The nation is split like never before

You know damn well who I mean you fucking retard. I don't play game. If you're going to, run along troll. I don't have time to deal with motherfucking kids like you.

I have no idea what you mean you twat. Be specific or STFU. I'm not a mind reader. I took your post two different ways, but the result is the same. I'm basing my posts on their words. Not mine you infantile boy.
Actually it worked great until the Vietnam War ruined it and Nixon etc etc...
Of course you do have no idea what the policy wishes of the democratic party were... Hint, just what I'm saying...

i know HIllary was against Trade policy designed to benefit American workers, and I know she was in favor of amnesty.

Or are there some specific policy that you think I am not aware of, that you think is more important?
There is only one policy that will help unemployment in a big way, training our unemployed for tech jobs that are going begging 3 - 6 million of them. For that we need money yes go bills! GOP voters are absolutely Clueless...

1. That's been the excuse since the mid 80s. Try another one.

2. The tech guys seem to want to hire Third World workers instead of paying FIrst World rates.
Look at what Germany and other intelligent countries have done ie train their workers, while our brain dead GOP saves theirgreedy idiot GOP Mega rich masters from paying their fair share...

You think it is their education policy and not their trade policy that is the difference?

How do you back that up?
Education and Training Program policy, and above all their tax policy which is pure Pander to the rich, dupe.
You know damn well who I mean you fucking retard. I don't play game. If you're going to, run along troll. I don't have time to deal with motherfucking kids like you.

I have no idea what you mean you twat. Be specific or STFU. I'm not a mind reader. I took your post two different ways, but the result is the same. I'm basing my posts on their words. Not mind you infantile boy.

I'll STFU when you're man enough to shut me up.

If you took it two ways, that proves you're an idiot.
No it isn't, you fucking douche bag. Obviously Sharon Tate didn't give anyone permission to shoot her. Women allow men to touch their genitals every day. That's how babies get born.

Have you ever been laid? Did you ever try to go to third base in high school? Are you really this much of an incredible dumbass?

Where is the "I-can't-believe-this-guy-is-so-dumb' emoji. How you even knew HOW to vote, let along vote is beyond me my little, bald, fat friend.
When are you leftwing retards going to get it through your thick skulls that global warming is one thing, and air pollution is another?
Air pollution causes global warming and the GOP is the only party in the world that denies it... Dupe.

CO2 isn't pollution, moron.
It is when it's the results of burning fossil fuels Etc, brainwashed functional moron.
Water vapor is also a product of burning fossil fuels. Is that pollution, you brain damaged cockroach?
Bricrap shows the values and mentality of a true Trumpster.

Apparently the "mentality of a true Trumpster" means you have a basic understanding or chemistry and you have the capacity to commit logic.
Elmer - there has never been a time when we were not scrapping with each other. That's not always a bad thing. Obviously, trump really wants his-self a race war but we all need to keep our eye on what's truly important.

That's the right we all have to peacefully protest.

Wd don't have to like what the other guy is saying. What we should be celebrating is his right to say to say it.

That's the true test of free speech.

The left is trying to start the race war, douche bag. Trump never mentions race, but the left is shouting "RACIST! RACIST! RACIST!" 24 hours a day.

Is it any wonder that decent Americans hold you cockroaches in such utter contempt?
Bripat would not be so defensive if he did not know he was a racist.
Bripat is like a 500lb man saying don't call me fat, it is a political ploy. No, you are fat.
The majority of this post is not about race but Bripat jumped all over it,

You are dumber than a cockroach. If it weren't for calling your critics "racists," what kind of "logic" would you have to defend your pernicious ideology? Looting the taxpayers, flooding this country with illegals and allowing trannies with dicks to shower with little girls are not winning issues. Insulting the flag is not a winning issue. Importing mass murdering terrorists into the country is not a winning issue.

All you can do is shout "RACIST!" whenever someone points out what you really believe. All you can do is lie and smear.

That's the essence of the left.
Ok Bpat, you are not a racist. You are an absolute disgusting human being, though.

You're a racist though, AND a disgusting excuse for a human...
That is very creative come back. A come back you would expect to hear on a grade school playground. I know you are but what am I.
I'll STFU when you're man enough to shut me up.

If you took it two ways, that proves you're an idiot.

No, it proves that you can't get your POV across in a easy to understand manner. IOW, you're just another dumbfuck keyboard warrior.

It proves you're too stupid to understand. Sorry little Liberal but the problem isn't with someone else when you can't think on a high enough level. IOW, if you want someone to blame, look in the mirror.

I didn't think you'd want to try and back up your demand. Just like the Liberals. Demand someone do something then run like a bitch when they expect you to back it up.
The left is trying to start the race war, douche bag. Trump never mentions race, but the left is shouting "RACIST! RACIST! RACIST!" 24 hours a day.

Is it any wonder that decent Americans hold you cockroaches in such utter contempt?
Bripat would not be so defensive if he did not know he was a racist.
Bripat is like a 500lb man saying don't call me fat, it is a political ploy. No, you are fat.
The majority of this post is not about race but Bripat jumped all over it,

You are dumber than a cockroach. If it weren't for calling your critics "racists," what kind of "logic" would you have to defend your pernicious ideology? Looting the taxpayers, flooding this country with illegals and allowing trannies with dicks to shower with little girls are not winning issues. Insulting the flag is not a winning issue. Importing mass murdering terrorists into the country is not a winning issue.

All you can do is shout "RACIST!" whenever someone points out what you really believe. All you can do is lie and smear.

That's the essence of the left.
Ok Bpat, you are not a racist. You are an absolute disgusting human being, though.

You're a racist though, AND a disgusting excuse for a human...
That is very creative come back. A come back you would expect to hear on a grade school playground. I know you are but what am I.

That was nicer than calling you what you are NL.
Air pollution causes global warming and the GOP is the only party in the world that denies it... Dupe.

CO2 isn't pollution, moron.
It is when it's the results of burning fossil fuels Etc, brainwashed functional moron.
Water vapor is also a product of burning fossil fuels. Is that pollution, you brain damaged cockroach?
Bricrap shows the values and mentality of a true Trumpster.

Apparently the "mentality of a true Trumpster" means you have a basic understanding or chemistry and you have the capacity to commit logic.
You commit logic? interesting
No it isn't, you fucking douche bag. Obviously Sharon Tate didn't give anyone permission to shoot her. Women allow men to touch their genitals every day. That's how babies get born.

Have you ever been laid? Did you ever try to go to third base in high school? Are you really this much of an incredible dumbass?

Where is the "I-can't-believe-this-guy-is-so-dumb' emoji. How you even knew HOW to vote, let along vote is beyond me my little, bald, fat friend.

You have to be kidding. You obviously will never reproduce because you're too fucking stupid to get the task done.

Of course, we understand that part of this hated of Trump is rooted in envy. He gets laid, whereas you get the "let's just be friends" line.
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It proves you're too stupid to understand. Sorry little Liberal but the problem isn't with someone else when you can't think on a high enough level. IOW, if you want someone to blame, look in the mirror.

I didn't think you'd want to try and back up your demand. Just like the Liberals. Demand someone do something then run like a bitch when they expect you to back it up.

Are you drunk? What are you rambling on about? I haven't demanded anybody do anything you little neocon puke. If you can't follow a convo, that is of no surprise. You don't come across as very bright.
The nation is split like never before.
You are either a Trump supporter or a Trump hater.
Trump supporters have no patience for Trump haters.
Trump haters have no patience for for Trump supporters.

The divide is so large and do not see how these two groups can ever come together.
Trump is doing everything he can to make his supporters support him more and his haters to hate him more.

who's wearing the gray, and who's wearing the blue?

I am wearing powder blue with grey soxs!
You have to be kidding. You obviously will never reproduce because you're too fucking stupid to get the task done.
Of course, we understand that part of this hated of Trump is rooted in envy. He gets laid whereas you get the "let's just be friends" line.

He gets laid by 'grabbing' women's pussies? hhhmmm...interesting...
CO2 isn't pollution, moron.
It is when it's the results of burning fossil fuels Etc, brainwashed functional moron.
Water vapor is also a product of burning fossil fuels. Is that pollution, you brain damaged cockroach?
Bricrap shows the values and mentality of a true Trumpster.

Apparently the "mentality of a true Trumpster" means you have a basic understanding or chemistry and you have the capacity to commit logic.
You commit logic? interesting

Yep, I commit logic all the time. That's when all you douche bag snowflakes start calling me a racist.
Bripat would not be so defensive if he did not know he was a racist.
Bripat is like a 500lb man saying don't call me fat, it is a political ploy. No, you are fat.
The majority of this post is not about race but Bripat jumped all over it,

You are dumber than a cockroach. If it weren't for calling your critics "racists," what kind of "logic" would you have to defend your pernicious ideology? Looting the taxpayers, flooding this country with illegals and allowing trannies with dicks to shower with little girls are not winning issues. Insulting the flag is not a winning issue. Importing mass murdering terrorists into the country is not a winning issue.

All you can do is shout "RACIST!" whenever someone points out what you really believe. All you can do is lie and smear.

That's the essence of the left.
Ok Bpat, you are not a racist. You are an absolute disgusting human being, though.

You're a racist though, AND a disgusting excuse for a human...
That is very creative come back. A come back you would expect to hear on a grade school playground. I know you are but what am I.

That was nicer than calling you what you are NL.
I do not see you doing anything nice.
I'd support seceding all blue states and forming our own nation.

There's no way in hell we can work with the religious fascist.

Well Matthew you could but you have to remember there are more red States than Blue and you would have to cut across red States to get to blue states on the other coast...

So please think before suggesting something that stupid again!
You have to be kidding. You obviously will never reproduce because you're too fucking stupid to get the task done.
Of course, we understand that part of this hated of Trump is rooted in envy. He gets laid whereas you get the "let's just be friends" line.

He gets laid by 'grabbing' women's pussies? hhhmmm...interesting...
When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

Just admit you have never had sex with a women. I can't vouch for animals, though.
So if you gloat about blacks voting Democrat, that's not racist, but if you simply not that some whites voted Republican, that's racist?

Do you understand why conservatives all think snowflakes like you are douche bags?

I'm not talking about anybody voting for anyone. You mix me up with the lefties. I'm not a leftie. Well, probably socially I might be. Fiscally, definitely conservative.

You are obviously a lefty.

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