The nation is split like never before

Look what we got with LBJ's majority. $22 trillion wasted with the thinking that if you help people they'll want to better themselves.

We don't need any more of that ridiculous thinking. It didn't work 50 years ago and it won't work today.
Actually it worked great until the Vietnam War ruined it and Nixon etc etc...
Trump's trade and immigration issues were not pandering to the working class, they were speaking out for their valid interests.

The Rich were on board with the Establishment candidates of both parties.

First the GOP, and then America choose against the Rich Approved choices.

You should be happy about that, but your leftism is more important to you than these issues you speak of.
Of course you do have no idea what the policy wishes of the democratic party were... Hint, just what I'm saying...

i know HIllary was against Trade policy designed to benefit American workers, and I know she was in favor of amnesty.

Or are there some specific policy that you think I am not aware of, that you think is more important?
And yes she's for a comprehensive immigration bill with with a social security ID card that can't be fixed. In other words ending the illegal problem forever, as opposed to the GOP stringing it out forever....

Letting the surplus of Third World labor stay is not "ending" the problem, it is worsening it.
They've been here for many years most of them Pew research found that 94%of adult male illegals are working, 65% pay taxes and 35% own homes. Throwing them all out is ridiculous bigotry... And just plain stupid... Not to mention inhumane.
Is putting people in prison for armed robbery stupid, inhumane and bigoted?
Actually it worked great until the Vietnam War ruined it and Nixon etc etc...
Of course you do have no idea what the policy wishes of the democratic party were... Hint, just what I'm saying...

i know HIllary was against Trade policy designed to benefit American workers, and I know she was in favor of amnesty.

Or are there some specific policy that you think I am not aware of, that you think is more important?
There is only one policy that will help unemployment in a big way, training our unemployed for tech jobs that are going begging 3 - 6 million of them. For that we need money yes go bills! GOP voters are absolutely Clueless...

Any time you want to pay for that on anyone's behalf, go ahead. If they aren't willing to invest in themselves or you invest in them, I don't see them as a good investment.
Right-wing idiocy as usual... Your sympathy for the bloated mega-rich is touching...

It has nothing to do with sympathy for anyone. It has to do with people like you claiming someone should get something they don't have yet refusing to fund it for them. You do know if you want someone to have something the government need not be involved. All YOU have to do is pay it on their behalf.
It's unbelievable that you think the country can't decide the level of Taxation... You're quite mad.
You inbred losers haven't figured out that this nation has never been United but in your godforsken dreams you think if we all fell on our knees and became unified the nation would grow stronger....ignorant beyond comprehension you are.
If you want to call someone an ignorant loser just say you are a "initforme". Initforme is the most ignorant loser on this web site.

You are an absolute initforme. I apologize for such a nasty insult. The truth can hurt
Actually it worked great until the Vietnam War ruined it and Nixon etc etc...
Of course you do have no idea what the policy wishes of the democratic party were... Hint, just what I'm saying...

i know HIllary was against Trade policy designed to benefit American workers, and I know she was in favor of amnesty.

Or are there some specific policy that you think I am not aware of, that you think is more important?
And yes she's for a comprehensive immigration bill with with a social security ID card that can't be fixed. In other words ending the illegal problem forever, as opposed to the GOP stringing it out forever....

Letting the surplus of Third World labor stay is not "ending" the problem, it is worsening it.
They've been here for many years most of them Pew research found that 94%of adult male illegals are working, 65% pay taxes and 35% own homes. Throwing them all out is ridiculous bigotry... And just plain stupid... Not to mention inhumane.
Is putting people in prison for armed robbery stupid, inhumane and bigoted?
Of course not, nor is deporting them if they're criminals...
The nation is split like never before.
You are either a Trump supporter or a Trump hater.
Trump supporters have no patience for Trump haters.
Trump haters have no patience for for Trump supporters.

The divide is so large and do not see how these two groups can ever come together.
Trump is doing everything he can to make his supporters support him more and his haters to hate him more.

It began decades ago, but the real rift was created by Obama.
Obama irritated many racist whites. They came out in full force to elect Trump. As a white American I am shocked by the number of white racists in our country.
They are such idiots, they do not feel they are racists. They feel whites are being discriminated against.

Why would anyone be irritated about being called a racist for 8 years?

It's a mystery.
i know HIllary was against Trade policy designed to benefit American workers, and I know she was in favor of amnesty.

Or are there some specific policy that you think I am not aware of, that you think is more important?
And yes she's for a comprehensive immigration bill with with a social security ID card that can't be fixed. In other words ending the illegal problem forever, as opposed to the GOP stringing it out forever....

Letting the surplus of Third World labor stay is not "ending" the problem, it is worsening it.
They've been here for many years most of them Pew research found that 94%of adult male illegals are working, 65% pay taxes and 35% own homes. Throwing them all out is ridiculous bigotry... And just plain stupid... Not to mention inhumane.
Is putting people in prison for armed robbery stupid, inhumane and bigoted?
Of course not, nor is deporting them if they're criminals...

They're all criminals. That's why they're called "illegals." They broke the law by coming here without permission.
I'll never get over sanctimonious twerps like you who pretend you've never touched a women's genitals.

Yeah, that's what this convo is about <rolls eyes>....

Apparently. You believe it's some kind of crime for a man to touch a woman's genitals when she consents to it. From your comments I have to conclude that either you're a queer or a virgin.
No it isn't, you fucking douche bag. Obviously Sharon Tate didn't give anyone permission to shoot her. Women allow men to touch their genitals every day. That's how babies get born.

Have you ever been laid? Did you ever try to go to third base in high school? Are you really this much of an incredible dumbass?

Where is the "I-can't-believe-this-guy-is-so-dumb' emoji. How you even knew HOW to vote, let along vote is beyond me my little, bald, fat friend.

What's dumb about thinking your belief that touching a woman's genitals when she consents is some kind of crime? You have yet to explain that. You just continue to act shocked by the basic facts of human reproduction.
And yes she's for a comprehensive immigration bill with with a social security ID card that can't be fixed. In other words ending the illegal problem forever, as opposed to the GOP stringing it out forever....

Letting the surplus of Third World labor stay is not "ending" the problem, it is worsening it.
They've been here for many years most of them Pew research found that 94%of adult male illegals are working, 65% pay taxes and 35% own homes. Throwing them all out is ridiculous bigotry... And just plain stupid... Not to mention inhumane.
Is putting people in prison for armed robbery stupid, inhumane and bigoted?
Of course not, nor is deporting them if they're criminals...

They're all criminals. That's why they're called "illegals." They broke the law by coming here without permission.
If you can buy a fake Social Security card and other ID with no problem, it's an open invitation. Thanks GOP and silly dupes. The GOP loves cheap labor that is easily bullied, dupe. The only time they care about illegals is in one of their depressions or at election time...
You have to be kidding. You obviously will never reproduce because you're too fucking stupid to get the task done.
Of course, we understand that part of this hated of Trump is rooted in envy. He gets laid whereas you get the "let's just be friends" line.

He gets laid by 'grabbing' women's pussies? hhhmmm...interesting...
Where did I say that? You know you're losing when you have to make up stuff I said to have any kind of argument.
Letting the surplus of Third World labor stay is not "ending" the problem, it is worsening it.
They've been here for many years most of them Pew research found that 94%of adult male illegals are working, 65% pay taxes and 35% own homes. Throwing them all out is ridiculous bigotry... And just plain stupid... Not to mention inhumane.
Is putting people in prison for armed robbery stupid, inhumane and bigoted?
Of course not, nor is deporting them if they're criminals...

They're all criminals. That's why they're called "illegals." They broke the law by coming here without permission.
If you can buy a fake Social Security card and other ID with no problem, it's an open invitation. Thanks GOP and silly dupes. The GOP loves cheap labor that is easily bullied, dupe. The only time they care about illegals is in one of their depressions or at election time...
Amnesty is the biggest invitation of all.
They've been here for many years most of them Pew research found that 94%of adult male illegals are working, 65% pay taxes and 35% own homes. Throwing them all out is ridiculous bigotry... And just plain stupid... Not to mention inhumane.
Is putting people in prison for armed robbery stupid, inhumane and bigoted?
Of course not, nor is deporting them if they're criminals...

They're all criminals. That's why they're called "illegals." They broke the law by coming here without permission.
If you can buy a fake Social Security card and other ID with no problem, it's an open invitation. Thanks GOP and silly dupes. The GOP loves cheap labor that is easily bullied, dupe. The only time they care about illegals is in one of their depressions or at election time...
Amnesty is the biggest invitation of all.
Not with a social security ID card that can't be faked. repeat 1,000 times...
Then it should be real easy to give one massively good example so we can discuss it seriously and honestly.
Yet, you still haven't done so.
Kind of makes it look like you are full of shit, don't ya know.

What he has been divisive over?

1) Misogynistic pussy commnets
2) North Korea
3) The Mexican 'wall'
4) Obama care
5) His reaction to the Hurricane in Puerto Rico
6) The number of holidays he has taken after criticising Obama for doing the same
7) Banning muslims travelling

And that is just of the top of my head in the last five minutes with no research. I won't even go into the despicable things he has tweeted or said. He is the dumbest president in the history of your great country. Easily. The worst, too. Which is a hard thing to say after Dumbya.

So "divisive" just means he disagrees with leftwing orthodoxy.

That's what we thought.

No, by divisive I mean all he cares about is himself so says and does really dumb things as long as his precious ego is satiated.

So when you say "divisive" you mean selfish? Why don't you leftwing douche bags ever use words that indicate what you actually mean?

Because they are dishonest assholes who know that playing word games can confuse the issue(s).

Which is always their goal, because they know that they cannot defend or advance their positions based on their merits.

So they have to lie and play dishonest games.
The nation is split like never before.
You are either a Trump supporter or a Trump hater.
Trump supporters have no patience for Trump haters.
Trump haters have no patience for for Trump supporters.

The divide is so large and do not see how these two groups can ever come together.
Trump is doing everything he can to make his supporters support him more and his haters to hate him more.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama
1. His base in what has traditional been the back bone of this great nation, working class whites. That you consider them deplorable is just you being an asshole. FUck you.

2. Normal republicans are waiting to see how successful he is at Trade and Immigration policy. What you are talking about are "Establishment Republicans" who tried to steal the primaries. Fuck them.

3. The rest of the world? They suffer from the same liberal shit that his killing US, only worse. Yes, we are right and the rest of the world is fucked up.

4. You and yours are the embarrassment.

Ah, so the racism comes out. The working class 'whites'. I'm sure the blacks who were paid nothing to enhance the economy up until 1861 would disagree. Being a working class white doesn't give you the right to be a bigotted, racist arsehole.

There was nothing racist about referring to working class whites as the backbone of this country, you race baiting ass.

My point stands, Working class whites are Trump's base, they have traditionally been the back bone of this great nation, and for you to consider them deplorable is just you being an asshole. Fuck you.

Um, no, the rest of the world is doing fine. The US is fucked up. Just because you believe the Buffoon's Fake News doesn't mean the rest of the world falls for his BS. We have the ability to think critically and sort the wheat from the chafe. Unlike the thick-as-pig-shit, Kool-aid drinking Deplorables.

No, the rest of the world is really fucked up.

There is not one FIrst World nation with a sustainable fertility or budget situation, and the solutions of the various political classes are worse than the disease.

The good news is that he is loved in Kenya, Tanzania, The Philippines, Vietnam, Russia and Nigeria. Wow, would love to live in those places. Meanwhile he is hated is such third world shit holes as Australia, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, UK. Canada, Spain, Italy and Argentina.

U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World Question Trump’s Leadership[/QUOTE]

INternational liberals had a similar response to Reagan. THey laughed at him as a "hick" and "Cowboy" when he predicted that the Soviet Union would end up on the ash heap of history.

The world can be wrong, and one American can be right.

Fuck them all.

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