The New Yorker did an excellent piece showing how NY government is failing and blaming Trump.


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill

Watch this video and please provide context in how this is Trump's fault.
It seems NY housing authority has done absolutely nothing to provide safety for the 175,000 apartments low income residents live in.
And yet strangely we don't hear Cuomo talking about this.

Watch this video and please provide context in how this is Trump's fault.
It seems NY housing authority has done absolutely nothing to provide safety for the 175,000 apartments low income residents live in.
And yet strangely we don't hear Cuomo talking about this.

Holy goodness everyone needs to see this.

Half a million people--half a million. And I did not need to watch to the end to see that many of them are older and in poor health--the very ones more likely to suffer horribly from this virus.

This is awful. And no, not Trump's fault at all.
Figure 3 shows CFD modeling for the vertical movement of contaminated air in the air shaft between unit 7 (Ad) and unit 8 (Ab) in building E and the three-dimensional spread of the viral plume to buildings B, C, and D. Moist, warm air flowed from the bathroom of the index unit (unit 7 in building E, with windows facing direction Ad) and established a plume in the air shaft that spread the airborne virus upward. The predicted decay in the concentration of the contaminated aerosols in the plume was 25 percent at the top of the air shaft where a northeasterly wind was blowing at the velocity of 2 m per second. On reaching the top of the building, the contaminated air was carried by this northeasterly wind toward other buildings. A substantial amount of the contaminated air passed between buildings C and D at the height of the middle-level floors.

In summary, our epidemiologic analysis, experimental studies, and airflow simulations support the probability of an airborne spread of the SARS virus in the outbreak in Amoy Gardens. Virus-laden aerosols generated in the vertical soil stack of unit 7 in building E returned to the bathroom through the dried-up seals of the floor-drain traps and then entered the air shaft, probably by means of suction created by an exhaust fan. The aerosols moved upward owing to the buoyancy of the warm, humid air within the air shaft and could enter apartment units that bordered the air shaft on the upper floors because of the negative pressure created by the exhaust fans or the action of wind flows around the building. The horizontal spread of infection to other units in building E was by movement of the air between apartment units. After the plume reached the top of the air shaft in building E, the virus was spread to some units at certain heights in buildings B, C, and D by the action of a predominant northeasterly wind.
Of course it's Trumps fault. Good lord didn't y'all get the memo? Orange Man Bad. Demopublicans and click bait artist are Saints.
I watched the video............saw the open windows........and the portable AC units.........not to mention what the video pointed out in touching the same surfaces with so many living there...............

And saw what happened in Hong Kong.......coming to this place.............Learn from history.....and the study I posted showed that they DISAGREED with the WHO study................and how the open windows caused the spread via the air building to building...........

While I totally agree the water traps being empty did the initial spread, the movement upwards and then to the OTHER BUILDINGS........from WHO...doesn't add up.

The World Health Organization is considering new “airborne precautions” for medical professionals after a new study suggested that the coronavirus can survive in the air for hours.

The virus is typically transmitted through respiratory droplets, such as when someone sneezes or coughs, but a new study indicated that it can remain suspended in the air for up to three hours.
The main thesis of the video was showing how the city has not provided even the most basic precautions.
The only informational postings on walls was to the residents to stay out of management areas without masks etc. So in other words, the only action they took - at all - was information in how to protect their management.
In contrast, my son lives in a downtown apartment complex in Indianapolis. By the elevators are large signs instructing people to use gloves/wipes etc. to touch buttons and door handles. The mail box area has spray bottles with disinfectant for residents to use. And so forth.
NYC government has done none of these very basic/cheap things.

Edit: He doesn't live in public housing, so I am not comparing Iny government with NYC, merely the difference between apartment management in his building as to public housing in NYC
The main thesis of the video was showing how the city has not provided even the most basic precautions.
The only informational postings on walls was to the residents to stay out of management areas without masks etc. So in other words, the only action they took - at all - was information in how to protect their management.
In contrast, my son lives in a downtown apartment complex in Indianapolis. By the elevators are large signs instructing people to use gloves/wipes etc. to touch buttons and door handles. The mail box area has spray bottles with disinfectant for residents to use. And so forth.
NYC government has done none of these very basic/cheap things.

Edit: He doesn't live in public housing, so I am not comparing Iny government with NYC, merely the difference between apartment management in his building as to public housing in NYC
I agree, but added what else may very well be happening there now or soon based on what happened before.

Watch this video and please provide context in how this is Trump's fault.
It seems NY housing authority has done absolutely nothing to provide safety for the 175,000 apartments low income residents live in.
And yet strangely we don't hear Cuomo talking about this.

Dimsocialists never take responsibility for their actions. Never.

It is always someone else’s fault.
Leftist be like....

The World Health Organization is considering new “airborne precautions” for medical professionals after a new study suggested that the coronavirus can survive in the air for hours.

The virus is typically transmitted through respiratory droplets, such as when someone sneezes or coughs, but a new study indicated that it can remain suspended in the air for up to three hours.
WHO can go fuck themselves...sinister mother fucker director and UN based organization

If that is the case, the transmission spread DEFINITELY defies logic

How has the nanotechnology vaccines Bill Gates funded and has been releasing in Africa
contributed to this situation
Half a million people--half a million. And I did not need to watch to the end to see that many of them are older and in poor health--the very ones more likely to suffer horribly from this virus.
Exactly...the disposable financial burdens

The World Health Organization is considering new “airborne precautions” for medical professionals after a new study suggested that the coronavirus can survive in the air for hours.

The virus is typically transmitted through respiratory droplets, such as when someone sneezes or coughs, but a new study indicated that it can remain suspended in the air for up to three hours.
WHO can go fuck themselves...sinister mother fucker director and UN based organization

If that is the case, the transmission spread DEFINITELY defies logic

How has the nanotechnology vaccines Bill Gates funded and has been releasing in Africa
contributed to this situation
WHO got it wrong on SARs.........that's what the other studies said.............

I post this information from lessons learned from Hong Kong........It is for INFORMATION on what MAY HAPPEN in HIGH RISES in this country..............

That is why I put up this information............I don't like WHO data either's usually HYPED.....and in this case they IGNORED THE SPREAD from building to building.
I started watching a video where Roger Waters began with "USA is least prepared and it's cuz Trump" :abgg2q.jpg:

I stopped watching it, but I do like his music.

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