The National Socialist Workers Party. Want to know what pisses off the left the most?

These guys really believe this Nazi Hitler stuff.

They're serious here. This is equation. This is how they've been taught to think.
Nice refutation. Sound like the extremist you are.

Must be hard to learn you have been wrong your entire socialist life.

Here is an actual expert describing it folks. Want to piss off the American moronic socialists and deeply offend them more than any other way? State the facts that the nazis were in fact socialists. They were and are self described socialists. Period.

They will not watch that video, but just watch it. In fact the left in this country actually want you to believe the nazis were a form of capitalism. Yet, under the nazis the government in fact controlled ALL means of production. Essentially there was NO private ownership, even though they claim there was. That is not how it worked and the exact way they practiced is by definition NATIONAL SOCIALISM.

Yeap, this is the fact.

National socialism is national socialism. Full stop. There's a reason neo-nazis like to refer to themselves as "the third way" (as opposed to capitalism and communism/socialism). It's very much it's own beast. It's only the troglodytes who can't see anything beyond their own paradigm. That is capitalism is evil and socialism is good. Steal from the rich, give to the poor. The story of robin hood.....

So, if you want to really get under the indoctrinated skin of the left, let them know the facts. We know any form of truth pisses them off, but none more so than this fact.

Watch how this thread draws them out. Pisses them off more than Trump. Even more than minorities that are not buying into their identity political enslavement strategy.

Here is an actual expert describing it folks. Want to piss off the American moronic socialists and deeply offend them more than any other way? State the facts that the nazis were in fact socialists. They were and are self described socialists. Period.
If Nazis were socialists, why did Hitler murder communists and give a medal to Henry Ford?

Sure, hitler’s effort to destroy competing socialists and Communists “doesn’t explain” all those other things. But it doesn’t have to. Nor does stalin’s wholesale slaughter (or Lenin’s retail slaughter) of competing communists and socialists explain the Molotov–Ribbentrop pact or the infield-fly rule. When people say hitler can’t be a socialist because he crushed independent labor unions and killed socialists, they need to explain why stalin gets to be a socialist even though he did likewise. It rather clearly documented that stalin indeed engaged in wholesale slaughter of communists.

As far as giving Ford an award. Look there was a reason why Joe Kennedy who appointed Ambassador to England by FDR convinced FDR to ignore Churchill's shouts about the growing hitler problem.

One, this country was engaging in trade with hitler(coming out the great depression.)One of the bigger companies trading with Germany was Hugo Boss. It also happens to be the German company that exclusively dressed the SS along with hitler.

The Ford engine is actually what drove many of the Panzer tanks. Yes that is right. The main problem with CAPITALISM often times are capitalists.

We should have learned and for a time we did AFTER WWIi that we would be more responsible about who we did business with. Hence the reason we did not trade with the USSR nor their allies like Cuba.

Can we see now what we are doing with tyrannical countries like China? You see how they know they can dictate to us? Look no further than the NBA or Disney or China banned South Park from being seen there.

Germany were National socialists period.

Germany were National socialists period.
In 1925 when Hitler published his book Mein Kamph, the word "socialism" connoted something far different from what it does today. About that same time the US state with the largest number of self-described socialist legislators was Oklahoma. Workers around the world blamed capitalism for the first World War and subsequent Great Depression, and Hitler's National Socialist German Workers' Party would have been born dead if he hadn't included the word "socialist" in its name. If you accept the following distinction...

Were the Nazis Socialists?

"Given that Nazism is traditionally held to be an extreme right-wing ideology, the party’s conspicuous use of the term 'socialist' — which refers to a political system normally plotted on the far-left end of the ideological spectrum — has long been a source of confusion, not to mention heated debate among partisans seeking to distance themselves from the genocidal taint of Nazi Germany."

...calling Nazis "socialists" was Hitler's First Big Lie.

I agree that Adolph and Stalin were both authoritarians who ruled by brute force, but only one survives as an inspiration to the white supremacy movement and it's not the socialist.
They're serious here. This is equation. This is how they've been taught to think.
Nice refutation. Sound like the extremist you are.

Must be hard to learn you have been wrong your entire socialist life.

NO, they REFUSE to learn. That's why they're "progressives (sic)". The very term itself is a lie.
They don't want progress. They demand power and control, like Hitler. Like Stalin. Like totalitarians everywhere.

What luck for rulers that men do not think. - Adolph Hitler

You see, even evil despots are right on occasion. The progressive lie of the ad hominem attack is unintelligent and thoughtless, like so much else that they say and do to the extreme of transgender insanity.
Last edited:
If Nazis were socialists, why did Hitler murder communists and give a medal to Henry Ford?

History lesson for georgephillip and other Leftists:

Hitler FIRST signed the Molotov Ribbentrop Pact pledging not to go to war with the USSR.
Like a fool, Stalin trusted him to keep his word, even after his generals told him Hitler was amassing troops at the Soviet border.
Then Hitler invaded the USSR because he was a megalomaniac intent on conquering the world.

You with this so far?

FDR and his "Brain Trust" LOVED fascism. It meant more government control which all Democrats lust after.

Ford loved Hitler and Hitler loved Ford and Ford wanted uneducated morons working for him.

Read Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg and learn how fascist Democrats have been since before you were born. Today they are just trying to hide their fascism because it has been exposed after the horrors of World War II. The best way they/you do that is to call your opponents "fascists."

Hitler originated your tactics. "Tell a big lie often enough and it becomes the truth."
Read Liberal Fascism by Jonah Goldberg and learn how fascist Democrats have been since before you were born. Today they are just trying to hide their fascism because it has been exposed after the horrors of World War II. The best way they/you do that is to call your opponents "fascists."
What does Goldberg say about the relationship between fascism and corporations?

Liberal Fascism - Wikipedia

"Economist Thomas Sowell wrote

"Those who put a high value on words may recoil at the title of Jonah Goldberg's new book, Liberal Fascism.

"As a result, they may refuse to read it, which will be their loss—and a major loss.

"Those who value substance over words, however, will find in this book a wealth of challenging insights, backed up by thorough research and brilliant analysis.

"This is the sort of book that challenges the fundamental assumptions of its time—and which, for that reason, is likely to be shunned rather than criticized.

"It is a book for people who want to think, rather than repeat rhetoric.[20]

"Negative reviews[edit]

"Philip Coupland, whose paper 'H.G. Wells's 'Liberal Fascism' was used as a source for Liberal Fascism, criticized Goldberg's understanding of the term:

"Wells did not label his 'entire ... philosophy' liberal fascism, not in fact and not by implication.

"Liberal fascism was the name which he (and I) gave to his theory of praxis, that is his method of achieving his utopian goal, not the goal itself.

"Wells hoped for activists who would use what he considered to be 'fascist' means (technocratic authoritarianism and force) to achieve a liberal social end.

"In contrast, a 'liberal fascist' would pursue fascist ends but in a 'liberal' or at least more 'liberal' way.[21"
You are welcome to refute any of the facts presented by Snopes

You can’t, can you?
Snopes is fake news, dumbass.

You are welcome to try to disprove any story they post.
Can’t do it can you Fingerboy?
Your record for posting logical fallacies is still 1.000
Let's discuss why the left are so deranged when we point out that nazis were the National Socialist Workers Party.

Let's discuss why it is so essential that that is not true.

Even though they were socialists.

Here is an actual expert describing it folks. Want to piss off the American moronic socialists and deeply offend them more than any other way? State the facts that the nazis were in fact socialists. They were and are self described socialists. Period.

They will not watch that video, but just watch it. In fact the left in this country actually want you to believe the nazis were a form of capitalism. Yet, under the nazis the government in fact controlled ALL means of production. Essentially there was NO private ownership, even though they claim there was. That is not how it worked and the exact way they practiced is by definition NATIONAL SOCIALISM.

Yeap, this is the fact.

National socialism is national socialism. Full stop. There's a reason neo-nazis like to refer to themselves as "the third way" (as opposed to capitalism and communism/socialism). It's very much it's own beast. It's only the troglodytes who can't see anything beyond their own paradigm. That is capitalism is evil and socialism is good. Steal from the rich, give to the poor. The story of robin hood.....

So, if you want to really get under the indoctrinated skin of the left, let them know the facts. We know any form of truth pisses them off, but none more so than this fact.

Watch how this thread draws them out. Pisses them off more than Trump. Even more than minorities that are not buying into their identity political enslavement strategy.

Here is an actual expert describing it folks. Want to piss off the American moronic socialists and deeply offend them more than any other way? State the facts that the nazis were in fact socialists. They were and are self described socialists. Period.
If Nazis were socialists, why did Hitler murder communists and give a medal to Henry Ford?

Sure, hitler’s effort to destroy competing socialists and Communists “doesn’t explain” all those other things. But it doesn’t have to. Nor does stalin’s wholesale slaughter (or Lenin’s retail slaughter) of competing communists and socialists explain the Molotov–Ribbentrop pact or the infield-fly rule. When people say hitler can’t be a socialist because he crushed independent labor unions and killed socialists, they need to explain why stalin gets to be a socialist even though he did likewise. It rather clearly documented that stalin indeed engaged in wholesale slaughter of communists.

As far as giving Ford an award. Look there was a reason why Joe Kennedy who appointed Ambassador to England by FDR convinced FDR to ignore Churchill's shouts about the growing hitler problem.

One, this country was engaging in trade with hitler(coming out the great depression.)One of the bigger companies trading with Germany was Hugo Boss. It also happens to be the German company that exclusively dressed the SS along with hitler.

The Ford engine is actually what drove many of the Panzer tanks. Yes that is right. The main problem with CAPITALISM often times are capitalists.

We should have learned and for a time we did AFTER WWIi that we would be more responsible about who we did business with. Hence the reason we did not trade with the USSR nor their allies like Cuba.

Can we see now what we are doing with tyrannical countries like China? You see how they know they can dictate to us? Look no further than the NBA or Disney or China banned South Park from being seen there.

Germany were National socialists period.

Germany were National socialists period.
In 1925 when Hitler published his book Mein Kamph, the word "socialism" connoted something far different from what it does today. About that same time the US state with the largest number of self-described socialist legislators was Oklahoma. Workers around the world blamed capitalism for the first World War and subsequent Great Depression, and Hitler's National Socialist German Workers' Party would have been born dead if he hadn't included the word "socialist" in its name. If you accept the following distinction...

Were the Nazis Socialists?

"Given that Nazism is traditionally held to be an extreme right-wing ideology, the party’s conspicuous use of the term 'socialist' — which refers to a political system normally plotted on the far-left end of the ideological spectrum — has long been a source of confusion, not to mention heated debate among partisans seeking to distance themselves from the genocidal taint of Nazi Germany."

...calling Nazis "socialists" was Hitler's First Big Lie.

I agree that Adolph and Stalin were both authoritarians who ruled by brute force, but only one survives as an inspiration to the white supremacy movement and it's not the socialist.

Does this sound familiar?

The nazis...

Had universal healthcare
Gave free education to all
Passed the strictest gun laws
Provided free homes to the homeless

Plus the nazi leader was a vegetarian. Just to put the cherry on top of that pathetic left wing stance.

Private ownership during their reign was virtually eliminated. The nazi government controlled nearly all means of production.

Please watch whole video. Thanks.

Here is an actual expert describing it folks. Want to piss off the American moronic socialists and deeply offend them more than any other way? State the facts that the nazis were in fact socialists. They were and are self described socialists. Period.

They will not watch that video, but just watch it. In fact the left in this country actually want you to believe the nazis were a form of capitalism. Yet, under the nazis the government in fact controlled ALL means of production. Essentially there was NO private ownership, even though they claim there was. That is not how it worked and the exact way they practiced is by definition NATIONAL SOCIALISM.

Yeap, this is the fact.

National socialism is national socialism. Full stop. There's a reason neo-nazis like to refer to themselves as "the third way" (as opposed to capitalism and communism/socialism). It's very much it's own beast. It's only the troglodytes who can't see anything beyond their own paradigm. That is capitalism is evil and socialism is good. Steal from the rich, give to the poor. The story of robin hood.....

So, if you want to really get under the indoctrinated skin of the left, let them know the facts. We know any form of truth pisses them off, but none more so than this fact.

Watch how this thread draws them out. Pisses them off more than Trump. Even more than minorities that are not buying into their identity political enslavement strategy.

Here is an actual expert describing it folks. Want to piss off the American moronic socialists and deeply offend them more than any other way? State the facts that the nazis were in fact socialists. They were and are self described socialists. Period.
If Nazis were socialists, why did Hitler murder communists and give a medal to Henry Ford?

He was able to double autoworker wages instead of complaining about minimum wages, and improved the efficiency of automaking in the process?

Here is an actual expert describing it folks. Want to piss off the American moronic socialists and deeply offend them more than any other way? State the facts that the nazis were in fact socialists. They were and are self described socialists. Period.

They will not watch that video, but just watch it. In fact the left in this country actually want you to believe the nazis were a form of capitalism. Yet, under the nazis the government in fact controlled ALL means of production. Essentially there was NO private ownership, even though they claim there was. That is not how it worked and the exact way they practiced is by definition NATIONAL SOCIALISM.

Yeap, this is the fact.

National socialism is national socialism. Full stop. There's a reason neo-nazis like to refer to themselves as "the third way" (as opposed to capitalism and communism/socialism). It's very much it's own beast. It's only the troglodytes who can't see anything beyond their own paradigm. That is capitalism is evil and socialism is good. Steal from the rich, give to the poor. The story of robin hood.....

So, if you want to really get under the indoctrinated skin of the left, let them know the facts. We know any form of truth pisses them off, but none more so than this fact.

Watch how this thread draws them out. Pisses them off more than Trump. Even more than minorities that are not buying into their identity political enslavement strategy.

Here is an actual expert describing it folks. Want to piss off the American moronic socialists and deeply offend them more than any other way? State the facts that the nazis were in fact socialists. They were and are self described socialists. Period.
If Nazis were socialists, why did Hitler murder communists and give a medal to Henry Ford?

He was able to double autoworker wages instead of complaining about minimum wages, and improved the efficiency of automaking in the process?

He was able to double autoworker wages instead of complaining about minimum wages, and improved the efficiency of automaking in the process?
Ford was clear about many things, including those who produce the surplus must be paid enough to buy what they produce; he also amassed one of the most massive fortunes in history.


"Ford founded the Ford Motor Co. in 1903 at age 40. Five years later, he introduced the Model T, which would remain in production until 1927 as its price actually fell from $850 to $290. In 1913, he adapted the moving assembly line for automotive production and drastically lowered the cost of cars.
Ford was clear about many things, including those who produce the surplus must be paid enough to buy what they produce; he also amassed one of the most massive fortunes in history.


"Ford founded the Ford Motor Co. in 1903 at age 40. Five years later, he introduced the Model T, which would remain in production until 1927 as its price actually fell from $850 to $290. In 1913, he adapted the moving assembly line for automotive production and drastically lowered the cost of cars.

When Leftist Socialists aren't badmouthing "big business" and "greedy businessmen" like Henry Ford, they're:

1. Championing the good deeds done by those very same businesses and businessmen,
2. Buying their goods at attractive prices. Why is this?
3. Private businesses continue to give consumers more and more at lower and lower costs. Take flat screen televisions and computers for example. We bought a 31 inch flat screen for $799 years ago. Today it is $199.
We bought the first generation Apple Laser Writer for $10,000 to write and publish a book sold around the world. How much is a high quality printer today?

4. Contrast this with government, which Leftists NEVER get enough of. Taxes go higher and higher and the people get less and less, the exact opposite of the "capitalist" companies they mouthe their hatred for so often but use daily in their own homes.
Ford was clear about many things, including those who produce the surplus must be paid enough to buy what they produce; he also amassed one of the most massive fortunes in history.


"Ford founded the Ford Motor Co. in 1903 at age 40. Five years later, he introduced the Model T, which would remain in production until 1927 as its price actually fell from $850 to $290. In 1913, he adapted the moving assembly line for automotive production and drastically lowered the cost of cars.

When Leftist Socialists aren't badmouthing "big business" and "greedy businessmen" like Henry Ford, they're:

1. Championing the good deeds done by those very same businesses and businessmen,
2. Buying their goods at attractive prices. Why is this?
3. Private businesses continue to give consumers more and more at lower and lower costs. Take flat screen televisions and computers for example. We bought a 31 inch flat screen for $799 years ago. Today it is $199.
We bought the first generation Apple Laser Writer for $10,000 to write and publish a book sold around the world. How much is a high quality printer today?

4. Contrast this with government, which Leftists NEVER get enough of. Taxes go higher and higher and the people get less and less, the exact opposite of the "capitalist" companies they mouthe their hatred for so often but use daily in their own homes.
Championing the good deeds done by those very same businesses and businessmen,
2. Buying their goods at attractive prices. Why is this?
3. Private businesses continue to give consumers more and more at lower and lower costs. Take flat screen televisions and computers for example. We bought a 31 inch flat screen for $799 years ago. Today it is $199.
We bought the first generation Apple Laser Writer for $10,000
Private businesses exploit the labor that produces their surpluses to generate profit on a scale never before seen; however, those same private businesses are legally structured in such a way as to distribute those profits away from the workers whose labor created the profits and towards the parasites like Ford and Jobs (not to mention their freeloader shareholders) who appropriate those surpluses.

Contrast that business model with worker-self-directed enterprises

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace
Ford was clear about many things, including those who produce the surplus must be paid enough to buy what they produce; he also amassed one of the most massive fortunes in history.


"Ford founded the Ford Motor Co. in 1903 at age 40. Five years later, he introduced the Model T, which would remain in production until 1927 as its price actually fell from $850 to $290. In 1913, he adapted the moving assembly line for automotive production and drastically lowered the cost of cars.

When Leftist Socialists aren't badmouthing "big business" and "greedy businessmen" like Henry Ford, they're:

1. Championing the good deeds done by those very same businesses and businessmen,
2. Buying their goods at attractive prices. Why is this?
3. Private businesses continue to give consumers more and more at lower and lower costs. Take flat screen televisions and computers for example. We bought a 31 inch flat screen for $799 years ago. Today it is $199.
We bought the first generation Apple Laser Writer for $10,000 to write and publish a book sold around the world. How much is a high quality printer today?

4. Contrast this with government, which Leftists NEVER get enough of. Taxes go higher and higher and the people get less and less, the exact opposite of the "capitalist" companies they mouthe their hatred for so often but use daily in their own homes.
Championing the good deeds done by those very same businesses and businessmen,
2. Buying their goods at attractive prices. Why is this?
3. Private businesses continue to give consumers more and more at lower and lower costs. Take flat screen televisions and computers for example. We bought a 31 inch flat screen for $799 years ago. Today it is $199.
We bought the first generation Apple Laser Writer for $10,000
Private businesses exploit the labor that produces their surpluses to generate profit on a scale never before seen; however, those same private businesses are legally structured in such a way as to distribute those profits away from the workers whose labor created the profits and towards the parasites like Ford and Jobs (not to mention their freeloader shareholders) who appropriate those surpluses.

Contrast that business model with worker-self-directed enterprises

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace
Ford isn't a parasite and his shareholders are not freeloaders. They make this world function, unlike the real parasites who get checks from the government every month.
Ford was clear about many things, including those who produce the surplus must be paid enough to buy what they produce; he also amassed one of the most massive fortunes in history.


"Ford founded the Ford Motor Co. in 1903 at age 40. Five years later, he introduced the Model T, which would remain in production until 1927 as its price actually fell from $850 to $290. In 1913, he adapted the moving assembly line for automotive production and drastically lowered the cost of cars.

When Leftist Socialists aren't badmouthing "big business" and "greedy businessmen" like Henry Ford, they're:

1. Championing the good deeds done by those very same businesses and businessmen,
2. Buying their goods at attractive prices. Why is this?
3. Private businesses continue to give consumers more and more at lower and lower costs. Take flat screen televisions and computers for example. We bought a 31 inch flat screen for $799 years ago. Today it is $199.
We bought the first generation Apple Laser Writer for $10,000 to write and publish a book sold around the world. How much is a high quality printer today?

4. Contrast this with government, which Leftists NEVER get enough of. Taxes go higher and higher and the people get less and less, the exact opposite of the "capitalist" companies they mouthe their hatred for so often but use daily in their own homes.
Contrast this with government, which Leftists NEVER get enough of. Taxes go higher and higher and the people get less and less, the exact opposite of the "capitalist" companies they mouthe their hatred for so often but use daily in their own homes.
Whose taxes go higher and higher?

Federal Revenue: Where Does the Money Come From

Here is an actual expert describing it folks. Want to piss off the American moronic socialists and deeply offend them more than any other way? State the facts that the nazis were in fact socialists. They were and are self described socialists. Period.

They will not watch that video, but just watch it. In fact the left in this country actually want you to believe the nazis were a form of capitalism. Yet, under the nazis the government in fact controlled ALL means of production. Essentially there was NO private ownership, even though they claim there was. That is not how it worked and the exact way they practiced is by definition NATIONAL SOCIALISM.

Yeap, this is the fact.

National socialism is national socialism. Full stop. There's a reason neo-nazis like to refer to themselves as "the third way" (as opposed to capitalism and communism/socialism). It's very much it's own beast. It's only the troglodytes who can't see anything beyond their own paradigm. That is capitalism is evil and socialism is good. Steal from the rich, give to the poor. The story of robin hood.....

So, if you want to really get under the indoctrinated skin of the left, let them know the facts. We know any form of truth pisses them off, but none more so than this fact.

Watch how this thread draws them out. Pisses them off more than Trump. Even more than minorities that are not buying into their identity political enslavement strategy.

Here is an actual expert describing it folks. Want to piss off the American moronic socialists and deeply offend them more than any other way? State the facts that the nazis were in fact socialists. They were and are self described socialists. Period.
If Nazis were socialists, why did Hitler murder communists and give a medal to Henry Ford?

He was able to double autoworker wages instead of complaining about minimum wages, and improved the efficiency of automaking in the process?

He was able to double autoworker wages instead of complaining about minimum wages, and improved the efficiency of automaking in the process?
Ford was clear about many things, including those who produce the surplus must be paid enough to buy what they produce; he also amassed one of the most massive fortunes in history.


"Ford founded the Ford Motor Co. in 1903 at age 40. Five years later, he introduced the Model T, which would remain in production until 1927 as its price actually fell from $850 to $290. In 1913, he adapted the moving assembly line for automotive production and drastically lowered the cost of cars.

If the workers want to start their own "self directed enterprise," no one is stopping them.
Ford was clear about many things, including those who produce the surplus must be paid enough to buy what they produce; he also amassed one of the most massive fortunes in history.


"Ford founded the Ford Motor Co. in 1903 at age 40. Five years later, he introduced the Model T, which would remain in production until 1927 as its price actually fell from $850 to $290. In 1913, he adapted the moving assembly line for automotive production and drastically lowered the cost of cars.

When Leftist Socialists aren't badmouthing "big business" and "greedy businessmen" like Henry Ford, they're:

1. Championing the good deeds done by those very same businesses and businessmen,
2. Buying their goods at attractive prices. Why is this?
3. Private businesses continue to give consumers more and more at lower and lower costs. Take flat screen televisions and computers for example. We bought a 31 inch flat screen for $799 years ago. Today it is $199.
We bought the first generation Apple Laser Writer for $10,000 to write and publish a book sold around the world. How much is a high quality printer today?

4. Contrast this with government, which Leftists NEVER get enough of. Taxes go higher and higher and the people get less and less, the exact opposite of the "capitalist" companies they mouthe their hatred for so often but use daily in their own homes.
Championing the good deeds done by those very same businesses and businessmen,
2. Buying their goods at attractive prices. Why is this?
3. Private businesses continue to give consumers more and more at lower and lower costs. Take flat screen televisions and computers for example. We bought a 31 inch flat screen for $799 years ago. Today it is $199.
We bought the first generation Apple Laser Writer for $10,000
Private businesses exploit the labor that produces their surpluses to generate profit on a scale never before seen; however, those same private businesses are legally structured in such a way as to distribute those profits away from the workers whose labor created the profits and towards the parasites like Ford and Jobs (not to mention their freeloader shareholders) who appropriate those surpluses.

Contrast that business model with worker-self-directed enterprises

Worker Self-Directed Enterprises – A New Way of Thinking About the Workplace
Ford isn't a parasite and his shareholders are not freeloaders. They make this world function, unlike the real parasites who get checks from the government every month.
Ford isn't a parasite and his shareholders are not freeloaders. They make this world function, unlike the real parasites who get checks from the government every month.
Where do shareholders get their checks?

Financial Parasites Have Become Neo-Feudal Landlords

"Classical economics divided income into two types: earned and unearned. Earned income came from productive labor combined with capital investment.

"Unearned income was considered parasitical and consisted of rent, interest and dividends.

"It was not considered as adding to GDP but as subtracting from it.

"It was money made by manipulating money much as feudal landlords made their money in what has been called a rentier economy."

Money made from manipulating money is parasitic, get it?

"a person who always relies on or benefits from other people and gives nothing back"

parasite noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes | Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary at

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