The New Appeal Of Communism

Not a Communist. Just a delusional person. Then again Communism is a delusional way of life that has failed.

I believe Piketty, like Mussolini before him, is trying to reform Marxism into a workable form. (Not that the global taxes promoted by Piketty are actually workable.) Piketty is a Communist, a self-declared Socialist who seeks a single global government. Marxism is an utter failure, and the dream of the left is to rescue Communism from it's own absurdity.

Piketty isn't a Communist, Marx didn't even have a large influence on him or his thinking. Capital focused on wealth and income equality.

Oh puhleeze. Most of Pikety's theories come straight from Das Kapital, especially the one about how a certain ROI leads to growing inequality.
Dude, governments have been investing in science, r&d and education for hundreds of years. Get with reality.

The tea party makes as much sense as the Amish!
Income Inequality is a tenet of Socialism and Communism. Add we are all in it together to the list.

The only time we are all in it together is the Warrior Ethos on the field of combat.

What do you think drove Communism? The super rich fucked over the vast majority of the population throughout the 18th and 19th century.

Gave them no voice
Worked them like slaves

I am not saying that communism is a good thing, but social democracy has been very successful!

-It allows for a private sector= freedom of ideas
-It allows for a safety net to help people
-It allows for governments to invest in science and tech. We're better off!
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What do you think drove Communism? The super rich fucked over the vast majority of the population throughout the 18th and 19th century.

as a liberal you will lack the IQ to understand capitalism. Under capitalism you have to provide the best products and best jobs possible or your competition will and you'll go bankrupt!.

You cant understand can you? 18th and 19th Centuries were periods of huge economic growth.
What do you think drove Communism? The super rich fucked over the vast majority of the population throughout the 18th and 19th century.

as a liberal you will lack the IQ to understand capitalism. Under capitalism you have to provide the best products and best jobs possible or your competition will and you'll go bankrupt!.

You cant understand can you? 18th and 19th Centuries were periods of huge economic growth.
And that is what ed is paid to say. And there is no such thing as monopoly power, right, ed. And all the studies that are out there showing that the wealth is going to the wealthy are wrong, right ed. And no, ed has no link to studies showing he is correct, and yes all the studies show he is wrong, but ed is paid to say what he says, so he must be right. Sure, ed. We believe you. You would never follow an agenda, and forget that you have said over and over that you are a libertarian. And no there are no libertarian economies, but there are libertarians who pay and pay to get their way. And ed is paid, and so he must be correct.
Cmon, ed. You really just do not pass the giggle test.
In theory, Communism died when the Berlin Wall fell, after Reagan defeated the Soviet Union. America took a sharp turn to the left in 2008 with the failures of the Bush administration leading many to question the free market as a viable engine of growth and prosperity. Even so, few would openly speak of, much less advocate for Communism as defined by Marx.

The seminal work of Marx is "Capital," which was published in two volumes, with a third cobbled together after his death. "Capital" is far more influential than the "Communist Manifesto" in terms of explaining the "why and how" of Communism.

But Marx published his work in 1867, under the title "Das Kapital, Kritik der politischen Ökonomie." What could this have to do with America, 150 years later? The answer is French Communist Thomas Piketty, who has adopted the same name for a modernized version of the Marxist screed. Piketty is not some fringe, but has occupied the #1 spot of the New York Times best seller list for 5 weeks. Communism is extremely popular.

Given the history of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot, Kim, et al, how could people become enamored by Marxism? Promotion by the popular media and leftist culture, for one thing. Piketty has over 400 pages of statistics in his manifesto, I assure you that George Clooney and Cindy Crawford are not reading this, BUT it is an expected accoutrement at the elitist parties and events that Hollywood royalty attend.

What does the reemergence of Communism as high fashion mean for the world? We will all find out.

Can you name a nation that has practiced Marxian communism?
In theory, Communism died when the Berlin Wall fell, after Reagan defeated the Soviet Union. America took a sharp turn to the left in 2008 with the failures of the Bush administration leading many to question the free market as a viable engine of growth and prosperity. Even so, few would openly speak of, much less advocate for Communism as defined by Marx.

The seminal work of Marx is "Capital," which was published in two volumes, with a third cobbled together after his death. "Capital" is far more influential than the "Communist Manifesto" in terms of explaining the "why and how" of Communism.

But Marx published his work in 1867, under the title "Das Kapital, Kritik der politischen Ökonomie." What could this have to do with America, 150 years later? The answer is French Communist Thomas Piketty, who has adopted the same name for a modernized version of the Marxist screed. Piketty is not some fringe, but has occupied the #1 spot of the New York Times best seller list for 5 weeks. Communism is extremely popular.

Given the history of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot, Kim, et al, how could people become enamored by Marxism? Promotion by the popular media and leftist culture, for one thing. Piketty has over 400 pages of statistics in his manifesto, I assure you that George Clooney and Cindy Crawford are not reading this, BUT it is an expected accoutrement at the elitist parties and events that Hollywood royalty attend.

What does the reemergence of Communism as high fashion mean for the world? We will all find out.

Can you name a nation that has practiced Marxian communism?

100% impossible since the socialist road to Marxian communism always killed 10's of millions! No human being in human history is responsible for more blood than Marx, yet liberals worship him. In fact they elected Obama who had 3 communist parents and voted to left of Bernie Sanders, the only open communist is Congress.
In theory, Communism died when the Berlin Wall fell, after Reagan defeated the Soviet Union. America took a sharp turn to the left in 2008 with the failures of the Bush administration leading many to question the free market as a viable engine of growth and prosperity. Even so, few would openly speak of, much less advocate for Communism as defined by Marx.

The seminal work of Marx is "Capital," which was published in two volumes, with a third cobbled together after his death. "Capital" is far more influential than the "Communist Manifesto" in terms of explaining the "why and how" of Communism.

But Marx published his work in 1867, under the title "Das Kapital, Kritik der politischen Ökonomie." What could this have to do with America, 150 years later? The answer is French Communist Thomas Piketty, who has adopted the same name for a modernized version of the Marxist screed. Piketty is not some fringe, but has occupied the #1 spot of the New York Times best seller list for 5 weeks. Communism is extremely popular.

Given the history of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot, Kim, et al, how could people become enamored by Marxism? Promotion by the popular media and leftist culture, for one thing. Piketty has over 400 pages of statistics in his manifesto, I assure you that George Clooney and Cindy Crawford are not reading this, BUT it is an expected accoutrement at the elitist parties and events that Hollywood royalty attend.

What does the reemergence of Communism as high fashion mean for the world? We will all find out.

Can you name a nation that has practiced Marxian communism?

100% impossible since the socialist road to Marxian communism always killed 10's of millions! No human being in human history is responsible for more blood than Marx, yet liberals worship him. In fact they elected Obama who had 3 communist parents and voted to left of Bernie Sanders, the only open communist is Congress.
Ed, incapable of truth, makes the following statements of untruth:
The question to ed was:
Can you name a nation that has practiced Marxian communism?
To which ed posts:
100% impossible since the socialist road to Marxian communism always killed 10's of millions!

So, ed is incapable of naming a single country that practiced marxist communism. Got it.

Then ed makes the following stupid statement:

No human being in human history is responsible for more blood than Marx, yet liberals worship him.
So, the only source that states that liberals worship marx are the bat shit crazy conservative sites. Ed can name none nor can anyone else, because, you see, liberals do not worship marx. Period. It is simply a lie coming from the bat shit crazy conservative web sites that ed is perfectly aligned with. Only cons worship marx as a person that they can blame based on their simplistic minds. Cons worship politicians, liberals do not. It is simply a matter of projection and part of the constant stream of lies coming from the libertarian leaders whom ed follows.
Ed was once arrested for sodomy with one of his libertarian leaders. But he got the charges dropped to following too close.

Then ed makes the following statement:
In fact they elected Obama who had 3 communist parents and voted to left of Bernie Sanders, the only open communist is Congress.
More charges by ed that are obvious lies and are only found in bat shit crazy con web sites. Simply proves where ed gets his drivel. Poor ignorant con.
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What do you think drove Communism? The super rich fucked over the vast majority of the population throughout the 18th and 19th century.

as a liberal you will lack the IQ to understand capitalism. Under capitalism you have to provide the best products and best jobs possible or your competition will and you'll go bankrupt!.

You cant understand can you? 18th and 19th Centuries were periods of huge economic growth.

And that has been one of our two big economic problems keeping capitalism capitalistic, and to do that requires government regulation. And it seems as soon as a regulation is on the books capitalists find a way around it, and then a new regulation has to be created. It's an economic game.
requires government regulation.

regulation is the problem. In 1929 the economy was heavily regulated, in 2008 the banking/financial industry was heavily regulated. THe VA is heavily regulated and all of US health care. China was heavily regulated and 60 million slowly starved. Under capitalism you have 300 million regulators who drive 10,000 companies a month into bankruptcy. Under liberal regulation you have a few corrupt and stupid regulators in Washington.

A liberal lacks the IQ to understand capitalism so prefers magical regulation. But who will regulate the regulators?
In theory, Communism died when the Berlin Wall fell, after Reagan defeated the Soviet Union. America took a sharp turn to the left in 2008 with the failures of the Bush administration leading many to question the free market as a viable engine of growth and prosperity. Even so, few would openly speak of, much less advocate for Communism as defined by Marx.

The seminal work of Marx is "Capital," which was published in two volumes, with a third cobbled together after his death. "Capital" is far more influential than the "Communist Manifesto" in terms of explaining the "why and how" of Communism.

But Marx published his work in 1867, under the title "Das Kapital, Kritik der politischen Ökonomie." What could this have to do with America, 150 years later? The answer is French Communist Thomas Piketty, who has adopted the same name for a modernized version of the Marxist screed. Piketty is not some fringe, but has occupied the #1 spot of the New York Times best seller list for 5 weeks. Communism is extremely popular.

Given the history of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ho, Pol Pot, Kim, et al, how could people become enamored by Marxism? Promotion by the popular media and leftist culture, for one thing. Piketty has over 400 pages of statistics in his manifesto, I assure you that George Clooney and Cindy Crawford are not reading this, BUT it is an expected accoutrement at the elitist parties and events that Hollywood royalty attend.

What does the reemergence of Communism as high fashion mean for the world? We will all find out.

Can you name a nation that has practiced Marxian communism?

100% impossible since the socialist road to Marxian communism always killed 10's of millions! No human being in human history is responsible for more blood than Marx, yet liberals worship him. In fact they elected Obama who had 3 communist parents and voted to left of Bernie Sanders, the only open communist is Congress.
So, ed says liberals lack iq. He has no proof of that, of course, but studies have been made of the subject. Ed does not quote the result of studies. Just his opinion, based on nothing at all. So, lets see what the studies say about the IQ of conservatives and liberals:

Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm: Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism, Low I.Q.
Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm: Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism, Low I.Q. | Americans Against the Tea Party

Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice
Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice

Racists and Extreme Conservatives Are Dumber Says New Study
Read more at Racists and Extreme Conservatives Are Dumber Says New Study

Religious and Conservative people have lower IQs than their counterparts.
Religious and Conservative people have lower IQs than their counterparts.

Study Suggests Low IQ, Social Conservatism, And Prejudice Go Hand In Hand
Study Suggests Low IQ, Social Conservatism, And Prejudice Go Hand In Hand | Mediaite

And it goes on and on and on. There are many, many, many studies linking conservatives and low iq's. Looks like ed just got it backwards. Which is normal for ed.
requires government regulation.

regulation is the problem. In 1929 the economy was heavily regulated, in 2008 the banking/financial industry was heavily regulated. THe VA is heavily regulated and all of US health care. China was heavily regulated and 60 million slowly starved. Under capitalism you have 300 million regulators who drive 10,000 companies a month into bankruptcy. Under liberal regulation you have a few corrupt and stupid regulators in Washington.

A liberal lacks the IQ to understand capitalism so prefers magical regulation. But who will regulate the regulators?

Maybe your right in 1929 it was probably conservative regulators and bingo the bottom dropped out of the economy. So you're suggesting liberal regulators for the economy, good idea.
requires government regulation.

regulation is the problem. In 1929 the economy was heavily regulated, in 2008 the banking/financial industry was heavily regulated. THe VA is heavily regulated and all of US health care. China was heavily regulated and 60 million slowly starved. Under capitalism you have 300 million regulators who drive 10,000 companies a month into bankruptcy. Under liberal regulation you have a few corrupt and stupid regulators in Washington.

A liberal lacks the IQ to understand capitalism so prefers magical regulation. But who will regulate the regulators?

Maybe your right in 1929 it was probably conservative regulators and bingo the bottom dropped out of the economy. So you're suggesting liberal regulators for the economy, good idea.

dear, they had liberal regulators througout the Great Depression, here in 2008, now at VA and Medicaid, and in Red China and USSR. Liberal regulators here and Red China killed millions. Yet you have faith in a few corrupt or stupid regulators rather than 300 million capitalist regulators becuase you lack the IQ to understand capitalist regulation. We are the richest becuase we have the fewest lib govt regulators and the most capitalist regulators.

Way way over your head -right?
regulation is the problem. In 1929 the economy was heavily regulated, in 2008 the banking/financial industry was heavily regulated. THe VA is heavily regulated and all of US health care. China was heavily regulated and 60 million slowly starved. Under capitalism you have 300 million regulators who drive 10,000 companies a month into bankruptcy. Under liberal regulation you have a few corrupt and stupid regulators in Washington.

A liberal lacks the IQ to understand capitalism so prefers magical regulation. But who will regulate the regulators?

Maybe your right in 1929 it was probably conservative regulators and bingo the bottom dropped out of the economy. So you're suggesting liberal regulators for the economy, good idea.

dear, they had liberal regulators througout the Great Depression, here in 2008, now at VA and Medicaid, and in Red China and USSR. Liberal regulators here and Red China killed millions. Yet you have faith in a few corrupt or stupid regulators rather than 300 million capitalist regulators becuase you lack the IQ to understand capitalist regulation. We are the richest becuase we have the fewest lib govt regulators and the most capitalist regulators.

Way way over your head -right?
So, ed says liberals lack iq. He has no proof of that, of course, but studies have been made of the subject. Ed does not quote the result of studies. Just his opinion, based on nothing at all. So, lets see what the studies say about the IQ of conservatives and liberals:

Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm: Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism, Low I.Q.
Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm: Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism, Low I.Q. | Americans Against the Tea Party

Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice
Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice

Racists and Extreme Conservatives Are Dumber Says New Study
Read more at Racists and Extreme Conservatives Are Dumber Says New Study

Religious and Conservative people have lower IQs than their counterparts.
Religious and Conservative people have lower IQs than their counterparts.

Study Suggests Low IQ, Social Conservatism, And Prejudice Go Hand In Hand
Study Suggests Low IQ, Social Conservatism, And Prejudice Go Hand In Hand | Mediaite

And it goes on and on and on. There are many, many, many studies linking conservatives and low iq's. Looks like ed just got it backwards. Which is normal for ed.
Can you name a nation that has practiced Marxian communism?

100% impossible since the socialist road to Marxian communism always killed 10's of millions! No human being in human history is responsible for more blood than Marx, yet liberals worship him. In fact they elected Obama who had 3 communist parents and voted to left of Bernie Sanders, the only open communist is Congress.
So, ed says liberals lack iq. He has no proof of that, of course, but studies have been made of the subject. Ed does not quote the result of studies. Just his opinion, based on nothing at all. So, lets see what the studies say about the IQ of conservatives and liberals:

Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm: Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism, Low I.Q.
Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm: Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism, Low I.Q. | Americans Against the Tea Party

Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice
Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice

Racists and Extreme Conservatives Are Dumber Says New Study
Read more at Racists and Extreme Conservatives Are Dumber Says New Study

Religious and Conservative people have lower IQs than their counterparts.
Religious and Conservative people have lower IQs than their counterparts.

Study Suggests Low IQ, Social Conservatism, And Prejudice Go Hand In Hand
Study Suggests Low IQ, Social Conservatism, And Prejudice Go Hand In Hand | Mediaite

And it goes on and on and on. There are many, many, many studies linking conservatives and low iq's. Looks like ed just got it backwards. Which is normal for ed.

An infallible sign of stupidity is believing studies published by partisan pinko professors on the government payroll.
Last edited:
What do you think drove Communism? The super rich fucked over the vast majority of the population throughout the 18th and 19th century.

as a liberal you will lack the IQ to understand capitalism. Under capitalism you have to provide the best products and best jobs possible or your competition will and you'll go bankrupt!.

You cant understand can you? 18th and 19th Centuries were periods of huge economic growth.
And that is what ed is paid to say. And there is no such thing as monopoly power, right, ed. And all the studies that are out there showing that the wealth is going to the wealthy are wrong, right ed. And no, ed has no link to studies showing he is correct, and yes all the studies show he is wrong, but ed is paid to say what he says, so he must be right. Sure, ed. We believe you. You would never follow an agenda, and forget that you have said over and over that you are a libertarian. And no there are no libertarian economies, but there are libertarians who pay and pay to get their way. And ed is paid, and so he must be correct.
Cmon, ed. You really just do not pass the giggle test.

Your a commie douche nozzle and only the dimmest of dim bulbs in this forum swallow anything you have to say.
And there is no such thing as monopoly power, right, ed.

Most conservatives are ok with anti trust laws but please give us the best example of this momopoly power anyway?

Actually, there is no such thing as "monopoly power." That's propaganda coined by those who despise capitalism. The only "power" corporations have is producing goods and services that consumers want to buy.
100% impossible since the socialist road to Marxian communism always killed 10's of millions! No human being in human history is responsible for more blood than Marx, yet liberals worship him. In fact they elected Obama who had 3 communist parents and voted to left of Bernie Sanders, the only open communist is Congress.
So, ed says liberals lack iq. He has no proof of that, of course, but studies have been made of the subject. Ed does not quote the result of studies. Just his opinion, based on nothing at all. So, lets see what the studies say about the IQ of conservatives and liberals:

Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm: Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism, Low I.Q.
Multiple Scientific Studies Confirm: Extreme Conservatism Linked to Racism, Low I.Q. | Americans Against the Tea Party

Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice
Low IQ & Conservative Beliefs Linked to Prejudice

Racists and Extreme Conservatives Are Dumber Says New Study
Read more at Racists and Extreme Conservatives Are Dumber Says New Study

Religious and Conservative people have lower IQs than their counterparts.
Religious and Conservative people have lower IQs than their counterparts.

Study Suggests Low IQ, Social Conservatism, And Prejudice Go Hand In Hand
Study Suggests Low IQ, Social Conservatism, And Prejudice Go Hand In Hand | Mediaite

And it goes on and on and on. There are many, many, many studies linking conservatives and low iq's. Looks like ed just got it backwards. Which is normal for ed.

An infallible sign of stupidity is believing studies published by partisan pinko professors on the government payroll.
Ah, perfect proof of the concept that cons are stupid. Thanks for the proof of my point, dipshit.
as a liberal you will lack the IQ to understand capitalism. Under capitalism you have to provide the best products and best jobs possible or your competition will and you'll go bankrupt!.

You cant understand can you? 18th and 19th Centuries were periods of huge economic growth.
And that is what ed is paid to say. And there is no such thing as monopoly power, right, ed. And all the studies that are out there showing that the wealth is going to the wealthy are wrong, right ed. And no, ed has no link to studies showing he is correct, and yes all the studies show he is wrong, but ed is paid to say what he says, so he must be right. Sure, ed. We believe you. You would never follow an agenda, and forget that you have said over and over that you are a libertarian. And no there are no libertarian economies, but there are libertarians who pay and pay to get their way. And ed is paid, and so he must be correct.
Cmon, ed. You really just do not pass the giggle test.

Your a commie douche nozzle and only the dimmest of dim bulbs in this forum swallow anything you have to say.
Funny. I spent my life believing that communism had no chance of working. You, me boy, are the perfect proof that there are those out there who would believe anything that they want to believe. The perfect con, and proof again that the studies are correct. Many, many cons are indeed stupid.

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