The new hungry: College-educated, middle-class cope with food insecurity

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
This is what happens when the rich keep siphoning off more of the country's wealth and make the middle class bear the brunt of the burden

The new hungry: College-educated, middle-class cope with food insecurity -

The notion that people who work very hard and get a college education will all succeed is partially a myth since its no guarantee, so Republitards whats your excuse this time, will you call these people lazy folks looking for a hand out?
I wonder if this would be a problem if college loan debt could be declared on bankruptcies like consumer debt is
I wonder if this would be a problem if college loan debt could be declared on bankruptcies like consumer debt is

maybe, maybe not, but my point was that people who seek help and government assistance are not all lazy people looking for a hand out who aren't working hard enough or not working at all. I hate to hear these same silly unsupported arguments that Republitards make when voting against unemployment benefits and voting for cuts in welfare while voting voting for tax cuts and breaks for the rich who aren't doing anything for job creation or their country at all period.
I wonder if this would be a problem if college loan debt could be declared on bankruptcies like consumer debt is

maybe, maybe not, but my point was that people who seek help and government assistance are not all lazy people looking for a hand out who aren't working hard enough or not working at all. I hate to hear these same silly unsupported arguments that Republitards make when voting against unemployment benefits and voting for cuts in welfare while voting voting for tax cuts and breaks for the rich who aren't doing anything for job creation or their country at all period.

well that's who wrote our latest bankruptcy codes
Ass 2.0 do you REALLY not differentiate voting not to extend UE benefits beyond 2 years from wanting to do away with UE benefits altogether? NO ONE I have ever heard of has suggested doing away with UE as you continually claim.
Maybe if Americans taxes didn't go up from out of control government spending and devaluation of the dollar we wouldn't have that problem?

Libs been workin' on the Great Society since the 60's. Howze' that workin' out for ya'?
This is what happens when the rich keep siphoning off more of the country's wealth and make the middle class bear the brunt of the burden

The new hungry: College-educated, middle-class cope with food insecurity -

The notion that people who work very hard and get a college education will all succeed is partially a myth since its no guarantee, so Republitards whats your excuse this time, will you call these people lazy folks looking for a hand out?


The low class illegal Mexicans that took over my American neighborhood have no problem buying homes and $50,000 SUVs with the money they stole from US banks with fake IDs. You're just the wrong color speaking the wrong language, Senor!
Have any of you spoken to a college graduate recently?


You don't have to be intelligent to graduate from college all you have to do is ride the grade curve.
Have any of you spoken to a college graduate recently?


You don't have to be intelligent to graduate from college all you have to do is ride the grade curve.

Try the University of LA RAZA: Everybody wins! Just hand over that grant money from Gringo Uncle Sam.
The woman in Bass Op's linked article is a veteran of our military. I cannot tell you how badly it pisses me off that such people are pushed to the brink, do not have jobs, nevermind food.

It's obscene.

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