The New Black American: Conservative

Why Do People Act Like Black Conservatives Don't Exist? | NBC News
President Trump’s approval rating among African Americans hovers around 14 percent — but there are a number of black conservatives who do support him. NBC News Signal’s Simone Boyce followed three students all the way to the White House to find out why they love Trump...and his MAGA hat.

ME: Change is coming, slowly, but its coming. More videos to come in this thread. One note about this video: It is an NBC video by the way so it promotes the Lie about the so-called southern strategy. But still, its not a bad video, and shockingly fairly good since it came from the home of fake news, NBC.

Candace Owens is a joke.

So a free thinking black person is a joke. You are such a hypocrite. This line of reasoning is the problem. If you don't think like we think you should then you're either a joke or not black.

It's the same thing that conservative gay people go through. If you don't tow the line the way we say then you are not part of us. Your not a true black or your not a true gay.

Those blacks are not free thinking. They are saying things you believe so you say that. The free thinkers reject what you believe and challenge it. This line of reasoning is the problem. If you don't think like we think you should then you're being told what to think by your democratic slave masters and are slaves on the democrat plantation.

Free thinkers are ones that go against the status quo. Your status quo says all blacks should think the same or they are not really black. We say bravo! They recognize That the Dems want to take away freedom. It has nothing to do with race or how certain races should think because of their race. It's about thinking for yourself and seeing the control dems want over everything and how they want to remove freedom.
Why Do People Act Like Black Conservatives Don't Exist? | NBC News
President Trump’s approval rating among African Americans hovers around 14 percent — but there are a number of black conservatives who do support him. NBC News Signal’s Simone Boyce followed three students all the way to the White House to find out why they love Trump...and his MAGA hat.

ME: Change is coming, slowly, but its coming. More videos to come in this thread. One note about this video: It is an NBC video by the way so it promotes the Lie about the so-called southern strategy. But still, its not a bad video, and shockingly fairly good since it came from the home of fake news, NBC.

Candace Owens is a joke.

So a free thinking black person is a joke. You are such a hypocrite. This line of reasoning is the problem. If you don't think like we think you should then you're either a joke or not black.

It's the same thing that conservative gay people go through. If you don't tow the line the way we say then you are not part of us. Your not a true black or your not a true gay.

Those blacks are not free thinking. They are saying things you believe so you say that. The free thinkers reject what you believe and challenge it. This line of reasoning is the problem. If you don't think like we think you should then you're being told what to think by your democratic slave masters and are slaves on the democrat plantation.

Free thinkers are ones that go against the status quo. Your status quo says all blacks should think the same or they are not really black. We say bravo! They recognize That the Dems want to take away freedom. It has nothing to do with race or how certain races should think because of their race. It's about thinking for yourself and seeing the control dems want over everything and how they want to remove freedom.

Nice post!
Why Do People Act Like Black Conservatives Don't Exist? | NBC News
President Trump’s approval rating among African Americans hovers around 14 percent — but there are a number of black conservatives who do support him. NBC News Signal’s Simone Boyce followed three students all the way to the White House to find out why they love Trump...and his MAGA hat.

ME: Change is coming, slowly, but its coming. More videos to come in this thread. One note about this video: It is an NBC video by the way so it promotes the Lie about the so-called southern strategy. But still, its not a bad video, and shockingly fairly good since it came from the home of fake news, NBC.

Candace Owens is a joke.

So a free thinking black person is a joke. You are such a hypocrite. This line of reasoning is the problem. If you don't think like we think you should then you're either a joke or not black.

It's the same thing that conservative gay people go through. If you don't tow the line the way we say then you are not part of us. Your not a true black or your not a true gay.

Those blacks are not free thinking. They are saying things you believe so you say that. The free thinkers reject what you believe and challenge it. This line of reasoning is the problem. If you don't think like we think you should then you're being told what to think by your democratic slave masters and are slaves on the democrat plantation.

Free thinkers are ones that go against the status quo. Your status quo says all blacks should think the same or they are not really black. We say bravo! They recognize That the Dems want to take away freedom. It has nothing to do with race or how certain races should think because of their race. It's about thinking for yourself and seeing the control dems want over everything and how they want to remove freedom.

Wrong. Those blacks you cherish are not free thinkers.
Why Do People Act Like Black Conservatives Don't Exist? | NBC News
President Trump’s approval rating among African Americans hovers around 14 percent — but there are a number of black conservatives who do support him. NBC News Signal’s Simone Boyce followed three students all the way to the White House to find out why they love Trump...and his MAGA hat.

ME: Change is coming, slowly, but its coming. More videos to come in this thread. One note about this video: It is an NBC video by the way so it promotes the Lie about the so-called southern strategy. But still, its not a bad video, and shockingly fairly good since it came from the home of fake news, NBC.

Yeah, I have met dozens of pro-Trump blacks. It really is mythology. I just watched an interview with a pro-trump black lady, that was talking about how she had black people literally screaming at her, that she was oppressed by society, and she just smiled and said "No. I'm not. And I refused to be a victim."

It's was a great clip. I wish I had saved it.
There was an animated TV show called “The Boondocks”, about a black grandfather who was charged to take care of his 2 grandchildren. One of the characters in the show was a blue-collar black man named Uncle Ruckus. Uncle Ruckus held white supremacist views and despised everything about being black. In fact, he disliked being black so much, that he claimed to be Caucasian. Uncle Ruckus is an example of a person with internalized racism. Internalized racism is defined as the "internalization of racial oppression by the racially subordinated." In a study named “The Psychology of Racism”, Robin Nicole Johnson points out that internalized racism entails both "conscious and unconscious acceptance of a racial hierarchy in which whites are consistently ranked above people of color." People who suffer from internalized racism believe negative stereotypes of their own race. They will adopt white standards and thinking. Doing these things mentally lets them deny that racism exists.

Internalized racism reinforces racism. Internalized racism keeps racism alive. It creates a justification for racism. This acceptance of white supremacy as the norm leads to conclusions that racism is not a problem, or that it does not exist. As this happens, people in racially oppressed groups internalize the validity of their own oppression. Because they have done so they find no reason to question or fight the system. Internalized racism is a divide and conquer tactic used to create conflicts within and between racially subordinate groups to suppress all attempts at a united effort to combat racism.

These types will argue how racism would be no problem if blacks had fewer fatherless children, or that drug use and how a violent criminal culture exist in these communities but can never explain why unless they recite a white centered explanation that comes from a place with no practical understanding of what it is to be black in America. They refuse to argue the implications of racist policies and the damage these policies have created because to do so will not be acceptable in the social circles they desire approval from. This explains a number of blacks who have been allowed into the national discourse on race who are primarily conservatives. These are people who have achieved great success and can make real changes relative to erasing the stain of white racism from this system. But they do not.

These individuals are only accepted by certain groups in the dominant culture because their views can be used to validate white racism. These people are doing far more harm than good to both the black community and to general society.

The black conservatives celebrated here are examples of blacks with internalized racism. They use the stereotypes whites have put on us, such as we are being told by democrats what to think. That is not free thinking and those blacks believe in the status quo. The "conscious and unconscious acceptance of a racial hierarchy in which whites are consistently ranked above people of color" is exactly that..
Wrong. Those blacks you cherish are not free thinkers.

Hi, IM2. In your opinion, are the following citizens free-thinking Americans?

"Black women are destroying themselves and black men" ~Concerned Citizen

"I agree that SINGLE MOTHERS are DESTROYING their sons." ~Neko Cheri


"Young Mothers Are Poisoning the black community" ~LadyMocha

"How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost K!lled Me" ~Law of Polaris

"How black Women sabotage their sons" ~Law of Polaris

How black Women sabotage their sons
"Single Black Mothers Destroy their Sons" Published on Oct 13, 2016 by Kyle Austin Park

Single Black Mothers Destroy their Sons

_RECOGNIZING_Children Denounce Intra-Racial discrimination.png

Wrong. Those blacks you cherish are not free thinkers.

Hi, IM2. In your opinion, are the following citizens free-thinking Americans?

"Black women are destroying themselves and black men" ~Concerned Citizen

"I agree that SINGLE MOTHERS are DESTROYING their sons." ~Neko Cheri


"Young Mothers Are Poisoning the black community" ~LadyMocha

"How Black Community's Ignorance of Mental Illness Almost K!lled Me" ~Law of Polaris

"How black Women sabotage their sons" ~Law of Polaris

How black Women sabotage their sons
"Single Black Mothers Destroy their Sons" Published on Oct 13, 2016 by Kyle Austin Park

Single Black Mothers Destroy their Sons

View attachment 280157


IM2 appears to be SO blinded by the obvious brainwashing he's gotten from mainstream media, that he can't come up with an original thought. What a poor misguided soul.
#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #INTRA_RACIAL_HATE_DISCRIMINATION #MentalHealth #Solutions

IM2 appears to be SO blinded by the obvious brainwashing he's gotten from mainstream media, that he can't come up with an original thought. What a poor misguided soul.

Hi, Bluzman.

I believe MSM has little to do with HATE that is currently infecting ProBlack community member IM2.

Sadly, for decades, many perfectly healthy newborns are being raised to embrace HATE by a significant population of emotionally troubled young girls and women who Pres. and Mrs. Obama American urban story-TRUTH-teller friends denigrate as less than human BBTHCES and HOES undeserving of being treated with basic human respect!

_Shawn Carter, Nasir Jones, Barack Obama.jpg

Bluzman, in this broadcast a young American clearly states his FATHER raised him to HATE, while at the same time absolving his mom of marrying (and making babies with) a HATER in the first place.

Sadly this young American's mother FAILED to protect her son from being raised to embrace HATE.

"I Used to Hate White People | My #WalkAway Story" by It's Kyou - 411,226 views

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations
#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #INTRA_RACIAL_HATE_DISCRIMINATION #MentalHealth #Solutions

IM2 appears to be SO blinded by the obvious brainwashing he's gotten from mainstream media, that he can't come up with an original thought. What a poor misguided soul.

Hi, Bluzman.

I believe MSM has little to do with HATE that is currently infecting ProBlack community member IM2.

Sadly, for decades, many perfectly healthy newborns are being raised to embrace HATE by a significant population of emotionally troubled young girls and women who Pres. and Mrs. Obama American urban story-TRUTH-teller friends denigrate as less than human BBTHCES and HOES undeserving of being treated with basic human respect!

View attachment 280170

Bluzman, in this broadcast a young American clearly states his FATHER raised him to HATE, while at the same time absolving his mom of marrying (and making babies with) a HATER in the first place.

Sadly this young American's mother FAILED to protect her son from being raised to embrace HATE.

"I Used to Hate White People | My #WalkAway Story" by It's Kyou - 411,226 views

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

Thank you for your nice, informative post. Well done.
#TheLargerIssue #SingleParenting #ChildNeglectMaltreatment #INTRA_RACIAL_HATE_DISCRIMINATION #MentalHealth #Solutions

IM2 appears to be SO blinded by the obvious brainwashing he's gotten from mainstream media, that he can't come up with an original thought. What a poor misguided soul.

Hi, Bluzman.

I believe MSM has little to do with HATE that is currently infecting ProBlack community member IM2.

Sadly, for decades, many perfectly healthy newborns are being raised to embrace HATE by a significant population of emotionally troubled young girls and women who Pres. and Mrs. Obama American urban story-TRUTH-teller friends denigrate as less than human BBTHCES and HOES undeserving of being treated with basic human respect!

View attachment 280170

Bluzman, in this broadcast a young American clearly states his FATHER raised him to HATE, while at the same time absolving his mom of marrying (and making babies with) a HATER in the first place.

Sadly this young American's mother FAILED to protect her son from being raised to embrace HATE.

"I Used to Hate White People | My #WalkAway Story" by It's Kyou - 411,226 views

American *(Children)* Lives Matter; Take Pride In Parenting; *End Our Nation's *CHILD CARE* PUBLIC HEALTH CRISIS*; End Community Violence, Police Anxiety & Educator's Frustrations

Thanks for that great post. That should actually be its own thread
Larry Elder: Great American Conservative

In his best-selling book, The 10 Things You Can’t Say in America, Larry skewers the crippling myths that dominate the public agenda. Larry punctures all pretension, trashes accepted “wisdom” and puts everyone on notice that the status quo must be shaken up. In his second book, Showdown: Confronting Bias, Lies and the Special Interests That Divide America, Larry again takes on the Nanny State, “victicrats” and the politically correct. His third book, What’s Race Got to Do with It? Why it’s Time to Stop the Stupidest Argument in America, is praised as an important, groundbreaking must-read for the future of race relations in America. His latest book, Dear Father, Dear Son: Two Lives, Eight Hours, is a deeply moving, personal story of anger and reconciliation with his dad, who grew up fatherless and was kicked out of his house at 13 years old, on the eve of the Great Depression in the Jim Crow South. Elder also writes a nationally syndicated newspaper column distributed through Creators Syndicate.

The son of a janitor, Larry was born and raised in South Central Los Angeles. He attended Brown University, receiving a BA in Political Science in 1974. He then attended University of Michigan, School of Law, graduating in 1977. After graduation, he worked with a large law firm in Cleveland, Ohio, where he practiced litigation. He then opened “Laurence A. Elder and Associates,” a business specializing in recruiting experienced attorneys. At the same time, he hosted a topic-oriented television show in Cleveland, first on PBS, then on the local Fox affiliate.

Larry created, directed and produced his first film, “Michael & Me,” a documentary that examines the history and use of guns in America. It was released in August, 2005.

Larry was host of the television show, “Moral Court,” distributed by Warner Brothers Television. In the fall of 2004, Warner Brothers returned Elder to daily television with “The Larry Elder Show,” an hour-long, multi-topic show that brought common sense, sound advice and realistic, workable solutions. Elder was the subject of profiles by both “60 Minutes” and “20/20.” In 1999 he received a Los Angeles area Emmy for “Best News Special.” He was the reporter for several episodes of the groundbreaking PBS “National Desk” series, including “Redefining Racism: Fresh Voices From Black America.” His PBS work earned him a 1998 AEGIS Award of Excellence, a 1998 Telly award, and a 1999 Emerald City Gold Award of Excellence.

Larry has established the Larry Elder Charities, a non-profit organization that will contribute to groups and individuals offering non-government, self-help solutions to problems of poverty, crime, poor parenting, dependency, and education.

So a free thinking black person is a joke. You are such a hypocrite. This line of reasoning is the problem. If you don't think like we think you should then you're either a joke or not black.

It's the same thing that conservative gay people go through. If you don't tow the line the way we say then you are not part of us. Your not a true black or your not a true gay.

Those blacks are not free thinking. They are saying things you believe so you say that. The free thinkers reject what you believe and challenge it. This line of reasoning is the problem. If you don't think like we think you should then you're being told what to think by your democratic slave masters and are slaves on the democrat plantation.

Free thinkers are ones that go against the status quo. Your status quo says all blacks should think the same or they are not really black. We say bravo! They recognize That the Dems want to take away freedom. It has nothing to do with race or how certain races should think because of their race. It's about thinking for yourself and seeing the control dems want over everything and how they want to remove freedom.

Wrong. Those blacks you cherish are not free thinkers.

It takes courage. I am sorry you do not think so. By that way of belief things will never ever improve in the poverty areas. For it has peaked out with the resources allocated to help people. The oldies are now scheduled to take a much larger bite of the tax dollar for the next few decades at least.
All I can say is that there's definitely way more Black Republicans (and Conservatives) than I've ever seen in my life.
There's definitely a movement rising up. I don't think the media wants to acknowledge it.
All I can say is that there's definitely way more Black Republicans (and Conservatives) than I've ever seen in my life.
There's definitely a movement rising up. I don't think the media wants to acknowledge it.

You are correct.
Larry Elder: Great American Conservative

Hi. Danielle, a 'black female conservative', speaks about MRS. OBAMA admiring liberals threatening VIOLENCE toward citizens peacefully sharing their concerns & opinions about social issues affecting black or American citizens of African descent.

INTRA-Racial Discrimination, Larry Elder, Candace Owens, Vicki Dillard, Mechee X.jpg
_Michelle Obama, Larry Elder, VILIFY.png

larry elder coon tom.jpg

Peace ♥
Last edited:
All I can say is that there's definitely way more Black Republicans (and Conservatives) than I've ever seen in my life.
There's definitely a movement rising up. I don't think the media wants to acknowledge it.

#Walkaway #TheLargerIssue

⚠️ Strong Language
⚠️ Viewer Discretion Is Advised

Hi. Learn why this American rejects the HATEFUL #DemocraticParty.

"Funny! Black People Still trapped in Slavery. Racism Doesn’t Exist. Democratics not for Blacks" by LONNELHARRISLIVE 121,263 views



Kanye West, Mechee X., Michelle Kulczyk PRO BLACK.png

This extremely disturbing *NSFW, SALTY LANGUAGE* broadcast features an apparent troubled #PROBLACK community member passionately sharing HATE w/ our world.

"The real reason Kanye is a cooon ~Mechee X"

Peace ♥
Last edited:
All I can say is that there's definitely way more Black Republicans (and Conservatives) than I've ever seen in my life.
There's definitely a movement rising up. I don't think the media wants to acknowledge it.

You are correct.

Why are you white republicans telling this lie?
Larry Elder: Great American Conservative

In his best-selling book, The 10 Things You Can’t Say in America, Larry skewers the crippling myths that dominate the public agenda. Larry punctures all pretension, trashes accepted “wisdom” and puts everyone on notice that the status quo must be shaken up. In his second book, Showdown: Confronting Bias, Lies and the Special Interests That Divide America, Larry again takes on the Nanny State, “victicrats” and the politically correct. His third book, What’s Race Got to Do with It? Why it’s Time to Stop the Stupidest Argument in America, is praised as an important, groundbreaking must-read for the future of race relations in America. His latest book, Dear Father, Dear Son: Two Lives, Eight Hours, is a deeply moving, personal story of anger and reconciliation with his dad, who grew up fatherless and was kicked out of his house at 13 years old, on the eve of the Great Depression in the Jim Crow South. Elder also writes a nationally syndicated newspaper column distributed through Creators Syndicate.

The son of a janitor, Larry was born and raised in South Central Los Angeles. He attended Brown University, receiving a BA in Political Science in 1974. He then attended University of Michigan, School of Law, graduating in 1977. After graduation, he worked with a large law firm in Cleveland, Ohio, where he practiced litigation. He then opened “Laurence A. Elder and Associates,” a business specializing in recruiting experienced attorneys. At the same time, he hosted a topic-oriented television show in Cleveland, first on PBS, then on the local Fox affiliate.

Larry created, directed and produced his first film, “Michael & Me,” a documentary that examines the history and use of guns in America. It was released in August, 2005.

Larry was host of the television show, “Moral Court,” distributed by Warner Brothers Television. In the fall of 2004, Warner Brothers returned Elder to daily television with “The Larry Elder Show,” an hour-long, multi-topic show that brought common sense, sound advice and realistic, workable solutions. Elder was the subject of profiles by both “60 Minutes” and “20/20.” In 1999 he received a Los Angeles area Emmy for “Best News Special.” He was the reporter for several episodes of the groundbreaking PBS “National Desk” series, including “Redefining Racism: Fresh Voices From Black America.” His PBS work earned him a 1998 AEGIS Award of Excellence, a 1998 Telly award, and a 1999 Emerald City Gold Award of Excellence.

Larry has established the Larry Elder Charities, a non-profit organization that will contribute to groups and individuals offering non-government, self-help solutions to problems of poverty, crime, poor parenting, dependency, and education.


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