The New Appeal Of Communism

cut and paste because you lack ability for substance
Why don't you tell us if you believe Aristotle was confused about an eternal political triangle involving democracy, oligarchy, and aristocracy? It would appear from the last two to three thousand years of history, "the driving force in the transition from democracy to oligarchy has been the fight by creditors against debtors." (p. 191)
The Magic of Compound Interest?

Virtually any form of government can be described as an "oligarchy." The term is virtually meaningless.
Oligarchy is an economic form characterized by imperfect competition, collusion, and strategic interactions often resulting a few companies controlling entire industries.
cut and paste because you lack ability for substance
Why don't you tell us if you believe Aristotle was confused about an eternal political triangle involving democracy, oligarchy, and aristocracy? It would appear from the last two to three thousand years of history, "the driving force in the transition from democracy to oligarchy has been the fight by creditors against debtors." (p. 191)
The Magic of Compound Interest?

Virtually any form of government can be described as an "oligarchy." The term is virtually meaningless.
Oligarchy is an economic form characterized by imperfect competition, collusion, and strategic interactions often resulting a few companies controlling entire industries.
That's just more nebulous bullshit.

According to the dictionary, "oligarchy" is rule by the few. Every known form of government on the planet fits that description.
Present value and future value are vital concepts for grasping how finance and economic work. If you put $100 in a bank account with a 2% interest rate, and the rate of inflation is 3.5%, what is the future value after 10 years? Will you have more, or less purchasing power?
Do you want to know the biggest problem with Libs like you?

You think small:

"The eighteenth-century philosopher Richard Price identified this miracle of compound interest and observed, somewhat ruefully, that had he been able to go back to the day Jesus was born and save a single penny—at 5 percent interest, compounded annually—he would have earned himself a solid gold sphere 150 million times bigger than earth."

So what's your point?
The "magic of compound interest" vs. the economy's ability to pay. Predatory lending seeks to foreclose the land of debtors and bankrupt governments into privatizing natural resources and public infrastructure.
So pointing out the wealth and income inequality in the US and Europe since the 18th century makes one a Communist?

Piketty's book probably won't change the minds of ideologues and members of reactionary groups, but it gave the public an ability to start a dialogue about a topic that was taboo. His work (and his colleagues) already validated what many of us already knew to be pretty concrete data. It's now OK to talk about it.
Income inequality is a commie invention.
Present value and future value are vital concepts for grasping how finance and economic work. If you put $100 in a bank account with a 2% interest rate, and the rate of inflation is 3.5%, what is the future value after 10 years? Will you have more, or less purchasing power?
Do you want to know the biggest problem with Libs like you?

You think small:

"The eighteenth-century philosopher Richard Price identified this miracle of compound interest and observed, somewhat ruefully, that had he been able to go back to the day Jesus was born and save a single penny—at 5 percent interest, compounded annually—he would have earned himself a solid gold sphere 150 million times bigger than earth."

So what's your point?
The "magic of compound interest" vs. the economy's ability to pay. Predatory lending seeks to foreclose the land of debtors and bankrupt governments into privatizing natural resources and public infrastructure.

Pure babble. There's no such thing as "predatory lending." Anyone who gets a mortgage is a debtor. Governments are bankrupting themselves. No one forces them to spend more than they take in. What the hell does "privatizing natural resources" have to do with anything?

You just spew your Marxist catch phrases and hope someone is fooled.
cut and paste because you lack ability for substance
Why don't you tell us if you believe Aristotle was confused about an eternal political triangle involving democracy, oligarchy, and aristocracy? It would appear from the last two to three thousand years of history, "the driving force in the transition from democracy to oligarchy has been the fight by creditors against debtors." (p. 191)
The Magic of Compound Interest?

Virtually any form of government can be described as an "oligarchy." The term is virtually meaningless.
Oligarchy is an economic form characterized by imperfect competition, collusion, and strategic interactions often resulting a few companies controlling entire industries.
That's just more nebulous bullshit.

According to the dictionary, "oligarchy" is rule by the few. Every known form of government on the planet fits that description.
I know, of course, that you are incapable of comprehension. But you were actually given the definition of oligarchy, and you still did not understand. It is
BUSINESSES, me boy. Oligopoly does not apply to government.
Present value and future value are vital concepts for grasping how finance and economic work. If you put $100 in a bank account with a 2% interest rate, and the rate of inflation is 3.5%, what is the future value after 10 years? Will you have more, or less purchasing power?
Do you want to know the biggest problem with Libs like you?

You think small:

"The eighteenth-century philosopher Richard Price identified this miracle of compound interest and observed, somewhat ruefully, that had he been able to go back to the day Jesus was born and save a single penny—at 5 percent interest, compounded annually—he would have earned himself a solid gold sphere 150 million times bigger than earth."

So what's your point?
The "magic of compound interest" vs. the economy's ability to pay. Predatory lending seeks to foreclose the land of debtors and bankrupt governments into privatizing natural resources and public infrastructure.

Pure babble. There's no such thing as "predatory lending." Anyone who gets a mortgage is a debtor. Governments are bankrupting themselves. No one forces them to spend more than they take in. What the hell does "privatizing natural resources" have to do with anything?

You just spew your Marxist catch phrases and hope someone is fooled.

Why conflate the reality of Predatory Lending with Communism?
One has ZERO to do with the other.
cut and paste because you lack ability for substance
Why don't you tell us if you believe Aristotle was confused about an eternal political triangle involving democracy, oligarchy, and aristocracy? It would appear from the last two to three thousand years of history, "the driving force in the transition from democracy to oligarchy has been the fight by creditors against debtors." (p. 191)
The Magic of Compound Interest?

Virtually any form of government can be described as an "oligarchy." The term is virtually meaningless.
Oligarchy is an economic form characterized by imperfect competition, collusion, and strategic interactions often resulting a few companies controlling entire industries.
That's just more nebulous bullshit.

According to the dictionary, "oligarchy" is rule by the few. Every known form of government on the planet fits that description.
I know, of course, that you are incapable of comprehension. But you were actually given the definition of oligarchy, and you still did not understand. It is
BUSINESSES, me boy. Oligopoly does not apply to government.

That wasn't the definition. That was propaganda.
Present value and future value are vital concepts for grasping how finance and economic work. If you put $100 in a bank account with a 2% interest rate, and the rate of inflation is 3.5%, what is the future value after 10 years? Will you have more, or less purchasing power?
Do you want to know the biggest problem with Libs like you?

You think small:

"The eighteenth-century philosopher Richard Price identified this miracle of compound interest and observed, somewhat ruefully, that had he been able to go back to the day Jesus was born and save a single penny—at 5 percent interest, compounded annually—he would have earned himself a solid gold sphere 150 million times bigger than earth."

So what's your point?
The "magic of compound interest" vs. the economy's ability to pay. Predatory lending seeks to foreclose the land of debtors and bankrupt governments into privatizing natural resources and public infrastructure.

Pure babble. There's no such thing as "predatory lending." Anyone who gets a mortgage is a debtor. Governments are bankrupting themselves. No one forces them to spend more than they take in. What the hell does "privatizing natural resources" have to do with anything?

You just spew your Marxist catch phrases and hope someone is fooled.

Why conflate the reality of Predatory Lending with Communism?
One has ZERO to do with the other.

"Predatory lending" is a myth invented by lefties so they could blame the bankers for the 2008 debacle. How do you "prey" on someone by loaning them money? The bankers were the main ones who got screwed by these transactions, not the borrowers.
So pointing out the wealth and income inequality in the US and Europe since the 18th century makes one a Communist?

Piketty's book probably won't change the minds of ideologues and members of reactionary groups, but it gave the public an ability to start a dialogue about a topic that was taboo. His work (and his colleagues) already validated what many of us already knew to be pretty concrete data. It's now OK to talk about it.
Income inequality is a commie invention.

Commie? Are you still living in the 60's?

Communism has plenty of problems, enough that all communist efforts have died of their own shortcomings. But income inequality was not invented by communists.

But income inequality has killed libertarian economy, and have generated serious analysis by serious economists for decades. Maybe just too deep for you.
Do you want to know the biggest problem with Libs like you?

You think small:

"The eighteenth-century philosopher Richard Price identified this miracle of compound interest and observed, somewhat ruefully, that had he been able to go back to the day Jesus was born and save a single penny—at 5 percent interest, compounded annually—he would have earned himself a solid gold sphere 150 million times bigger than earth."

So what's your point?
The "magic of compound interest" vs. the economy's ability to pay. Predatory lending seeks to foreclose the land of debtors and bankrupt governments into privatizing natural resources and public infrastructure.

Pure babble. There's no such thing as "predatory lending." Anyone who gets a mortgage is a debtor. Governments are bankrupting themselves. No one forces them to spend more than they take in. What the hell does "privatizing natural resources" have to do with anything?

You just spew your Marxist catch phrases and hope someone is fooled.

Why conflate the reality of Predatory Lending with Communism?
One has ZERO to do with the other.

"Predatory lending" is a myth invented by lefties so they could blame the bankers for the 2008 debacle. How do you "prey" on someone by loaning them money? The bankers were the main ones who got screwed by these transactions, not the borrowers.

Uh, no...Remember Crosslands Bank? Look it up. Just one example.
You see, way before the Internet and Smart Devices, Predatory Lending was a way of life for some Bankers.
In terms of the Housing Bubble, Loans were being approved on paper for Fees and Commissions, not necessarily Predatory Lending.
So pointing out the wealth and income inequality in the US and Europe since the 18th century makes one a Communist?

Piketty's book probably won't change the minds of ideologues and members of reactionary groups, but it gave the public an ability to start a dialogue about a topic that was taboo. His work (and his colleagues) already validated what many of us already knew to be pretty concrete data. It's now OK to talk about it.
Income inequality is a commie invention.

Commie? Are you still living in the 60's?

Communism has plenty of problems, enough that all communist efforts have died of their own shortcomings. But income inequality was not invented by communists.

But income inequality has killed libertarian economy, and have generated serious analysis by serious economists for decades. Maybe just too deep for you.

Income inequality never killed any libertarian economy. I just live this leftwing myth that capitalism has ever failed. Somehow they believe that their incessant whining about capitalism means it failed. The reality is that they whine because capitalism has been such an astounding success.
So what's your point?
The "magic of compound interest" vs. the economy's ability to pay. Predatory lending seeks to foreclose the land of debtors and bankrupt governments into privatizing natural resources and public infrastructure.

Pure babble. There's no such thing as "predatory lending." Anyone who gets a mortgage is a debtor. Governments are bankrupting themselves. No one forces them to spend more than they take in. What the hell does "privatizing natural resources" have to do with anything?

You just spew your Marxist catch phrases and hope someone is fooled.

Why conflate the reality of Predatory Lending with Communism?
One has ZERO to do with the other.

"Predatory lending" is a myth invented by lefties so they could blame the bankers for the 2008 debacle. How do you "prey" on someone by loaning them money? The bankers were the main ones who got screwed by these transactions, not the borrowers.

Uh, no...Remember Crosslands Bank? Look it up. Just one example.
You see, way before the Internet and Smart Devices, Predatory Lending was a way of life for some Bankers.
In terms of the Housing Bubble, Loans were being approved on paper for Fees and Commissions, not necessarily Predatory Lending.

So a bank went belly up. Yeah, that never happened before. What is this "predatory lending" that it supposedly engaged in? Is that where they lost money on their loans and had to declare bankruptcy?
And property rights only exist because of the state. The state defines and enforces property rights.

Do you believe that kindness and kittens exist only because rulers decreed them?

Yours is an old post, but couldn't resist telling you how stupid you seem to be. Apparently you believe kittens and kindness are property rights. Does it hurt to be that stupid. Are you a congenital idiot???
Present value and future value are vital concepts for grasping how finance and economic work. If you put $100 in a bank account with a 2% interest rate, and the rate of inflation is 3.5%, what is the future value after 10 years? Will you have more, or less purchasing power?
Do you want to know the biggest problem with Libs like you?

You think small:

"The eighteenth-century philosopher Richard Price identified this miracle of compound interest and observed, somewhat ruefully, that had he been able to go back to the day Jesus was born and save a single penny—at 5 percent interest, compounded annually—he would have earned himself a solid gold sphere 150 million times bigger than earth."

So what's your point?
The "magic of compound interest" vs. the economy's ability to pay. Predatory lending seeks to foreclose the land of debtors and bankrupt governments into privatizing natural resources and public infrastructure.

Pure babble. There's no such thing as "predatory lending." Anyone who gets a mortgage is a debtor. Governments are bankrupting themselves. No one forces them to spend more than they take in. What the hell does "privatizing natural resources" have to do with anything?

You just spew your Marxist catch phrases and hope someone is fooled.
"DEFINITION of 'Predatory Lending'
"Unscrupulous actions carried out by a lender to entice, induce and/or assist a borrower in taking a mortgage that carries high fees, a high interest rate, strips the borrower of equity, or places the borrower in a lower credit rated loan to the benefit of the lender. As with most things of a dishonest nature, new and different predatory lending schemes frequently arise."
Predatory Lending Definition | Investopedia
Can you explain why early religious leaders of Christianity and Islam banned the charging of interest from all loans even commercial loans?
  1. a person living on income from property or investments."
Today's rentier class has stood the traditional political program on its head. The alliance of real estate, finance, and insurance, along with natural resource monopolies hijack democracy to promote privatization and rent extraction. Their notion of a "free" market has been redefined to mean freedom for financial parasites to extract unearned income from public resources.

And now we get to it, you seek to strip from commoners the ability to own property. Property rights are the basis of all rights, so you seek to place humanity in slavery to the ruling elite.
The "magic of compound interest" vs. the economy's ability to pay. Predatory lending seeks to foreclose the land of debtors and bankrupt governments into privatizing natural resources and public infrastructure.

Pure babble. There's no such thing as "predatory lending." Anyone who gets a mortgage is a debtor. Governments are bankrupting themselves. No one forces them to spend more than they take in. What the hell does "privatizing natural resources" have to do with anything?

You just spew your Marxist catch phrases and hope someone is fooled.

Why conflate the reality of Predatory Lending with Communism?
One has ZERO to do with the other.

"Predatory lending" is a myth invented by lefties so they could blame the bankers for the 2008 debacle. How do you "prey" on someone by loaning them money? The bankers were the main ones who got screwed by these transactions, not the borrowers.

Uh, no...Remember Crosslands Bank? Look it up. Just one example.
You see, way before the Internet and Smart Devices, Predatory Lending was a way of life for some Bankers.
In terms of the Housing Bubble, Loans were being approved on paper for Fees and Commissions, not necessarily Predatory Lending.

So a bank went belly up. Yeah, that never happened before. What is this "predatory lending" that it supposedly engaged in? Is that where they lost money on their loans and had to declare bankruptcy?'s where they gave mortgages and foreclosed on the mortgagees within 4-6 months.
You are living in a parallel universe.
Oligarchy is an economic form characterized by imperfect competition, collusion, and strategic interactions often resulting a few companies controlling entire industries.


noun ol·i·gar·chy \ˈä-lə-ˌgär-kē, ˈō-\
Popularity: Top 1% of lookups
Simple Definition of oligarchy
  • : a country, business, etc., that is controlled by a small group of people

  • : the people that control a country, business, etc.

  • : government or control by a small group of people
The "magic of compound interest" vs. the economy's ability to pay. Predatory lending seeks to foreclose the land of debtors and bankrupt governments into privatizing natural resources and public infrastructure.

I know you masters have trained you to bleat "Four leg good, two legs bad." but you are not grasping reality.

Tell me, does inflation compound?

The 3% under 7 years of Obama, has the added 21 cents to the dollar. or 34 cents?

When Obama seized power, a widget cost $1. A year later that widget cost $1.03 - inflation. But the next year, what did the widget cost? $1.0609 and the next year? $1.093 and the year after? $1.13

Inflation compounds. If interest does not, the wealth is stripped from the public - which is what you seek, all wealth in the hands of the absolute rulers.
I know, of course, that you are incapable of comprehension. But you were actually given the definition of oligarchy, and you still did not understand. It is
BUSINESSES, me boy. Oligopoly does not apply to government.

A Communist telling lies does not a definition make.

You yearning for totalitarian dictatorship does not alter the fabric of reality.

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