The Nashville shooting is about to disappear now that we know the shooter identified as trans

Authorities confirmed at a press conference that the 28-year-old woman who killed six, including three children, at a Christian school in Nashville identified as transgender.

The shooter, a white 28-year-old Nashville woman who identified as a man, was engaged by police at the Covenant School around 10:27 a.m., 14 minutes after the first call was made to police, Nashville authorities said in a press conference. Nashville Police Chief John Drake said the shooting was a “targeted attack.”

Will the democrats, MSM, and the view be demanding to know what we’re going to do about these trans folk? And how their ideology is causing such violence? (Like they do with shooters that are men, white, etc)

Lets just blame it on toxic masculinity. :(
Authorities confirmed at a press conference that the 28-year-old woman who killed six, including three children, at a Christian school in Nashville identified as transgender.

The shooter, a white 28-year-old Nashville woman who identified as a man, was engaged by police at the Covenant School around 10:27 a.m., 14 minutes after the first call was made to police, Nashville authorities said in a press conference. Nashville Police Chief John Drake said the shooting was a “targeted attack.”

Will the democrats, MSM, and the view be demanding to know what we’re going to do about these trans folk? And how their ideology is causing such violence? (Like they do with shooters that are men, white, etc)

Actually, it'll disappear for the same reason they all do. Because we've accepted this as "Normal".

If the shooter were a white male trump supporter. We know they’d be focusing on only that as the reason.

They will avoid the trans thing to protect the ideology.. aka not perform journalism

Not really. Hey, remember when that white dude shot up all the Asian ladies at the Happy Ending Massage parlors? The Sheriff couldn't rush out fast enough to claim it wasn't a hate crime even though it obviously was. Then they later found he was selling anti-Chinese merch on his facebook page.
That's rich. Considering the fact that you people want to defend Ukraine with hundreds of billions of dollars but won't spend a wooden nickle to protect our schools.

Kind of hard to protect the schools if every fucking maniac with mental problems can go out, buy a gun and shoot stuff up.
I think you have a valid point here. Dosing people with powerful hormones can really fuck with someone's mind.

Its one thing if someone has a grave illness like prostate cancer and doctors use this to stall metastatic cancer when the alternative is death. The side effects are tolerable them.

But just because someone wants to try to "pass" for a different sex? What a load of shit, what malpractice.

Time IMHO to outlaw the use of hormones for "sex transitioning" and other venal reasons. Make-up can be used to generate the same feminizing and masculinizing effect without these side effects.
Hormone therapy for prostate cancer is a treatment that stops the male hormone testosterone from being produced or reaching prostate cancer cells. Most prostate cancer cells rely on testosterone to help them grow. Hormone therapy causes prostate cancer cells to die or to grow more slowly.

If they use testosterone it only makes it grow. You, would receive female hormones.
So, now you see that trans folks can kill and are ok in the military.
Most likely they'll end up fragging somebody the moment you give them a gun. This is what woke indoctrinations get you....and is the purpose of all of the indoctrination.
These people are sick individuals who do not need to own guns.
Anyone who's undergoing hormone treatments shouldn't be allowed out in the public, much less be allowed to carry a gun.

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Completely scrubbed from my local news from Columbus Ohio never once mentioned it was trans, neither did the cbs morning show.
Looks like CNN didn't get the memo. It is still the main topic on there, now. FOX didn't either, as it's the lead on the Engram Angle now.
Completely scrubbed from my local news from Columbus Ohio never once mentioned it was trans, neither did the cbs morning show.
The shooter, a white 28-year-old Nashville woman who identified as a man, was engaged by police at the Covenant School around 10:27 a.m., 14 minutes after the first call was made to police, Nashville authorities said in a press conference. Nashville Police Chief John Drake said the shooting was a “targeted attack.”
Why are all the TV newsreaders referring to the killer as "she"? Shouldn't they be using "he"?
they're covering it on CNN, to be fair, just not talking much about the trans angle

Chris Cuomo also covered it well on News Nation (see my thread on the shooting)
I don't think the "trans" aspect adds much to the motive. Yes, this individual was bitter, angry, obviously some psychological issues that we may or may not find out about. She had a grudge against having to attend a school 10 or so years ago and probably against religion, and her parents, and couldn't let go of it. Being "Trans" and a shooter, data wise is insignificant to the data, and really the right should stop pounding that one data point.

Being a 2A supporter myself, I want to know how this woman got ahold of guns, where were they kept and who was storing them and how, which I am SURE we will find that information out. I know some 2A supporters don't like safe storage laws and I get it, but I do believe that firearms should be stored safely and securely.
Hormone therapy for prostate cancer is a treatment that stops the male hormone testosterone from being produced or reaching prostate cancer cells. Most prostate cancer cells rely on testosterone to help them grow. Hormone therapy causes prostate cancer cells to die or to grow more slowly.

If they use testosterone it only makes it grow. You, would receive female hormones.

Thanks for the details and your knowledge of urology and oncology here.

However, my point remains the same. These hormonal treatments for serious illnesses like cancer also have serious side effects on the brain.

And that's why prescribing them just so a dude looks a little bit more like a broad, or vice versa, is ill advised.

Serious medication should be reserved for serious fucking reasons.
Kind of hard to protect the schools if every fucking maniac with mental problems can go out, buy a gun and shoot stuff up.
No one would disagree with this, unfortunately, there is no perfect way solve it.

Shooter was 28, at 18 she can legally buy a rifle, and 21 a handgun (maybe depends on the state). Hypothetically speaking she could have owned a rifle for 10 years and been perfectly normal. Between then and now, things change. The only way to remove the guns from her is "red flag" laws, which are socially dangerous and not a perfect solution either.

I'd like to know more about how long she owned the guns and few more details. In the pictures shared of the firearms, it looks like these were guns she owned and not obtained from parents. I'm deducing this due to the stickers and writing she had on them.
Authorities confirmed at a press conference that the 28-year-old woman who killed six, including three children, at a Christian school in Nashville identified as transgender.

The shooter, a white 28-year-old Nashville woman who identified as a man, was engaged by police at the Covenant School around 10:27 a.m., 14 minutes after the first call was made to police, Nashville authorities said in a press conference. Nashville Police Chief John Drake said the shooting was a “targeted attack.”

Will the democrats, MSM, and the view be demanding to know what we’re going to do about these trans folk? And how their ideology is causing such violence? (Like they do with shooters that are men, white, etc)

I just looked, it is the top story on CNN, MSNBC, NBC News, ABC news and CBS news websites as of this morning.

Do disappearances yet.
I just looked, it is the top story on CNN, MSNBC, NBC News, ABC news and CBS news websites as of this morning.

Do disappearances yet.
I guess I’ll say it hasn’t disappeared, but I looked at CNN and MSNBC coverage and..
A. No mention that shooter was trans
B. Recklessly Blaming republicans before facts/information is known, like impatient children, causing the latest misinformation.

This is massively different treatment than if a white male who has markers of conservatism or Donald trump. Then it’s all about the persons ideology and how dangerous it is. They are only referring to this person as “the shooter”. No descriptions. When it’s a white male, or some kooky right winger, it’s focused on and repeatedly referenced

Just pointing out the clear double standard. I think this shooter is like any other shooter.. to be condemned and ignored as coverage causes other shooters to seek similar fame before going out in a blaze of glory. However, the left creates this standard and then doesn’t follow it to protect their victim classes. It’s pathetic they should hold a standard and brand all the time or none of the time.

It’s the latest example of why conservatives should not trust the MSM, as they sacrifice their observational journalistic integrity in the name of defending the DNC/leftist ideology. If the media wants trust, they need to be more honest and consistent
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I condemn violence and I believe this person was wrong for their actions. Please don't point fingers at my people.
Why didn't you stop it from happening?

This is like the 88th trans mass murder in the last 3 or 4 years....

When are you going to hold yourself accountable?
I don't think the "trans" aspect adds much to the motive. Yes, this individual was bitter, angry, obviously some psychological issues that we may or may not find out about. She had a grudge against having to attend a school 10 or so years ago and probably against religion, and her parents, and couldn't let go of it. Being "Trans" and a shooter, data wise is insignificant to the data, and really the right should stop pounding that one data point.

Being a 2A supporter myself, I want to know how this woman got ahold of guns, where were they kept and who was storing them and how, which I am SURE we will find that information out. I know some 2A supporters don't like safe storage laws and I get it, but I do believe that firearms should be stored safely and securely.
I personally don’t care, but I know the media sure cares about a persons identity/ideology if they’re a kooky right wing person who is white, male, etc.

They need to be consistent and slam trans people like they slam conservatives for one radical shooter. If they did, they might earn some trust back. But they don’t because they are activists for the leftist DNC, not journalists.

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