The nation is split like never before

Has it EVER occurred to you that the two party system is an illusion?
How many "Republican" politicians don't support the wishes of the conservative voter base? Why do you think that is? Why is it that even with a "Republican controlled" legislature and "Republican" President, they STILL cannot get a damn thing done?

Maybe, just maybe because a higher order wants it that way? That same higher order makes it illegal for you to generate wind power on your own property, store rainwater, and forbids growing food on your own land....

As long as you're hung up on it being a Republican vs Democrat thing only, you're the blinded one.
Just once we should have the Democratic party with a Unstoppable majority, and not in the middle of another Trump's GOP economic meltdown... Hasn't happened since LBJ...

Look what we got with LBJ's majority. $22 trillion wasted with the thinking that if you help people they'll want to better themselves.

We don't need any more of that ridiculous thinking. It didn't work 50 years ago and it won't work today.
Actually it worked great until the Vietnam War ruined it and Nixon etc etc...
I thought Trump was "pandering" to the working class.
Like I said, all the GOP has is b******* propaganda and dupes like you...

Trump's trade and immigration issues were not pandering to the working class, they were speaking out for their valid interests.

The Rich were on board with the Establishment candidates of both parties.

First the GOP, and then America choose against the Rich Approved choices.

You should be happy about that, but your leftism is more important to you than these issues you speak of.
Of course you do have no idea what the policy wishes of the democratic party were... Hint, just what I'm saying...

i know HIllary was against Trade policy designed to benefit American workers, and I know she was in favor of amnesty.

Or are there some specific policy that you think I am not aware of, that you think is more important?
And yes she's for a comprehensive immigration bill with with a social security ID card that can't be fixed. In other words ending the illegal problem forever, as opposed to the GOP stringing it out forever....

"Comprehensive immigration bill" is a euphemism for "amnesty." That will happen over my dead body. If it did happen, the immigration problem wouldn't be solved because illegals would flood into this country as a result.

Chain migration is another thing that needs to end.
It's based on what douche bags like you do and say. It's based on forcing little girls to shower with trannies who have dicks. It's base on flooding this country with illegals who take American jobs. It's based on forcing the Obomination called ACA on us. It's based on constantly accusing everyone of being racists.
Just look at the ridiculous wedge issues that drive you crazy, while your greedy idiot billionaire GOP heroes are robbing you and the country blind for 30 years now, dupe. And screwing over blacks. Which you do not mind. The only solution for illegals is the Democratic one, a comprehensive bill with a social security ID card that can't be faked, dupe.

Wedge, like rich against poor? How about black vs white, or insurance vs Americans, Americans vs banks, poor vs Wall St. those are wedges the Democrats use. You are such a partisan idiot. I can’t imagine going through life as stupid as you.
Those are the actual major issues, Duke. Mainly the greedy idiot Mega Rich GOP ruining the middle class and the country for 30 years now and only bulshit propaganda is on their side and of course the wedge issues the dupes obsess over...

Except the mega rich are just as likely, if not more so, to be Dems, with their own twist on ruining the middle class and the country.

Sounds like YOU'VE been tricked into obsessing on a wedge issue.
There is one issue that matters, getting the bloated Rich to pay their fair share and use the money for services and infrastructure...

Yeah, Hillary was all for that! Lol! She was paid off big time by the rich and still is. You are one stupid partisan nut.
Just look at the ridiculous wedge issues that drive you crazy, while your greedy idiot billionaire GOP heroes are robbing you and the country blind for 30 years now, dupe. And screwing over blacks. Which you do not mind. The only solution for illegals is the Democratic one, a comprehensive bill with a social security ID card that can't be faked, dupe.

Wedge, like rich against poor? How about black vs white, or insurance vs Americans, Americans vs banks, poor vs Wall St. those are wedges the Democrats use. You are such a partisan idiot. I can’t imagine going through life as stupid as you.
Those are the actual major issues, Duke. Mainly the greedy idiot Mega Rich GOP ruining the middle class and the country for 30 years now and only bulshit propaganda is on their side and of course the wedge issues the dupes obsess over...

Except the mega rich are just as likely, if not more so, to be Dems, with their own twist on ruining the middle class and the country.

Sounds like YOU'VE been tricked into obsessing on a wedge issue.
There is one issue that matters, getting the bloated Rich to pay their fair share and use the money for services and infrastructure...

Produce a fair budget then build towards a consensus definition of "fair share". You don't get to define it.

He wants nothing to do with fair anything, he only sees Democrat vs. Republican. Unless Democrats win every point, he isn’t happy. Which is why he is part of the problem.
The problem is that often unity will promote the unity from one side, and cause division on the other, while those who see only unity shout out that they're the patriots because they blah blah blah, while all the while they're causing the bullshit that stops unity in the first place.

The Republicans are hardly a party of unity, now are they? They like the idea of unity, but unity by them forcing others to do what they want them to do.

Hence why they like war, it causes everyone to be patriotic and support their ideas of bomb, killing, death and destruction, and giving legitimate reasons to take away liberty, freedom and a voice, in exchange for their idea of security which is more violence for them to be tough against.

I'm calling BULLSHIT on your argument.

Has it EVER occurred to you that the two party system is an illusion?
How many "Republican" politicians don't support the wishes of the conservative voter base? Why do you think that is? Why is it that even with a "Republican controlled" legislature and "Republican" President, they STILL cannot get a damn thing done?

Maybe, just maybe because a higher order wants it that way? That same higher order makes it illegal for you to generate wind power on your own property, store rainwater, and forbids growing food on your own land....

As long as you're hung up on it being a Republican vs Democrat thing only, you're the blinded one.
Just once we should have the Democratic party with a Unstoppable majority, and not in the middle of another Trump's GOP economic meltdown... Hasn't happened since LBJ...

More proof, you want everything on your terms, that is divisive by its nature. How freaking stupid are you to make up lies?
Wedge, like rich against poor? How about black vs white, or insurance vs Americans, Americans vs banks, poor vs Wall St. those are wedges the Democrats use. You are such a partisan idiot. I can’t imagine going through life as stupid as you.
Those are the actual major issues, Duke. Mainly the greedy idiot Mega Rich GOP ruining the middle class and the country for 30 years now and only bulshit propaganda is on their side and of course the wedge issues the dupes obsess over...

Except the mega rich are just as likely, if not more so, to be Dems, with their own twist on ruining the middle class and the country.

Sounds like YOU'VE been tricked into obsessing on a wedge issue.
There is one issue that matters, getting the bloated Rich to pay their fair share and use the money for services and infrastructure...

Produce a fair budget then build towards a consensus definition of "fair share". You don't get to define it.

He wants nothing to do with fair anything, he only sees Democrat vs. Republican. Unless Democrats win every point, he isn’t happy. Which is why he is part of the problem.
The Democrats should win every point. The GOP is totally fos, dupe. Still waiting for Democratic lie...
Those are the actual major issues, Duke. Mainly the greedy idiot Mega Rich GOP ruining the middle class and the country for 30 years now and only bulshit propaganda is on their side and of course the wedge issues the dupes obsess over...

Except the mega rich are just as likely, if not more so, to be Dems, with their own twist on ruining the middle class and the country.

Sounds like YOU'VE been tricked into obsessing on a wedge issue.
There is one issue that matters, getting the bloated Rich to pay their fair share and use the money for services and infrastructure...

Produce a fair budget then build towards a consensus definition of "fair share". You don't get to define it.

He wants nothing to do with fair anything, he only sees Democrat vs. Republican. Unless Democrats win every point, he isn’t happy. Which is why he is part of the problem.
The Democrats should win every point. The GOP is totally fos, dupe. Still waiting for Democratic lie...

What points should Democrats win, allowing illegal aliens to flood into this country? They've already lost that one. They've lost on all their points.
Those are the actual major issues, Duke. Mainly the greedy idiot Mega Rich GOP ruining the middle class and the country for 30 years now and only bulshit propaganda is on their side and of course the wedge issues the dupes obsess over...

Except the mega rich are just as likely, if not more so, to be Dems, with their own twist on ruining the middle class and the country.

Sounds like YOU'VE been tricked into obsessing on a wedge issue.
There is one issue that matters, getting the bloated Rich to pay their fair share and use the money for services and infrastructure...

Produce a fair budget then build towards a consensus definition of "fair share". You don't get to define it.

He wants nothing to do with fair anything, he only sees Democrat vs. Republican. Unless Democrats win every point, he isn’t happy. Which is why he is part of the problem.
The Democrats should win every point. The GOP is totally fos, dupe. Still waiting for Democratic lie...

Thanks for proving you are divisive and it as much on you as it is on anyone.

I proved your lies in lots of other threads. Then you changed your BS and tried to cover. Typical of stupid partisan dummies.
Trump’s unwarranted, hateful attacks on Hispanic Americans living in Puerto Rico is yet another example of his desire to divide the American people.
Except the mega rich are just as likely, if not more so, to be Dems, with their own twist on ruining the middle class and the country.

Sounds like YOU'VE been tricked into obsessing on a wedge issue.
There is one issue that matters, getting the bloated Rich to pay their fair share and use the money for services and infrastructure...

Produce a fair budget then build towards a consensus definition of "fair share". You don't get to define it.

He wants nothing to do with fair anything, he only sees Democrat vs. Republican. Unless Democrats win every point, he isn’t happy. Which is why he is part of the problem.
The Democrats should win every point. The GOP is totally fos, dupe. Still waiting for Democratic lie...

What points should Democrats win, allowing illegal aliens to flood into this country? They've already lost that one. They've lost on all their points.
The only thing that will stop illegals is a social security ID card that can't be faked. Congratulations on allowing totally fos GOP to string this problem out forever, great job, probably racist Dupe.
Except the mega rich are just as likely, if not more so, to be Dems, with their own twist on ruining the middle class and the country.

Sounds like YOU'VE been tricked into obsessing on a wedge issue.
There is one issue that matters, getting the bloated Rich to pay their fair share and use the money for services and infrastructure...

Produce a fair budget then build towards a consensus definition of "fair share". You don't get to define it.

He wants nothing to do with fair anything, he only sees Democrat vs. Republican. Unless Democrats win every point, he isn’t happy. Which is why he is part of the problem.
The Democrats should win every point. The GOP is totally fos, dupe. Still waiting for Democratic lie...

Thanks for proving you are divisive and it as much on you as it is on anyone.

I proved your lies in lots of other threads. Then you changed your BS and tried to cover. Typical of stupid partisan dummies.
You can't tell me one Democratic lie. LOL. Your total joke, like all dupes and the GOP. Unbelievable...
There is one issue that matters, getting the bloated Rich to pay their fair share and use the money for services and infrastructure...

Produce a fair budget then build towards a consensus definition of "fair share". You don't get to define it.

He wants nothing to do with fair anything, he only sees Democrat vs. Republican. Unless Democrats win every point, he isn’t happy. Which is why he is part of the problem.
The Democrats should win every point. The GOP is totally fos, dupe. Still waiting for Democratic lie...

Thanks for proving you are divisive and it as much on you as it is on anyone.

I proved your lies in lots of other threads. Then you changed your BS and tried to cover. Typical of stupid partisan dummies.
You can't tell me one Democratic lie. LOL. Your total joke, like all dupes and the GOP. Unbelievable...
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

"hands up, don't shoot"

Hillary Clinton's 5 Biggest Lies in Her Benghazi Testimony - Breitbart
There is one issue that matters, getting the bloated Rich to pay their fair share and use the money for services and infrastructure...

Produce a fair budget then build towards a consensus definition of "fair share". You don't get to define it.

He wants nothing to do with fair anything, he only sees Democrat vs. Republican. Unless Democrats win every point, he isn’t happy. Which is why he is part of the problem.
The Democrats should win every point. The GOP is totally fos, dupe. Still waiting for Democratic lie...

What points should Democrats win, allowing illegal aliens to flood into this country? They've already lost that one. They've lost on all their points.
The only thing that will stop illegals is a social security ID card that can't be faked. Congratulations on allowing totally fos GOP to string this problem out forever, great job, probably racist Dupe.

The wall will stop illegals, along with actually tracking visitors with tourist visas.

Turds like you and Ted Kennedy created this problem with the First Amnesty.
There is one issue that matters, getting the bloated Rich to pay their fair share and use the money for services and infrastructure...

Produce a fair budget then build towards a consensus definition of "fair share". You don't get to define it.

He wants nothing to do with fair anything, he only sees Democrat vs. Republican. Unless Democrats win every point, he isn’t happy. Which is why he is part of the problem.
The Democrats should win every point. The GOP is totally fos, dupe. Still waiting for Democratic lie...

Thanks for proving you are divisive and it as much on you as it is on anyone.

I proved your lies in lots of other threads. Then you changed your BS and tried to cover. Typical of stupid partisan dummies.
You can't tell me one Democratic lie. LOL. Your total joke, like all dupes and the GOP. Unbelievable...

Been there done it and you just deny, why waste my time with a partisan idiot? I believe the left and the right have failed us and I just proved your lie that only the GOP is divisive. You are a very divisive partisan nutjob.
Except the mega rich are just as likely, if not more so, to be Dems, with their own twist on ruining the middle class and the country.

Sounds like YOU'VE been tricked into obsessing on a wedge issue.
There is one issue that matters, getting the bloated Rich to pay their fair share and use the money for services and infrastructure...

Produce a fair budget then build towards a consensus definition of "fair share". You don't get to define it.

He wants nothing to do with fair anything, he only sees Democrat vs. Republican. Unless Democrats win every point, he isn’t happy. Which is why he is part of the problem.
The Democrats should win every point. The GOP is totally fos, dupe. Still waiting for Democratic lie...

Thanks for proving you are divisive and it as much on you as it is on anyone.

I proved your lies in lots of other threads. Then you changed your BS and tried to cover. Typical of stupid partisan dummies.
Produce a fair budget then build towards a consensus definition of "fair share". You don't get to define it.

He wants nothing to do with fair anything, he only sees Democrat vs. Republican. Unless Democrats win every point, he isn’t happy. Which is why he is part of the problem.
The Democrats should win every point. The GOP is totally fos, dupe. Still waiting for Democratic lie...

Thanks for proving you are divisive and it as much on you as it is on anyone.

I proved your lies in lots of other threads. Then you changed your BS and tried to cover. Typical of stupid partisan dummies.
You can't tell me one Democratic lie. LOL. Your total joke, like all dupes and the GOP. Unbelievable...

Been there done it and you just deny, why waste my time with a partisan idiot? I believe the left and the right have failed us and I just proved your lie that only the GOP is divisive. You are a very divisive partisan nutjob.
A zealot can only "see" the faults of the other "side", regardless of how obvious their own faults are.

That's what happens when a person goes through life with only one eye open.
Produce a fair budget then build towards a consensus definition of "fair share". You don't get to define it.

He wants nothing to do with fair anything, he only sees Democrat vs. Republican. Unless Democrats win every point, he isn’t happy. Which is why he is part of the problem.
The Democrats should win every point. The GOP is totally fos, dupe. Still waiting for Democratic lie...

Thanks for proving you are divisive and it as much on you as it is on anyone.

I proved your lies in lots of other threads. Then you changed your BS and tried to cover. Typical of stupid partisan dummies.
You can't tell me one Democratic lie. LOL. Your total joke, like all dupes and the GOP. Unbelievable...
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

"hands up, don't shoot"

Hillary Clinton's 5 Biggest Lies in Her Benghazi Testimony - Breitbart
That is a prediction that supposedly didn't come true 5 years later... I think it's b******* anyway. The rest often your post is definitely b*******... LOL on the other hand the entire new bulshit GOP is entirely based on factual lies-the rich pay too much in taxes, you name it...
He wants nothing to do with fair anything, he only sees Democrat vs. Republican. Unless Democrats win every point, he isn’t happy. Which is why he is part of the problem.
The Democrats should win every point. The GOP is totally fos, dupe. Still waiting for Democratic lie...

Thanks for proving you are divisive and it as much on you as it is on anyone.

I proved your lies in lots of other threads. Then you changed your BS and tried to cover. Typical of stupid partisan dummies.
You can't tell me one Democratic lie. LOL. Your total joke, like all dupes and the GOP. Unbelievable...
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

"hands up, don't shoot"

Hillary Clinton's 5 Biggest Lies in Her Benghazi Testimony - Breitbart
That is a prediction that supposedly didn't come true 5 years later... I think it's b******* anyway. The rest often your post is definitely b*******... LOL on the other hand the entire new bulshit GOP is entirely based on factual lies-the rich pay too much in taxes, you name it...
It wasn't a "prediction." It was a promise. It was a big fat lie.

As if Democrats couldn't "predict" what was in the legislation they authored.
There is one issue that matters, getting the bloated Rich to pay their fair share and use the money for services and infrastructure...

Produce a fair budget then build towards a consensus definition of "fair share". You don't get to define it.

He wants nothing to do with fair anything, he only sees Democrat vs. Republican. Unless Democrats win every point, he isn’t happy. Which is why he is part of the problem.
The Democrats should win every point. The GOP is totally fos, dupe. Still waiting for Democratic lie...

Thanks for proving you are divisive and it as much on you as it is on anyone.

I proved your lies in lots of other threads. Then you changed your BS and tried to cover. Typical of stupid partisan dummies.
He wants nothing to do with fair anything, he only sees Democrat vs. Republican. Unless Democrats win every point, he isn’t happy. Which is why he is part of the problem.
The Democrats should win every point. The GOP is totally fos, dupe. Still waiting for Democratic lie...

Thanks for proving you are divisive and it as much on you as it is on anyone.

I proved your lies in lots of other threads. Then you changed your BS and tried to cover. Typical of stupid partisan dummies.
You can't tell me one Democratic lie. LOL. Your total joke, like all dupes and the GOP. Unbelievable...

Been there done it and you just deny, why waste my time with a partisan idiot? I believe the left and the right have failed us and I just proved your lie that only the GOP is divisive. You are a very divisive partisan nutjob.
A zealot can only "see" the faults of the other "side", regardless of how obvious their own faults are.

That's what happens when a person goes through life with only one eye open.
Example, dingbat? LOL
Produce a fair budget then build towards a consensus definition of "fair share". You don't get to define it.

He wants nothing to do with fair anything, he only sees Democrat vs. Republican. Unless Democrats win every point, he isn’t happy. Which is why he is part of the problem.
The Democrats should win every point. The GOP is totally fos, dupe. Still waiting for Democratic lie...

Thanks for proving you are divisive and it as much on you as it is on anyone.

I proved your lies in lots of other threads. Then you changed your BS and tried to cover. Typical of stupid partisan dummies.
The Democrats should win every point. The GOP is totally fos, dupe. Still waiting for Democratic lie...

Thanks for proving you are divisive and it as much on you as it is on anyone.

I proved your lies in lots of other threads. Then you changed your BS and tried to cover. Typical of stupid partisan dummies.
You can't tell me one Democratic lie. LOL. Your total joke, like all dupes and the GOP. Unbelievable...

Been there done it and you just deny, why waste my time with a partisan idiot? I believe the left and the right have failed us and I just proved your lie that only the GOP is divisive. You are a very divisive partisan nutjob.
A zealot can only "see" the faults of the other "side", regardless of how obvious their own faults are.

That's what happens when a person goes through life with only one eye open.
Example, dingbat? LOL
Every post you make. Hyper-partisan. Personal insults. Name-calling. Shallow, bumper-sticker platitudes and sloganeering.

You're a good little obedient hyper-partisan. Side irrelevant. Your behaviors are very similar to those you loathe.

If you don't like that, tough shit. I'm sure you don't see it. That's my point.
The Democrats should win every point. The GOP is totally fos, dupe. Still waiting for Democratic lie...

Thanks for proving you are divisive and it as much on you as it is on anyone.

I proved your lies in lots of other threads. Then you changed your BS and tried to cover. Typical of stupid partisan dummies.
You can't tell me one Democratic lie. LOL. Your total joke, like all dupes and the GOP. Unbelievable...
"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."

"hands up, don't shoot"

Hillary Clinton's 5 Biggest Lies in Her Benghazi Testimony - Breitbart
That is a prediction that supposedly didn't come true 5 years later... I think it's b******* anyway. The rest often your post is definitely b*******... LOL on the other hand the entire new bulshit GOP is entirely based on factual lies-the rich pay too much in taxes, you name it...
It wasn't a "prediction." It was a promise. It was a big fat lie.

As if Democrats couldn't "predict" what was in the legislation they authored.
Certainly not a factual lie like everything in your dupe brain...

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