The National Popular vote, myths of small pop states and cities.

I've been 1 person 1 vote since I was a teen.

found out some locals voted for the (D) even though the (R) got the most votes. they did some 'special' proportional counting and then voted before look at all the votes.
By winner I think you are referring to Trump. I do not think he is a winner. Look at the mess he has created.

Uhhhhhh. . . . What "mess"? A growing, improving economy? Tax policy that is now enticing American companies to return to the U.S., and that is attracting trillions of dollars to America that was previously parked overseas? Putting hundreds of billions of dollars back into the pockets of middle-class families? Giving our companies a corporate income tax rate that has made them more competitive with Asian and European companies? The lowest number of unemployment claims in over 40 years? The lowest black and Hispanic unemployment rates that we've seen in decades? Exactly what "mess" are you talking about?
Last edited:
If the left wants elections decided by majority rules so bad let’s elect the President by who wins the most states.
So with a minority of the popular vote again? No, dumbass.
Giving the elections to the national popular vote means giving the elections to the large liberal shithole cities.....forever. Fuck that!

You see by the above that this is not about any principles other than the conservative desire to jigger the system in a way that they think gives their conservative minority disproportionate power.
Even though the founding fathers lived in a rural country, they were "afeared" of too much power of the cities. It was a legacy of England and repressive government.

The founders also didn't want women or people without property to vote. Let's stop pretending that this is the 18th century.
We're over both of those hurdles already. Now anyone can vote. Some even vote two or three times. Some are illegal voters. Some are illegal aliens. Some are legally dead. It's amazing how many votes the liberals can drum up. Now they want the liberal shithole cities to run the nation.

did you just take a stand against women's suffrage? lolol, classic rightwing nuttery.

How about the coloreds? Want to bring back founding fathers' ideas on them?
The founding fathers were the radicals of their time. Before them, the thought of democratic rule had only been contemplated since antiquity and thus they founded the very principles and institutions which brought about the emancipation of slaves and universal sufferage. Take a moment to reflect on that before you set about on your usual petulant whining about how everything is unfair and everybody who is not a white male is a victim.

In other words, grow up. Whiny and ignorant should not go on forever.

England "abolished" slavery before the US did, dumbass.
England never abolished slavery since no legislation was ever passed in England that legalised slavery. Really, you have no business calling your betters, or pretty much anyone else, dumbass.

I don't suffer fools gladly.
Liberals have no idea where food comes from, try to get rid of the EC so you can impose your will on us we'll starve you fools into submission. :muahaha:
Everybody knows food comes from the grocery store.

Electricity comes from the switch on the wall.

By winner I think you are referring to Trump. I do not think he is a winner. Look at the mess he has created.

Uhhhhhh. . . . What "mess"? A growing, improving economy? Tax policy that is now attracting American companies to return to the U.S.? Tax policy that is attracting trillions of dollars in capital that was previously parked overseas? Tax cuts that have put hundreds of billions of dollars back into the pockets of middle-class families? The lowest rate of unemployment claims in over 40 years? The lowest black and Hispanic unemployment that we've seen in decades? Exactly what "mess" are you talking about?

Tax cuts that will add hundreds of billions to the deficit and spending increases that will add even more.
So with a minority of the popular vote again? No, dumbass.
Giving the elections to the national popular vote means giving the elections to the large liberal shithole cities.....forever. Fuck that!

You see by the above that this is not about any principles other than the conservative desire to jigger the system in a way that they think gives their conservative minority disproportionate power.
The founders also didn't want women or people without property to vote. Let's stop pretending that this is the 18th century.
We're over both of those hurdles already. Now anyone can vote. Some even vote two or three times. Some are illegal voters. Some are illegal aliens. Some are legally dead. It's amazing how many votes the liberals can drum up. Now they want the liberal shithole cities to run the nation.

did you just take a stand against women's suffrage? lolol, classic rightwing nuttery.

How about the coloreds? Want to bring back founding fathers' ideas on them?
The founding fathers were the radicals of their time. Before them, the thought of democratic rule had only been contemplated since antiquity and thus they founded the very principles and institutions which brought about the emancipation of slaves and universal sufferage. Take a moment to reflect on that before you set about on your usual petulant whining about how everything is unfair and everybody who is not a white male is a victim.

In other words, grow up. Whiny and ignorant should not go on forever.

England "abolished" slavery before the US did, dumbass.
England never abolished slavery since no legislation was ever passed in England that legalised slavery. Really, you have no business calling your betters, or pretty much anyone else, dumbass.

I don't suffer fools gladly.


Slavery Abolition Act 1833 - Wikipedia
Giving the elections to the national popular vote means giving the elections to the large liberal shithole cities.....forever. Fuck that!

You see by the above that this is not about any principles other than the conservative desire to jigger the system in a way that they think gives their conservative minority disproportionate power.
We're over both of those hurdles already. Now anyone can vote. Some even vote two or three times. Some are illegal voters. Some are illegal aliens. Some are legally dead. It's amazing how many votes the liberals can drum up. Now they want the liberal shithole cities to run the nation.

did you just take a stand against women's suffrage? lolol, classic rightwing nuttery.

How about the coloreds? Want to bring back founding fathers' ideas on them?
The founding fathers were the radicals of their time. Before them, the thought of democratic rule had only been contemplated since antiquity and thus they founded the very principles and institutions which brought about the emancipation of slaves and universal sufferage. Take a moment to reflect on that before you set about on your usual petulant whining about how everything is unfair and everybody who is not a white male is a victim.

In other words, grow up. Whiny and ignorant should not go on forever.

England "abolished" slavery before the US did, dumbass.
England never abolished slavery since no legislation was ever passed in England that legalised slavery. Really, you have no business calling your betters, or pretty much anyone else, dumbass.

I don't suffer fools gladly.


Slavery Abolition Act 1833 - Wikipedia
There was no slavery in England. The act applied to their colonies. Remember too, that through most of the history of slavery in America, it was a British colony.

You are a pretty ignorant fellow at best. This is not even close.
If the left wants elections decided by majority rules so bad let’s elect the President by who wins the most states.
So with a minority of the popular vote again? No, dumbass.
Giving the elections to the national popular vote means giving the elections to the large liberal shithole cities.....forever. Fuck that!

You see by the above that this is not about any principles other than the conservative desire to jigger the system in a way that they think gives their conservative minority disproportionate power.
Even though the founding fathers lived in a rural country, they were "afeared" of too much power of the cities. It was a legacy of England and repressive government.

The founders also didn't want women or people without property to vote. Let's stop pretending that this is the 18th century.
We're over both of those hurdles already. Now anyone can vote. Some even vote two or three times. Some are illegal voters. Some are illegal aliens. Some are legally dead. It's amazing how many votes the liberals can drum up. Now they want the liberal shithole cities to run the nation.

did you just take a stand against women's suffrage? lolol, classic rightwing nuttery.

How about the coloreds? Want to bring back founding fathers' ideas on them?
The founding fathers were the radicals of their time. Before them, the thought of democratic rule had only been contemplated since antiquity and thus they founded the very principles and institutions which brought about the emancipation of slaves and universal sufferage. Take a moment to reflect on that before you set about on your usual petulant whining about how everything is unfair and everybody who is not a white male is a victim.

In other words, grow up. Whiny and ignorant should not go on forever.

England abolished slavery before the US did, dumbass.
That in no way detracts from what Meathead posted. It is YOU that is a dumbass!
You see by the above that this is not about any principles other than the conservative desire to jigger the system in a way that they think gives their conservative minority disproportionate power.
did you just take a stand against women's suffrage? lolol, classic rightwing nuttery.

How about the coloreds? Want to bring back founding fathers' ideas on them?
The founding fathers were the radicals of their time. Before them, the thought of democratic rule had only been contemplated since antiquity and thus they founded the very principles and institutions which brought about the emancipation of slaves and universal sufferage. Take a moment to reflect on that before you set about on your usual petulant whining about how everything is unfair and everybody who is not a white male is a victim.

In other words, grow up. Whiny and ignorant should not go on forever.

England "abolished" slavery before the US did, dumbass.
England never abolished slavery since no legislation was ever passed in England that legalised slavery. Really, you have no business calling your betters, or pretty much anyone else, dumbass.

I don't suffer fools gladly.


Slavery Abolition Act 1833 - Wikipedia
There was no slavery in England. The act applied to their colonies. Remember too, that through most of the history of slavery in America, it was a British colony.

You are a pretty ignorant fellow at best. This is not even close.

So England abolished slavery on the homeland even longer than before we did ?

lol times 100
So with a minority of the popular vote again? No, dumbass.
Giving the elections to the national popular vote means giving the elections to the large liberal shithole cities.....forever. Fuck that!

You see by the above that this is not about any principles other than the conservative desire to jigger the system in a way that they think gives their conservative minority disproportionate power.
The founders also didn't want women or people without property to vote. Let's stop pretending that this is the 18th century.
We're over both of those hurdles already. Now anyone can vote. Some even vote two or three times. Some are illegal voters. Some are illegal aliens. Some are legally dead. It's amazing how many votes the liberals can drum up. Now they want the liberal shithole cities to run the nation.

did you just take a stand against women's suffrage? lolol, classic rightwing nuttery.

How about the coloreds? Want to bring back founding fathers' ideas on them?
The founding fathers were the radicals of their time. Before them, the thought of democratic rule had only been contemplated since antiquity and thus they founded the very principles and institutions which brought about the emancipation of slaves and universal sufferage. Take a moment to reflect on that before you set about on your usual petulant whining about how everything is unfair and everybody who is not a white male is a victim.

In other words, grow up. Whiny and ignorant should not go on forever.

England abolished slavery before the US did, dumbass.
That in no way detracts from what Meathead posted. It is YOU that is a dumbass!

He's trying to claim that the Founders were solely responsible for the abolition of slavery and universal suffrage worldwide.

That is laughable.

I'll bet he doesn't know either that it was CONSERVATISM that resisted those changes throughout history.
If the left wants elections decided by majority rules so bad let’s elect the President by who wins the most states.
So with a minority of the popular vote again? No, dumbass.
Giving the elections to the national popular vote means giving the elections to the large liberal shithole cities.....forever. Fuck that!
Even though the founding fathers lived in a rural country, they were "afeared" of too much power of the cities. It was a legacy of England and repressive government.

The founders also didn't want women or people without property to vote. Let's stop pretending that this is the 18th century.

This is another prime example of liberals' ignorance of their own country's founding and form of government. Being students of history, the framers sought to avoid pure majority rule, knowing that the tyranny of the majority can be every bit as oppressive and ruinous as the tyranny of a corrupt king.

If you abolished the electoral college, many states would be ignored, outright ignored, which means that the millions of people in those states would effectively lose their voice in choosing a president.

As has been pointed out, the argument about "big cities" is a strawman. The point is that states with larger populations would get most of the attention, while other states would get little attention, and while other states would get no attention.

If the left wants elections decided by majority rules so bad let’s elect the President by who wins the most states.
So with a minority of the popular vote again? No, dumbass.
Giving the elections to the national popular vote means giving the elections to the large liberal shithole cities.....forever. Fuck that!
Even though the founding fathers lived in a rural country, they were "afeared" of too much power of the cities. It was a legacy of England and repressive government.

The founders also didn't want women or people without property to vote. Let's stop pretending that this is the 18th century.
We're over both of those hurdles already. Now anyone can vote. Some even vote two or three times. Some are illegal voters. Some are illegal aliens. Some are legally dead. It's amazing how many votes the liberals can drum up. Now they want the liberal shithole cities to run the nation.

So basically, what Penelope is saying is----------->we want the states who already REFUSE to follow federal law (sanctuary cities/illegal aliens) in charge of the country; do I have that correctly?

Personally, I believe if the Left were to pull this off, they might get a rude awakening!

Follow the logic here---------> In California, because of the leftist rules, except for red areas, there is no reason for a Republican to vote. Basically for senator, their is always 2 Democrats, governor same thing. The Republicans just, stay home unless they have a chance in their district. The Left has sown up California by the election rules for any office. The top 2 vote getters are on the ballot, always meaning Democrats.

Now, if they put in this system, the Republicans have a reason to vote in dark blue areas of California and New York. Of course, it also means that Democrats would vote more in deep red areas also; but by their own admission, the red areas are SMALLER, just more plentiful.

I contend that IF this system was in place, Trump would have won the popular vote! Always remember-------------> where can't Republicans win? Big cities! So who stays home there? Republicans. They can not switch the state to red by voting, but they can bring the vote count much closer if they have a reason to vote!

It is no coincidence that the vote tally of California was by itself, the margin of victory in the popular vote. Give California Republicans a voice, along with those in New York, and it is my contention that the Democratic votes would stay basically close to static in those areas, but the Republican votes would rise dramatically!
If the left wants elections decided by majority rules so bad let’s elect the President by who wins the most states.
So with a minority of the popular vote again? No, dumbass.
Giving the elections to the national popular vote means giving the elections to the large liberal shithole cities.....forever. Fuck that!
Even though the founding fathers lived in a rural country, they were "afeared" of too much power of the cities. It was a legacy of England and repressive government.

The founders also didn't want women or people without property to vote. Let's stop pretending that this is the 18th century.

This is another prime example of liberals' ignorance of their own country's founding and form of government. Being students of history, the framers sought to avoid pure majority rule, knowing that the tyranny of the majority can be every bit as oppressive and ruinous as the tyranny of a corrupt king.

If you abolished the electoral college, many states would be ignored, outright ignored, which means that the millions of people in those states would effectively lose their voice in choosing a president.

As has been pointed out, the argument about "big cities" is a strawman. The point is that states with larger populations would get most of the attention, while other states would get little attention, and while other states would get no attention.

So with a minority of the popular vote again? No, dumbass.
Giving the elections to the national popular vote means giving the elections to the large liberal shithole cities.....forever. Fuck that!
Even though the founding fathers lived in a rural country, they were "afeared" of too much power of the cities. It was a legacy of England and repressive government.

The founders also didn't want women or people without property to vote. Let's stop pretending that this is the 18th century.
We're over both of those hurdles already. Now anyone can vote. Some even vote two or three times. Some are illegal voters. Some are illegal aliens. Some are legally dead. It's amazing how many votes the liberals can drum up. Now they want the liberal shithole cities to run the nation.

So basically, what Penelope is saying is----------->we want the states who already REFUSE to follow federal law (sanctuary cities/illegal aliens) in charge of the country; do I have that correctly?

Personally, I believe if the Left were to pull this off, they might get a rude awakening!

Follow the logic here---------> In California, because of the leftist rules, except for red areas, there is no reason for a Republican to vote. Basically for senator, their is always 2 Democrats, governor same thing. The Republicans just, stay home unless they have a chance in their district. The Left has sown up California by the election rules for any office. The top 2 vote getters are on the ballot, always meaning Democrats.

Now, if they put in this system, the Republicans have a reason to vote in dark blue areas of California and New York. Of course, it also means that Democrats would vote more in deep red areas also; but by their own admission, the red areas are SMALLER, just more plentiful.

I contend that IF this system was in place, Trump would have won the popular vote! Always remember-------------> where can't Republicans win? Big cities! So who stays home there? Republicans. They can not switch the state to red by voting, but they can bring the vote count much closer if they have a reason to vote!

It is no coincidence that the vote tally of California was by itself, the margin of victory in the popular vote. Give California Republicans a voice, along with those in New York, and it is my contention that the Democratic votes would stay basically close to static in those areas, but the Republican votes would rise dramatically!

The electoral college is the main reason that so many states NOW are ignored.
The founding fathers were the radicals of their time. Before them, the thought of democratic rule had only been contemplated since antiquity and thus they founded the very principles and institutions which brought about the emancipation of slaves and universal sufferage. Take a moment to reflect on that before you set about on your usual petulant whining about how everything is unfair and everybody who is not a white male is a victim.

In other words, grow up. Whiny and ignorant should not go on forever.

England "abolished" slavery before the US did, dumbass.
England never abolished slavery since no legislation was ever passed in England that legalised slavery. Really, you have no business calling your betters, or pretty much anyone else, dumbass.

I don't suffer fools gladly.


Slavery Abolition Act 1833 - Wikipedia
There was no slavery in England. The act applied to their colonies. Remember too, that through most of the history of slavery in America, it was a British colony.

You are a pretty ignorant fellow at best. This is not even close.

So England abolished slavery on the homeland even longer than before we did ?

lol times 100
England never abolished slavery. There was never slavery in England. Something must exist before it's abolished. Are you simply being deliberately obtuse or are you truly that stupid.
Giving the elections to the national popular vote means giving the elections to the large liberal shithole cities.....forever. Fuck that!

You see by the above that this is not about any principles other than the conservative desire to jigger the system in a way that they think gives their conservative minority disproportionate power.
We're over both of those hurdles already. Now anyone can vote. Some even vote two or three times. Some are illegal voters. Some are illegal aliens. Some are legally dead. It's amazing how many votes the liberals can drum up. Now they want the liberal shithole cities to run the nation.

did you just take a stand against women's suffrage? lolol, classic rightwing nuttery.

How about the coloreds? Want to bring back founding fathers' ideas on them?
You dumb fuck! I described the bans against women and non-property owners voting as "hurdles", a commonly used reference to "a problem". By all means, all registered US citizens of proper age, sound mind and no felony convictions should be allowed one vote per election. Ethnicity has nothing to do with it.

You're touting 'founding fathes' ideas as if they were gods.

btw, if people living in urban areas need to have their right to vote diminished, shouldn't we stop electing governors by popular vote?
States have a right to elect their own governors and legisatures and to alot their alotment of electoral votes as they see fit.

So? Why does that make it right, according to your reasoning?
It means that any state can declare that ALL of its electoral votes will go to the candidate that won the popular vote in that state. Many states do this. Other states allow split voting by electors from their state.
So with a minority of the popular vote again? No, dumbass.
Giving the elections to the national popular vote means giving the elections to the large liberal shithole cities.....forever. Fuck that!
Even though the founding fathers lived in a rural country, they were "afeared" of too much power of the cities. It was a legacy of England and repressive government.

The founders also didn't want women or people without property to vote. Let's stop pretending that this is the 18th century.

This is another prime example of liberals' ignorance of their own country's founding and form of government. Being students of history, the framers sought to avoid pure majority rule, knowing that the tyranny of the majority can be every bit as oppressive and ruinous as the tyranny of a corrupt king.

If you abolished the electoral college, many states would be ignored, outright ignored, which means that the millions of people in those states would effectively lose their voice in choosing a president.

As has been pointed out, the argument about "big cities" is a strawman. The point is that states with larger populations would get most of the attention, while other states would get little attention, and while other states would get no attention.

Giving the elections to the national popular vote means giving the elections to the large liberal shithole cities.....forever. Fuck that!
Even though the founding fathers lived in a rural country, they were "afeared" of too much power of the cities. It was a legacy of England and repressive government.

The founders also didn't want women or people without property to vote. Let's stop pretending that this is the 18th century.
We're over both of those hurdles already. Now anyone can vote. Some even vote two or three times. Some are illegal voters. Some are illegal aliens. Some are legally dead. It's amazing how many votes the liberals can drum up. Now they want the liberal shithole cities to run the nation.

So basically, what Penelope is saying is----------->we want the states who already REFUSE to follow federal law (sanctuary cities/illegal aliens) in charge of the country; do I have that correctly?

Personally, I believe if the Left were to pull this off, they might get a rude awakening!

Follow the logic here---------> In California, because of the leftist rules, except for red areas, there is no reason for a Republican to vote. Basically for senator, their is always 2 Democrats, governor same thing. The Republicans just, stay home unless they have a chance in their district. The Left has sown up California by the election rules for any office. The top 2 vote getters are on the ballot, always meaning Democrats.

Now, if they put in this system, the Republicans have a reason to vote in dark blue areas of California and New York. Of course, it also means that Democrats would vote more in deep red areas also; but by their own admission, the red areas are SMALLER, just more plentiful.

I contend that IF this system was in place, Trump would have won the popular vote! Always remember-------------> where can't Republicans win? Big cities! So who stays home there? Republicans. They can not switch the state to red by voting, but they can bring the vote count much closer if they have a reason to vote!

It is no coincidence that the vote tally of California was by itself, the margin of victory in the popular vote. Give California Republicans a voice, along with those in New York, and it is my contention that the Democratic votes would stay basically close to static in those areas, but the Republican votes would rise dramatically!

The electoral college is the main reason that so many states NOW are ignored.

England "abolished" slavery before the US did, dumbass.
England never abolished slavery since no legislation was ever passed in England that legalised slavery. Really, you have no business calling your betters, or pretty much anyone else, dumbass.

I don't suffer fools gladly.


Slavery Abolition Act 1833 - Wikipedia
There was no slavery in England. The act applied to their colonies. Remember too, that through most of the history of slavery in America, it was a British colony.

You are a pretty ignorant fellow at best. This is not even close.

So England abolished slavery on the homeland even longer than before we did ?

lol times 100
England never abolished slavery. There was never slavery in England. Something must exist before it's abolished. Are you simply being deliberately obtuse or are you truly that stupid.

So, let me ask the million dollar question-------->

Do you think the Left would trade a change away from the EC for voter ID? Because in my book, that is a fair trade if that is what the Left wants!
So with a minority of the popular vote again? No, dumbass.
Giving the elections to the national popular vote means giving the elections to the large liberal shithole cities.....forever. Fuck that!
Even though the founding fathers lived in a rural country, they were "afeared" of too much power of the cities. It was a legacy of England and repressive government.

The founders also didn't want women or people without property to vote. Let's stop pretending that this is the 18th century.

This is another prime example of liberals' ignorance of their own country's founding and form of government. Being students of history, the framers sought to avoid pure majority rule, knowing that the tyranny of the majority can be every bit as oppressive and ruinous as the tyranny of a corrupt king.

If you abolished the electoral college, many states would be ignored, outright ignored, which means that the millions of people in those states would effectively lose their voice in choosing a president.

As has been pointed out, the argument about "big cities" is a strawman. The point is that states with larger populations would get most of the attention, while other states would get little attention, and while other states would get no attention.

Giving the elections to the national popular vote means giving the elections to the large liberal shithole cities.....forever. Fuck that!
Even though the founding fathers lived in a rural country, they were "afeared" of too much power of the cities. It was a legacy of England and repressive government.

The founders also didn't want women or people without property to vote. Let's stop pretending that this is the 18th century.
We're over both of those hurdles already. Now anyone can vote. Some even vote two or three times. Some are illegal voters. Some are illegal aliens. Some are legally dead. It's amazing how many votes the liberals can drum up. Now they want the liberal shithole cities to run the nation.

So basically, what Penelope is saying is----------->we want the states who already REFUSE to follow federal law (sanctuary cities/illegal aliens) in charge of the country; do I have that correctly?

Personally, I believe if the Left were to pull this off, they might get a rude awakening!

Follow the logic here---------> In California, because of the leftist rules, except for red areas, there is no reason for a Republican to vote. Basically for senator, their is always 2 Democrats, governor same thing. The Republicans just, stay home unless they have a chance in their district. The Left has sown up California by the election rules for any office. The top 2 vote getters are on the ballot, always meaning Democrats.

Now, if they put in this system, the Republicans have a reason to vote in dark blue areas of California and New York. Of course, it also means that Democrats would vote more in deep red areas also; but by their own admission, the red areas are SMALLER, just more plentiful.

I contend that IF this system was in place, Trump would have won the popular vote! Always remember-------------> where can't Republicans win? Big cities! So who stays home there? Republicans. They can not switch the state to red by voting, but they can bring the vote count much closer if they have a reason to vote!

It is no coincidence that the vote tally of California was by itself, the margin of victory in the popular vote. Give California Republicans a voice, along with those in New York, and it is my contention that the Democratic votes would stay basically close to static in those areas, but the Republican votes would rise dramatically!

The electoral college is the main reason that so many states NOW are ignored.
No state is ignored.
A few facts:

* In the 2016 election, the center-right won the popular vote in votes cast for president, not the center-left.

* There are currently 33 states with Republican governors. Governors are elected by pure majority vote. That means a majority of people in 33 out of 50 states have elected Republican governors.

* Lincoln only got 39.9% of the vote in the 1860 election. If the other candidates had combined their vote behind one candidate, Lincoln would have lost in a landslide.
Giving the elections to the national popular vote means giving the elections to the large liberal shithole cities.....forever. Fuck that!

You see by the above that this is not about any principles other than the conservative desire to jigger the system in a way that they think gives their conservative minority disproportionate power.
We're over both of those hurdles already. Now anyone can vote. Some even vote two or three times. Some are illegal voters. Some are illegal aliens. Some are legally dead. It's amazing how many votes the liberals can drum up. Now they want the liberal shithole cities to run the nation.

did you just take a stand against women's suffrage? lolol, classic rightwing nuttery.

How about the coloreds? Want to bring back founding fathers' ideas on them?
The founding fathers were the radicals of their time. Before them, the thought of democratic rule had only been contemplated since antiquity and thus they founded the very principles and institutions which brought about the emancipation of slaves and universal sufferage. Take a moment to reflect on that before you set about on your usual petulant whining about how everything is unfair and everybody who is not a white male is a victim.

In other words, grow up. Whiny and ignorant should not go on forever.

England abolished slavery before the US did, dumbass.
That in no way detracts from what Meathead posted. It is YOU that is a dumbass!

He's trying to claim that the Founders were solely responsible for the abolition of slavery and universal suffrage worldwide.

That is laughable.

I'll bet he doesn't know either that it was CONSERVATISM that resisted those changes throughout history.
You twist what he actually said. he said that they set up our system so that slavery and women's suffrage could come about.

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