The Netanyahu-Trump Meeting: A Pivotal Moment


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
This is one of those subjects the left goes alt/nuts...

The Netanyahu-Trump Meeting: A Pivotal Moment
A refreshing departure from the Obama days.
February 15, 2017
Ari Lieberman

President Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel are slated to meet on Wednesday in their first official state meeting. The two leaders are personal friends and have known each other for some time. Certainly the dynamic of the rapport is far different than the toxic environment that characterized the Obama -Netanyahu relationship. Indeed, the fact that Trump sought this meeting so soon after the inauguration demonstrates with utmost clarity that he places a high premium on the U.S.-Israel alliance and seeks to reset ties so frayed after eight deleterious years of Obama.

Aside from their personal friendship, the two leaders see eye-to-eye on many matters of national and international import. One of Trump’s key campaign promises was the construction of a wall that would safeguard America’s southern border. On a number of occasions, Trump cited Israel as an example of a nation that successfully protected its citizens from terrorists and illegal infiltrators through the construction of sophisticated barriers along its vulnerable frontiers. No doubt he will be seeking Israeli know-how and drawing on the Israeli experience when embarking on his ambitious wall project along the Mexican border.

Unlike Obama, who attempted to undercut Israel at every turn, Trump sees Israel as a key strategic ally with shared moral and ethical values in a dangerous region devoid of democratic principles. The two leaders are set to coordinate their strategies to meet a plethora of daunting challenges.


Both Trump and Netanyahu view the UN as a flawed body where anti-Western schemes are hatched by third world despots. But the U.S. wields considerable influence at the UN because it contributes nearly ¼ of its budget. The U.S. taxpayer dollar would be more useful if allocated elsewhere and a tug at the UN purse strings would be sufficient to jolt some sense into that hijacked body and steer it back on course. A UNSC resolution reversing resolution 2334 or at least removing its most odious provisions would be a good start. The Trump administration’s recent blocking of a Palestinian official to be the UN’s envoy to Libya demonstrates the commitment the new administration has toward redressing some of the more egregious UN practices.


Whatever the results of this meeting, it will stand in stark contrast to the first encounter between Netanyahu and Obama. During that disastrous 2010 meeting, Obama tried to publicly humiliate Netanyahu. One Israeli commentator dryly noted that “Bibi received in the White House the treatment reserved for the president of Equatorial Guinea.” But with the rise of Islamic extremism, frustration with Iran, Palestinian intransigence and recognition that Israel represents an outpost of democracy in a sea of Islamic medievalism, things will certainly be different this time around.

The Netanyahu-Trump Meeting: A Pivotal Moment
Where exactly is the difference? Obamas anti-Israeli 38bn decupled, all Palestinians annihilated?
An education in Islamic terror.
May 23, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

When President Trump and Prime Minister Netanyahu met on the tarmac, they and their spouses chatted easily. The two conservative leaders have much in common. They are political insurgents who draw their support from a rougher working class overlooked and despised by leftist elites.

The polls said that Netanyahu and Trump would lose their respective elections. Instead they won big. They prevailed despite accusations of bigotry, attacks by celebrities and a torrent of fake media scandals. The media decided that the big story of Trump’s arrival in Israel would be their claim that Melania Trump had swatted her husband’s hand away. A few months ago, Netanyahu was in court testifying against a lefty journalist for spreading fake news that his wife had kicked him out of the car.

Like so much of the fake media news aimed at Trump, it was sourced from an anonymous source through another anonymous source who knew someone’s dog.

And, sure enough, Sara Netanyahu and Melania Trump bonded on the tarmac over the media’s hatred.


That is life under the shadow of terrorism.

It’s not only presidents who have to live this way. It’s all of us in Jerusalem and Paris, in Manchester and in Rome where there are soldiers in the street and cries of “Allah Akbar” in the air. And then a car speeds up, a knife slashes, a plane crashes or a bomb goes off.

And the education continues.

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