The net worth i.e. assets less liabilities of American households..$100,000,000,000,000

Household net worth—the value of all assets such as stocks and real estate minus liabilities like mortgage and credit-card debt—rose by 1% from the previous quarter, or more than a trillion dollars, to a record $100.768 trillion, according to a report released by the Federal Reserve on Thursday.
Americans’ Wealth Surpasses $100 Trillion

Now of course we all know and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to comprehend that stupid 1%er issue!

With 115,000,000 households that means about 1 million households.

The 1 percent top-earners were in possession of about 35.5 percent of the wealth.

U.S. wealth distribution in 2017 | Statistic

So that leaves $65 trillion divided by 114 million households or: $570,175 per household.

Name another country please where this is possible.
A study by Fidelity Investments found that 86 percent of today's millionaires are self made and did not consider themselves wealthy growing up.
Overall, the research revealed current millionaires are, on average, 61 years old with $3.05 million in assets.
How Most Millionaires Got Rich

In 1980... 4,414 taxpayers reported $1 million in gross income;
In 2016... 10,800,000...reported $1 million...
Total Population USA in 1980 was 226.5 million.
The ratio of millionaires to population: 1 millionaire for every 51,314 Americans
1980 Fast Facts - History - U.S. Census Bureau

Total Population USA in 2016 was 326.9 million.
The ratio of millionaires to population 1 Millionaire for every 30 Americans!
U.S. Population (2018) - Worldometers

So please explain to me where capitalism has failed Americans!
Are you worth 500K?

5 times that figure.
Then the numbers are off a wee bit.

Explain: which numbers are worth, average millionaire's net worth, what?
The 500k you claimed in the OP

So the 500k figure is not MY claim.. simple math. Divide $65T by 114M and you get $570,175 per household.
You asked are you worth 500k and I responded 5 times that value. Do the math.
Household net worth—the value of all assets such as stocks and real estate minus liabilities like mortgage and credit-card debt—rose by 1% from the previous quarter, or more than a trillion dollars, to a record $100.768 trillion, according to a report released by the Federal Reserve on Thursday.
Americans’ Wealth Surpasses $100 Trillion

Now of course we all know and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to comprehend that stupid 1%er issue!

With 115,000,000 households that means about 1 million households.

The 1 percent top-earners were in possession of about 35.5 percent of the wealth.

U.S. wealth distribution in 2017 | Statistic

So that leaves $65 trillion divided by 114 million households or: $570,175 per household.

Name another country please where this is possible.
A study by Fidelity Investments found that 86 percent of today's millionaires are self made and did not consider themselves wealthy growing up.
Overall, the research revealed current millionaires are, on average, 61 years old with $3.05 million in assets.
How Most Millionaires Got Rich

In 1980... 4,414 taxpayers reported $1 million in gross income;
In 2016... 10,800,000...reported $1 million...
Total Population USA in 1980 was 226.5 million.
The ratio of millionaires to population: 1 millionaire for every 51,314 Americans
1980 Fast Facts - History - U.S. Census Bureau

Total Population USA in 2016 was 326.9 million.
The ratio of millionaires to population 1 Millionaire for every 30 Americans!
U.S. Population (2018) - Worldometers

So please explain to me where capitalism has failed Americans!
Capitalism hasn't failed, but we don't have very good capitalism anymore. Look at all the corporate welfare like the Foxconn deal.

For those readers who don't understand the Foxconn deal, see:

This 1 number sums up why that Foxconn deal is over-the-top bad for Wisconsin

One more slight of hand by the current Governor of WI, and his fellow travelers in the state legislature.

Well to start with here is an Apple to ORANGE literally comparison..(Get it Apple... Walmart colors orange???).

Worldwide, Foxconn 2354, -1.03% sold about $136 billion in goods last year while employing 1.3 million workers.
That translates into labor productivity of about $105,000 per worker. That is pretty good given that most of the Foxconn factories are in developing counties.

But by American standards that is lousy. By comparison, on a per-worker basis, Wal-Mart Stores WMT, -0.61% sells about twice that value of goods each year. Moreover, Wisconsin-based Harley-Davidson HOG, -0.71% reported sales of $970,309 per worker in the most recent report.

WHAT is the difference: FACTS FIRST!!!
A) Foxconn employees assemble! Walmart employees SELL already manufactured items.
B) Foxconn Manufacturing employee ave salary: Its reported average salary will be $53,875 plus benefits
Employers may feel Foxconn pay levels
C) Walmart average hourly rates were "about" $13 for full-time employees and $10 for part-time. The company said Wednesday that the second round of wage hikes in February will bring the average hourly wage to $13.38 for full-time workers
Isn't that the entire democrat mantra though? YOU are not capable of tasking care of yourself. The government must do it. Even though you could do infinately better on your own.
It is done by both parties and yer point?

His point isn’t that hard to discern. The Democrat mantra that the government is the only thing saving you from poverty is a lie.
And to that I will add that the millionaire democrat mantra that $1000 is “crumbs” is as much a lie. If it were crumbs they wouldn’t want to keep it so bad.
Hey a thousand here a thousand adds up.
What percentage did it drop you?

I dropped at 3% in tax bracket and my standard deduction doubled. Saves me many of those crumbs. Enough to support a kid in college for a semester.
Long may Mr Trump reign.

Good for you. Year one and two will continue to support your love for Trump and Ryan's tax bill, then, when the cost of living rises, and local taxes and fees rise, your standard deduction will begin to be less and less valuable. It's really that simple, the tax bill is a fraud, and Trump and Ryan lied by omission.

Did you notice those provision which you love so much will sunset, and those provisions which benefit global corporations will exist forever?

The sunset provision is there because that was the only way to pass it with a Senate majority rather than supermajority. The Democrats forced the sunset provision in.
Once again they block Trump and then say “see he failed to pass a permanent tax cut”. It was they who blocked the permanent tax cut.
Don’t you ever get tired of supporting lies?
But to answer the question yes I’m happy to get what we could get past Democrats trying to keep more of my paycheck. My hope is that in ten years the only democrats left will be in internment camps and I’ll keep my tax cut.
Household net worth—the value of all assets such as stocks and real estate minus liabilities like mortgage and credit-card debt—rose by 1% from the previous quarter, or more than a trillion dollars, to a record $100.768 trillion, according to a report released by the Federal Reserve on Thursday.
Americans’ Wealth Surpasses $100 Trillion

Now of course we all know and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to comprehend that stupid 1%er issue!

With 115,000,000 households that means about 1 million households.

The 1 percent top-earners were in possession of about 35.5 percent of the wealth.

U.S. wealth distribution in 2017 | Statistic

So that leaves $65 trillion divided by 114 million households or: $570,175 per household.

Name another country please where this is possible.
A study by Fidelity Investments found that 86 percent of today's millionaires are self made and did not consider themselves wealthy growing up.
Overall, the research revealed current millionaires are, on average, 61 years old with $3.05 million in assets.
How Most Millionaires Got Rich

In 1980... 4,414 taxpayers reported $1 million in gross income;
In 2016... 10,800,000...reported $1 million...
Total Population USA in 1980 was 226.5 million.
The ratio of millionaires to population: 1 millionaire for every 51,314 Americans
1980 Fast Facts - History - U.S. Census Bureau

Total Population USA in 2016 was 326.9 million.
The ratio of millionaires to population 1 Millionaire for every 30 Americans!
U.S. Population (2018) - Worldometers

So please explain to me where capitalism has failed Americans!
Are you worth 500K?

5 times that figure.
Then the numbers are off a wee bit.

Explain: which numbers are worth, average millionaire's net worth, what?
So that leaves $65 trillion divided by 114 million households or: $570,175 per household.
It is done by both parties and yer point?

His point isn’t that hard to discern. The Democrat mantra that the government is the only thing saving you from poverty is a lie.
And to that I will add that the millionaire democrat mantra that $1000 is “crumbs” is as much a lie. If it were crumbs they wouldn’t want to keep it so bad.
Hey a thousand here a thousand adds up.
What percentage did it drop you?

I dropped at 3% in tax bracket and my standard deduction doubled. Saves me many of those crumbs. Enough to support a kid in college for a semester.
Long may Mr Trump reign.

Good for you. Year one and two will continue to support your love for Trump and Ryan's tax bill, then, when the cost of living rises, and local taxes and fees rise, your standard deduction will begin to be less and less valuable. It's really that simple, the tax bill is a fraud, and Trump and Ryan lied by omission.

Did you notice those provision which you love so much will sunset, and those provisions which benefit global corporations will exist forever?

The sunset provision is there because that was the only way to pass it with a Senate majority rather than supermajority. The Democrats forced the sunset provision in.
Once again they block Trump and then say “see he failed to pass a permanent tax cut”. It was they who blocked the permanent tax cut.
Don’t you ever get tired of supporting lies?
But to answer the question yes I’m happy to get what we could get past Democrats trying to keep more of my paycheck. My hope is that in ten years the only democrats left will be in internment camps and I’ll keep my tax cut.

Thanks for sharing, I would appreciate the evidence wherein the Democrats forced the majority to include the sunset clause, and I wonder why they did not include such a clause for the entire tax bill, if it created a larger and larger national debt.

The fact is two years ago the Right Wing / Republicans pissed and moaned about the debt, and then increased it by a trillion or so to be passed on to our kids and grandchildren.

Explain that, and then let the readers know who are the liars.

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