The National Popular vote, myths of small pop states and cities.

By winner I think you are referring to Trump. I do not think he is a winner. Look at the mess he has created.
if you believe total BS like all you dupes do... How's the Hillary prosecution coming, dumbass?

The choices were both losers. But voters feel they HAVE to choose from an ever distressing list of losers. Until they vote on PRINCIPLES, CHARACTER, and HUMILITY --- this country is headed down...
This is true. However, one cannot expect candidates to possess any one or all three of those characters. Trump had two of them. Hillary had none.
if you believe total BS like all you dupes do... How's the Hillary prosecution coming, dumbass?
Slowly but surely, funny guy! She will be called to explain herself.
If we got rid of the EC and libs lost a popular vote election would they accept the results? Hell no. :icon_rolleyes:
By winner I think you are referring to Trump. I do not think he is a winner. Look at the mess he has created.

The choices were both losers. But voters feel they HAVE to choose from an ever distressing list of losers. Until they vote on PRINCIPLES, CHARACTER, and HUMILITY --- this country is headed down...
This is true. However, one cannot expect candidates to possess any one or all three of those characters. Trump had two of them. Hillary had none.

Your math is only correct if you count meglomaniac power whore as character. But if you did, then Hillary would have gotten a point also.. :777:

There were TWO ex two term governors on the ballot polling about 10% in about 8 or 10 states before the conventions and debates. Those guys had all three.. SHOULD have been included in the debates.

And we wouldn't have wasted a year of our country's life watching the 2 primitive tribes in a death match.
Would have been a LOT less noise..
The word is megalomaniac. The only thing Trump lacks of your list is humility.
If the left wants elections decided by majority rules so bad let’s elect the President by who wins the most states.
So with a minority of the popular vote again? No, dumbass.
Giving the elections to the national popular vote means giving the elections to the large liberal shithole cities.....forever. Fuck that!

You Republicans are not that popular hey?
If you discount all the illegal votes, the liberals couldn't get to a popular majority.
There is no evidence of illegal voters dipstick...

Then you won't mind if we deport them all right.
By winner I think you are referring to Trump. I do not think he is a winner. Look at the mess he has created.

The choices were both losers. But voters feel they HAVE to choose from an ever distressing list of losers. Until they vote on PRINCIPLES, CHARACTER, and HUMILITY --- this country is headed down...
This is true. However, one cannot expect candidates to possess any one or all three of those characters. Trump had two of them. Hillary had none.

Your math is only correct if you count meglomaniac power whore as character. But if you did, then Hillary would have gotten a point also.. :777:

There were TWO ex two term governors on the ballot polling about 10% in about 8 or 10 states before the conventions and debates. Those guys had all three.. SHOULD have been included in the debates.

And we wouldn't have wasted a year of our country's life watching the 2 primitive tribes in a death match.
Would have been a LOT less noise..
The word is megalomaniac. The only thing Trump lacks of your list is humility.

Trump has his schtick down well, he's funny. Liberals are so bitter over losing its lost on them. In fact when are liberals ever happy? They always seem to be angry about something.
So with a minority of the popular vote again? No, dumbass.
Giving the elections to the national popular vote means giving the elections to the large liberal shithole cities.....forever. Fuck that!

You Republicans are not that popular hey?
If you discount all the illegal votes, the liberals couldn't get to a popular majority.
There is no evidence of illegal voters dipstick...

Then you won't mind if we deport them all right.
Many of them are citizens....or dead people.
By winner I think you are referring to Trump. I do not think he is a winner. Look at the mess he has created.

The choices were both losers. But voters feel they HAVE to choose from an ever distressing list of losers. Until they vote on PRINCIPLES, CHARACTER, and HUMILITY --- this country is headed down...
This is true. However, one cannot expect candidates to possess any one or all three of those characters. Trump had two of them. Hillary had none.

Your math is only correct if you count meglomaniac power whore as character. But if you did, then Hillary would have gotten a point also.. :777:

There were TWO ex two term governors on the ballot polling about 10% in about 8 or 10 states before the conventions and debates. Those guys had all three.. SHOULD have been included in the debates.

And we wouldn't have wasted a year of our country's life watching the 2 primitive tribes in a death match.
Would have been a LOT less noise..
The word is megalomaniac. The only thing Trump lacks of your list is humility.

Trump has his schtick down well, he's funny. Liberals are so bitter over losing its lost on them. In fact when are liberals ever happy? They always seem to be angry about something.
They thrive on the perpetual victim syndrome being applied either to themselves or to some other group to which they assign imaginary victimization in order the falsely claim that they will save the group from it...if they get elected.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.
If you add up all the votes for president in the 2016 election, including votes for third-party presidential candidates, the center-right won the popular vote, and won it rather handily, not the left:

Trump -- 62,983,000
Johnson -- 4,500,000
McMullin -- 700,000
Castle -- 172,000
TOTAL -- 68,355,000

Clinton -- 65,853,000
Stein -- 469,000
TOTAL -- 66,322,000

This means that the center-right vote topped the center-left vote by more than 2 million votes: 68,355,000 to 66,322,000. That is encouraging.

A few liberals have made the laughable claim that Johnson was closer to Hillary than Trump. Johnson supported defunding Planned Parenthood, supported abolishing the Department of Education, supported tax cuts, supported the XL Keystone pipeline, opposed Obamacare, opposed Dodd-Frank, opposed Sarbanes-Oxley, opposed Net Neutrality, supported cutting the corporate income tax to zero, supported school choice, opposed cap and trade, supported the Citizens United decision, etc., etc. He was far closer to Trump than he was to Hillary.

One reason that Hillary lost in 2016 is that she got slightly fewer votes than Obama got in 2012: she received 65,853,000 vs. 65,915,000 for Obama. Trump, on the other hand, got over 2 million more votes than Romney got in 2012: he received 62,984,000 vs. 60,933,000 for Romney.

Moreover, not only did Trump beat Hillary in states won 30-20, but Trump buried Hillary in counties won: He won over 3,000 counties, while she won fewer than 200. Think about that: the county is the most basic political unit. Yet, Hillary won a majority of the votes in fewer than 200 counties out of over 3,200 counties.

I might add that Republicans control 33 governorships. You can't gerrymander governors' races; they are based solely on the popular vote in the state. So a majority of the citizens in 33 states have elected a Republican as their governor.
If you add up all the votes for president in the 2016 election, including votes for third-party presidential candidates, the center-right won the popular vote, and won it rather handily, not the left:

Trump -- 62,983,000
Johnson -- 4,500,000
McMullin -- 700,000
Castle -- 172,000
TOTAL -- 68,355,000

Clinton -- 65,853,000
Stein -- 469,000
TOTAL -- 66,322,000

This means that the center-right vote topped the center-left vote by more than 2 million votes: 68,355,000 to 66,322,000. That is encouraging.

A few liberals have made the laughable claim that Johnson was closer to Hillary than Trump. Johnson supported defunding Planned Parenthood, supported abolishing the Department of Education, supported tax cuts, supported the XL Keystone pipeline, opposed Obamacare, opposed Dodd-Frank, opposed Sarbanes-Oxley, opposed Net Neutrality, supported cutting the corporate income tax to zero, supported school choice, opposed cap and trade, supported the Citizens United decision, etc., etc. He was far closer to Trump than he was to Hillary.

One reason that Hillary lost in 2016 is that she got slightly fewer votes than Obama got in 2012: she received 65,853,000 vs. 65,915,000 for Obama. Trump, on the other hand, got over 2 million more votes than Romney got in 2012: he received 62,984,000 vs. 60,933,000 for Romney.

Moreover, not only did Trump beat Hillary in states won 30-20, but Trump buried Hillary in counties won: He won over 3,000 counties, while she won fewer than 200. Think about that: the county is the most basic political unit. Yet, Hillary won a majority of the votes in fewer than 200 counties out of over 3,200 counties.

I might add that Republicans control 33 governorships. You can't gerrymander governors' races; they are based solely on the popular vote in the state. So a majority of the citizens in 33 states have elected a Republican as their governor.
Way too many Dupes around, you're right. Your b******* and hate propaganda machine is scary. So much misinformation and stupidity. Dumbest voters in the modern world....
The choices were both losers. But voters feel they HAVE to choose from an ever distressing list of losers. Until they vote on PRINCIPLES, CHARACTER, and HUMILITY --- this country is headed down...
This is true. However, one cannot expect candidates to possess any one or all three of those characters. Trump had two of them. Hillary had none.

Your math is only correct if you count meglomaniac power whore as character. But if you did, then Hillary would have gotten a point also.. :777:

There were TWO ex two term governors on the ballot polling about 10% in about 8 or 10 states before the conventions and debates. Those guys had all three.. SHOULD have been included in the debates.

And we wouldn't have wasted a year of our country's life watching the 2 primitive tribes in a death match.
Would have been a LOT less noise..
The word is megalomaniac. The only thing Trump lacks of your list is humility.

Trump has his schtick down well, he's funny. Liberals are so bitter over losing its lost on them. In fact when are liberals ever happy? They always seem to be angry about something.
They thrive on the perpetual victim syndrome being applied either to themselves or to some other group to which they assign imaginary victimization in order the falsely claim that they will save the group from it...if they get elected.

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

If you add up all the votes for president in the 2016 election, including votes for third-party presidential candidates, the center-right won the popular vote, and won it rather handily, not the left:

Trump -- 62,983,000
Johnson -- 4,500,000
McMullin -- 700,000
Castle -- 172,000
TOTAL -- 68,355,000

Clinton -- 65,853,000
Stein -- 469,000
TOTAL -- 66,322,000

This means that the center-right vote topped the center-left vote by more than 2 million votes: 68,355,000 to 66,322,000. That is encouraging.

A few liberals have made the laughable claim that Johnson was closer to Hillary than Trump. Johnson supported defunding Planned Parenthood, supported abolishing the Department of Education, supported tax cuts, supported the XL Keystone pipeline, opposed Obamacare, opposed Dodd-Frank, opposed Sarbanes-Oxley, opposed Net Neutrality, supported cutting the corporate income tax to zero, supported school choice, opposed cap and trade, supported the Citizens United decision, etc., etc. He was far closer to Trump than he was to Hillary.

One reason that Hillary lost in 2016 is that she got slightly fewer votes than Obama got in 2012: she received 65,853,000 vs. 65,915,000 for Obama. Trump, on the other hand, got over 2 million more votes than Romney got in 2012: he received 62,984,000 vs. 60,933,000 for Romney.

Moreover, not only did Trump beat Hillary in states won 30-20, but Trump buried Hillary in counties won: He won over 3,000 counties, while she won fewer than 200. Think about that: the county is the most basic political unit. Yet, Hillary won a majority of the votes in fewer than 200 counties out of over 3,200 counties.

I might add that Republicans control 33 governorships. You can't gerrymander governors' races; they are based solely on the popular vote in the state. So a majority of the citizens in 33 states have elected a Republican as their governor.

Yes Mike, you are correct. That is exactly why the Left needs the "Russian collusion" narrative to keep going. Imagine if the people woke up tomorrow and it all went away, what would they find?

Economy far better than under Obama

Taxes down, paychecks up

Factories returning

and the list goes on, and on. So then, it becomes a pocketbook issue, and the Democrats would be swamped in November........and they know it!
If you add up all the votes for president in the 2016 election, including votes for third-party presidential candidates, the center-right won the popular vote, and won it rather handily, not the left:

Trump -- 62,983,000
Johnson -- 4,500,000
McMullin -- 700,000
Castle -- 172,000
TOTAL -- 68,355,000

Clinton -- 65,853,000
Stein -- 469,000
TOTAL -- 66,322,000

This means that the center-right vote topped the center-left vote by more than 2 million votes: 68,355,000 to 66,322,000. That is encouraging.

A few liberals have made the laughable claim that Johnson was closer to Hillary than Trump. Johnson supported defunding Planned Parenthood, supported abolishing the Department of Education, supported tax cuts, supported the XL Keystone pipeline, opposed Obamacare, opposed Dodd-Frank, opposed Sarbanes-Oxley, opposed Net Neutrality, supported cutting the corporate income tax to zero, supported school choice, opposed cap and trade, supported the Citizens United decision, etc., etc. He was far closer to Trump than he was to Hillary.

One reason that Hillary lost in 2016 is that she got slightly fewer votes than Obama got in 2012: she received 65,853,000 vs. 65,915,000 for Obama. Trump, on the other hand, got over 2 million more votes than Romney got in 2012: he received 62,984,000 vs. 60,933,000 for Romney.

Moreover, not only did Trump beat Hillary in states won 30-20, but Trump buried Hillary in counties won: He won over 3,000 counties, while she won fewer than 200. Think about that: the county is the most basic political unit. Yet, Hillary won a majority of the votes in fewer than 200 counties out of over 3,200 counties.

I might add that Republicans control 33 governorships. You can't gerrymander governors' races; they are based solely on the popular vote in the state. So a majority of the citizens in 33 states have elected a Republican as their governor.

So Trump lost the popular vote because 5 million center/right voters were so repulsed by Trump that they preferred to throw their vote away on someone they knew couldn't win rather than vote for Trump?

lol good one.

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