going through some changes it wouldn’t have to if white people would leave me alone. I need prayer. Pray for my attitude. The hatred, the pain, the discomfort, the unlovable soul that I have. Maybe God will help then. He’ll listen to you – you’re white!”

I grew up in Missouri and I can not, to this day, remember anything positive being said about black people. I was taught they were dirty, lazy, oversexed and violent. I was told to stay away from them, not to associate with them at all. I heard them called N***** all the time and heard my family say, "They want everything handed to them on a silver platter." This was what was put into my head. And it pretty much stayed there until I met a black man who contradicted every single one of those stereotypes. Thank God I met Henry and since then, the many, many positive black folks who opened my eyes and heart to the truth. I look at things this way. We either recognize racism and the use of the N word for what they are and try to combat them - or we don't. I choose to try.

Delores you have a good heart. You are a good and decent person. But I wish you had not started this thread trying to get these fucked up deplorables to understand how it feels to have that word said. They are not ever going to understand. All they want to do is freely use the word and freely practice their fucked up racism.
If it's so bad..why do you blacks use it all the time?
Here's what came up on a google search: a contemptuous term for a black or dark-skinned person. Then here's the definition of contemptuous: showing contempt; scornful.

Both clearly show that the definition and its use are to show contempt for dark-skinned people. Our country has a history of showing contempt for dark-skinned people and unfortunately, many individuals still do.
Here is what my Merriam Webster has to say:

1 usually offensive; see usage paragraph below : a black person.

2 usually offensive; see usage paragraph below : a member of any dark-skinned race.

3 : a member of a socially disadvantaged class of persons <it's time for somebody to lead all of America's ******* . . . all the people who feel left out of the political process — Ron Dellums>

What we see above, as is seen in the vast majority of standard and advanced dictionaries, consists mainly of vague and loosely opinion-based reportage rather than any etymological root origin of this common but controversial word.

And why are we really having this discussion? We all know what the word means. There is no positive connotation to it. Why do you white people have trouble recognizing this? I'm going to tell you that it's not word whites should practice saying to people of color. Nobody here has start a thread questioning any derogatory word used for whites and we don't ask all these stupid ass questions about why we can't use them. We just don't use them. Why is it that you whites can't do the same mother fucking thing?

Just like you, what I'm interpreting from all of this is just one underlying question that they are asking:

"You all use the word towards each other, so why are you bothered by us using it"?

Speaking for myself, I do not associate with anyone who uses that term, nor do I allow it in my household. And truthfully, no one in my circle of friends allows it either. So at best I think it is an exaggeration when some here say they hear it "daily".
Do other blacks call you Uncle Tom because you have self respect?
Here's what came up on a google search: a contemptuous term for a black or dark-skinned person. Then here's the definition of contemptuous: showing contempt; scornful.

Both clearly show that the definition and its use are to show contempt for dark-skinned people. Our country has a history of showing contempt for dark-skinned people and unfortunately, many individuals still do.
Here is what my Merriam Webster has to say:

1 usually offensive; see usage paragraph below : a black person.

2 usually offensive; see usage paragraph below : a member of any dark-skinned race.

3 : a member of a socially disadvantaged class of persons <it's time for somebody to lead all of America's ******* . . . all the people who feel left out of the political process — Ron Dellums>

What we see above, as is seen in the vast majority of standard and advanced dictionaries, consists mainly of vague and loosely opinion-based reportage rather than any etymological root origin of this common but controversial word.

And why are we really having this discussion? We all know what the word means. There is no positive connotation to it. Why do you white people have trouble recognizing this? I'm going to tell you that it's not word whites should practice saying to people of color. Nobody here has start a thread questioning any derogatory word used for whites and we don't ask all these stupid ass questions about why we can't use them. We just don't use them. Why is it that you whites can't do the same mother fucking thing?

Just like you, what I'm interpreting from all of this is just one underlying question that they are asking:

"You all use the word towards each other, so why are you bothered by us using it"?

Speaking for myself, I do not associate with anyone who uses that term, nor do I allow it in my household. And truthfully, no one in my circle of friends allows it either. So at best I think it is an exaggeration when some here say they hear it "daily".
Do other blacks call you Uncle Tom because you have self respect?

No. Because besides having self respect, I also help less fortunate people that need a chance that would otherwise be denied in the mainstream.

The common misconception is that black people who value education, work and self reliance are "labeled".

That is just not true.

Do you believe that self respect is an anomaly in Black people?
Btw, why do you n1ggers call us white peeps "cracker"? Does that mean anything?
I understand it derives from the term, "whip-cracker," as per those slave drivers who actually "cracked" whips over the heads or on the backs of farm-laboring slaves.
Here's what came up on a google search: a contemptuous term for a black or dark-skinned person. Then here's the definition of contemptuous: showing contempt; scornful.

Both clearly show that the definition and its use are to show contempt for dark-skinned people. Our country has a history of showing contempt for dark-skinned people and unfortunately, many individuals still do.
Here is what my Merriam Webster has to say:

1 usually offensive; see usage paragraph below : a black person.

2 usually offensive; see usage paragraph below : a member of any dark-skinned race.

3 : a member of a socially disadvantaged class of persons <it's time for somebody to lead all of America's ******* . . . all the people who feel left out of the political process — Ron Dellums>

What we see above, as is seen in the vast majority of standard and advanced dictionaries, consists mainly of vague and loosely opinion-based reportage rather than any etymological root origin of this common but controversial word.

And why are we really having this discussion? We all know what the word means. There is no positive connotation to it. Why do you white people have trouble recognizing this? I'm going to tell you that it's not word whites should practice saying to people of color. Nobody here has start a thread questioning any derogatory word used for whites and we don't ask all these stupid ass questions about why we can't use them. We just don't use them. Why is it that you whites can't do the same mother fucking thing?

Just like you, what I'm interpreting from all of this is just one underlying question that they are asking:

"You all use the word towards each other, so why are you bothered by us using it"?

Speaking for myself, I do not associate with anyone who uses that term, nor do I allow it in my household. And truthfully, no one in my circle of friends allows it either. So at best I think it is an exaggeration when some here say they hear it "daily".
Do other blacks call you Uncle Tom because you have self respect?

No. Because besides having self respect, I also help less fortunate people that need a chance that would otherwise be denied in the mainstream.

The common misconception is that black people who value education, work and self reliance are "labeled".

That is just not true.

Do you believe that self respect is an anomaly in Black people?
No. But I think most blacks do think so.
The history of the word n*gger is often traced to the Latin word niger, meaning Black. This word became the noun, Negro (Black person) in English, and simply the color Black in Spanish and Portuguese. In early modern French, niger became negre and, later, negress (Black woman) was unmistakably a part of language history. One can compare to negre the derogatory ****** and earlier English substitutes such as negar, neegar, neger, and niggor that developed into its lexico-semantic true version in English. It is probable that n*gger is a phonetic spelling of the White Southern mispronunciation of Negro.******-word-brief-history

So the question remains:
Why do blacks use such an offensive term themselves?
Here is what my Merriam Webster has to say:

1 usually offensive; see usage paragraph below : a black person.

2 usually offensive; see usage paragraph below : a member of any dark-skinned race.

3 : a member of a socially disadvantaged class of persons <it's time for somebody to lead all of America's ******* . . . all the people who feel left out of the political process — Ron Dellums>

What we see above, as is seen in the vast majority of standard and advanced dictionaries, consists mainly of vague and loosely opinion-based reportage rather than any etymological root origin of this common but controversial word.

And why are we really having this discussion? We all know what the word means. There is no positive connotation to it. Why do you white people have trouble recognizing this? I'm going to tell you that it's not word whites should practice saying to people of color. Nobody here has start a thread questioning any derogatory word used for whites and we don't ask all these stupid ass questions about why we can't use them. We just don't use them. Why is it that you whites can't do the same mother fucking thing?

Just like you, what I'm interpreting from all of this is just one underlying question that they are asking:

"You all use the word towards each other, so why are you bothered by us using it"?

Speaking for myself, I do not associate with anyone who uses that term, nor do I allow it in my household. And truthfully, no one in my circle of friends allows it either. So at best I think it is an exaggeration when some here say they hear it "daily".
Do other blacks call you Uncle Tom because you have self respect?

No. Because besides having self respect, I also help less fortunate people that need a chance that would otherwise be denied in the mainstream.

The common misconception is that black people who value education, work and self reliance are "labeled".

That is just not true.

Do you believe that self respect is an anomaly in Black people?

No. But I think most blacks do think so.


If you actually believe that , then you are grossly misinformed.

Have a great life.....hopefully devoid of ALL Blacks.

I pray that my grandchildren never encounter anyone who thinks as you do.

They will be better off.
And why are we really having this discussion? We all know what the word means. There is no positive connotation to it. Why do you white people have trouble recognizing this? I'm going to tell you that it's not word whites should practice saying to people of color. Nobody here has start a thread questioning any derogatory word used for whites and we don't ask all these stupid ass questions about why we can't use them. We just don't use them. Why is it that you whites can't do the same mother fucking thing?
The underlying question in this topic is how can so many people become so upset over the use of a word they cannot define and have no idea what it means. The only substantive definition of this word I've ever found was in a history textbook in college.

It seems the business of slavery involved Portuguese, Arab, and Dutch slave traders who purchased their "stock" from wholesalers, the most prominent of whom operated out of huge warehouses called ("castles" or "factories") situated on a bank of the Niger river. The actual Bills of Lading for exceptionally large numbers of slaves referred to suppliers on the Niger and to the purchased slaves as "Niger People." So the most likely derivation of the word, n!gger, is mispronouncing of the word Niger, i.e., Niger People = N!gger People.

A mispronounced geographic designation and nothing more.
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And why are we really having this discussion? We all know what the word means. There is no positive connotation to it. Why do you white people have trouble recognizing this? I'm going to tell you that it's not word whites should practice saying to people of color. Nobody here has start a thread questioning any derogatory word used for whites and we don't ask all these stupid ass questions about why we can't use them. We just don't use them. Why is it that you whites can't do the same mother fucking thing?

Just like you, what I'm interpreting from all of this is just one underlying question that they are asking:

"You all use the word towards each other, so why are you bothered by us using it"?

Speaking for myself, I do not associate with anyone who uses that term, nor do I allow it in my household. And truthfully, no one in my circle of friends allows it either. So at best I think it is an exaggeration when some here say they hear it "daily".
Do other blacks call you Uncle Tom because you have self respect?

No. Because besides having self respect, I also help less fortunate people that need a chance that would otherwise be denied in the mainstream.

The common misconception is that black people who value education, work and self reliance are "labeled".

That is just not true.

Do you believe that self respect is an anomaly in Black people?

No. But I think most blacks do think so.


If you actually believe that , then you are grossly misinformed.

Have a great life.....hopefully devoid of ALL Blacks.

I pray that my grandchildren never encounter anyone who thinks as you do.

They will be better off.
What is wrong with what I said? Do you ever LISTEN to other blacks? If one is successful, or has values in bettering themselves for their children, they are mostly looked down upon by many blacks that call them Uncle Tom. Blacks who tell other blacks to knock it off with the pants down around their knees are piled on verbally. Those who do not say n*gger and refuse it to be used in their home are seen as "uppity". Now tell me that is not the case. I won't believe you because every damn day, some black is calling another black "n*igga".
What is wrong with what I said? Do you ever LISTEN to other blacks? If one is successful, or has values in bettering themselves for their children, they are mostly looked down upon by many blacks that call them Uncle Tom. Blacks who tell other blacks to knock it off with the pants down around their knees are piled on verbally. Those who do not say n*gger and refuse it to be used in their home are seen as "uppity". Now tell me that is not the case. I won't believe you because every damn day, some black is calling another black "n*igga".
I watched two hours of late-night DEF Comedy tv last night, which was a progression of ten-minute segments with about a dozen Black comedians. Use of the word "nigga" wasn't frequent -- it was constant.
The "N" word? I find it odd...that the people that use the word the most are the ones that are the most sensitive to it's usage. Rappers, poor blacks. Why is that? Can you "take back" a word you abuse yourself? How does that work?
It is surreal to see some posters insisting to other posters about how they interact with members of this or that racial group.

This is what happens when people insist on seeing others as categories and stereotypes rather than individuals.
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That's it, dammit! This should have been the 2nd post, Happy New Year! I've been holding this back since post 1. I agree with these guys. :dunno:


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Overcoming a symbol of oppression; co-opting it and making it your own robs it of its power over you. Like wearing the fang of a beast you have conquered.
Overcoming a symbol of oppression; co-opting it and making it your own robs it of its power over you. Like wearing the fang of a beast you have conquered.

So tell us how you wear the fang of the zipperheaded beast.

Sorry, it was just too easy. :D

If I was to wear a fang, it would be of a Diamondback.
The "N" word? I find it odd...that the people that use the word the most are the ones that are the most sensitive to it's usage. Rappers, poor blacks. Why is that? Can you "take back" a word you abuse yourself? How does that work?
The word n!gger can be used in two very different contexts, either as a direct personal insult, which is plainly provocative, or it can be used in an academic context -- as per this example.

When the word is used with clear intention to offend then an angry response is understandable and justified. But when there is no such intention there is no valid reason for anyone to protest its use and/or to presumptuously attempt censorship and to impose arbitrary restriction on another person's vocabulary.
The "N" word? I find it odd...that the people that use the word the most are the ones that are the most sensitive to it's usage. Rappers, poor blacks. Why is that? Can you "take back" a word you abuse yourself? How does that work?
The word n!gger can be used in two very different contexts, either as a direct personal insult, which is plainly provocative, or it can be used in an academic context -- as per this example.

When the word is used with clear intention to offend then an angry response is understandable and justified. But when there is no such intention there is no valid reason for anyone to protest its use and/or to presumptuously attempt censorship and to impose arbitrary restriction on another person's vocabulary.
Tell that to those who use it in rap songs, greeting others, etc...but if someone not black uses it...all hell breaks loose.
The "N" word? I find it odd...that the people that use the word the most are the ones that are the most sensitive to it's usage. Rappers, poor blacks. Why is that? Can you "take back" a word you abuse yourself? How does that work?
The word n!gger can be used in two very different contexts, either as a direct personal insult, which is plainly provocative, or it can be used in an academic context -- as per this example.

When the word is used with clear intention to offend then an angry response is understandable and justified. But when there is no such intention there is no valid reason for anyone to protest its use and/or to presumptuously attempt censorship and to impose arbitrary restriction on another person's vocabulary.
The intent is to offend? Motherfucker or cocksucker, fag. Well those terms are offensive (forgive me) too. I hate those words. But THAT one word uber ales is absurd. Especially since it's so over used in modern culture by everyone. Let's call a spade a spade, and get over it.
In light of the recent incident involving LeBron James, I would like to share some portions of Michael Eric Dyson’s book, “Tears We Cannot Stop,” and also add some words from my own book.

“N*****. Admit it, beloved, that word – that abomination – is still with us. Yes, it’s ugly. Yes, it’s full of hate. And yet, a lot of you, or at least a lot of the folk you know, still think of black folk as n******. I remember the first time I heard the white world call me “n*****.” I say white world because it was not an individual man saying that to me, mind you, even though the words came from his mouth. This man was simply repeating what he had been told about me. I was every black person he’d ever met. We were all the same. That’s what n***** meant. That’s what it still means.”

“And please don’t make a silly false equivalence between us. Some of you claim that black folk are racists too when they use epithets like honky, redneck, cracker, ofay, gray boy and the like. That you know that’s a lie. N***** has no rival. There is no rough or refined equivalence between the term and the many derisive references to white folks. Those terms don’t evoke singularly gruesome actions. N***** is unique because the menace implies is portable; it shows up wherever a white tongue is willing to suggest intimidation and destruction. There are no examples of black folk killing white folk en masse; terrorizing them with racial violence; shouting “cracker” as they lynch them from trees and then selling postcards to document their colossal crimes. Black folk have not enjoyed the protection of the state to carry out such misdeeds.”

“The state, in fact, rendered black folk even more vulnerable. White racism was the government’s science project; bigotry was its nightly homework. Evil flashed in a white face in a terrorizing crackerocracy, an exuberantly diabolic band of proud haters of black culture composed of the Klan, the White Citizens Council, neo-Confederate outfits, white nationalist groups, and the legions of unaffiliated fellow travelers. Their mottoes differed, but N***** is the rallying cry for all of them. We must effectively respond in our day to the ugly persistence of racism, even if its form has changed.”

The following words are from a letter I personally received from a young black girl named Jean. She really opened my eyes to how the use of the n***** word can have a devastating effect:

“Dee, the other day I was on a bus and a little white boy spat at me and called me a n*****. Tears came to my eyes. Why must I be called a n*****? I remember the day I Iooked up that word in the dictionary and it said it meant ignorant. I know I’m not ignorant. But if you look up that word in the revised edition it means, Black Americans, Negroes. Why? The walls of anger are getting stronger. I’m tired of trying to love those people. I’m tired of trying to get their education. Dee, as I write this letter I’m in tears. Because I’m writing to you knowing you don’t understand. Getting angry at myself. Hating myself because I’m turning away from God. It’s like I’m second best to him. Hey, wait a minute, those white people are first. Praying to him, wanting him to answer my prayers. Wondering does God love white people more than us. We been the white man’s slaves. Most of our women been their whores. Did God look down on us? Dee, the only desire I have is to die. You know, the first child I have I’m going to name him N***** so he won’t have to learn the hurt I have. He’ll think he’s famous The wall that I have is getting stronger. It’s going to take a miracle. But will your God even help? My mind I going through some changes it wouldn’t have to if white people would leave me alone. I need prayer. Pray for my attitude. The hatred, the pain, the discomfort, the unlovable soul that I have. Maybe God will help then. He’ll listen to you – you’re white!”

I grew up in Missouri and I can not, to this day, remember anything positive being said about black people. I was taught they were dirty, lazy, oversexed and violent. I was told to stay away from them, not to associate with them at all. I heard them called N***** all the time and heard my family say, "They want everything handed to them on a silver platter." This was what was put into my head. And it pretty much stayed there until I met a black man who contradicted every single one of those stereotypes. Thank God I met Henry and since then, the many, many positive black folks who opened my eyes and heart to the truth. I look at things this way. We either recognize racism and the use of the N word for what they are and try to combat them - or we don't. I choose to try.

Delores you have a good heart. You are a good and decent person. But I wish you had not started this thread trying to get these fucked up deplorables to understand how it feels to have that word said. They are not ever going to understand. All they want to do is freely use the word and freely practice their fucked up racism.
If it's so bad..why do you blacks use it all the time?

Like I have said, you whites use racially derogatory terms for yourselves and we do not have any problem not using them even though whites use them on each other.

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