The New Victim Mentality of the Right Wing Posters on This Forum

Yep, the 'Conservatives' whines have hit a crescendo. The economy is finally picking up, Horrible!!!
People are beginning to go back to work, Terrible!!!! And women are revolting against the idea of a bunch of dried up prunes of old men making their personal decisions for them, Who'd a'thunk it!!!!!

So funny to see this bunch of retrograde morons wishing to go back to the 1890's totally bombing out with the rest of the American Citizens.

On the contrary, my friend. I don't whine, I do. I ignore and do as I damn well please. as far as old men controlling women's bodies --- no old man controls MY body. I do. I said before on here, perhaps you missed it, that I totally support giving any liberal women free contraceptives of their choice: birth control pills, IUD, NuvaRing, Depo-Provera shots, whatever they want. I support letting them have abortions too. ANYTHING to prevent the procreation of liberals. So go for it. Abortion, birth control, whatever floats your boat. have at it. Besides, I don't think it's a man's business whether a woman has an abortion or not. In fact I also wish they'd pass a law stating the government will pay for your birth control, but not your baby's birth IF you can't support yourself or the baby and would need to go on welfare to do it. But I thought you could get all of the above from Planned Parenthood. I think you can, and I say boost up Planned Parenthood. If we give you guys birth control, we wouldn't have to worry about babies being born to deadbeats.

Ah, yes.....compassionate-conservatism!!

I recognized it, right off!!

Yep, the 'Conservatives' whines have hit a crescendo. The economy is finally picking up, Horrible!!!
People are beginning to go back to work, Terrible!!!! And women are revolting against the idea of a bunch of dried up prunes of old men making their personal decisions for them, Who'd a'thunk it!!!!!

So funny to see this bunch of retrograde morons wishing to go back to the 1890's totally bombing out with the rest of the American Citizens.

On the contrary, my friend. I don't whine, I do. I ignore and do as I damn well please. as far as old men controlling women's bodies --- no old man controls MY body. I do. I said before on here, perhaps you missed it, that I totally support giving any liberal women free contraceptives of their choice: birth control pills, IUD, NuvaRing, Depo-Provera shots, whatever they want. I support letting them have abortions too. ANYTHING to prevent the procreation of liberals. So go for it. Abortion, birth control, whatever floats your boat. have at it. Besides, I don't think it's a man's business whether a woman has an abortion or not. In fact I also wish they'd pass a law stating the government will pay for your birth control, but not your baby's birth IF you can't support yourself or the baby and would need to go on welfare to do it. But I thought you could get all of the above from Planned Parenthood. I think you can, and I say boost up Planned Parenthood. If we give you guys birth control, we wouldn't have to worry about babies being born to deadbeats.

Ah, yes.....compassionate-conservatism!!

I recognized it, right off!!


Shit there's no pleasing you guys, is there? I'm on your side. I think you should HAVE free birth control, free abortions. I think it's great.

When you finally get your entitlements be it welfare, SSI or whatever the hell it is you want and it isn't enough to live on, well tough titty said the kitty. But if you're happy, I'm happy. And I'm tickled pink!

You see I'm compassionate for the plight of the less fortunate when it is through no fault of their own. But when you ignore all warnings and get yourself in a jam, then that's not my problem. my compassion lies with the mentally ill, the mentally retarded, victims of crime, not some asshole who gets bloody ass drunk and then kills somebody. Not some asshole who waltzes into a restaurant and starts shooting everybody. Not some serial murderer or rapist. I'm on the side of the battered wife who despite restraining orders is still stalked by her ex-husband or boyfriend and when he goes to attack her again, she finally lashes out and kills the SOB and they lock HER up. In other words if you decide to bungee jump off a cliff and bash your head on a rock, you've nobody to blame but yourself. If you do IV drugs and contract hepatitis or HIV, well too bad, but you shouldn't have done it. That's where I am coming from.

I believe any woman who wants an abortion should have access to it, but I don't think she should be allowed to just one after the other. They aren't cheap. besides, pregnancy is not spread like the cold, one must make a conscious effort to get that way. It's not polio or small pox.
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Three pages and still not one example of the whining that the OP whined about.
My damn groceries are sky damn high.. thanks to libtards

Move closer to work. Stop driving an SUV. Quit whining. Its a free market. The oil companies can charge anything they want. Are you suggesting the government should step in and regulate the oil companies or maybe even nationalize them?

no,, I'm suggesting we get rid of that anti fossil fuell idiot ewe put in the wh..
You can't have it both ways lefties. You tell us corporations and Wall Street are the enemy and yet every time the DOW jumps the left thinks Barry is a genius. The Stock Market will always go up because people who invest in stocks are smarter than left wing politicians who try to sabotage capitalism. Unemployment is still at a dismal 14% if you use honest numbers and gas is $4+ while the president whines "it's not my...sob...fault" and stupid lefties buy the propaganda and post stupid inane stuff.

We regulate Wallstreet so it never gets too big to fail. Your side doesn't. And we saw the results of doing things your way.

You act like we are anti Dow. Shut the fuck up stupid.

P.S. Unemployment in Michigan went to under 9%. Companies are hiring. And I remember righties telling me I should leave Michigan. Well Michigan is coming back baby. Maybe you should move here. I sure don't want to move down south where they are just used to low wages and being poor.
....And, being Ditto-Heads.....

You can't have it both ways lefties. You tell us corporations and Wall Street are the enemy and yet every time the DOW jumps the left thinks Barry is a genius. The Stock Market will always go up because people who invest in stocks are smarter than left wing politicians who try to sabotage capitalism. Unemployment is still at a dismal 14% if you use honest numbers and gas is $4+ while the president whines "it's not my...sob...fault" and stupid lefties buy the propaganda and post stupid inane stuff.

We regulate Wallstreet so it never gets too big to fail. Your side doesn't. And we saw the results of doing things your way.

You act like we are anti Dow. Shut the fuck up stupid.

P.S. Unemployment in Michigan went to under 9%. Companies are hiring. And I remember righties telling me I should leave Michigan. Well Michigan is coming back baby. Maybe you should move here. I sure don't want to move down south where they are just used to low wages and being poor.
....And, being Ditto-Heads.....


My God! Be damned if that ain't Bill Clinton and his brother!
Isn't it nice how leftists wish to take over every aspect of our lives and now portend to tell us what we were thinking?


Absolute arrogence on parade by the OP.

I love it when right wing loonies say stupid things like, "leftists are trying to take over every aspect of our lives".

Meanwhile Rick Santorum is trying to outlaw abortion and pornography and trying to make the USA a Christian state.

Right wing social conservatives are just the American version of the Taliban in Afganistan.

NO it's THE GOVERNMENT who'd like to take over our lives. But it will NOT take over MY life. Maybe yours, not mine. I have actively been writing my Republican congressmen asking them to PLEASE back off outlawing abortion, especially among liberal women. Sell pornography. Just because I don't like it doesn't mean some other depraved soul shouldn't have his jollies - while she/he is using the free birth control that is. But see you lefties don't like something, like guns or hunting or whatever, you want to stop us from doing it. Well I don't agree. I don't agree with trying to outlaw abortion. Anybody who would would willy nilly get pregnant (rape and incest victims not included here) and then decided to kill the baby ---- I don't wnat HER raising a pet snake, let alone a baby! I'm all letting you libs do exactly as you please, eat what you want, smoke what you want, I couldn't care less. And I shall do the same, thank you very much.

You all get sick or contract some STD or whatever, hey I work in the medical field, you're job security for me.

I'll bet you dazzle everyone, with the skillful way you sling those bedpans.

On the contrary, my friend. I don't whine, I do. I ignore and do as I damn well please. as far as old men controlling women's bodies --- no old man controls MY body. I do. I said before on here, perhaps you missed it, that I totally support giving any liberal women free contraceptives of their choice: birth control pills, IUD, NuvaRing, Depo-Provera shots, whatever they want. I support letting them have abortions too. ANYTHING to prevent the procreation of liberals. So go for it. Abortion, birth control, whatever floats your boat. have at it. Besides, I don't think it's a man's business whether a woman has an abortion or not. In fact I also wish they'd pass a law stating the government will pay for your birth control, but not your baby's birth IF you can't support yourself or the baby and would need to go on welfare to do it. But I thought you could get all of the above from Planned Parenthood. I think you can, and I say boost up Planned Parenthood. If we give you guys birth control, we wouldn't have to worry about babies being born to deadbeats.

Ah, yes.....compassionate-conservatism!!

I recognized it, right off!!


Shit there's no pleasing you guys, is there? I'm on your side. I think you should HAVE free birth control, free abortions. I think it's great.
....And, we do appreciate your sense o' generosity!!

We regulate Wallstreet so it never gets too big to fail. Your side doesn't. And we saw the results of doing things your way.

You act like we are anti Dow. Shut the fuck up stupid.

P.S. Unemployment in Michigan went to under 9%. Companies are hiring. And I remember righties telling me I should leave Michigan. Well Michigan is coming back baby. Maybe you should move here. I sure don't want to move down south where they are just used to low wages and being poor.
....And, being Ditto-Heads.....


My God! Be damned if that ain't Bill Clinton and his brother!
I'm guessin' they're some o' them, there new White Panthers....keepin' an eye on their bad-ride.

You can just tell they're lookin'-for-trouble.​
So what exactly is it that conservatives are supposedly "whining" about?
You mean, besides.....everyone (else) "trying to take their Country from them"?????


Oh pulllleeeze. How about you guys whining about the "rich aren't being taxed enough." "rich people are baaaad." "We not going green" "I can't marry my same sex."
Hey....we Libs......


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