The Nashville shooting is about to disappear now that we know the shooter identified as trans

Sure. I would LOVE to read it, though. I hope we're wrong, but I bet we aren't.

To be fair to the cops and pols, it would surely be seen by other trannie crazies as incitement to go do likewise, so never mind my curiosity.

The DOJ is in charge of the manifesto.
Enuff said.
On CBS Mornings today, Gayle King interviewed a mass shooter profiler who said the media should not publicize a mass shooter's manifesto, which I suspect will give CBS a rationale to not reveal the political leanings of the Nashville killer.

Our Gov't believes muppets cannot handle the truth!!
I guess I’ll say it hasn’t disappeared, but I looked at CNN and MSNBC coverage and..
A. No mention that shooter was trans
B. Recklessly Blaming republicans before facts/information is known, like impatient children, causing the latest misinformation.

This is massively different treatment than if a white male who has markers of conservatism or Donald trump. Then it’s all about the persons ideology and how dangerous it is. They are only referring to this person as “the shooter”. No descriptions. When it’s a white male, or some kooky right winger, it’s focused on and repeatedly referenced

The vast majority of mass shooters are white, cisgendered males.
Authorities confirmed at a press conference that the 28-year-old woman who killed six, including three children, at a Christian school in Nashville identified as transgender.

The shooter, a white 28-year-old Nashville woman who identified as a man, was engaged by police at the Covenant School around 10:27 a.m., 14 minutes after the first call was made to police, Nashville authorities said in a press conference. Nashville Police Chief John Drake said the shooting was a “targeted attack.”

Will the democrats, MSM, and the view be demanding to know what we’re going to do about these trans folk? And how their ideology is causing such violence? (Like they do with shooters that are men, white, etc)
An idiotic thread.

Every school shooting disappears in a week or so, because the gun cult stands in the way of doing anything about the problem.
An idiotic thread.

Every school shooting disappears in a week or so, because the gun cult stands in the way of doing anything about the problem.
Well, nobody who is shocked that tragedies happen in a nation of 350 million people ever have ideas that would have prevented it. They just act like they cared while ignoring far more deaths in far more areas.
Well, nobody who is shocked that tragedies happen in a nation of 350 million people ever have ideas that would have prevented it.
Of.course we do. Lots of them. But then we are beset by gun humping morons having discussions in bad faith. Morons who insist that any measure proposed be considered in a vacuum and prevent all instance of this, starting tomorrow.

So we are held back by a pandemic of stupid.
Our mainstream media only chooses to promote the stories that fit the agenda.

The agenda has been in place quite some time, now, and will not change

Remember the Dancing Grannies, kids?
Of.course we do. Lots of them. But then we are beset by gun humping morons having discussions in bad faith. Morons who insist that any measure proposed be considered in a vacuum and prevent all instance of this, starting tomorrow.

So we are held back by a pandemic of stupid.
You are able to fit yours inside the barrell of a gun?

I'm so sorry.
And It gives you the right to attack me and my rights? I didn't do shit to make this idiot do something so stupid as this. Give it the fuck up! There's a million of us in this country.
And most of them have serious mental problems.
Authorities confirmed at a press conference that the 28-year-old woman who killed six, including three children, at a Christian school in Nashville identified as transgender.

The shooter, a white 28-year-old Nashville woman who identified as a man, was engaged by police at the Covenant School around 10:27 a.m., 14 minutes after the first call was made to police, Nashville authorities said in a press conference. Nashville Police Chief John Drake said the shooting was a “targeted attack.”

Will the democrats, MSM, and the view be demanding to know what we’re going to do about these trans folk? And how their ideology is causing such violence? (Like they do with shooters that are men, white, etc)
Okay, I'm confused. The policy identified this individual as a "transgendered woman." By all definitions I can find is that this means "Audrey" is a male that identifies as a female. Am I wrong on this?
I condemn violence and I believe this person was wrong for their actions. Please don't point fingers at my people.
Maybe I should ask you the question. The police identified the shooter as a transgendered woman. By what I'm able to find on terminology, that means "Audrey" was a born male identifying as a female. Am I wrong about this?
Authorities confirmed at a press conference that the 28-year-old woman who killed six, including three children, at a Christian school in Nashville identified as transgender.

The shooter, a white 28-year-old Nashville woman who identified as a man, was engaged by police at the Covenant School around 10:27 a.m., 14 minutes after the first call was made to police, Nashville authorities said in a press conference. Nashville Police Chief John Drake said the shooting was a “targeted attack.”

Will the democrats, MSM, and the view be demanding to know what we’re going to do about these trans folk? And how their ideology is causing such violence? (Like they do with shooters that are men, white, etc)
I noticed no big headlines like: "Tranny murders 6 people" anyone see a headline just like that?? It seems to be buried in sentence 15 that the killer was a transexual. I find that ODD considering they talk about Gay and queer rights constantly and millions of dollars were put in the latest Biden flub. What gives here?
Maybe I should ask you the question. The police identified the shooter as a transgendered woman. By what I'm able to find on terminology, that means "Audrey" was a born male identifying as a female. Am I wrong about this?

Yes. She had and still has a puss!
Maybe I should ask you the question. The police identified the shooter as a transgendered woman. By what I'm able to find on terminology, that means "Audrey" was a born male identifying as a female. Am I wrong about this?
No I believe it was born a female and wanted to be a male. Did you see the pictures of "it" him/he what ever it was...
And most of them have serious mental problems.
That one thinks everyone is attacking her.

First she says she's lesbian, now it's "us".

I'll repeat what I know about the science:

The transgender brain is miswired, due to anomalous signaling during developmental critical periods.

The link with autism is very suggestive. Research grants are forthcoming, I'm sure.

The thing to realize is, this is a biological condition. A medical condition. It's more serious than y'r average "I was born in the wrong body" trip. Every small person wants to be big, some big people even want to be smaller.

The transgender brain has a dysfunctional vmPFC, it thinks it's a different sex than the rest of the brain. But that area, connects with some other important brain areas (like the amygdala, and the nucleus accumbens which handles reward and motivation), so we expect to (and do) see involvement of those areas too.

So, you can expect anxiety, fear, drug addiction, all of the above. Goes with the territory.

These people need deep psychological counseling from a young age.
An idiotic thread.

Every school shooting disappears in a week or so, because the gun cult stands in the way of doing anything about the problem.
And then there's another mass shooting...and then another...and then another...and then another.
I noticed no big headlines like: "Tranny murders 6 people" anyone see a headline just like that?? It seems to be buried in sentence 15 that the killer was a transexual. I find that ODD considering they talk about Gay and queer rights constantly and millions of dollars were put in the latest Biden flub. What gives here?

The NYP is one of the few ones with an honest headline.


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