The newGOPers Ignore The Clear Will Of The American Voters !


I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
Funny how the day after the election results the headlines read "Fiscal Cliff!!!!!"




This so called impending catastrophy is totally manufactured by the republicans.

The intend on fighting tooth and nail to save the "poor" rich from paying their fair share of the deficit.

Ryan given responsibility to negotiate with dems.

Forget what they want. There is no "cliff".

Think 2014. Get the maggots out of the house in the mid terms!
I'm perfectly content to let the Dem tax increases become law. It's time the 47% learned what paying taxes is all about.
Funny how the day after the election results the headlines read "Fiscal Cliff!!!!!"




This so called impending catastrophy is totally manufactured by the republicans.

The intend on fighting tooth and nail to save the "poor" rich from paying their fair share of the deficit.

Ryan given responsibility to negotiate with dems.

Forget what they want. There is no "cliff".

Think 2014. Get the maggots out of the house in the mid terms!
Funny how the day after the election results the headlines read "Fiscal Cliff!!!!!"




This so called impending catastrophy is totally manufactured by the republicans.

The intend on fighting tooth and nail to save the "poor" rich from paying their fair share of the deficit.

Ryan given responsibility to negotiate with dems.

Forget what they want. There is no "cliff".

Think 2014. Get the maggots out of the house in the mid terms!

Yeah we know, with you guys it's always someone else's fault.
Funny how the day after the election results the headlines read "Fiscal Cliff!!!!!"




This so called impending catastrophy is totally manufactured by the republicans.

The intend on fighting tooth and nail to save the "poor" rich from paying their fair share of the deficit.

Ryan given responsibility to negotiate with dems.

Forget what they want. There is no "cliff".

Think 2014. Get the maggots out of the house in the mid terms!

Yeah we know, with you guys it's always someone else's fault.

You are not the least bit suspicious that this jumped up THE DAY AFTER THE ELECTION as a huge immenent problem.
I have to agree. The clear will of the voters is for more free stuff. This was opposed by 48% of the voters. It's going to make for some interesting headlines as 48% of the voters start undermining and thwarting the clear majority.
Funny how the day after the election results the headlines read "Fiscal Cliff!!!!!"




This so called impending catastrophy is totally manufactured by the republicans.

The intend on fighting tooth and nail to save the "poor" rich from paying their fair share of the deficit.

Ryan given responsibility to negotiate with dems.

Forget what they want. There is no "cliff".

Think 2014. Get the maggots out of the house in the mid terms!

Yeah we know, with you guys it's always someone else's fault.

Close the thread
Funny how the day after the election results the headlines read "Fiscal Cliff!!!!!"




This so called impending catastrophy is totally manufactured by the republicans.

The intend on fighting tooth and nail to save the "poor" rich from paying their fair share of the deficit.

Ryan given responsibility to negotiate with dems.

Forget what they want. There is no "cliff".

Think 2014. Get the maggots out of the house in the mid terms!

Yeah we know, with you guys it's always someone else's fault.

Close the thread

Frankie loves a made up disaster. Don't anyone dare call bullshit on it.

Thread stays. You are welcome to go away Frankie.
50.5% denotes divided will, not clear will. Let's just let everything expire, maybe congress will get the message to stop with the temp band aids and go for real soulutions.
Granny says, "Dat's right - it's a bump inna road dat makes ya go wheee! like dat lil' pig inna commercial when ya go over it...
The "fiscal cliff" isn't a cliff at all
November 26, 2012, You're going to be hearing the phrase "fiscal cliff" a lot over the next few weeks: The phrase has emerged as a shorthand way to describe the combination of tax hikes and spending cuts set to start kicking in at the end of the year. Lawmakers are now feverishly negotiating over how to keep many of those spending cuts and tax increases from kicking in - to keep from what is often described as "going off the fiscal cliff."
Yet if no deal comes, the nation won't actually be going over a metaphorical cliff. The word cliff implies an all-or-nothing situation - once you go over a cliff you plummet to earth. There's no going back. But the situation the nation faces is not like that. The so-called "fiscal cliff," in fact, would be more accurately described as a "gradual fiscal slope." Though that admittedly doesn't have quite the same ring to it.

There are two parts to the so-called fiscal cliff. The first is the scheduled expiration of the tax cuts enacted in 2001 and 2003 under President George W. Bush, the payroll tax holiday enacted under President Obama, and a host of other tax breaks. The second is $1.2 trillion in automatic spending cuts to defense and domestic programs that are looming due to a 2011 deal that resulted from House Republicans' reluctance to raise the debt limit.

Now, it's true that if lawmakers fail to work out any sort of deal, there will be severe long-term consequences for the economy: According to the Tax Policy Center, going off the "cliff" would affect 88 percent of U.S. taxpayers, with their taxes rising by an average of $3,500 a year. Many economists, as well as the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, say the combination of spending cuts and tax hikes that are set to take effect would tip the economy into a new recession. The Congressional Budget Office has forecast that implementing all the mandated government spending cuts and tax hikes would reduce real GDP by 0.5 percent in 2013, with growth sinking in the first half of the year before resuming at a modest clip later in the year. The CBO forecasts that inaction would push up the unemployment rate to 9.1 percent by the end of 2013.

Can the U.S. economy endure the fiscal cliff?

More The "fiscal cliff" isn't a cliff at all - CBS News
Funny how the day after the election results the headlines read "Fiscal Cliff!!!!!"




This so called impending catastrophy is totally manufactured by the republicans.

The intend on fighting tooth and nail to save the "poor" rich from paying their fair share of the deficit.

Ryan given responsibility to negotiate with dems.

Forget what they want. There is no "cliff".

Think 2014. Get the maggots out of the house in the mid terms!

Yeah we know, with you guys it's always someone else's fault.

Are you totally absolving the Republicans? You've got to realize that a large portion of the 47% are there BECAUSE OF the tax cuts. If the rates hadn't been lowered many more would be paying income taxes.
I have to agree. The clear will of the voters is for more free stuff. This was opposed by 48% of the voters. It's going to make for some interesting headlines as 48% of the voters start undermining and thwarting the clear majority.

The clear will of the American people was to end "business as usual" as the Republicans see it. They agree with most economists that you can't fix the deficit by cuts alone.
Funny how the day after the election results the headlines read "Fiscal Cliff!!!!!"




This so called impending catastrophy is totally manufactured by the republicans.

The intend on fighting tooth and nail to save the "poor" rich from paying their fair share of the deficit.

Ryan given responsibility to negotiate with dems.

Forget what they want. There is no "cliff".

Think 2014. Get the maggots out of the house in the mid terms!

Yeah we know, with you guys it's always someone else's fault.

Close the thread

Why do you hate freedom of speech, Frank?
Funny how the day after the election results the headlines read "Fiscal Cliff!!!!!"




This so called impending catastrophy is totally manufactured by the republicans.

The intend on fighting tooth and nail to save the "poor" rich from paying their fair share of the deficit.

Ryan given responsibility to negotiate with dems.

Forget what they want. There is no "cliff".

Think 2014. Get the maggots out of the house in the mid terms!

Somebody please return this guy to his rubber room.
Funny how the day after the election results the headlines read "Fiscal Cliff!!!!!"




This so called impending catastrophy is totally manufactured by the republicans.

The intend on fighting tooth and nail to save the "poor" rich from paying their fair share of the deficit.

Ryan given responsibility to negotiate with dems.

Forget what they want. There is no "cliff".

Think 2014. Get the maggots out of the house in the mid terms!

Somebody please return this guy to his rubber room.

He still lives in Seattle, I think.
Same difference.......:lol:
Funny how the day after the election results the headlines read "Fiscal Cliff!!!!!"




This so called impending catastrophy is totally manufactured by the republicans.

The intend on fighting tooth and nail to save the "poor" rich from paying their fair share of the deficit.

Ryan given responsibility to negotiate with dems.

Forget what they want. There is no "cliff".

Think 2014. Get the maggots out of the house in the mid terms!

Somebody please return this guy to his rubber room.

He still lives in Seattle, I think.
Same difference.......:lol:

Geeze Louise... that explains a lot.
Speaking of froth, it's probably time for another beer summit. Maybe Obama needs to get Boehner drunk and have his way with him! :lol:
Funny how the day after the election results the headlines read "Fiscal Cliff!!!!!"




This so called impending catastrophy is totally manufactured by the republicans.

The intend on fighting tooth and nail to save the "poor" rich from paying their fair share of the deficit.

Ryan given responsibility to negotiate with dems.

Forget what they want. There is no "cliff".

Think 2014. Get the maggots out of the house in the mid terms!

Yeah we know, with you guys it's always someone else's fault.

You are not the least bit suspicious that this jumped up THE DAY AFTER THE ELECTION as a huge immenent problem.

yes, but not for the reason you contend

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