The National Socialist Workers Party. Want to know what pisses off the left the most?

Only lousy Capitalists run massive deficits and need exorbitantly expensive superpower.

Please remain in Syria, or your similar favorite America-hating country, living in squalor and badmouthing the United States which sends billions of dollars of aid to people like you who badmouth us purely out of jealousy.
Thou shalt not covet. It's a sin. It's also a plank in the Democratic Party. Coveting and bearing false witness is what Democrats do every single day.
Only lousy Capitalists run massive deficits and need exorbitantly expensive superpower.

Please remain in Syria, or your similar favorite America-hating country, living in squalor and badmouthing the United States which sends billions of dollars of aid to people like you who badmouth us purely out of jealousy.
Thou shalt not covet. It's a sin. It's also a plank in the Democratic Party. Coveting and bearing false witness is what Democrats do every single day.
I can't take right wingers seriously about economics or politics, only their bigotry and socialism on a national basis.

Job 34:30 applies.
Only lousy Capitalists run massive deficits and need exorbitantly expensive superpower.

Please remain in Syria, or your similar favorite America-hating country, living in squalor and badmouthing the United States which sends billions of dollars of aid to people like you who badmouth us purely out of jealousy.
Thou shalt not covet. It's a sin. It's also a plank in the Democratic Party. Coveting and bearing false witness is what Democrats do every single day.
I can't take right wingers seriously about economics or politics, only their bigotry and socialism on a national basis.

Job 34:30 applies.
What thick irony.

Let me guess. The left are true believers of Christ and are quick to keep all of His commandments.



Want me to list the ways hypocrisy is listed in the bible? Before you accuse me of being a hypocrite, let me point out I am the first one that points out what sort of a disgrace I am and have been. I am without excuse and will be paying a price for my many sins.

Having said that, do not preach how you are on the side of the angels when in actuality you promote godless people, godless behavior along with the relentless ways of the world determined to eradicate all of people of true faith.

You are the hypocrite.
Only lousy Capitalists run massive deficits and need exorbitantly expensive superpower.

Please remain in Syria, or your similar favorite America-hating country, living in squalor and badmouthing the United States which sends billions of dollars of aid to people like you who badmouth us purely out of jealousy.
Thou shalt not covet. It's a sin. It's also a plank in the Democratic Party. Coveting and bearing false witness is what Democrats do every single day.
I can't take right wingers seriously about economics or politics, only their bigotry and socialism on a national basis.

Job 34:30 applies.
What thick irony.

Let me guess. The left are true believers of Christ and are quick to keep all of His commandments.



Want me to list the ways hypocrisy is listed in the bible? Before you accuse me of being a hypocrite, let me point out I am the first one that points out what sort of a disgrace I am and have been. I am without excuse and will be paying a price for my many sins.

Having said that, do not preach how you are on the side of the angels when in actuality you promote godless people, godless behavior along with the relentless ways of the world determined to eradicate all of people of true faith.

You are the hypocrite.
I resort to the fewest fallacies and must be the Truest Witness bearer left on the valid argumentation field.
You are the hypocrite.
I resort to the fewest fallacies and must be the Truest Witness bearer left on the valid argumentation field.

Not remotely true, danielpalos. You are garden variety liberal. You are such a false witness that you have just become the latest addition to my Ignore List. You add no information, but only subtract from it. Begone forever.
Always fun to watch some of the most nasty, hateful people on the board pretend to get all religious 'n stuff.

Lightning storm in the area!

Always fun to watch some of the most nasty, hateful people on the board pretend to get all religious 'n stuff.

Lightning storm in the area!

Whose getting religious? Your righteousness is pure hypocrisy.

You realize, I am not sure you are, when a person proclaims they are a disgrace (which I do) does not make them pious.

Your pride is pretty scary. You are certainly blind and completely self unaware.

Tell us again how you are offended by identity politics while voting for the party that only uses identity politics.

That's right. You hate big spending, aaaaand you vote for the party that is pushing $93 trillion dollar plan to fix the global WARMING that you obviously don't believe in, and promising medicare for all.

Anyway, have fun and giggle at your hypocrisy. All while thinking a person proclaiming their sins is being a hypocrite.

Here is an actual expert describing it folks. Want to piss off the American moronic socialists and deeply offend them more than any other way? State the facts that the nazis were in fact socialists. They were and are self described socialists. Period.

They will not watch that video, but just watch it. In fact the left in this country actually want you to believe the nazis were a form of capitalism. Yet, under the nazis the government in fact controlled ALL means of production. Essentially there was NO private ownership, even though they claim there was. That is not how it worked and the exact way they practiced is by definition NATIONAL SOCIALISM.

Yeap, this is the fact.

National socialism is national socialism. Full stop. There's a reason neo-nazis like to refer to themselves as "the third way" (as opposed to capitalism and communism/socialism). It's very much it's own beast. It's only the troglodytes who can't see anything beyond their own paradigm. That is capitalism is evil and socialism is good. Steal from the rich, give to the poor. The story of robin hood.....

So, if you want to really get under the indoctrinated skin of the left, let them know the facts. We know any form of truth pisses them off, but none more so than this fact.

Watch how this thread draws them out. Pisses them off more than Trump. Even more than minorities that are not buying into their identity political enslavement strategy.

National Socialism yes not INTERNATIONAL it was like 3rd position. National Socialism wasn't right or left...people who try to claim its right or left are hilariously stupid to me. The leftists hate the NS and the right hate the NS. Because NS was correct and the truth.
You are the hypocrite.
I resort to the fewest fallacies and must be the Truest Witness bearer left on the valid argumentation field.

Not remotely true, danielpalos. You are garden variety liberal. You are such a false witness that you have just become the latest addition to my Ignore List. You add no information, but only subtract from it. Begone forever.
lol. so what. you are simply Wrong like usual and simply Because, I say so.
Always fun to watch some of the most nasty, hateful people on the board pretend to get all religious 'n stuff.

Lightning storm in the area!

Whose getting religious? Your righteousness is pure hypocrisy.

You realize, I am not sure you are, when a person proclaims they are a disgrace (which I do) does not make them pious.

Your pride is pretty scary. You are certainly blind and completely self unaware.

Tell us again how you are offended by identity politics while voting for the party that only uses identity politics.

That's right. You hate big spending, aaaaand you vote for the party that is pushing $93 trillion dollar plan to fix the global WARMING that you obviously don't believe in, and promising medicare for all.

Anyway, have fun and giggle at your hypocrisy. All while thinking a person proclaiming their sins is being a hypocrite.
Clumsy attempt at deflection noted, and appreciated.
Here is an actual expert describing it folks. Want to piss off the American moronic socialists and deeply offend them more than any other way? State the facts that the nazis were in fact socialists. They were and are self described socialists. Period.

Of course they were. Todays Democrats are like Nazis in every way except for one: Nazis actually wanted to make their country more powerful. Democrats want America to be weak.
Yeap, the National Socialist Workers Party.


American Jews ought to be ashamed of themselves, but they never have shame.
Here is an actual expert describing it folks. Want to piss off the American moronic socialists and deeply offend them more than any other way? State the facts that the nazis were in fact socialists. They were and are self described socialists. Period.

Of course they were. Todays Democrats are like Nazis in every way except for one: Nazis actually wanted to make their country more powerful. Democrats want America to be weak.

Liberal Racism by Jonah Goldberg explains it all very well. Democrats in the 30's and 40's LOVED fascism and emulated it. Socialists then went on to write history books to brainwash our children in America. It stuck.
Here is an actual expert describing it folks. Want to piss off the American moronic socialists and deeply offend them more than any other way? State the facts that the nazis were in fact socialists. They were and are self described socialists. Period.

Of course they were. Todays Democrats are like Nazis in every way except for one: Nazis actually wanted to make their country more powerful. Democrats want America to be weak.

Liberal Racism by Jonah Goldberg explains it all very well. Democrats in the 30's and 40's LOVED fascism and emulated it. Socialists then went on to write history books to brainwash our children in America. It stuck.
The Frankfurt School is the origin of political correctness we see today and that is the plan by which they have infiltrated, poisoned and have destroyed the free market.

It was founded by marxists in the 1920s.
How indoctrinated are the leftists? Scary though right?

Here are the facts in regards to Germany and their 25 point plan.

"…We demand that the state be charged first with providing the opportunity for a livelihood and way of life for the citizens…"

"…The first obligation of every citizen must be to productively work, mentally or physically..."

"…The activity of individuals is not to counteract the interests of the universality

[the state], but must have its result within the framework of the whole for the benefit of all..." [italics mine]

"…We demand the Breaking of debt (interest)-slavery…"

"…In consideration of the monstrous sacrifice in property and blood that each war demands of the people, personal enrichment through a war must be designated as a crime against the people. Therefore, we demand the total confiscation of all war profits…"

"…We demand the

nationalisation of all (previous) associated industries..." [italics mine]

"…We demand a division of profits of all heavy industries…"

"…We demand an expansion on a large scale of old age welfare…"

"…We demand the creation of a healthy middle class and its conservation…"

"…We demand the immediate communalization of the great warehouses and their being leased at low cost to small firms, the utmost consideration of all small firms in contracts with the State, county or municipality…"

"…We demand struggle without consideration against those whose activity is injurious to the general interest. Common national criminals, usurers,

profiteers and so forth are to be punished with death…" [italics mine]

"…We demand substitution of a German common law in place of the [existing] Roman Law serving a materialistic world-order…"

"…The state is to be responsible for a fundamental reconstruction of our whole national education program, to enable every capable and industrious German to obtain higher education…"

"…The comprehension of the concept of the state must be striven for by the school as early as the beginning of understanding…"

"…We demand the education at the expense of the state of outstanding intellectually gifted children of poor parents without consideration of position or profession…"

"…The state is to care for the national health by protecting the mother and child, by outlawing child-labor, by the encouragement of physical fitness, by means of the legal establishment of a gymnastic and sport obligation, by the utmost support of all organizations concerned with the physical instruction of the young…"

"…We demand legal opposition to known lies and their promulgation through the press… Publications which are counter to the general good are to be forbidden… We demand legal prosecution of artistic and literary forms which exert a destructive influence on our national life and the closure of organizations opposing the above made demands…"

"…a lasting recovery of our nation can only succeed from within on the framework: "THE GOOD OF THE COMMUNITY BEFORE THE GOOD OF THE INDIVIDUAL." [All CAPS theirs in the original document]

"…For the execution of all of this we demand the formation of a strong central power… Unlimited authority of the central parliament over the whole Reich and its organizations in general…"

"…The leaders of the Party promise, if necessary by sacrificing their own lives, to support by the execution of the points set forth above without consideration…"

Does any of that adhere to socialists ideals? No eh?

How much of history has the left successfully rewritten?
All the terms used for past political approaches have to be tossed out.
In any event, we have to invent the future, not repeat the past.

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