The National Socialist Workers Party. Want to know what pisses off the left the most?

national socialism is to the right of democratic socialism.

government is socialism. only the right wing, never gets that concept.
National Socialism comes into existence when the people of the social standings stop fighting each other. Hitlers National Socialism is very political whereas actual Socialism is just an economic matter.
Socialism isn't political?

You're a moron.
Implementation and defense of Socialism is political. It was invented because in capitalism people had barely enough food to work for their masters.
utter horseshit. When capitalism started, child mortality went down rapidly and the population went up. Famines disappeared.
We have millenniums of capitalism. Notable progress of wealth and rights started since the invention of Socialism.
Wrong again. We've only had capitalism since about 1750. Wealth and progress started with the advent of capitalism.
Why the hell do you people keep pushing this crap when modern American Nazis are clearly right wing and virulently hate the left?
Implementation and defense of Socialism is political. It was invented because in capitalism people had barely enough food to work for their masters.
The victims of the Holomodor and Great Leap Forward were unavailable for comment.
Nazi Trump starves entire peoples, steals their resources and shoots at them. Furthermore, Nazi Trump blackmails his so called allies and threatens them with sanctions.
Then he holds speeches about peace and justice to get reelected.
Can you provide examples of Trump doing any of these things?
Post #27 for example.
Nope. He hasn't done it.
He was unable to. The Department of Defense rejected the idea. They told him no.
Why the hell do you people keep pushing this crap when modern American Nazis are clearly right wing and virulently hate the left?
They are? Odium claims to be a National Socialist, and he supports single payer healthcare.
The left really got pissed off when Trump took the American workers from them and exposed the Democrats philosophy of keeping Americans poor, pissed off and dependent on government.
Why the hell do you people keep pushing this crap when modern American Nazis are clearly right wing and virulently hate the left?
Virulent and dedicated socialists detest anyone who isn't in their particular sect.....That doesn't mean that they're not socialists.....The Sunni and Shia are both Moslems, yet have been fighting to the death for centuries.
Well short stack, for me, it’s being asked if Pepsi is okay as a sub for Coke, at a restaurant.

White nationalist like Trump do piss me off from time to time.
State the ways Trump is attempting to control every one. Be specific.
Not a fan of Trump, not a hater of Trump- I despise BOTH political Party's- that out of the way-

How about spending? National debt? Subsidizing farmers? Trade war? Continued presence in the ME? Supporting Israel?
Propagandizing Venezuela? Demonizing Iran? The Wall? Now, what have Democrats done to *change* any of the listed?
Answer: 0- they both subscribe to the same bullshit.
The left really got pissed off when Trump took the American workers from them and exposed the Democrats philosophy of keeping Americans poor, pissed off and dependent on government.

Those workers are no better off under trump the way I see it. Some are way worse off because of his tariff policies. The only thing trump did was carry on the tradition of sending more wealth to the already wealthy via tax cuts. The same thing bush jr. and reagan did. This is really the republican goal, comforting the already comfortable.

Here is an actual expert describing it folks. Want to piss off the American moronic socialists and deeply offend them more than any other way? State the facts that the nazis were in fact socialists. They were and are self described socialists. Period.

They will not watch that video, but just watch it. In fact the left in this country actually want you to believe the nazis were a form of capitalism. Yet, under the nazis the government in fact controlled ALL means of production. Essentially there was NO private ownership, even though they claim there was. That is not how it worked and the exact way they practiced is by definition NATIONAL SOCIALISM.

Yeap, this is the fact.

National socialism is national socialism. Full stop. There's a reason neo-nazis like to refer to themselves as "the third way" (as opposed to capitalism and communism/socialism). It's very much it's own beast. It's only the troglodytes who can't see anything beyond their own paradigm. That is capitalism is evil and socialism is good. Steal from the rich, give to the poor. The story of robin hood.....

So, if you want to really get under the indoctrinated skin of the left, let them know the facts. We know any form of truth pisses them off, but none more so than this fact.

Watch how this thread draws them out. Pisses them off more than Trump. Even more than minorities that are not buying into their identity political enslavement strategy.

Hitler was a Socialist aka Progressive, so were Stalin and Mao

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