The New Appeal Of Communism

. Many, many cons are indeed stupid.

ah but our Founders were cons who wanted very very limited govt. Were they stupid? Was our Constitution stupid for trying to make liberalism illegal? It is cons who want voter qualifications while liberals fear it because so many of their voters do not have basic qualifications.
. Many, many cons are indeed stupid.

ah but our Founders were cons who wanted very very limited govt. Were they stupid? Was our Constitution stupid for trying to make liberalism illegal? It is cons who want voter qualifications while liberals fear it because so many of their voters do not have basic qualifications.

The founders had limited government but it didn't seem to work so the met and made a much stronger government with considerably more power and less limitations. The framers gave the new government powers over taxation, commerce, welfare, defense, and on and on.
Are you the poster that kept insisting Truman was a Republican?
The founders had limited government but it didn't seem to work so the met and made a much stronger government with considerably more power and less limitations.

1) most wanted to stick with Articles

2) the new govt was 1% the size of today's liberal govt on an inflation adjusted per capita basis and had no welfare entitlements nor did it envisage any. The new govt was designed to make liberalism illegal by allowing only a few enumerated powers.

Liberalism is far more at home in Cuba than the USA. Now you can see why our liberals spied for Stalin's very very big liberal govt and why they elected Obama a guy with 3 communist parents who voted to left of Benie Sanders!
100% impossible since the socialist road to Marxian communism always killed 10's of millions! No human being in human history is responsible for more blood than Marx, yet liberals worship him. In fact they elected Obama who had 3 communist parents and voted to left of Bernie Sanders, the only open communist is Congress.
So, ed says liberals lack iq. He has no proof of that, of course, but studies have been made of the subject. Ed does not quote the result of studies. Just his opinion, based on nothing at all. So, lets see what the studies say about the IQ of conservatives and liberals:

Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm: Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism, Low I.Q.
Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm: Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism, Low I.Q. | Americans Against the Tea Party

Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice
Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice

Racists and Extreme Conservatives Are Dumber Says New Study
Read more at Racists and Extreme Conservatives Are Dumber Says New Study

Religious and Conservative people have lower IQs than their counterparts.
Religious and Conservative people have lower IQs than their counterparts.

Study Suggests Low IQ, Social Conservatism, And Prejudice Go Hand In Hand
Study Suggests Low IQ, Social Conservatism, And Prejudice Go Hand In Hand | Mediaite

And it goes on and on and on. There are many, many, many studies linking conservatives and low iq's. Looks like ed just got it backwards. Which is normal for ed.

An infallible sign of stupidity is believing studies published by partisan pinko professors on the government payroll.

That's exactly why I don't go to medical doctors, dentists or read history books all taught by pinko professors.
So, ed says liberals lack iq. He has no proof of that,.

it is Republicans who want voter qualification tests, on the theory that democracy depends on intelligent people voting, and liberals who oppose it.

Also, if liberalism is intelligent at all please say something intelligent to defend it or admit you can't but adhere to it anyway much like you would a religion.
That's exactly why I don't go to medical doctors, dentists or read history books all taught by pinko professors.

It shows.... :thup:

My experience;

Engineering professors never spoke of politics

Science professors rarely spoke of politics

Economy professors were generally conservative. Well duh.

History, art, ethnic study, and other "liberal arts" professors were Fucking communists.

Basically, in subjects where reality is involved, where there is an actual demonstrable answer, politics are absent or conservative. In subjects where there is no objective measurement and no application in real life, you attract leftist whack jobs. It makes sense, these are people who could never hold a job where accuracy or quality is checked.
well maybe but certainly there is far more balance in an economics dept than in any other dept. and that is saying a lot given that most universities are near communist these days.

My point is that this is NOT my experience.

The fluffy subjects attract the flakes. Psychology, literature, ethnic art appreciation, etc. are staffed by those who generally cannot compose a coherent thought or sentence. Naturally, they are rabid and vocal leftists. The moron teaching appreciation of graffiti has nothing substantial to offer society, so of course he wallows in Marxist rhetoric, he offers you only his need, never what he produces, which is nothing.

In hard science, mathematics, and other tangible subjects, you find a far more rational teaching staff - because they have to actually know what they are talking about.
However we're only given 3 choices who to vote for and they're not very good choices. Democrat, repub, or third party that doesn't have a chance.

what is wrong with Republicans?? Do you dare try?

I'll give it a try. They screw thing up. The great depression and the great bush recession. And of course the failure of a republican administration to protect this country on 9-11 after repeated warning signs of a possible invasion. And of course, the failure to get bin laden and also finding wmd's. These were two failed attempts that bush and company convinced congress that this country needed to keep us safe and to hell with the cost. Do you dare try to tell us what good republicans are at all, besides failure, dirty tricks and obstruction?
Hmm, forgot Iran Contra, where a republican prez, reagan, who said we don't negotiate with terrorists, negotiated with terrorists. Hmm. forgot watergate... well, you get the idea.
The great depression and the great bush recession.

how can they be Republican when there was massive liberal interference before both? Did you know Republicans are for free markets, not massively regulated markets.
No. They are not at all interested in free markets. They are, however, very interested in monopoly power in markets. The more the better.
Economy professors were generally conservative. Well duh.

well maybe but certainly there is far more balance in an economics dept than in any other dept. and that is saying a lot given that most universities are near communist these days.
Perhaps you have some proof of your stupid statement?? Of course not. Just ed talking from his ass.
But you must at least go to college to have an opinion.
And not the republican paid and owned colleges. Real colleges. Problem for ed is that he thinks a good college is Regent University. Poor sad fellow.
The great depression and the great bush recession.

how can they be Republican when there was massive liberal interference before both? Did you know Republicans are for free markets, not massively regulated markets.
No. They are not at all interested in free markets. They are, however, very interested in monopoly power in markets. The more the better.

Exactly, the tea partiers want corporations to do as they please and become Monopolies. Some things the government needs to do.
1. Infrastructure
2. Science institutions like nasa, cdc, fda, epa, nws, etc.
3. Reward grants to advance science and tech
4. Make sure everyone is as well educated that is possible
5. A safety net

50% plus of this country if the tea party ever got their way would be treated like shit.
Economy professors were generally conservative. Well duh.

well maybe but certainly there is far more balance in an economics dept than in any other dept. and that is saying a lot given that most universities are near communist these days.

There's no question we need a regulated capitalist economy. Did you know that many companies fighting it out in competition is a good thing? We vote in a government within this day in age to do many different things that we didn't need during the 18th century. The world has charged...

Get with the program! Also, most economic professors would never attack education, infrastructure and tech investment.
Economy professors were generally conservative. Well duh.

well maybe but certainly there is far more balance in an economics dept than in any other dept. and that is saying a lot given that most universities are near communist these days.

There's no question we need a regulated capitalist economy. Did you know that many companies fighting it out in competition is a good thing? We vote in a government within this day in age to do many different things that we didn't need during the 18th century. The world has charged...

Get with the program! Also, most economic professors would never attack education, infrastructure and tech investment.
Ed makes the statement that universities are near communist, and you know who the clown is. I was an econ major, and never met a professor that I thought was communist. Stupid statement by ed. But the thing is, con tools and libertarians (ed is both) believe anyone to the left of a fox personality is a communist. Funny.
Ed makes the statement that universities are near communist, and you know who the clown is. I was an econ major, and never met a professor that I thought was communist.

1) you have not been to college let alone as an economics major

2) I said there was balance in economics departments

3) David Horwitz has devoted much of his adult life to battling communists on campus. You ought to read some of his books. He grew up communist so knows the territory well.

Always like fishing in a barrel with you.
We vote in a government within this day in age to do many different things that we didn't need during the 18th century. The world has charged...

yes, the world is far bigger and more complex so the less likely it is to be understood and controlled by a few make-work bureaucrats in Washington. Local control makes better sense than ever.

The soviet govt had control and look what it did. Our govt has control of health care and look what it did. Do you see why we have to doubt the intelligence of liberals.
A sharp turn to the left in 2008? Obama's a corporate democrat. A lefty wouldn't appoint the wall streeters and Ceo's that Obama did. Did you find that post you accused me of making yet?

If maybe Obama are next leader in Communist Party when he done he's job in white house.

Knowing right or wrong about Obamas next elect ?? He's ready in 2020 against Republican ?

Communist Party if Obama was leader in this good party in America instead for Soviet Union ?

If maybe Obama are next leader in Communist Party when he done he's job in white house.

Thanks to Bernie, Democrats are finally out of closet as communists! Now if Sen.McCarthy askes them if they are communists they don't have to take the 5th.
Communism = leeches trying to live off the suckers who work..

Thomas Jefferson:
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
Thanks to Bernie, Democrats are finally out of closet as communists! Now if Sen.McCarthy askes them if they are communists they don't have to take the 5th.
Communism = leeches trying to live off the suckers who work..
"The six largest financial institutions in this country today hold assets equal to about 60% of the nation’s gross domestic product. These six banks issue more than two-thirds of all credit cards and over 35% of all mortgages. They control 95% of all derivatives and hold more than 40% of all bank deposits in the United States."
Bernie wants to tax Wall Street speculators/parasites.
Is that a problem for Libertarians?
Reforming Wall Street - Bernie Sanders

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