The National Conversation That Liberals Fear


Liberalism is all but dead as it was murdered by the regressive tribalism of identity politics. True liberalism is egalitarian in nature and affords all the same rights and treats all with the same expectations. Identity politics separates people into subgroups, instead and assigns rights in inverse proportion to a group's perceived success. Expectations for some are much lower than for others.

As identity politics has become more and more entrenched and powerful it represents fascism far more than it represents liberalism. In terms of the demands for absolute ideological conformity and the fact that race is a central component of the ideolog, it is definitely fascism in action.
There's only one logical answer to these questions. Democrats are easily bullshitted. Thank you.
My best friend in the picture, in 2008 he voted for Obammmy. I asked him why he voted for Obammy, and he said he wanted to be part of history by electing the first black president. I asked him if you voted for him because of his skin color does that make you a racist as Martin Luther King Jr suggested, do not judge a person by the color of his skin, but content of his character. He started thinking. I asked my friend if killing black babies in the womb was wrong, and he said it was against his Christian Values. I asked him if he liked working as much as he did, then the government comes and takes 40% of what you earn, so the government can give it to people who smoke dope and didnt work for that money? He said it was bullshit. I asked if he was for supporting family values, which he was completely for. I then asked him what did Obammy want to do to this country? He had no clue. The next voting cycle my friend, didnt vote for Obammy. He hasnt voted Demoncrap since, and has voted for President Trump in 2016 and will vote for him again. You could say my friend had an enlightening about the Democrat party..He read this book and like me, found out the many lies of the Democrat Party....

Perhaps you've seen this:

"Former NFL star Marcellus Wiley .... a graduate of Columbia University, said he believes most people haven’t read Black Lives Matter’s stated positions.

“Two things: My family structure is so vital[ly] important to me,” Wiley said. “Not only the one I grew up in but the one I am trying to create right now. Being a father and a husband — that's my mission in life right now. How do I reconcile that with this mission statement that says, ‘We dismantle the patriarchal practice. We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement.’”

Wiley said there were statistics showing that children from two-parent homes are more likely to succeed and less likely to commit crimes.

“Children from single-parent homes versus two-parent homes: The children from the single-parent homes ⁠— this was in 1995 I was reading this. Five times more likely to commit suicide. Six times more likely to be in poverty. Nine times more likely to drop out of high school. Ten times more likely to abuse chemical substances. Fourteen times more likely to commit rape. Twenty times more likely to end up in prison, and 32 times more likely to run away from home," he said."

Notable people from two parents homes, Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Genghis Khan, Mao Tse Tung...I can keep going on.

Ganghis Khan's parents were killed by the Chinese when he was young.

So you do pay attention, very good...Which means that there is no more evidence of people being a murderous individual if they have one parent or two. I managed to grow up in a single family household and yet never killed, robbed or raped anyone. Why is people like Roger stone who have it made commit crimes and go to prison?

Roger stone = bad criminal

Meanwhile Democrats let real criminals out of jails to protect them from Coronavirus.

Not all Democrats are criminals, but most criminals are Democrats

Liberalism is all but dead as it was murdered by the regressive tribalism of identity politics. True liberalism is egalitarian in nature and affords all the same rights and treats all with the same expectations. Identity politics separates people into subgroups, instead and assigns rights in inverse proportion to a group's perceived success. Expectations for some are much lower than for others.

As identity politics has become more and more entrenched and powerful it represents fascism far more than it represents liberalism. In terms of the demands for absolute ideological conformity and the fact that race is a central component of the ideolog, it is definitely fascism in action.
Democrats literally want to get rid of discrimination laws so they can write racist laws.

Laws like black people get this...

White people can't use public pools...

Who knows what the first law the nazis passed when they came to power?
I think Trump should follow the lead of his fans and start saying stuff like ".... if racism really exists, why...."

That would be a great idea. Here's hoping.
I think Trump should follow the lead of his fans and start saying stuff like ".... if racism really exists, why...."

That would be a great idea. Here's hoping.
You can literally hold a random object in front of a Democrat and that Democrat will tell you why that random object is racist
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7. If it's a Constitutional right to offend others by burning the National Ensign then isn't it also a Constitutional right to display the Confederate Flag and offend others if one so chooses?



Noooo.......that was when we were the land of the free, and the home of the brave.

Now we're the land of the Democrats/Progressives, who determine what the people can say or think.

These Fascists believe in thought crimes.
You can literally hold a random object in front of a Democrat and that Democrat will tell you why that random object is racist
I'd agree with that. The illiberal, authoritarian Regressive Left has long weaponized PC and Identity Politics for political gain.

That doesn't change the fact that old fashioned racism still exists, and it's not insignificant or isolated. The two conditions can exist simultaneously.
View attachment 360503

6. If black lives matter then why do so many blacks die by the hands of other blacks?



The only black lives that matter to Democrats/neo-communist are the ones they can exploit to attack America.

Here's proof of what you wrote:

Obama's US Civil Rights Commission, 2010 Report:
"The United States Commission on Civil Rights (Commission) is pleased to transmit this report, The Impact of Illegal Immigration on the Wages and Employment Opportunities of Black Workers. A panel of experts briefed members of the Commission on April 4, 2008 regarding the evidence for economic loss and job opportunity costs to black workers attributable to illegal immigration. The panelists also described non-economic factors contributing to the depression of black wages and employment rates.

Illegal immigration to the United States in recent decades has tended to depress both wages and employment rates for low-skilled American citizens, a disproportionate number of whom are black men."
USCCR: Page Not Found
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6. If black lives matter then why do so many blacks die by the hands of other blacks?



Because we live in a violent society, it has always been violent, in fact it was founded on violence, why do so many white kids die also or any child in the US a wealthy nation?

View attachment 360513

It's only violent if a person chooses to follow the path of violence, if a person doesn't want violence then don't bring violence to another persons doorstep.



My summer home....

Liberalism is all but dead as it was murdered by the regressive tribalism of identity politics. True liberalism is egalitarian in nature and affords all the same rights and treats all with the same expectations. Identity politics separates people into subgroups, instead and assigns rights in inverse proportion to a group's perceived success. Expectations for some are much lower than for others.

As identity politics has become more and more entrenched and powerful it represents fascism far more than it represents liberalism. In terms of the demands for absolute ideological conformity and the fact that race is a central component of the ideolog, it is definitely fascism in action.

I think Trump should follow the lead of his fans and start saying stuff like ".... if racism really exists, why...."

That would be a great idea. Here's hoping.

"...start saying stuff like..."

"We are proud of the fact— that our country was founded on Judeo-Christian principles, and we understand —— that these values have dramatically advanced the cause of peace and justice throughout the world.

We know that the American family is the bedrock of American life.

We recognize the solemn right and moral duty of every nation to secure its borders. And we are building the wall.

We remember that governments exist to protect the safety and happiness of their own people. A nation must care for its own citizens first. We must take care of America first. It’s time.

We believe in equal opportunity, equal justice, and equal treatment for citizens of every race, background, religion, and creed. Every child, of every color — born and unborn — is made in the holy image of God. We want free and open debate, not speech codes and cancel culture.

We embrace tolerance, not prejudice.

We support the courageous men and women of law enforcement. We will never abolish our police or our great Second Amendment, which gives us the right to keep and bear arms.

We believe that our children should be taught to love their country, honor our history, and respect our great American flag.

We stand tall, we stand proud, and we only kneel to Almighty God.

This is who we are. This is what we believe.” Remarks by President Trump at South Dakota’s 2020 Mount Rushmore Fireworks Celebration | Keystone, South Dakota | The White House
I think Trump should follow the lead of his fans and start saying stuff like ".... if racism really exists, why...."

That would be a great idea. Here's hoping.
You can literally hold a random object in front of a Democrat and that Democrat will tell you why that random object is racist

"Is Classical Music Racist?"
It doesn't make for scintillating conversation when the other side is left speechless, but it does provide an opportunity to reveal what cowardly hypocrites they are.
And unthinking ones, at to take orders from their elites, but unable to explain or defend their policies.

Five question.

1. Dennis Prager's recent column is a good place to get the ball rolling:
"If America Is So Racist, Why Are There So Many Race Hoaxes?"

Shouldn't it be easy to point to all the racism if it were there???

2. With all the recent emphasis on racist police, and black-hating authorities......why is it that now Liberal will dare provide the only hypothetical answer to this hypothetical question:
Considering the number of blacks shot by police, what would be the only explanation if we posit that the police are not racist in the slightest?

3.What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

4.Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.
What possible compelling government interest could this represent????

Since the inception of LBJ's 'War on Poverty,' $22 trillion has been spent to end poverty…yet, over half a century later, the poverty rate is worryingly similar to the rate when LBJ began…
Why are we still following this failed plan?

Consider this an open-book test, Liberals.....and it's a on a pass-fail basis.

Take all the time you need.....up until Novemeber.
You are one crazy lady, the way your mind works shooting out all this hate and randomness. A little tip. Keep your OPs direct on with one subject, that way we can really dig in on a topic. Your jumping from racism to Obama to Iran to priests, to LBJ and welfare. too much randomness. Sounds more like a rant than an honest attempt at a discussion.

With that said here are you answers. Not scary to answer, BTW

1. There aren’t so many racist hoaxes. There have been a few... Jessie Smollette is the only real on that comes to mind. The rest in the news are activists trying to draw attention ruin to their cause.

2. Blacks have developed a stigma and are arrested At a higher rate and punished more severely than whites. big factors are poverty, education and gang culture. I don’t think Systemic racism is the best phrase to use but I understand what they mean by it. Apparently you don’t.

3. Obama didn’t guarantee nukes to Iran, that’s a lie and I already proved that in a previous debate with. Stop spreading lies.

4. Separation of church and state

5.Poverty rate is still high but standard of living has improved. A good country takes care of its sick, poor and elderly. If you want to point at a wasted war then look at the one on drugs not poverty.
We stand tall, we stand proud, and we only kneel to Almighty God.
So you are a Christian.

Just keep doing what you're doing.

Why is my religion so important to you?

Would it make any difference if it were an atheist who revealed you as the lying low-life windbag that you are????
The way you leverage religion like a Jihadi fascinates me.

And again, please keep doing what you're doing. See if you can get Trump to say the same stuff.

Thanks in advance.
It doesn't make for scintillating conversation when the other side is left speechless, but it does provide an opportunity to reveal what cowardly hypocrites they are.
And unthinking ones, at to take orders from their elites, but unable to explain or defend their policies.

Five question.

1. Dennis Prager's recent column is a good place to get the ball rolling:
"If America Is So Racist, Why Are There So Many Race Hoaxes?"

Shouldn't it be easy to point to all the racism if it were there???

2. With all the recent emphasis on racist police, and black-hating authorities......why is it that now Liberal will dare provide the only hypothetical answer to this hypothetical question:
Considering the number of blacks shot by police, what would be the only explanation if we posit that the police are not racist in the slightest?

3.What benefit did America, or the world, accrue by Obama's guaranteeing nuclear weapons to the world's worst state sponsor of terrorism?

4.Under Democrat/Liberal LBJ, the law was passed that deprived pastors of their right of free speech.
What possible compelling government interest could this represent????

Since the inception of LBJ's 'War on Poverty,' $22 trillion has been spent to end poverty…yet, over half a century later, the poverty rate is worryingly similar to the rate when LBJ began…
Why are we still following this failed plan?

Consider this an open-book test, Liberals.....and it's a on a pass-fail basis.

Take all the time you need.....up until Novemeber.
You are one crazy lady, the way your mind works shooting out all this hate and randomness. A little tip. Keep your OPs direct on with one subject, that way we can really dig in on a topic. Your jumping from racism to Obama to Iran to priests, to LBJ and welfare. too much randomness. Sounds more like a rant than an honest attempt at a discussion.

With that said here are you answers. Not scary to answer, BTW

1. There aren’t so many racist hoaxes. There have been a few... Jessie Smollette is the only real on that comes to mind. The rest in the news are activists trying to draw attention ruin to their cause.

2. Blacks have developed a stigma and are arrested At a higher rate and punished more severely than whites. big factors are poverty, education and gang culture. I don’t think Systemic racism is the best phrase to use but I understand what they mean by it. Apparently you don’t.

3. Obama didn’t guarantee nukes to Iran, that’s a lie and I already proved that in a previous debate with. Stop spreading lies.

4. Separation of church and state

5.Poverty rate is still high but standard of living has improved. A good country takes care of its sick, poor and elderly. If you want to point at a wasted war then look at the one on drugs not poverty.

" There aren’t so many racist hoaxes."

Here are a dozen examples:

No. 1: The Duke lacrosse team (2006): Three white members of the Duke University lacrosse team were falsely accused by Crystal Mangum, a black student at North Carolina Central University, with having raped her. The charges were all fabricated, but the American media and Duke University faculty rushed to judgment and devoted months to smearing the three lacrosse players and Duke University itself as racist.

No. 2: UC San Diego library noose (2010): "Student apologizes for noose in UC San Diego library" (Los Angeles Times). A "minority student" was responsible for placing the noose in the university library. Previously, the Associated Press had reported, "Anger boiled over on the University of California San Diego campus today, where students took over the chancellor's office to protest the hanging of a noose in a campus library."

No. 3: Truck at Oakland's Corporation Yard (2014): "A reported 'noose' tied to the back of a city truck in August, which stirred already simmering racial tensions at Oakland's Corporation Yard, was not an intended act of racial harassment, a city-commissioned report has found" (Mercury News).

No. 4: University of Delaware (2015): "'Nooses' Found Hanging on University of Delaware Campus Were Lanterns" (NBC).

University President Nancy Targett had earlier announced, "We are both saddened and disturbed that this deplorable act has taken place on our campus."

No. 5: The LSU noose (2015): It was widely reported that a noose was sighted at Louisiana State University leading to protests against racism there. It was later reported, "LSU said a picture of what appeared to be a noose hanging from a campus tree Thursday was not what it appeared to be" (WBRZ).

No. 6: University at Albany (2016): "A state appeals court has upheld the University at Albany's expulsion of a woman who along with two friends falsely claimed to be the victim of a racially motivated attack on a CDTA bus in January 2016" (Times-Union). The three black women had attacked a white woman and then claimed they had been racially attacked.

No. 7: Bowling Green State University (2016): "Bowling Green police say student lied about politically driven attack" (ABC).

"The day after the 2016 election, Eleesha Long, a student at Bowling Green State University -- about 90 miles west of Oberlin -- said that she was attacked by white Trump supporters, who threw rocks at her. Police concluded that she had fabricated the story" (City Journal).

No. 8: Dreadlock cutting hoax (2019): "A black student at a Christian school in Virginia who accused three white sixth grade boys of cutting her dreadlocks and calling her ugly now says she was lying about the attack" (NBC).

No. 9: Jussie Smollett (2019): In one of the most notorious hoaxes, actor Jussie Smollett claimed he was attacked by white racists in Chicago on a freezing night. The story was a hoax. The "noose" was a rope his two co-conspirators had purchased for staging the "attack."

No. 10: Oakland's Lake Merritt (2020): After the city of Oakland launched a hate crime investigation regarding a noose hanging from park trees, Victor Anari Sengbe, a black man, tweeted: "It's not a noose, this guy climbed the tree and put up the rope for a swing months ago, folks used it to exercise... ITS NOT A NOOSE."

Nevertheless, Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf then tweeted, "Intentions do not matter. We will not tolerate symbols of hate in our city. The nooses found at Lake Merritt will be investigated as hate crimes."

No. 11: NASCAR (2020): A "noose" was found in the Talladega, Alabama, racetrack garage assigned to black NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace. FBI investigators determined it to be one of several such ropes placed sometime the year before in Talladega garages as door pulls, long before that garage was ever assigned to Wallace. But Wallace continued to maintain it was, in fact, a noose.

No. 12: University of La Verne (2020): "Racist Threats and Attacks that Rattled a California University Campus Were Faked, Police Say" (Newsweek).

There is not enough space in a column to cite all the hoaxes and mistaken charges of racism in recent decades. Interested readers can also look up: a hoax perpetrated by Fynn Arthur, a black student at Goucher College in 2018; Samantha Wells, a black student activist, who was responsible for a racist threat she left on her own car at St. Olaf College in 2017; and the hoax perpetrated by three black Oberlin students, Jonathan Aladin, Endia Lawrence and Cecelia Whettstone, who claimed racial profiling at Gibson's Bakery, which, after serving Oberlin for over 100 years, was nearly put out of business by the false claims."

In your face, booooyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
We stand tall, we stand proud, and we only kneel to Almighty God.
So you are a Christian.

Just keep doing what you're doing.

Why is my religion so important to you?

Would it make any difference if it were an atheist who revealed you as the lying low-life windbag that you are????
The way you leverage religion like a Jihadi fascinates me.

And again, please keep doing what you're doing. See if you can get Trump to say the same stuff.

Thanks in advance.

You appear to be having a Garden of Gethsemane moment.
Good to see that you didn't try to deny that you are a lying low-life windbag.
Since the inception of LBJ's 'War on Poverty,' $22 trillion has been spent to end poverty…yet, over half a century later, the poverty rate is worryingly similar to the rate when LBJ began…
Why are we still following this failed plan?

If you twas a real Christian you would already know this answer because Christ said it himself about the plight of the poor.
more fake nooz....


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