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The New Marriage

just because it fits in the hole dont make it right....wrong is wrong...why werent there 2 adams in the garden of eden? or 2 eves? slam dunk Bully....right is right ...wrong is perverted wrong..simple as that...read the good book some more, go forth and multiply....:)
Originally posted by wonderwench
How incredibly arrogant. What gives you the right to pass judgement on my relationship with God? You know absolutely nothing about my real life.

Why are you so afraid of people who differ from you? Are you so insecure that differences make you doubt yourself? Do you only feel comfortable in a shroud of sameness?

It's very easy to judge your relationship with God. You call me arrogant because you are hurt - by truth I suppose.

But you are right - I know nothing of you personnaly - perhaps I should have replied with:

"based on what you add to this forum; your contributions, it's pretty clear you don't follow the things of God."

Lets take, for the sake of argument, that I am passing judgement...again, I am NOT, simply recognizing sin, ( I know a lot about sin, because I so-often sin; I am quite familiar with the subject) but let's say for the sake of argument I am.

How hypocritical of you to assume I'm at anyway bothered by people who are different, when by your terms, I don't even KNOW you.

The fact is - you claim to have some sort of a relationship with God, yet you deny God's word. I'm suggesting to you that it's impossible to only believe in 'parts' of God. Either you follow Christ - or you don't. It's pretty black and white.

Have a great day - I mean that...it's not being said in a sarcastic way. Seek truth, and you'll find it. So will I. :)
No, I disagree with your interpretation of God's word.
Originally posted by wonderwench
No, I disagree with your interpretation of God's word.

Care to show me? Can you find scripture to support your condoning of homosexuality?

[edit] I wish emotions could be conveyed...I don't mean this in a mean way..I'm honestly looking for scripture to back up homosexuality as anything but sinful.
Originally posted by dmp
Care to show me? Can you find scripture to support your condoning of homosexuality?

[edit] I wish emotions could be conveyed...I don't mean this in a mean way..I'm honestly looking for scripture to back up homosexuality as anything but sinful.

Scripture is written by men and interpretted by men.
Originally posted by wonderwench
Scripture is written by men and interpretted by men.
This shows that you really don't have a relationship with God..I'm sorry but it's true. The Word is of God. I'd estimate 80% of understanding God's will for our lives, actions, etc, is in the Bible. The other 20% comes from His Spirit's guidance.

Despite what makes you feel good...or makes sense to a carnal mind, you cannot know God, if you doubt His Word. Simple Truth.

That is your belief. Just because others believe differently doesn't make them wrong or sinners. We each have a right to seek a relationship with God in our own manner.

You accept the Bible as literal, buying into the manmade dogma as well as the eternal truths. If that is how you wish to live your life, that is your perogative.

Just as it is my perogative to use the reason that God gave me to separate the truth from the propaganda.
Originally posted by dmp
Care to show me? Can you find scripture to support your condoning of homosexuality?

[edit] I wish emotions could be conveyed...I don't mean this in a mean way..I'm honestly looking for scripture to back up homosexuality as anything but sinful.

Scripture...What a can of worms that opens up. Are you looking to the King James Bible? It is called the King James Bible because he had the interpreters from the Greek and Latin versions keep rewriting it until it came out the way he wanted.

And, just as an aside, did you know that King James was gay?
This whole conversation illustrates the whole problem with the liberal line of thinking. Everything is open to interpretation and nothing should be taken literally or written in stone. Its really reached its peak now that the bible itself is in question.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit And, just as an aside, did you know that King James was gay? [/B]

Bully, where did you hear this? old family secret???:p: I find it interesting that a gay man would have 9 children with the same woman..dont you?link
Originally posted by wonderwench
That is your belief. Just because others believe differently doesn't make them wrong or sinners. We each have a right to seek a relationship with God in our own manner.

You accept the Bible as literal, buying into the manmade dogma as well as the eternal truths. If that is how you wish to live your life, that is your perogative.

Just as it is my perogative to use the reason that God gave me to separate the truth from the propaganda.

WW, I think I speak for Darin as well as myself by saying this. There is a reason I take the Bible literally. Actually, there is a reason for my belief in Christianity and my faith in God. That reason is because I am convinced that Jesus lived, died, and rose from the dead and is now alive again. All of my faith - my beliefs on how to live life, my moral code, and my beliefs about the Bible - rest on that event. Far from being dogma, it is my belief in the Resurrection that causes me to take the Bible as God's word.
Originally posted by gop_jeff
WW, I think I speak for Darin as well as myself by saying this. There is a reason I take the Bible literally. Actually, there is a reason for my belief in Christianity and my faith in God. That reason is because I am convinced that Jesus lived, died, and rose from the dead and is now alive again. All of my faith - my beliefs on how to live life, my moral code, and my beliefs about the Bible - rest on that event. Far from being dogma, it is my belief in the Resurrection that causes me to take the Bible as God's word.

And I fervently support your right to decide that for yourself and to teach your children such beliefs - as long as you do not insist that others be coerced to follow the same.

Our Founding Fathers designed the Constitution so that we are all free to have our own relationships with God, or none at all if we so choose.
You see here's the thing though, I don't believe that the opponents of gay marriage are neccessarily basing their arguments on religious dogma. Rather its based on common sense and the difference between right and wrong. I've heard alot of reasoning as to why our reasons are wrong to be against but yet i've not heard 1 argument as to why its a common sense good thing to be engaged in this lifestyle and be afforded the right to marry your "partner".
Why is it common sense to deny two people who love each other the ability to form a legal union?

The heart of the objections stem mostly from Biblical interpretation and the belief that homosexuality is a sin.

On the opposite side are those who view homosexuality as being biologically determined. If so, then it is part of God's design.
Originally posted by wonderwench On the opposite side are those who view homosexuality as being biologically determined. If so, then it is part of God's design. [/B]

biologically determined=defect=not right=wrong

I guess thats where i'm a stickler because until they show definitive proof of a biological or genetic link to homosexuality than it to me is a choice, a choice that has concequences such as you will not be able to marry your significant other. If they could prove that link than I might be open to changing my views but I don't think they are going to ever find that because imo its not there.
Originally posted by wonderwench
And I fervently support your right to decide that for yourself and to teach your children such beliefs - as long as you do not insist that others be coerced to follow the same.

Our Founding Fathers designed the Constitution so that we are all free to have our own relationships with God, or none at all if we so choose.

I have never insisted that people be forced to believe a certain way. At the same time, though, I do what I can to convince people to believe in Christ like I do, using logic and free will - you know, those gifts that God gave us! :)
Originally posted by wonderwench
On the opposite side are those who view homosexuality as being biologically determined. If so, then it is part of God's design.

I have yet to see proof of it. In fact, the last study I saw showed that when one identical twin was gay, the other was gay only about half the time. If it were a genetic thing, the other twin would be gay all the time. And no, I don't have a link, I'd have to search for it.
Originally posted by gop_jeff
I have yet to see proof of it. In fact, the last study I saw showed that when one identical twin was gay, the other was gay only about half the time. If it were a genetic thing, the other twin would be gay all the time. And no, I don't have a link, I'd have to search for it.

Here's an interesting article:

Born Gay? — Not So Fast Say Homosexual Researchers!

Washington, DC –A trio of psychologists associated with the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) have just published a startling report that debunks one of the major foundations of the homosexual movement: That homosexuals are "born gay." The report quotes noted "gay" scientists as well as "gay" philosophers who openly admit there is no research proving there is a "gay gene" or "gay brain."

From the faulty premise that homosexuals are born that way, flow a number of other equally flawed assumptions. Two of these are: That society must encourage and protect individuals who think they were "born gay"; and that those who oppose homosexual behavior are mentally unstable (homophobic) and are trying to force homosexuals to deny their genetic destinies.

"The Innate-Immutable Argument Finds No Basis in Science," by Drs. A. Dean Byrd, Shirley Cox, and Jeffrey W. Robinson, quotes one of the most vocal homosexual researchers Dean Hamer who noted: "Homosexuality is not purely genetic ... environmental factors play a role. There is not a single master gene that makes people gay. . . . I don't think we will ever be able to predict who will be gay."

Homosexual researcher Simon LeVay who studied hypothalmic differences between the brains of heterosexuals and homosexuals, has noted: "I didn't show that gay men are born that way, the most common mistake people make in interpreting my work. Nor did I locate a gay center in the brain."

Camille Paglia, a lesbian activist has had the courage to boldly state what most homosexuals refuse to admit: "Homosexuality is not 'normal.' On the contrary, it is a challenge to the norm. Nature exists whether academics like it or not. And in nature, procreation is the single relentless rule. That is the norm. Our sexual bodies were designed for reproduction.No one is born gay. The idea is ridiculous. Homosexuality is an adaptation, not an inborn trait..."

Homosexual activists, of course, claim that their behavior is "normal" and that's why the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed homosexuality as a Gender Identity Disorder in 1973. What they fail to admit, however, is that homosexual activists literally terrorized the APA into removing homosexuality as a disorder. Homosexual scientist Simon LeVay admits this. He notes: "Gay activism was clearly the force that propelled the APA to declassify homosexuality."

Whether homosexual behavior is normal and genetic is a significant issue under debate in American culture today. Congress is stampeding to pass "hate crime" and "non-discrimination" laws providing special rights for homosexuals; school textbook writers are producing pro-homosexual materials for elementary school children; Hollywood is openly promoting homosexuality and cross-dressing; and liberal church leaders are blessing homosexual "unions"—all under the false premise that homosexuality is a positive, normal, and genetically-based lifestyle.

Our lawmakers, media elites, school officials, and church leaders would do well to study the scholarly research provided by NARTH on this important social movement-before they continue to homosexualize our culture—and to punish those who oppose homosexual behavior as a sexual perversion and sin.

Originally posted by gop_jeff
I have yet to see proof of it. In fact, the last study I saw showed that when one identical twin was gay, the other was gay only about half the time. If it were a genetic thing, the other twin would be gay all the time. And no, I don't have a link, I'd have to search for it.

jeff, as you may know I am a twin, identical at that. I have avascular nercosis, it destroyed my right hip[now steel] and did damage to my left hip and shoulder. my bro has no sign of the crap. thank god. we do share some malidies but not all on a lighter note we went through high school seperated by one tenth[grade] myself in the 98th percentile...jimmy in the 97th...:D :D

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