The nation is split like never before

But, it does refer back to the op. Hatred like yours is why this nation is so divided. YOu lefties are very divisive.

Oh, the irony of this post. The Orange Buffoon is the most divisive and hateful figures in US politics I can remember in my lifetime. He just exudes hate with his moronic tweets and playing to the peanut gallery whenever he does a town hall. He's the king of soundbites and his Deplorables just lap it up. He cares about as much for his Deplorable base as Bill Clinton cared for Monica - ie, not much.
Hate for douche bags like you is something this country needs a lot more of. "Divisive" is a term leftwingers use for someone who wants to separate the ticks from their hosts.
A hate based on nothing but total b******* for 25-30 years now... Conspiracy Nut Job by definition...
But, it does refer back to the op. Hatred like yours is why this nation is so divided. YOu lefties are very divisive.

Oh, the irony of this post. The Orange Buffoon is the most divisive and hateful figures in US politics I can remember in my lifetime. He just exudes hate with his moronic tweets and playing to the peanut gallery whenever he does a town hall. He's the king of soundbites and his Deplorables just lap it up. He cares about as much for his Deplorable base as Bill Clinton cared for Monica - ie, not much.
Hate for douche bags like you is something this country needs a lot more of. "Divisive" is a term leftwingers use for someone who wants to separate the ticks from their hosts.
A hate based on nothing but total b******* for 25-30 years now... Conspiracy Nut Job by definition...
It's based on what douche bags like you do and say. It's based on forcing little girls to shower with trannies who have dicks. It's base on flooding this country with illegals who take American jobs. It's based on forcing the Obomination called ACA on us. It's based on constantly accusing everyone of being racists.
But, it does refer back to the op. Hatred like yours is why this nation is so divided. YOu lefties are very divisive.

Oh, the irony of this post. The Orange Buffoon is the most divisive and hateful figures in US politics I can remember in my lifetime. He just exudes hate with his moronic tweets and playing to the peanut gallery whenever he does a town hall. He's the king of soundbites and his Deplorables just lap it up. He cares about as much for his Deplorable base as Bill Clinton cared for Monica - ie, not much.
Hate for douche bags like you is something this country needs a lot more of. "Divisive" is a term leftwingers use for someone who wants to separate the ticks from their hosts.
A hate based on nothing but total b******* for 25-30 years now... Conspiracy Nut Job by definition...
It's based on what douche bags like you do and say. It's based on forcing little girls to shower with trannies who have dicks. It's base on flooding this country with illegals who take American jobs. It's based on forcing the Obomination called ACA on us. It's based on constantly accusing everyone of being racists.
Just look at the ridiculous wedge issues that drive you crazy, while your greedy idiot billionaire GOP heroes are robbing you and the country blind for 30 years now, dupe. And screwing over blacks. Which you do not mind. The only solution for illegals is the Democratic one, a comprehensive bill with a social security ID card that can't be faked, dupe.
But, it does refer back to the op. Hatred like yours is why this nation is so divided. YOu lefties are very divisive.

Oh, the irony of this post. The Orange Buffoon is the most divisive and hateful figures in US politics I can remember in my lifetime. He just exudes hate with his moronic tweets and playing to the peanut gallery whenever he does a town hall. He's the king of soundbites and his Deplorables just lap it up. He cares about as much for his Deplorable base as Bill Clinton cared for Monica - ie, not much.
Hate for douche bags like you is something this country needs a lot more of. "Divisive" is a term leftwingers use for someone who wants to separate the ticks from their hosts.
A hate based on nothing but total b******* for 25-30 years now... Conspiracy Nut Job by definition...
It's based on what douche bags like you do and say. It's based on forcing little girls to shower with trannies who have dicks. It's base on flooding this country with illegals who take American jobs. It's based on forcing the Obomination called ACA on us. It's based on constantly accusing everyone of being racists.
Obamacare is also nowhere near as bad as you've been duped about... Premiums have gone up 43%, less than before and no scams now, dupe. Adult 45,000 people dying because of no insurance, only about 20000 because the GOP are assholes and refuse Healthcare for poor workers...
How can you call anyone a dupe when you see the garbage the Left promotes, besides believing it?
Because I don't believe a whole bunch of Lies like you do so I am not a dupe then... See signature for what you're don't know and the lies you do

Your signature is bullshit.
All proven fact, super dupe. And the reason our country is so split, all the Dupes are totally full of misinformation and character assassination...

You seem to be one of the major dupes.

Just go back on any of your posts, it is all over them. I exposed them on many occasions and then you change your lies. It is pretty funny that you lie like you do.
But, it does refer back to the op. Hatred like yours is why this nation is so divided. YOu lefties are very divisive.

Oh, the irony of this post. The Orange Buffoon is the most divisive and hateful figures in US politics I can remember in my lifetime. He just exudes hate with his moronic tweets and playing to the peanut gallery whenever he does a town hall. He's the king of soundbites and his Deplorables just lap it up. He cares about as much for his Deplorable base as Bill Clinton cared for Monica - ie, not much.
Hate for douche bags like you is something this country needs a lot more of. "Divisive" is a term leftwingers use for someone who wants to separate the ticks from their hosts.
A hate based on nothing but total b******* for 25-30 years now... Conspiracy Nut Job by definition...
It's based on what douche bags like you do and say. It's based on forcing little girls to shower with trannies who have dicks. It's base on flooding this country with illegals who take American jobs. It's based on forcing the Obomination called ACA on us. It's based on constantly accusing everyone of being racists.
Just look at the ridiculous wedge issues that drive you crazy, while your greedy idiot billionaire GOP heroes are robbing you and the country blind for 30 years now, dupe. And screwing over blacks. Which you do not mind. The only solution for illegals is the Democratic one, a comprehensive bill with a social security ID card that can't be faked, dupe.

Wedge, like rich against poor? How about black vs white, or insurance vs Americans, Americans vs banks, poor vs Wall St. those are wedges the Democrats use. You are such a partisan idiot. I can’t imagine going through life as stupid as you. least we have a meeting of the Fudd's here. I do not dislike nor like Trump, I see him as a result of conditions. He is a step toward what will eventually be a much more serious conflict. Things cannot continue as they are. Whether you are left or right...they cannot continue.

The left will surrender when they keep losing elections and face reality. Trump cannot be beat he proved it last year. The DNC, Never Trumpers, and the media threw everything at him including the kitchen sink and he still won. Nobody in political history has accomplished such a feat.
True but how? why? No one ever thinks critically about why and how. The US has deep systemic problems. These problems cannot be solved within the current apparatus. The house (figuratively) is deeply divided (literally). Stagnation is the rule of the day and no matter whom you send to represent you under this current (dis)functioning framework you will see no change. None. Sooner or later people are going to wake up to this fact. It is as imminent as the nose on your face.
WE like to think that we are ALL Americans and at the end of the day WE will find a way because we have the homogeneity to remain cohesive. This will not end well.
Getting along is way overrated

I don't want to get along with you. That is fact. That is why separation maybe the answer!
When are you leaving?
Just like the taliban is winning in Afghanistan. You religious pieces of trash won't be controlling my life. There'll be war.
The blue states will take the Theocrats. They fit better with the commies. Fuck them. You get them. We'll be fighting them on the same side.
The anti-Trumpsters have the education and jobs. The Trumpsters are waiting for Trump to bring back their jobs.

What's funny is the rich fucks like Trump are the ones that outsourced all the jobs to China and Mexico to make a buck. lol

Dumb fucking Trumpers accepted the snake into the house. lol, lol, lol

These dumb fuckers want jobs? Get more education and fight for better pay. If they were serious about better pay they'd for vote Warren or Sanders.
When voters voted GOP they pretty much killed unions and collective bargaining. I just benefitted from individual bargaining because I tripled aftermarket sales. I used to be pro collective bargaining but not anymore. I told cons I would probably thrive in their world and damn if it wasn't true
It's a world where everyone can thrive. I'm glad you see that.
The nation is split like never before.
You are either a Trump supporter or a Trump hater.
Trump supporters have no patience for Trump haters.
Trump haters have no patience for for Trump supporters.

The divide is so large and do not see how these two groups can ever come together.
Trump is doing everything he can to make his supporters support him more and his haters to hate him more.

I'm not going to blame Trump. Trump is merely a symptom of the problem. The problem has existed for a long time.

Obama was elected on the promise of hope and Trump was also elected on the promise of hope. Neither will give this hope, but they'll act like they do and did.

The nation has always been divided. In the past the north hated the south because the south sold cotton and wanted export tariffs to be low, but the north wanted to protect its industry from European industry, and so wanted tariffs to be high.

The Civil War was always going to happen, and nothing much has changed since then, other than the South doesn't take up arms any more.

The govt has been trying to implement patriotism. The pledge of allegiance was made in 1892, and then schools have used it to instill patriotism into kids. Flag waving, the national anthem are other ways they have used. The problem is that social issues haven't been dealt with, so the paper thin emotional patriotism hasn't succeeded because not everyone feels like the govt represents them.

Division has always existed, and until people try and deal with the root causes of this division, it'll remain. And most people of the right on this forum are basically upholding the divisions as far as I can see.

The biggest problem is the way people vote. Until this changes, the divisions will remain the same.
Patriotism and unity go hand in hand. That's why liberals; the BLM, antifa, football pawns are using the the nation's flag and anthem to try to promote controversy. The anthem and flag aren't racist. It's about keeping the country in turmoil to get voters to give power back to the Democrats. Divide and conquer.
The nation is split like never before.
You are either a Trump supporter or a Trump hater.
Trump supporters have no patience for Trump haters.
Trump haters have no patience for for Trump supporters.

The divide is so large and do not see how these two groups can ever come together.
Trump is doing everything he can to make his supporters support him more and his haters to hate him more.

I'm not going to blame Trump. Trump is merely a symptom of the problem. The problem has existed for a long time.

Obama was elected on the promise of hope and Trump was also elected on the promise of hope. Neither will give this hope, but they'll act like they do and did.

The nation has always been divided. In the past the north hated the south because the south sold cotton and wanted export tariffs to be low, but the north wanted to protect its industry from European industry, and so wanted tariffs to be high.

The Civil War was always going to happen, and nothing much has changed since then, other than the South doesn't take up arms any more.

The govt has been trying to implement patriotism. The pledge of allegiance was made in 1892, and then schools have used it to instill patriotism into kids. Flag waving, the national anthem are other ways they have used. The problem is that social issues haven't been dealt with, so the paper thin emotional patriotism hasn't succeeded because not everyone feels like the govt represents them.

Division has always existed, and until people try and deal with the root causes of this division, it'll remain. And most people of the right on this forum are basically upholding the divisions as far as I can see.

The biggest problem is the way people vote. Until this changes, the divisions will remain the same.
Patriotism and unity go hand in hand. That's why liberals; the BLM, antifa, football pawns are using the the nation's flag and anthem to try to promote controversy. The anthem and flag aren't racist. It's about keeping the country in turmoil to get voters to give power back to the Democrats. Divide and conquer.

The problem is that often unity will promote the unity from one side, and cause division on the other, while those who see only unity shout out that they're the patriots because they blah blah blah, while all the while they're causing the bullshit that stops unity in the first place.

The Republicans are hardly a party of unity, now are they? They like the idea of unity, but unity by them forcing others to do what they want them to do.

Hence why they like war, it causes everyone to be patriotic and support their ideas of bomb, killing, death and destruction, and giving legitimate reasons to take away liberty, freedom and a voice, in exchange for their idea of security which is more violence for them to be tough against.

I'm calling BULLSHIT on your argument.
Just like the taliban is winning in Afghanistan. You religious pieces of trash won't be controlling my life. There'll be war.
The blue states will take the Theocrats. They fit better with the commies. Fuck them. You get them. We'll be fighting them on the same side.
The anti-Trumpsters have the education and jobs. The Trumpsters are waiting for Trump to bring back their jobs.

What's funny is the rich fucks like Trump are the ones that outsourced all the jobs to China and Mexico to make a buck. lol

Dumb fucking Trumpers accepted the snake into the house. lol, lol, lol

These dumb fuckers want jobs? Get more education and fight for better pay. If they were serious about better pay they'd for vote Warren or Sanders.
When voters voted GOP they pretty much killed unions and collective bargaining. I just benefitted from individual bargaining because I tripled aftermarket sales. I used to be pro collective bargaining but not anymore. I told cons I would probably thrive in their world and damn if it wasn't true
It's a world where everyone can thrive. I'm glad you see that.
Not true at all. Your way the exceptional and best do better but the masses do not.

For example my dad was a hard worker at ford but most ford workers were not. The union way rewards everyone. So no, our way doesn't make everyone thrive. The masses or bottom 80% won't thrive
Bruce Bartlett – one of the architects and major salespeople for Reagan’s tax cuts in the ‘80s – wrote in USA Today this week:

“Virtually everything Republicans say about taxes today is a lie. Tax cuts and tax rate reductions will not pay for themselves; they never have. Republicans don’t even believe they will, they are just excuses to slash spending for the poor when revenues collapse and deficits rise. There is no evidence that tax reform raises growth, although it may improve fairness and tax administration.”

This is the GOP con job Flim Flam
Hate for douche bags like you is something this country needs a lot more of. "Divisive" is a term leftwingers use for someone who wants to separate the ticks from their hosts.
Contempt for a nasty whiny little screechy weak sad bitch like you are punk is the only response to a douche bag like you and your Orange Bitch Donnie are a tick in the asshole of Trump licking away :2up:

the real split in America is between Human beings and Trump Ticks

‘It’s not human behavior’: CNN analyst blisters Trump’s anti-Puerto Rico tweets
You just used the excuse for the results of your bigotry, that I said you would, in the post you responded to.

Did you not read past the first sentence or were you just unable to come up with any other rationalization for your bigotry?

Go past the first sentence? Yeah I did. Nothing more than bigoted drivel.

My God are you really this stupid, or just playing dumb to avoid the point?
But, it does refer back to the op. Hatred like yours is why this nation is so divided. YOu lefties are very divisive.

Oh, the irony of this post. The Orange Buffoon is the most divisive and hateful figures in US politics I can remember in my lifetime. He just exudes hate with his moronic tweets and playing to the peanut gallery whenever he does a town hall. He's the king of soundbites and his Deplorables just lap it up. He cares about as much for his Deplorable base as Bill Clinton cared for Monica - ie, not much.

You go on at great length about how divisive President Trump is, but without a single example.

Are you really that stupid, or are you just lying?
Bruce Bartlett – one of the architects and major salespeople for Reagan’s tax cuts in the ‘80s – wrote in USA Today this week:

“Virtually everything Republicans say about taxes today is a lie. Tax cuts and tax rate reductions will not pay for themselves; they never have. Republicans don’t even believe they will, they are just excuses to slash spending for the poor when revenues collapse and deficits rise. There is no evidence that tax reform raises growth, although it may improve fairness and tax administration.”

This is the GOP con job Flim Flam

1. Off topic.

2. Never heard on him.
Hate for douche bags like you is something this country needs a lot more of. "Divisive" is a term leftwingers use for someone who wants to separate the ticks from their hosts.
Contempt for a nasty whiny little screechy weak sad bitch like you are punk is the only response to a douche bag like you and your Orange Bitch Donnie are a tick in the asshole of Trump licking away :2up:

the real split in America is between Human beings and Trump Ticks

‘It’s not human behavior’: CNN analyst blisters Trump’s anti-Puerto Rico tweets

You ever talk like that to someone in person, tough guy?
Hate for douche bags like you is something this country needs a lot more of. "Divisive" is a term leftwingers use for someone who wants to separate the ticks from their hosts.
Contempt for a nasty whiny little screechy weak sad bitch like you are punk is the only response to a douche bag like you and your Orange Bitch Donnie are a tick in the asshole of Trump licking away :2up:

the real split in America is between Human beings and Trump Ticks

‘It’s not human behavior’: CNN analyst blisters Trump’s anti-Puerto Rico tweets

How hateful and divisive!
Hate for douche bags like you is something this country needs a lot more of. "Divisive" is a term leftwingers use for someone who wants to separate the ticks from their hosts.
Contempt for a nasty whiny little screechy weak sad bitch like you are punk is the only response to a douche bag like you and your Orange Bitch Donnie are a tick in the asshole of Trump licking away :2up:

the real split in America is between Human beings and Trump Ticks

‘It’s not human behavior’: CNN analyst blisters Trump’s anti-Puerto Rico tweets

You ever talk like that to someone in person, tough guy?

I'll bet he weighs 98 lbs.

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