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The New Marriage

Originally posted by dmp
wonderwench, do you believe in God? I'm of the opinion God has given you over to a reprobate mind...I'm thinking I should as well. That doesn't mean I'll stop loving you, as a person, it'll just mean I'll give up in my attempts to get you to understand 'truth'.

Reprobate...look it up.


May God have mercy on your soul.

My relationship with God is between God and me.

I have a natural suspicion of people who take it upon themselves to pass judgements that should be reserved for God alone.
Originally posted by jimnyc
The problem is, they AREN'T keeping their lives private. And now they want to force themselves down our throats.

And they do cause harm. I get sick every time I see one or read about one.


I get sick about a lot of things. So I avoid them.

Nobody is going to force you to be best man at a gay civil union ceremony.
Originally posted by wonderwench

I get sick about a lot of things. So I avoid them.

Nobody is going to force you to be best man at a gay civil union ceremony.

Can't avoid them that easy when they take their cause to the streets, newspapers, tv, courts, town halls...

Call what I write baloney all you like, it won't change the facts. The more they push this upon society the more society is going to push back. Gay bashings will probably increase, laws and amendments will be passed and they'll be back in the closets before long. So I may feel sick about hearing about them now but I'll be laughing my ass off soon enough.
It only bothers you because you are getting your knickers in a twist that someone has a different lifestyle than you do. Not liking something is not a harm and does not endow you with the right to interfere in someone else's life.
Originally posted by wonderwench
It only bothers you because you are getting your knickers in a twist that someone has a different lifestyle than you do. Not liking something is not a harm and does not endow you with the right to interfere in someone else's life.

It never bothered me until they started this crap with the gay marriages. I could care less what the animals do behind closed doors, I just don't want to be associated with that filth in any way, shape or form. And I'm not interfering in their life, they are choosing to get themselves involved in something that effects every person in this nation. That certainly gives me the right to interfere.
Why does it bother you so much that gay people want the same rights and responsibilities as you? I also have to point something out - why is it all the negative commentary is thrown at gay men? I guess you are bothered less by lesbians then?

No homosexual sex doesn't give rise to new life, but neither does heterosexual sex with a condom, heterosexual sex when one partner or other cannot provide the biological material necessary either by choice or by some medical problem. Should this be illegal in your mind William? How about sex between two older people who are no longer able to have children? Should that be illegal?


I'm not going to convince you to stop being a bigot about gays.

I can think of innumerable things that other people do that I cannot stand. But it's none of my business. I would rather that we follow the principles of leaving each other alone than try to have the government legislate personal behavior for actions that have no victims.
Originally posted by acludem
Why does it bother you so much that gay people want the same rights and responsibilities as you? I also have to point something out - why is it all the negative commentary is thrown at gay men? I guess you are bothered less by lesbians then?


Naturally, being a straight man I will likely focus on what the other men do. I am just as bothered by lesbians and don't want any of them queers getting married either. They may appear better to me, but I find their lifestyle to be disgusting as well.

And it bothers me because marriage is supposed to be between a man and a woman, not for those who engage in deviant behavior.
Originally posted by wonderwench
I'm not going to convince you to stop being a bigot about gays.

I hope you don't think for one second that you are offending me by calling me a bigot. I can't stand any of the queers and I'm ecstatic to admit it. If they mysteriously started dying off one by one tomorrow, I would laugh and perhaps hit the local bar for a toast. Then this bigot would return home and sleep like a baby.
We are supposed to live in a free nation. Which means its a majority of people decide not to recognize same sex marriages. we should be free to do so. A majority of society has, and it will be a cold day in hell before I am going to let the rights of the majority to define marriage get trampled by a minority who refuse to obey the law. No one is forcing them not to be with each other. we are just protecting marriage. Simple as that. When we let the minority be above the law and give them power to legislate against the will of the majority we have a tyranny. Plain and simple. And contrary to what some believe this is not something that doesnt effect everyone.

BTW anyone note how we are supposed to leave gays alone to do what they want but they refuse to drop the issue? Americas been tolerating them for years. That doesnt give them the right to wage war on our culture.
Originally posted by acludem
Why does it bother you so much that gay people want the same rights and responsibilities as you? I also have to point something out - why is it all the negative commentary is thrown at gay men? I guess you are bothered less by lesbians then?

No homosexual sex doesn't give rise to new life, but neither does heterosexual sex with a condom, heterosexual sex when one partner or other cannot provide the biological material necessary either by choice or by some medical problem. Should this be illegal in your mind William? How about sex between two older people who are no longer able to have children? Should that be illegal?



There are 3 reasons only why two women should be together.

1. There is a camera involved
2. It is for commercial purposes only
3. Referring to above two reasons neither woman should have a mullet and be named Red

Two guys should never be together for any reason under any circumstance end of story.

This shall be the last time I say this as i'm beginning to think a couple of you need it in braile and i'm unable to do it. Gays already have the same rights and responsibilities guaranteed by the constitution as you and I, as for marriage they must marry somebody of the opposite sex same as you or I in order to access those rights and responsibilities. It really is simple, they can marry their dyke or gay friend then bone their guy roomate from behind on their own, no big deal.
Originally posted by wonderwench
My relationship with God is between God and me.

I have a natural suspicion of people who take it upon themselves to pass judgements that should be reserved for God alone.

Then it's useless, frankly. You mentioned God...that's typically the God of Christianity. If you indeed had such a relationship with Him, you'd not argue the points you do. :-/
"I have a natural suspicion of people who take it upon themselves to pass judgements that should be reserved for God alone. "

Well I have no doubt that your relationship with God is between you and Him. But how you can say we are taking it upon ourselves to pass judgements that are reserved for God alone is beyond me. I mean its not like God is very ambigious when he says that sexual activities are for within marriage only. I have always marveled at how quickly people are willing to throw away the traditions of the past, thinking them outdated. Yet dont ever stop to think about why the traditions were established to begin with.

We have seen what has happened to the family since the 60s. We only need to take a look at the destruction gay marriage has caused Scandanavian society to know that we shouldnt be permitting it. God has given us commandments to free us from dangerous things we really dont need to mess with. Life is rough enough without adding more problems to it.

We all have choices to make in life. We can serve God, or we can serve ourselves. The choice Joshua gave to the Children of Israel when they entered the promise land is still the one we need to make "Choose this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"

Remember my friends, evil wins when good men do nothing.
Originally posted by Avatar4321
"I have a natural suspicion of people who take it upon themselves to pass judgements that should be reserved for God alone. "

Well I have no doubt that your relationship with God is between you and Him. But how you can say we are taking it upon ourselves to pass judgements that are reserved for God alone is beyond me. I mean its not like God is very ambigious when he says that sexual activities are for within marriage only. I have always marveled at how quickly people are willing to throw away the traditions of the past, thinking them outdated. Yet dont ever stop to think about why the traditions were established to begin with.

We have seen what has happened to the family since the 60s. We only need to take a look at the destruction gay marriage has caused Scandanavian society to know that we shouldnt be permitting it. God has given us commandments to free us from dangerous things we really dont need to mess with. Life is rough enough without adding more problems to it.

We all have choices to make in life. We can serve God, or we can serve ourselves. The choice Joshua gave to the Children of Israel when they entered the promise land is still the one we need to make "Choose this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"

Remember my friends, evil wins when good men do nothing.

'Man' has generally turned it's back on why God calls things 'sinful' for us. I'd wager, MOST 'sins' are activities which do us HARM; those activities which would prevent/preclude a honest, loving relationship with God. I believe the sex issues addressed in the Bible are there to allow us to achieve the best relationship with our spouse as possible, in one aspect. Outside of following God's suggestions for our sex life, we open the doors to many things which cause harm - jealousy? disease? worse? Emptiness?

I agree with your last quote - but I want to remind you that these things MUST pass before the coming of Christ. "As it was in the days of Noah" - remember that. Jesus asked "God, please, can you NOT let me go thru what I'm about to? But nevertheless, let YOUR will be done." I think that message is more true today than perhaps ever before.
Just today I prayed "God, please, don't allow these evil ideas to propegate through our society - Deliver my kids from the hardships they'll face in life by the actions of the immoral. Nevertheless, I know you are in control; to 'worry' implies you aren't. Help me to hang on to Truth."
Originally posted by dmp
Subject: FW: The New Marriage
"That does it! I quit!! You people are making a mockery of marriage!!"

As have such notables as Newt Gingrich, Neil Bush, Jimmy Swaggart, Bill Clinton and Brittany Spears. But they're straight, so it doesn't matter.
Originally posted by William Joyce
Homosexuals who actually gave a damn about a stable society would oppose gay marriage.

Actually some homosexuals do oppose same-gender marriage, but only because they find anything to do with straight relationships as utterly disgusting as many here find same-gender relationships.

And, praytell, what would be destabilizing about couples of the same gender forming stable, monogamous, lifelong relationships through marriage? They are forming families and assuming the responsibilities that family life entails. They should be applauded, not scorned.
Originally posted by OCA
There are 3 reasons only why two women should be together.

1. There is a camera involved
2. It is for commercial purposes only
3. Referring to above two reasons neither woman should have a mullet and be named Red

Shows your real interest in women...As playthings.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
They are forming families and assuming the responsibilities that family life entails. They should be applauded, not scorned.

You're kidding, right?

They ain't forming anything by taking one another in the poop chute. And I guess you'll be calling it a 'family' if they adopt. All they'll be doing then is raising a poor child in an deviant environment.

You guys argue that they are born this way. Well, if you are born with such a horrible disease you shouldn't be allowed to rear a child anyway.
Originally posted by Avatar4321

Well I have no doubt that your relationship with God is between you and Him. But how you can say we are taking it upon ourselves to pass judgements that are reserved for God alone is beyond me. I mean its not like God is very ambigious when he says that sexual activities are for within marriage only. I have always marveled at how quickly people are willing to throw away the traditions of the past, thinking them outdated. Yet dont ever stop to think about why the traditions were established to begin with.

We have seen what has happened to the family since the 60s. We only need to take a look at the destruction gay marriage has caused Scandanavian society to know that we shouldnt be permitting it. God has given us commandments to free us from dangerous things we really dont need to mess with. Life is rough enough without adding more problems to it.

We all have choices to make in life. We can serve God, or we can serve ourselves. The choice Joshua gave to the Children of Israel when they entered the promise land is still the one we need to make "Choose this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"

Remember my friends, evil wins when good men do nothing.

Now, old son, just how do you know what God wants? If you are drawing this knowledge from the Bible...there's something you really need to know. The Bible, no matter the source of its attribution, was written by men. Thus it contains the predjudices, ignorance, pre-judgements and foibles of its writers...as well as a modicum of their wisdom. It is not the infallible word of some omnipotent being. It is a product of human cognition.

Now, if you're telling me that God talks to you, rather than Pat Robertson, I have to tell you that the last person I met who claimed to have a direct pipeline to God was a schizophrenic.

"Choose this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord"

Serve who, or what, you will...I serve humanity

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