The New Dem Standard: Criticizing Cities Wrecked by Liberal Policies Is "Racist"

Yesterday a couple on here we calling the pointing out of leftist cities problems "dog whistles"

It worked under Obama so back to it we go
In last night's Democratic debate, we heard several references to Donald Trump's supposedly "racist" tweets about Baltimore, and one reference to his criticism of Haiti, which was also identified as "racist." And, incredibly, one of the supposed "moderators" asked a ridiculous soft-ball question about "Trump's racist tweets."

So, that's the new Democratic standard: If you criticize cities that have been wrecked by liberal policies, and if you criticize the liberal politicians who implemented and/or consented/allowed those policies, you are a "racist."

Can Democrats sink any lower into the demagogic, race-baiting sewer? It is really obscene to define as "racist" perfectly valid criticism of how horribly Baltimore's politicians have managed that city and of how Elijah Cummings has never once called out Baltimore's politicians for their mismanagement (because they're Democrats).

If you did not vote for Obama you are racist!

If you did not vote for Hillary Clinton you are racist!!

If you do not stay on the plantation and vote Democrat, yep yoar racist!!!

If you have one Conservative thought or opinion, yes you are a member of the Nazi party which make you racist!!!!

If you do not praise the failure of inner city communities, ya got it you are a racist!!!!!

If you are white, yes racist!!!!!!

If you question what I wrote you will be deemed racist!!!!!!!

( The person writing this has been accused of being racist, a racist will know another racist when they see racists writing their racist thoughts even though neither of us might be racist but Democrats and especially Progressives will see racism in everything they disagree with... )

I am a proud card carrying member, so remember that!


What is in yoar wallet?
In last night's Democratic debate, we heard several references to Donald Trump's supposedly "racist" tweets about Baltimore, and one reference to his criticism of Haiti, which was also identified as "racist." And, incredibly, one of the supposed "moderators" asked a ridiculous soft-ball question about "Trump's racist tweets."

So, that's the new Democratic standard: If you criticize cities that have been wrecked by liberal policies, and if you criticize the liberal politicians who implemented and/or consented/allowed those policies, you are a "racist."

Can Democrats sink any lower into the demagogic, race-baiting sewer? It is really obscene to define as "racist" perfectly valid criticism of how horribly Baltimore's politicians have managed that city and of how Elijah Cummings has never once called out Baltimore's politicians for their mismanagement (because they're Democrats).

If you did not vote for Obama you are racist!

If you did not vote for Hillary Clinton you are racist!!

If you do not stay on the plantation and vote Democrat, yep yoar racist!!!

If you have one Conservative thought or opinion, yes you are a member of the Nazi party which make you racist!!!!

If you do not praise the failure of inner city communities, ya got it you are a racist!!!!!

If you are white, yes racist!!!!!!

If you question what I wrote you will be deemed racist!!!!!!!

( The person writing this has been accused of being racist, a racist will know another racist when they see racists writing their racist thoughts even though neither of us might be racist but Democrats and especially Progressives will see racism in everything they disagree with... )

I am a proud card carrying member, so remember that!


What is in yoar wallet?
Hyvee Fuel Saver card!
Southern states should ban their government employees from traveling to California over fears they will contract the Bubonic Plague.
In last night's Democratic debate, we heard several references to Donald Trump's supposedly "racist" tweets about Baltimore, and one reference to his criticism of Haiti, which was also identified as "racist." And, incredibly, one of the supposed "moderators" asked a ridiculous soft-ball question about "Trump's racist tweets."

So, that's the new Democratic standard: If you criticize cities that have been wrecked by liberal policies, and if you criticize the liberal politicians who implemented and/or consented/allowed those policies, you are a "racist."

Can Democrats sink any lower into the demagogic, race-baiting sewer? It is really obscene to define as "racist" perfectly valid criticism of how horribly Baltimore's politicians have managed that city and of how Elijah Cummings has never once called out Baltimore's politicians for their mismanagement (because they're Democrats).
since when is liberals overusing an emotional statement something new?
In last night's Democratic debate, we heard several references to Donald Trump's supposedly "racist" tweets about Baltimore, and one reference to his criticism of Haiti, which was also identified as "racist." And, incredibly, one of the supposed "moderators" asked a ridiculous soft-ball question about "Trump's racist tweets."

So, that's the new Democratic standard: If you criticize cities that have been wrecked by liberal policies, and if you criticize the liberal politicians who implemented and/or consented/allowed those policies, you are a "racist."

Can Democrats sink any lower into the demagogic, race-baiting sewer? It is really obscene to define as "racist" perfectly valid criticism of how horribly Baltimore's politicians have managed that city and of how Elijah Cummings has never once called out Baltimore's politicians for their mismanagement (because they're Democrats).
I suspect yelling racist at anyone who criticizes the horrendous conditions in many of our inner cities, is a strategy that has worked for decades. R politicians have refrained from doing anything about the D controlled inner cities, possibly because they fear being labeled a racist. Yeah, their pussies lacking courage.

They never contemplated a politician like Donnie.

That is because Republicans stay clear of them, to much work and brains to be mayor or representative of an inner city.

That explains why so so many dem ran are brains and no work
In last night's Democratic debate, we heard several references to Donald Trump's supposedly "racist" tweets about Baltimore, and one reference to his criticism of Haiti, which was also identified as "racist." And, incredibly, one of the supposed "moderators" asked a ridiculous soft-ball question about "Trump's racist tweets."

So, that's the new Democratic standard: If you criticize cities that have been wrecked by liberal policies, and if you criticize the liberal politicians who implemented and/or consented/allowed those policies, you are a "racist."

Can Democrats sink any lower into the demagogic, race-baiting sewer? It is really obscene to define as "racist" perfectly valid criticism of how horribly Baltimore's politicians have managed that city and of how Elijah Cummings has never once called out Baltimore's politicians for their mismanagement (because they're Democrats).
I suspect yelling racist at anyone who criticizes the horrendous conditions in many of our inner cities, is a strategy that has worked for decades. R politicians have refrained from doing anything about the D controlled inner cities, possibly because they fear being labeled a racist. Yeah, their pussies lacking courage.

They never contemplated a politician like Donnie.

That is because Republicans stay clear of them, to much work and brains to be mayor or representative of an inner city.
LOL. Yeah the D Party is doing such a bang up job running our inner cities.

So let the Republicans run them. You really think they'd do a better job. They do not want to deal with the black sections of inner cities, they are racist that way.

Are you saying the black areas of inner cities are a prolem? You know some white people live there too. Applying the Democrat's moronic standard, you just made a racist statement.

BTW, until most AAs stop buying into the nonsense of perpetual racism that is being peddled by the Democrats, Republicans won't get their votes. Republican politicians know this because AAs vote almost lock-step wiith the Democratic Party. No other minority votes in such overwhelming numbers for one party. Funny though, AAs in the middle class do vote in higher numbers for Republicans. It behooves Democrats to keep the race card alive and to keep AAs out of the middle and certainly the upper classes. This ensures they continue to get that vote.
In last night's Democratic debate, we heard several references to Donald Trump's supposedly "racist" tweets about Baltimore, and one reference to his criticism of Haiti, which was also identified as "racist." And, incredibly, one of the supposed "moderators" asked a ridiculous soft-ball question about "Trump's racist tweets."

So, that's the new Democratic standard: If you criticize cities that have been wrecked by liberal policies, and if you criticize the liberal politicians who implemented and/or consented/allowed those policies, you are a "racist."

Can Democrats sink any lower into the demagogic, race-baiting sewer? It is really obscene to define as "racist" perfectly valid criticism of how horribly Baltimore's politicians have managed that city and of how Elijah Cummings has never once called out Baltimore's politicians for their mismanagement (because they're Democrats).
I suspect yelling racist at anyone who criticizes the horrendous conditions in many of our inner cities, is a strategy that has worked for decades. R politicians have refrained from doing anything about the D controlled inner cities, possibly because they fear being labeled a racist. Yeah, their pussies lacking courage.

They never contemplated a politician like Donnie.

That is because Republicans stay clear of them, to much work and brains to be mayor or representative of an inner city.
Fuck you.

Fuck you squared

Before Mayor Rudy, NYC under incompetent Dinkins was on a glide path to becoming WORSE than Baltimore and Los Angeles

We voted in a Republican who transformed the City.

After that, the anti American democrat Party saw that flooding the zone with voting Illegals was the surest way to prevent democrats from ever losing political power

I hope Q is not a LARP and between FisaGate and PedoGate the democrat Party gets wiped down and removed from America.

You fuckers need your own country

Illegals do not vote, they stay away from polling places. No Rudy did not transform NYC, Dinkins did:

A 2009 report in The New York Times looking back at the Dinkins administration summarized its achievements, noting:

  • Significant accomplishments in lowering New York City's crime rate and increasing the size of the New York Police Department, and the hiring of Raymond W. Kelly as police commissioner;
  • The cleanup and revitalization of Times Square, including persuading the Walt Disney Corporation to rehabilitate an old 42nd Street theater;
  • Major commitment to rehabilitation of dilapidated housing in northern Harlem, the South Bronx and Brooklyn despite significant budget constraints—more housing rehabilitated in a single term than Mr. Giuliani did in two terms;
  • The USTA lease, which in its final form New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg called "the only good athletic sports stadium deal, not just in New York but in the country";
  • Mental-health facility initiatives; and
  • Policies and actions that decreased the size of the city's homeless shelter population to its lowest point in 20 years.[21]
David Dinkins - Wikipedia
In last night's Democratic debate, we heard several references to Donald Trump's supposedly "racist" tweets about Baltimore, and one reference to his criticism of Haiti, which was also identified as "racist." And, incredibly, one of the supposed "moderators" asked a ridiculous soft-ball question about "Trump's racist tweets."

So, that's the new Democratic standard: If you criticize cities that have been wrecked by liberal policies, and if you criticize the liberal politicians who implemented and/or consented/allowed those policies, you are a "racist."

Can Democrats sink any lower into the demagogic, race-baiting sewer? It is really obscene to define as "racist" perfectly valid criticism of how horribly Baltimore's politicians have managed that city and of how Elijah Cummings has never once called out Baltimore's politicians for their mismanagement (because they're Democrats).
If you're a racist to start with, everything you tweet is a racist tweet, or a tweet from a racist, if you prefer.
Giuliani supported protection for illegal immigrants. He continued a policy of preventing city employees from contacting the Immigration and Naturalization Service about immigration violations, on the grounds that illegal aliens should be able to take actions such as sending their children to school or reporting crimes to the police without fear of deportation.[96]

Rudy Giuliani - Wikipedia
so you see what happens when a Republican is in charge, oh how they change their tune!
In last night's Democratic debate, we heard several references to Donald Trump's supposedly "racist" tweets about Baltimore, and one reference to his criticism of Haiti, which was also identified as "racist." And, incredibly, one of the supposed "moderators" asked a ridiculous soft-ball question about "Trump's racist tweets."

So, that's the new Democratic standard: If you criticize cities that have been wrecked by liberal policies, and if you criticize the liberal politicians who implemented and/or consented/allowed those policies, you are a "racist."

Can Democrats sink any lower into the demagogic, race-baiting sewer? It is really obscene to define as "racist" perfectly valid criticism of how horribly Baltimore's politicians have managed that city and of how Elijah Cummings has never once called out Baltimore's politicians for their mismanagement (because they're Democrats).
I suspect yelling racist at anyone who criticizes the horrendous conditions in many of our inner cities, is a strategy that has worked for decades. R politicians have refrained from doing anything about the D controlled inner cities, possibly because they fear being labeled a racist. Yeah, their pussies lacking courage.

They never contemplated a politician like Donnie.

That is because Republicans stay clear of them, to much work and brains to be mayor or representative of an inner city.
Fuck you.

Fuck you squared

Before Mayor Rudy, NYC under incompetent Dinkins was on a glide path to becoming WORSE than Baltimore and Los Angeles

We voted in a Republican who transformed the City.

After that, the anti American democrat Party saw that flooding the zone with voting Illegals was the surest way to prevent democrats from ever losing political power

I hope Q is not a LARP and between FisaGate and PedoGate the democrat Party gets wiped down and removed from America.

You fuckers need your own country

And on another continent.
In last night's Democratic debate, we heard several references to Donald Trump's supposedly "racist" tweets about Baltimore, and one reference to his criticism of Haiti, which was also identified as "racist." And, incredibly, one of the supposed "moderators" asked a ridiculous soft-ball question about "Trump's racist tweets."

So, that's the new Democratic standard: If you criticize cities that have been wrecked by liberal policies, and if you criticize the liberal politicians who implemented and/or consented/allowed those policies, you are a "racist."

Can Democrats sink any lower into the demagogic, race-baiting sewer? It is really obscene to define as "racist" perfectly valid criticism of how horribly Baltimore's politicians have managed that city and of how Elijah Cummings has never once called out Baltimore's politicians for their mismanagement (because they're Democrats).
I suspect yelling racist at anyone who criticizes the horrendous conditions in many of our inner cities, is a strategy that has worked for decades. R politicians have refrained from doing anything about the D controlled inner cities, possibly because they fear being labeled a racist. Yeah, their pussies lacking courage.

They never contemplated a politician like Donnie.

That is because Republicans stay clear of them, to much work and brains to be mayor or representative of an inner city.

That explains why so so many dem ran are brains and no work
In last night's Democratic debate, we heard several references to Donald Trump's supposedly "racist" tweets about Baltimore, and one reference to his criticism of Haiti, which was also identified as "racist." And, incredibly, one of the supposed "moderators" asked a ridiculous soft-ball question about "Trump's racist tweets."

So, that's the new Democratic standard: If you criticize cities that have been wrecked by liberal policies, and if you criticize the liberal politicians who implemented and/or consented/allowed those policies, you are a "racist."

Can Democrats sink any lower into the demagogic, race-baiting sewer? It is really obscene to define as "racist" perfectly valid criticism of how horribly Baltimore's politicians have managed that city and of how Elijah Cummings has never once called out Baltimore's politicians for their mismanagement (because they're Democrats).
I suspect yelling racist at anyone who criticizes the horrendous conditions in many of our inner cities, is a strategy that has worked for decades. R politicians have refrained from doing anything about the D controlled inner cities, possibly because they fear being labeled a racist. Yeah, their pussies lacking courage.

They never contemplated a politician like Donnie.

That is because Republicans stay clear of them, to much work and brains to be mayor or representative of an inner city.
LOL. Yeah the D Party is doing such a bang up job running our inner cities.

So let the Republicans run them. You really think they'd do a better job. They do not want to deal with the black sections of inner cities, they are racist that way.

Are you saying the black areas of inner cities are a prolem? You know some white people live there too. Applying the Democrat's moronic standard, you just made a racist statement.

BTW, until most AAs stop buying into the nonsense of perpetual racism that is being peddled by the Democrats, Republicans won't get their votes. Republican politicians know this because AAs vote almost lock-step wiith the Democratic Party. No other minority votes in such overwhelming numbers for one party. Funny though, AAs in the middle class do vote in higher numbers for Republicans. It behooves Democrats to keep the race card alive and to keep AAs out of the middle and certainly the upper classes. This ensures they continue to get that vote.

I merely said the Republicans do not want to rule over the black inner cities, I did not put down blacks.

I wonder why AA vote for blacks, oh Republicans do not do anything for them, that's why.
I suspect yelling racist at anyone who criticizes the horrendous conditions in many of our inner cities, is a strategy that has worked for decades. R politicians have refrained from doing anything about the D controlled inner cities, possibly because they fear being labeled a racist. Yeah, their pussies lacking courage.

They never contemplated a politician like Donnie.

That is because Republicans stay clear of them, to much work and brains to be mayor or representative of an inner city.

That explains why so so many dem ran are brains and no work
I suspect yelling racist at anyone who criticizes the horrendous conditions in many of our inner cities, is a strategy that has worked for decades. R politicians have refrained from doing anything about the D controlled inner cities, possibly because they fear being labeled a racist. Yeah, their pussies lacking courage.

They never contemplated a politician like Donnie.

That is because Republicans stay clear of them, to much work and brains to be mayor or representative of an inner city.
LOL. Yeah the D Party is doing such a bang up job running our inner cities.

So let the Republicans run them. You really think they'd do a better job. They do not want to deal with the black sections of inner cities, they are racist that way.

Are you saying the black areas of inner cities are a prolem? You know some white people live there too. Applying the Democrat's moronic standard, you just made a racist statement.

BTW, until most AAs stop buying into the nonsense of perpetual racism that is being peddled by the Democrats, Republicans won't get their votes. Republican politicians know this because AAs vote almost lock-step wiith the Democratic Party. No other minority votes in such overwhelming numbers for one party. Funny though, AAs in the middle class do vote in higher numbers for Republicans. It behooves Democrats to keep the race card alive and to keep AAs out of the middle and certainly the upper classes. This ensures they continue to get that vote.

I merely said the Republicans do not want to rule over the black inner cities, I did not put down blacks.

I wonder why AA vote for blacks, oh Republicans do not do anything for them, that's why.

Looks like the Democrats do not want to either other than to exploit them.
I suspect yelling racist at anyone who criticizes the horrendous conditions in many of our inner cities, is a strategy that has worked for decades. R politicians have refrained from doing anything about the D controlled inner cities, possibly because they fear being labeled a racist. Yeah, their pussies lacking courage.

They never contemplated a politician like Donnie.

That is because Republicans stay clear of them, to much work and brains to be mayor or representative of an inner city.

That explains why so so many dem ran are brains and no work
I suspect yelling racist at anyone who criticizes the horrendous conditions in many of our inner cities, is a strategy that has worked for decades. R politicians have refrained from doing anything about the D controlled inner cities, possibly because they fear being labeled a racist. Yeah, their pussies lacking courage.

They never contemplated a politician like Donnie.

That is because Republicans stay clear of them, to much work and brains to be mayor or representative of an inner city.
LOL. Yeah the D Party is doing such a bang up job running our inner cities.

So let the Republicans run them. You really think they'd do a better job. They do not want to deal with the black sections of inner cities, they are racist that way.

Are you saying the black areas of inner cities are a prolem? You know some white people live there too. Applying the Democrat's moronic standard, you just made a racist statement.

BTW, until most AAs stop buying into the nonsense of perpetual racism that is being peddled by the Democrats, Republicans won't get their votes. Republican politicians know this because AAs vote almost lock-step wiith the Democratic Party. No other minority votes in such overwhelming numbers for one party. Funny though, AAs in the middle class do vote in higher numbers for Republicans. It behooves Democrats to keep the race card alive and to keep AAs out of the middle and certainly the upper classes. This ensures they continue to get that vote.

I merely said the Republicans do not want to rule over the black inner cities, I did not put down blacks.

I wonder why AA vote for blacks, oh Republicans do not do anything for them, that's why.

No, what you said was they do "not want to deal with the black sections of inner cities." That implies that the black sections are harder to deal with for some reason. See, the funny part is that I understand what you are saying because it is fairly obvious, however, if Trump tweeted that, he would be called a racist.

I would love to know what Democrats do for blacks to make them vote for them. Can you list policies that are supported by Democrats and not Republicans that help the AA community?
In last night's Democratic debate, we heard several references to Donald Trump's supposedly "racist" tweets about Baltimore, and one reference to his criticism of Haiti, which was also identified as "racist." And, incredibly, one of the supposed "moderators" asked a ridiculous soft-ball question about "Trump's racist tweets."

So, that's the new Democratic standard: If you criticize cities that have been wrecked by liberal policies, and if you criticize the liberal politicians who implemented and/or consented/allowed those policies, you are a "racist."

Can Democrats sink any lower into the demagogic, race-baiting sewer? It is really obscene to define as "racist" perfectly valid criticism of how horribly Baltimore's politicians have managed that city and of how Elijah Cummings has never once called out Baltimore's politicians for their mismanagement (because they're Democrats).

When you say no human would want to live there that an insult to those who do?

When you criticize poverty in urban minority communities but ignore it in white Christian urban that racism ?
I suspect yelling racist at anyone who criticizes the horrendous conditions in many of our inner cities, is a strategy that has worked for decades. R politicians have refrained from doing anything about the D controlled inner cities, possibly because they fear being labeled a racist. Yeah, their pussies lacking courage.

They never contemplated a politician like Donnie.

That is because Republicans stay clear of them, to much work and brains to be mayor or representative of an inner city.

That explains why so so many dem ran are brains and no work
I suspect yelling racist at anyone who criticizes the horrendous conditions in many of our inner cities, is a strategy that has worked for decades. R politicians have refrained from doing anything about the D controlled inner cities, possibly because they fear being labeled a racist. Yeah, their pussies lacking courage.

They never contemplated a politician like Donnie.

That is because Republicans stay clear of them, to much work and brains to be mayor or representative of an inner city.
LOL. Yeah the D Party is doing such a bang up job running our inner cities.

So let the Republicans run them. You really think they'd do a better job. They do not want to deal with the black sections of inner cities, they are racist that way.

Are you saying the black areas of inner cities are a prolem? You know some white people live there too. Applying the Democrat's moronic standard, you just made a racist statement.

BTW, until most AAs stop buying into the nonsense of perpetual racism that is being peddled by the Democrats, Republicans won't get their votes. Republican politicians know this because AAs vote almost lock-step wiith the Democratic Party. No other minority votes in such overwhelming numbers for one party. Funny though, AAs in the middle class do vote in higher numbers for Republicans. It behooves Democrats to keep the race card alive and to keep AAs out of the middle and certainly the upper classes. This ensures they continue to get that vote.

I merely said the Republicans do not want to rule over the black inner cities, I did not put down blacks.

I wonder why AA vote for blacks, oh Republicans do not do anything for them, that's why.
god damn that's some racist shit.
In last night's Democratic debate, we heard several references to Donald Trump's supposedly "racist" tweets about Baltimore, and one reference to his criticism of Haiti, which was also identified as "racist." And, incredibly, one of the supposed "moderators" asked a ridiculous soft-ball question about "Trump's racist tweets."

So, that's the new Democratic standard: If you criticize cities that have been wrecked by liberal policies, and if you criticize the liberal politicians who implemented and/or consented/allowed those policies, you are a "racist."

Can Democrats sink any lower into the demagogic, race-baiting sewer? It is really obscene to define as "racist" perfectly valid criticism of how horribly Baltimore's politicians have managed that city and of how Elijah Cummings has never once called out Baltimore's politicians for their mismanagement (because they're Democrats).

When you say no human would want to live there that an insult to those who do?

When you criticize poverty in urban minority communities but ignore it in white Christian urban that racism ?
when it's your own community and you don't spend the $16billion you were given to fix the problem, what the fuck do you call that?

god damn you're a triple bucket of dumbass.
In last night's Democratic debate, we heard several references to Donald Trump's supposedly "racist" tweets about Baltimore, and one reference to his criticism of Haiti, which was also identified as "racist." And, incredibly, one of the supposed "moderators" asked a ridiculous soft-ball question about "Trump's racist tweets."

So, that's the new Democratic standard: If you criticize cities that have been wrecked by liberal policies, and if you criticize the liberal politicians who implemented and/or consented/allowed those policies, you are a "racist."

Can Democrats sink any lower into the demagogic, race-baiting sewer? It is really obscene to define as "racist" perfectly valid criticism of how horribly Baltimore's politicians have managed that city and of how Elijah Cummings has never once called out Baltimore's politicians for their mismanagement (because they're Democrats).

When you say no human would want to live there that an insult to those who do?

When you criticize poverty in urban minority communities but ignore it in white Christian urban that racism ?
when it's your own community and you don't spend the $16billion you were given to fix the problem, what the fuck do you call that?

god damn you're a triple bucket of dumbass.
Why hasn’t Appalachia been “fixed”?
In last night's Democratic debate, we heard several references to Donald Trump's supposedly "racist" tweets about Baltimore, and one reference to his criticism of Haiti, which was also identified as "racist." And, incredibly, one of the supposed "moderators" asked a ridiculous soft-ball question about "Trump's racist tweets."

So, that's the new Democratic standard: If you criticize cities that have been wrecked by liberal policies, and if you criticize the liberal politicians who implemented and/or consented/allowed those policies, you are a "racist."

Can Democrats sink any lower into the demagogic, race-baiting sewer? It is really obscene to define as "racist" perfectly valid criticism of how horribly Baltimore's politicians have managed that city and of how Elijah Cummings has never once called out Baltimore's politicians for their mismanagement (because they're Democrats).

Race baiting/Race Warfare is a major pillar of the modern Democratic Party religion, which is run by the philosophies of postmodernism. The other two pillars are political correctness and moral/factual relativism. The accusation of racist has replaced that ancient Inquisition era crime of "in league with the devil". How long do we have left before the Democratic Party calls for racists to be drowned or burned at the stake after confession?
Trump said nothing about Baltimore that countless Dem politicians, newspapers, news and media outlets haven't already said. But somehow its racist when Trump said it? Holding a congressional representative accountable for decades of failing his district is racist??

Spare me the faux rage from Dems. :eusa_hand:

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