The National Socialist Workers Party. Want to know what pisses off the left the most?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Here is an actual expert describing it folks. Want to piss off the American moronic socialists and deeply offend them more than any other way? State the facts that the nazis were in fact socialists. They were and are self described socialists. Period.

They will not watch that video, but just watch it. In fact the left in this country actually want you to believe the nazis were a form of capitalism. Yet, under the nazis the government in fact controlled ALL means of production. Essentially there was NO private ownership, even though they claim there was. That is not how it worked and the exact way they practiced is by definition NATIONAL SOCIALISM.

Yeap, this is the fact.

National socialism is national socialism. Full stop. There's a reason neo-nazis like to refer to themselves as "the third way" (as opposed to capitalism and communism/socialism). It's very much it's own beast. It's only the troglodytes who can't see anything beyond their own paradigm. That is capitalism is evil and socialism is good. Steal from the rich, give to the poor. The story of robin hood.....

So, if you want to really get under the indoctrinated skin of the left, let them know the facts. We know any form of truth pisses them off, but none more so than this fact.

Watch how this thread draws them out. Pisses them off more than Trump. Even more than minorities that are not buying into their identity political enslavement strategy.
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Nobody should watch such white washing of gangsta capitalism, copy of Nazi-regime. The people voted a different President, that one who spoke in Minnesota.
So, if you want to really get under the indoctrinated skin of the left, let them know the facts. We know any form of truth pisses them off, but none more so than this fact.

Watch how this thread draws them out. Pisses them off more than Trump. Even more than minorities that are not buying into their identity political enslavement strategy.

Turnabout is fair play here Owl....

Equating the right with Stalin is just as easy as the left with Nazis

We could even extend fallacious equivalencies to Hillary being a lizard if you'd like


Here is an actual expert describing it folks. Want to piss off the American moronic socialists and deeply offend them more than any other way? State the facts that the nazis were in fact socialists. They were and are self described socialists. Period.

Except they weren't socialists.. In fact, the big corporations in Germany did very well under the Nazis until they lost the war.

The thing was, when the Nazis took power, they purged their ranks of revolutionary or socialist leaders like Ernst Roehm and Gregor Strasser (Both murdered during the "Night of the Long Knives".)

Here is an actual expert describing it folks. Want to piss off the American moronic socialists and deeply offend them more than any other way? State the facts that the nazis were in fact socialists. They were and are self described socialists. Period.

I guess the deeply offended showed YOU, Mister Owl. heh heh heh They showed that Hillary is really a giant lizard, offering liberal "proof" - a photograph. And "the people voted a different president" - so there!

Why do they hate the Constitution so much? And the Holy Bible? Because they're raving socialists. That is their religion.
The best part about these indoctrinated ignorant troglodytes is how they break out the "nazi card" (like their race card grenade) about Trump.

The left are the ones that are committed anti Israel. The left hate Israel, about as much as they do Trump and they hate them almost as much as they hate minorities that are not under the spell of their identity political strategy.

So, they call Trump a nazi. I mean of course they do. You will notice they really have nothing other than their indoctrination cliche clap trap responses. Racism racism racism, nazi nazi nazi.

Wonder how they explain how Trump has a train station named after him in Israel or a Community in Golan Heights in Israel named after him.

They are pathetic and they are crushed. Do these peace pipe pot heads wake and bake every morning? Hilarious how smart they think they are
The best part about these indoctrinated ignorant troglodytes is how they break out the "nazi card" (like their race card grenade) about Trump.

The left are the ones that are committed anti Israel. The left hate Israel, about as much as they do Trump and they hate them almost as much as they hate minorities that are not under the spell of their identity political strategy.

So, they call Trump a nazi. I mean of course they do. You will notice they really have nothing other than their indoctrination cliche clap trap responses. Racism racism racism, nazi nazi nazi.

Wonder how they explain how Trump has a train station named after him in Israel or a Community in Golan Heights in Israel named after him.

They are pathetic and they are crushed. Do these peace pipe pot heads wake and bake every morning? Hilarious how smart they think they are
What is that Israel stuff about? Can´t they do wrong? Is it your fate to serve them? Are they your masters?

Here is an actual expert describing it folks. Want to piss off the American moronic socialists and deeply offend them more than any other way? State the facts that the nazis were in fact socialists. They were and are self described socialists. Period.

They will not watch that video, but just watch it. In fact the left in this country actually want you to believe the nazis were a form of capitalism. Yet, under the nazis the government in fact controlled ALL means of production. Essentially there was NO private ownership, even though they claim there was. That is not how it worked and the exact way they practiced is by definition NATIONAL SOCIALISM.

Yeap, this is the fact.

National socialism is national socialism. Full stop. There's a reason neo-nazis like to refer to themselves as "the third way" (as opposed to capitalism and communism/socialism). It's very much it's own beast. It's only the troglodytes who can't see anything beyond their own paradigm. That is capitalism is evil and socialism is good. Steal from the rich, give to the poor. The story of robin hood.....

So, if you want to really get under the indoctrinated skin of the left, let them know the facts. We know any form of truth pisses them off, but none more so than this fact.

Watch how this thread draws them out. Pisses them off more than Trump. Even more than minorities that are not buying into their identity political enslavement strategy.

national socialism is to the right of democratic socialism.

government is socialism. only the right wing, never gets that concept.

Here is an actual expert describing it folks. Want to piss off the American moronic socialists and deeply offend them more than any other way? State the facts that the nazis were in fact socialists. They were and are self described socialists. Period.

They will not watch that video, but just watch it. In fact the left in this country actually want you to believe the nazis were a form of capitalism. Yet, under the nazis the government in fact controlled ALL means of production. Essentially there was NO private ownership, even though they claim there was. That is not how it worked and the exact way they practiced is by definition NATIONAL SOCIALISM.

Yeap, this is the fact.

National socialism is national socialism. Full stop. There's a reason neo-nazis like to refer to themselves as "the third way" (as opposed to capitalism and communism/socialism). It's very much it's own beast. It's only the troglodytes who can't see anything beyond their own paradigm. That is capitalism is evil and socialism is good. Steal from the rich, give to the poor. The story of robin hood.....

So, if you want to really get under the indoctrinated skin of the left, let them know the facts. We know any form of truth pisses them off, but none more so than this fact.

Watch how this thread draws them out. Pisses them off more than Trump. Even more than minorities that are not buying into their identity political enslavement strategy.

national socialism is to the right of democratic socialism.

government is socialism. only the right wing, never gets that concept.


Tell us again, with your classic double talk, how Trump is a naaaaazi.

Oh wait, he put poor brown people in "concentration camps" on the border.

I mean aoc told us she saw it with her own eyes.

You are such hypocritical losers.

Here is an actual expert describing it folks. Want to piss off the American moronic socialists and deeply offend them more than any other way? State the facts that the nazis were in fact socialists. They were and are self described socialists. Period.

They will not watch that video, but just watch it. In fact the left in this country actually want you to believe the nazis were a form of capitalism. Yet, under the nazis the government in fact controlled ALL means of production. Essentially there was NO private ownership, even though they claim there was. That is not how it worked and the exact way they practiced is by definition NATIONAL SOCIALISM.

Yeap, this is the fact.

National socialism is national socialism. Full stop. There's a reason neo-nazis like to refer to themselves as "the third way" (as opposed to capitalism and communism/socialism). It's very much it's own beast. It's only the troglodytes who can't see anything beyond their own paradigm. That is capitalism is evil and socialism is good. Steal from the rich, give to the poor. The story of robin hood.....

So, if you want to really get under the indoctrinated skin of the left, let them know the facts. We know any form of truth pisses them off, but none more so than this fact.

Watch how this thread draws them out. Pisses them off more than Trump. Even more than minorities that are not buying into their identity political enslavement strategy.

national socialism is to the right of democratic socialism.

government is socialism. only the right wing, never gets that concept.

National Socialism comes into existence when the people of the social standings stop fighting each other. Hitlers National Socialism is very political whereas actual Socialism is just an economic matter.

Here is an actual expert describing it folks. Want to piss off the American moronic socialists and deeply offend them more than any other way? State the facts that the nazis were in fact socialists. They were and are self described socialists. Period.

They will not watch that video, but just watch it. In fact the left in this country actually want you to believe the nazis were a form of capitalism. Yet, under the nazis the government in fact controlled ALL means of production. Essentially there was NO private ownership, even though they claim there was. That is not how it worked and the exact way they practiced is by definition NATIONAL SOCIALISM.

Yeap, this is the fact.

National socialism is national socialism. Full stop. There's a reason neo-nazis like to refer to themselves as "the third way" (as opposed to capitalism and communism/socialism). It's very much it's own beast. It's only the troglodytes who can't see anything beyond their own paradigm. That is capitalism is evil and socialism is good. Steal from the rich, give to the poor. The story of robin hood.....

So, if you want to really get under the indoctrinated skin of the left, let them know the facts. We know any form of truth pisses them off, but none more so than this fact.

Watch how this thread draws them out. Pisses them off more than Trump. Even more than minorities that are not buying into their identity political enslavement strategy.

national socialism is to the right of democratic socialism.

government is socialism. only the right wing, never gets that concept.


Tell us again, with your classic double talk, how Trump is a naaaaazi.

Oh wait, he put poor brown people in "concentration camps" on the border.

I mean aoc told us she saw it with her own eyes.

You are such hypocritical losers.

If you don´t intent to actually debate, why do you post threads?
Nazi Trump starves entire peoples, steals their resources and shoots at them. Furthermore, Nazi Trump blackmails his so called allies and threatens them with sanctions.
Then he holds speeches about peace and justice to get reelected.
It seems both sides claim the other side is evil. Yet, when their side is in control none of the evil is repealed.
EO's don't count as they can be EO'd back into existence just as they were EO'd in.
Both sides want to control citizens and are fairly successful at it. Neither side applauds citizens who disagree with the implementation of rules/laws on top of rules/laws to restrict Liberty. Both sides fight to keep out 3rd (or more) Party participation.
Both sides are frauds. If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, it must be a duck. Some things can't be denied.

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