The nation is split like never before

Then it should be real easy to give one massively good example so we can discuss it seriously and honestly.
Yet, you still haven't done so.
Kind of makes it look like you are full of shit, don't ya know.

What he has been divisive over?

1) Misogynistic pussy commnets
2) North Korea
3) The Mexican 'wall'
4) Obama care
5) His reaction to the Hurricane in Puerto Rico
6) The number of holidays he has taken after criticising Obama for doing the same
7) Banning muslims travelling

And that is just of the top of my head in the last five minutes with no research. I won't even go into the despicable things he has tweeted or said. He is the dumbest president in the history of your great country. Easily. The worst, too. Which is a hard thing to say after Dumbya.

So "divisive" just means he disagrees with leftwing orthodoxy.

That's what we thought.
Still going with playing stupid?

I guess you know your own strengths.

You do realise that outside his Deplorable base, Trump is hated? You do know that? So you have normal repubs, all the Dems and greens hate him. Then there is the rest of the civilised world. So we're all wrong and you Deplorables are right? I don't think so. He proves on a daily basis what a narcissistic, ego maniacal piece of shit he is. Gee, how many WH staff members has he gone through in less than a year? The guy is a total embarrassment.
Then it should be real easy to give one massively good example so we can discuss it seriously and honestly.
Yet, you still haven't done so.
Kind of makes it look like you are full of shit, don't ya know.

What he has been divisive over?

1) Misogynistic pussy commnets
2) North Korea
3) The Mexican 'wall'
4) Obama care
5) His reaction to the Hurricane in Puerto Rico
6) The number of holidays he has taken after criticising Obama for doing the same
7) Banning muslims travelling

And that is just of the top of my head in the last five minutes with no research. I won't even go into the despicable things he has tweeted or said. He is the dumbest president in the history of your great country. Easily. The worst, too. Which is a hard thing to say after Dumbya.

So "divisive" just means he disagrees with leftwing orthodoxy.

That's what we thought.

No, by divisive I mean all he cares about is himself so says and does really dumb things as long as his precious ego is satiated.
Then it should be real easy to give one massively good example so we can discuss it seriously and honestly.
Yet, you still haven't done so.
Kind of makes it look like you are full of shit, don't ya know.

What he has been divisive over?

1) Misogynistic pussy commnets

I asked for one example so we could seriously discuss it.

You give me a bullshit list. Like I knew you would.

I will address the first one. SInce you are an asshole.

Number one.

Do you understand what the word "LET" means, you moron?
Still going with playing stupid?

I guess you know your own strengths.

You do realise that outside his Deplorable base, Trump is hated? You do know that? So you have normal repubs, all the Dems and greens hate him. Then there is the rest of the civilised world. So we're all wrong and you Deplorables are right? I don't think so. He proves on a daily basis what a narcissistic, ego maniacal piece of shit he is. Gee, how many WH staff members has he gone through in less than a year? The guy is a total embarrassment.

1. His base in what has traditional been the back bone of this great nation, working class whites. That you consider them deplorable is just you being an asshole. FUck you.

2. Normal republicans are waiting to see how successful he is at Trade and Immigration policy. What you are talking about are "Establishment Republicans" who tried to steal the primaries. Fuck them.

3. The rest of the world? They suffer from the same liberal shit that his killing US, only worse. Yes, we are right and the rest of the world is fucked up.

4. You and yours are the embarrassment.
Then it should be real easy to give one massively good example so we can discuss it seriously and honestly.
Yet, you still haven't done so.
Kind of makes it look like you are full of shit, don't ya know.

What he has been divisive over?

1) Misogynistic pussy commnets
2) North Korea
3) The Mexican 'wall'
4) Obama care
5) His reaction to the Hurricane in Puerto Rico
6) The number of holidays he has taken after criticising Obama for doing the same
7) Banning muslims travelling

And that is just of the top of my head in the last five minutes with no research. I won't even go into the despicable things he has tweeted or said. He is the dumbest president in the history of your great country. Easily. The worst, too. Which is a hard thing to say after Dumbya.

So "divisive" just means he disagrees with leftwing orthodoxy.

That's what we thought.

No, by divisive I mean all he cares about is himself so says and does really dumb things as long as his precious ego is satiated.

That's actually not what "divisive" means, moron.
I asked for one example so we could seriously discuss it.

You give me a bullshit list. Like I knew you would.
I will address the first one. SInce you are an asshole.

Number one.

Do you understand what the word "LET" means, you moron?

Hey, you asked for a list, dumbfuck. Oh, because he used the word "let" that makes it okay. Christ, I can see why he got votes. When you have dumb k*nts like you voting for him anything is possible. You are living proof that IQ tests should be mandatory before being allowed to vote. The Orange Buffoon would have got zero states if that had been the case.

God, talk about being stuck on 'stupid'. I wonder how much more dumb your posts can become.

The FACT you think because he used the word "let" (his word, not his victims) makes it okay and somehow proves your pathetic POV, says a lot about you. None of good. Then again, you are Deplorable Petal. Why would you even 'get' it. When nature was handing out intelligence it took the bypass past your limited number of brain cells and when "uh-uh, even a big dose won't help this cretin".
Then it should be real easy to give one massively good example so we can discuss it seriously and honestly.
Yet, you still haven't done so.
Kind of makes it look like you are full of shit, don't ya know.

What he has been divisive over?

1) Misogynistic pussy commnets
2) North Korea
3) The Mexican 'wall'
4) Obama care
5) His reaction to the Hurricane in Puerto Rico
6) The number of holidays he has taken after criticising Obama for doing the same
7) Banning muslims travelling

And that is just of the top of my head in the last five minutes with no research. I won't even go into the despicable things he has tweeted or said. He is the dumbest president in the history of your great country. Easily. The worst, too. Which is a hard thing to say after Dumbya.

So "divisive" just means he disagrees with leftwing orthodoxy.

That's what we thought.

No, by divisive I mean all he cares about is himself so says and does really dumb things as long as his precious ego is satiated.

So when you say "divisive" you mean selfish? Why don't you leftwing douche bags ever use words that indicate what you actually mean?
The nation is split like never before

TRANSLATION: After decades of being insulted, lied about, and abused by elected Democrat officials, Republicans have finally started fighting back, fighting fire with fire... AND WINNING. So now, suddenly Democrats have decided to insist that fighting is a bad thing, it's deplorable (where have I heard that before?), and the country would be much better if those wascally Wepublicans would stop doing it.
Trump and his followers are not true Republicans with conservative values. Trump and supporters have hijacked the Republican party.
Trumpsters can best be described as white nationalists.
I asked for one example so we could seriously discuss it.

You give me a bullshit list. Like I knew you would.
I will address the first one. SInce you are an asshole.

Number one.

Do you understand what the word "LET" means, you moron?

Hey, you asked for a list, dumbfuck. Oh, because he used the word "let" that makes it okay. Christ, I can see why he got votes. When you have dumb k*nts like you voting for him anything is possible. You are living proof that IQ tests should be mandatory before being allowed to vote. The Orange Buffoon would have got zero states if that had been the case.

God, talk about being stuck on 'stupid'. I wonder how much more dumb your posts can become.

The FACT you think because he used the word "let" (his word, not his victims) makes it okay and somehow proves your pathetic POV, says a lot about you. None of good. Then again, you are Deplorable Petal. Why would you even 'get' it. When nature was handing out intelligence it took the bypass past your limited number of brain cells and when "uh-uh, even a big dose won't help this cretin".

Yes, the word "let" does make it OK. That means he had consent.
I asked for one example so we could seriously discuss it.

You give me a bullshit list. Like I knew you would.
I will address the first one. SInce you are an asshole.

Number one.

Do you understand what the word "LET" means, you moron?

Hey, you asked for a list, dumbfuck. Oh, because he used the word "let" that makes it okay. Christ, I can see why he got votes. When you have dumb k*nts like you voting for him anything is possible. You are living proof that IQ tests should be mandatory before being allowed to vote. The Orange Buffoon would have got zero states if that had been the case.

God, talk about being stuck on 'stupid'. I wonder how much more dumb your posts can become.

The FACT you think because he used the word "let" (his word, not his victims) makes it okay and somehow proves your pathetic POV, says a lot about you. None of good. Then again, you are Deplorable Petal. Why would you even 'get' it. When nature was handing out intelligence it took the bypass past your limited number of brain cells and when "uh-uh, even a big dose won't help this cretin".

His words are your source for this moron.

ANd his statement was that when you are rich and famous women LET you do stuff.

Do you know what it means when a women LETS you do something?

That's consent.

YOu are attacking this man for him stating that he has had consensual sexual contact with women.

That is your stated reason for calling him divisive debunked.

So, will you admit you were wrong, or will you double down on being an ass?
1. His base in what has traditional been the back bone of this great nation, working class whites. That you consider them deplorable is just you being an asshole. FUck you.

2. Normal republicans are waiting to see how successful he is at Trade and Immigration policy. What you are talking about are "Establishment Republicans" who tried to steal the primaries. Fuck them.

3. The rest of the world? They suffer from the same liberal shit that his killing US, only worse. Yes, we are right and the rest of the world is fucked up.

4. You and yours are the embarrassment.

Ah, so the racism comes out. The working class 'whites'. I'm sure the blacks who were paid nothing to enhance the economy up until 1861 would disagree. Being a working class white doesn't give you the right to be a bigotted, racist arsehole.

Um, no, the rest of the world is doing fine. The US is fucked up. Just because you believe the Buffoon's Fake News doesn't mean the rest of the world falls for his BS. We have the ability to think critically and sort the wheat from the chafe. Unlike the thick-as-pig-shit, Kool-aid drinking Deplorables.

The good news is that he is loved in Kenya, Tanzania, The Philippines, Vietnam, Russia and Nigeria. Wow, would love to live in those places. Meanwhile he is hated is such third world shit holes as Australia, Sweden, Netherlands, Germany, UK. Canada, Spain, Italy and Argentina.

U.S. Image Suffers as Publics Around World Question Trump’s Leadership
The nation is split like never before

TRANSLATION: After decades of being insulted, lied about, and abused by elected Democrat officials, Republicans have finally started fighting back, fighting fire with fire... AND WINNING. So now, suddenly Democrats have decided to insist that fighting is a bad thing, it's deplorable (where have I heard that before?), and the country would be much better if those wascally Wepublicans would stop doing it.
Trump and his followers are not true Republicans with conservative values. Trump and supporters have hijacked the Republican party.
Trumpsters can best be described as white nationalists.
If he's not a conservative, then why do you hate him so much?
That's actually not what "divisive" means, moron.

That's not what I said. I wasn't giving a definition of the word you fucking hayseed....

Your words.

"by divisive I mean all he cares about is himself so says and does really dumb things as long as his precious ego is satiated."

You lefties don't like it when we point out that words have real meanings and that what you like to think in your head doesn't justify your shit.
Example, dingbat? LOL
Every post you make. Hyper-partisan. Personal insults. Name-calling. Shallow, bumper-sticker platitudes and sloganeering.

You're a good little obedient hyper-partisan. Side irrelevant. Your behaviors are very similar to those you loathe.

If you don't like that, tough shit. I'm sure you don't see it. That's my point.
Still waiting for a factual lie... Like Obama got everything he wanted, Obama had total control for 2 years, the foundation is corrupt, Hillary is corrupt, bill is a pedophile, and on and on and on I know, 47% pay no taxes...
You are what you are. You asked, I answered.
Still waiting, super dupe...
I'm not in the conversation, hyper-partisan. You appear to have confused me with someone else.

Ideology distorts thought processes. Get help.
It is notabout ideology, it's about wanting to know the facts and being intelligent... You dupes don't seem to care that you are absolutely fos...
People in the city have to realize how clean the air is in the suburbs where they have less pollution and more trees

Take my state for example:

Detroit and Grand Rapids made the list of most polluted cities for their ozone levels (Detroit ranks 34th worst out of 220 cities; Grand Rapids ranks 30th).

But others made the cleanest cities list: Kalamazoo and East Lansing scored well for particle pollution.

So that's one issue that makes rich people not care even if global warming is real. They don't think they are living in the places with bad air.

When are you leftwing retards going to get it through your thick skulls that global warming is one thing, and air pollution is another?
Air pollution causes global warming and the GOP is the only party in the world that denies it... Dupe.

CO2 isn't pollution, moron.
It is when it's the results of burning fossil fuels Etc, brainwashed functional moron.
Water vapor is also a product of burning fossil fuels. Is that pollution, you brain damaged cockroach?
Bricrap shows the values and mentality of a true Trumpster.
Just once we should have the Democratic party with a Unstoppable majority, and not in the middle of another Trump's GOP economic meltdown... Hasn't happened since LBJ...

Look what we got with LBJ's majority. $22 trillion wasted with the thinking that if you help people they'll want to better themselves.

We don't need any more of that ridiculous thinking. It didn't work 50 years ago and it won't work today.
Actually it worked great until the Vietnam War ruined it and Nixon etc etc...
Like I said, all the GOP has is b******* propaganda and dupes like you...

Trump's trade and immigration issues were not pandering to the working class, they were speaking out for their valid interests.

The Rich were on board with the Establishment candidates of both parties.

First the GOP, and then America choose against the Rich Approved choices.

You should be happy about that, but your leftism is more important to you than these issues you speak of.
Of course you do have no idea what the policy wishes of the democratic party were... Hint, just what I'm saying...

i know HIllary was against Trade policy designed to benefit American workers, and I know she was in favor of amnesty.

Or are there some specific policy that you think I am not aware of, that you think is more important?
There is only one policy that will help unemployment in a big way, training our unemployed for tech jobs that are going begging 3 - 6 million of them. For that we need money yes go bills! GOP voters are absolutely Clueless...

Any time you want to pay for that on anyone's behalf, go ahead. If they aren't willing to invest in themselves or you invest in them, I don't see them as a good investment.
Right-wing idiocy as usual... Your sympathy for the bloated mega-rich is touching...

His words are your source for this moron.
ANd his statement was that when you are rich and famous women LET you do stuff.
Do you know what it means when a women LETS you do something?
That's consent.
YOu are attacking this man for him stating that he has had consensual sexual contact with women.
That is your stated reason for calling him divisive debunked.

So, will you admit you were wrong, or will you double down on being an ass?

If it is not so divisive how come he was slammed by so many people for it? Do you even know what the word means?

Yeah, he said they "let' him do it. His words, not theirs. That's like Charlie Manson saying Sharon Tate 'let' his followers shoot her. Are you this dumb? Of course you are. You're a Deplorable Trump supporter. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

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