The news is out Trump Campaign obstructed

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Why would Obama's publisher have mixed him up with his father?

They have the same name, goofball. The publisher wrote the bio, not Obama. You lied.

Again, you made that up. Nowhere did the Mooch say that. You're just spinning.

It's obvious what she meant.

You can't use a single isolated statement out of context to recharacterize someone as being a "birther". Trump wasn't misspeaking when he said he had investigators in Hawaii, he was trolling.

You talk like a conspiracy nut. Next thing you know you'll be telling me Obama had the Hawaii official in charge of his birth certificate murdered.

So now you're a birther? I said Obama was born in Hawaii and you called me a conspiracy nut
So now you're a birther? I said Obama was born in Hawaii and you called me a conspiracy nut

You think an error in a publishing pamphlet somehow makes Obama a birther. This holding on to scraps of out of context information is what conspiracy nuts do.

This isn't even the topic.

Trump was trolling the nation by promoting his birtherism. That's not like anything any president had ever done. It's just destructive. We have enough conspiracy nuts out there, no need to put one in the white house.
So now you're a birther? I said Obama was born in Hawaii and you called me a conspiracy nut

You think an error in a publishing pamphlet somehow makes Obama a birther. This holding on to scraps of out of context information is what conspiracy nuts do.

This isn't even the topic.

Trump was trolling the nation by promoting his birtherism. That's not like anything any president had ever done. It's just destructive. We have enough conspiracy nuts out there, no need to put one in the white house.

Exactly. Obama's publisher made a "mistake." Michelle made a mistake not knowing what home country means. Nothing was Obama, nothing was the Democrats ever. We can just assume anything they say is just innocent. Not like Republicans. They don't make mistakes ever.

I'm more curious though how you think my saying Obama was born in Hawaii is a "conspiracy." How do you figure that? Where do you think Obama was born? He said he was born in Kenya. Do you think he's right?
Have a link for that?
I'll look but it was just a headline on MCNBC Let me ask you IF it is true as stated would you give a damn???

Should I?

I seem to remember Obamas Administration was in charge during the Russian investigation.

No comment on them dropping the ball, by FBI agents texting love notes to each other?
How does them texting love notes affect the investigation? I've never figured out why that was supposed to matter.

Come on Man!!!!
That was a weak dodge.
No, it was a serious question.

Why does it matter? How could it have affected anything?

I'm guessing you haven't read the contents of the emails.
Or you have and are just refusing to admit the seriousness of the content of those emails.
So tell me,does this sound familiar to you?

 Aug. 8, 2016: L. Page texts Strzok, “[Trump's] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!” and Strzok replies, “No. No he's not. We'll stop it.”21

And here's the rest if you dare to read it.

Fuck Strzok and his Insurance policy he admited to and fuck you ya lying weasel.
Turning a comforting text to a lover into a conspiracy is quite the stretch. Try again.

LOL...thats why they shitcanned him eh?
I bet you think there's no such thing as antifa and rioting as well....
So now you're a birther? I said Obama was born in Hawaii and you called me a conspiracy nut

You think an error in a publishing pamphlet somehow makes Obama a birther. This holding on to scraps of out of context information is what conspiracy nuts do.

This isn't even the topic.

Trump was trolling the nation by promoting his birtherism. That's not like anything any president had ever done. It's just destructive. We have enough conspiracy nuts out there, no need to put one in the white house.

Exactly. Obama's publisher made a "mistake." Michelle made a mistake not knowing what home country means. Nothing was Obama, nothing was the Democrats ever. We can just assume anything they say is just innocent. Not like Republicans. They don't make mistakes ever.

I'm more curious though how you think my saying Obama was born in Hawaii is a "conspiracy." How do you figure that? Where do you think Obama was born? He said he was born in Kenya. Do you think he's right?
I never said that you thought Obama being born in Hawaii was a conspiracy. I’m saying you sound like a conspiracy nut.

I guess in your world, no one ever makes mistakes? Is that what you want us to believe?

(the only mistake Michelle made was assuming any of you had a lick of sense to know what she was talking about).
So now you're a birther? I said Obama was born in Hawaii and you called me a conspiracy nut

You think an error in a publishing pamphlet somehow makes Obama a birther. This holding on to scraps of out of context information is what conspiracy nuts do.

This isn't even the topic.

Trump was trolling the nation by promoting his birtherism. That's not like anything any president had ever done. It's just destructive. We have enough conspiracy nuts out there, no need to put one in the white house.

Exactly. Obama's publisher made a "mistake." Michelle made a mistake not knowing what home country means. Nothing was Obama, nothing was the Democrats ever. We can just assume anything they say is just innocent. Not like Republicans. They don't make mistakes ever.

I'm more curious though how you think my saying Obama was born in Hawaii is a "conspiracy." How do you figure that? Where do you think Obama was born? He said he was born in Kenya. Do you think he's right?
I never said that you thought Obama being born in Hawaii was a conspiracy. I’m saying you sound like a conspiracy nut.

I guess in your world, no one ever makes mistakes? Is that what you want us to believe?

(the only mistake Michelle made was assuming any of you had a lick of sense to know what she was talking about).

Obama and his ho BOTH said he was born in Kenya and you just say they are all mistakes which proves you right. Talk about a conspiracy nut. Obama and his wife are both conspiring against him?

And I said Obama was born in Hawaii and you called me a conspiracy nut. Another "mistake?"
So now you're a birther? I said Obama was born in Hawaii and you called me a conspiracy nut

You think an error in a publishing pamphlet somehow makes Obama a birther. This holding on to scraps of out of context information is what conspiracy nuts do.

This isn't even the topic.

Trump was trolling the nation by promoting his birtherism. That's not like anything any president had ever done. It's just destructive. We have enough conspiracy nuts out there, no need to put one in the white house.

Exactly. Obama's publisher made a "mistake." Michelle made a mistake not knowing what home country means. Nothing was Obama, nothing was the Democrats ever. We can just assume anything they say is just innocent. Not like Republicans. They don't make mistakes ever.

I'm more curious though how you think my saying Obama was born in Hawaii is a "conspiracy." How do you figure that? Where do you think Obama was born? He said he was born in Kenya. Do you think he's right?
I never said that you thought Obama being born in Hawaii was a conspiracy. I’m saying you sound like a conspiracy nut.

I guess in your world, no one ever makes mistakes? Is that what you want us to believe?

(the only mistake Michelle made was assuming any of you had a lick of sense to know what she was talking about).

Obama and his ho BOTH said he was born in Kenya and you just say they are all mistakes which proves you right. Talk about a conspiracy nut. Obama and his wife are both conspiring against him?

And I said Obama was born in Hawaii and you called me a conspiracy nut. Another "mistake?"
Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

You’re lying.
So now you're a birther? I said Obama was born in Hawaii and you called me a conspiracy nut

You think an error in a publishing pamphlet somehow makes Obama a birther. This holding on to scraps of out of context information is what conspiracy nuts do.

This isn't even the topic.

Trump was trolling the nation by promoting his birtherism. That's not like anything any president had ever done. It's just destructive. We have enough conspiracy nuts out there, no need to put one in the white house.

Exactly. Obama's publisher made a "mistake." Michelle made a mistake not knowing what home country means. Nothing was Obama, nothing was the Democrats ever. We can just assume anything they say is just innocent. Not like Republicans. They don't make mistakes ever.

I'm more curious though how you think my saying Obama was born in Hawaii is a "conspiracy." How do you figure that? Where do you think Obama was born? He said he was born in Kenya. Do you think he's right?
I never said that you thought Obama being born in Hawaii was a conspiracy. I’m saying you sound like a conspiracy nut.

I guess in your world, no one ever makes mistakes? Is that what you want us to believe?

(the only mistake Michelle made was assuming any of you had a lick of sense to know what she was talking about).

Obama and his ho BOTH said he was born in Kenya and you just say they are all mistakes which proves you right. Talk about a conspiracy nut. Obama and his wife are both conspiring against him?

And I said Obama was born in Hawaii and you called me a conspiracy nut. Another "mistake?"
Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

You’re lying.

Your lame excuse that Obama's publishers look up the fathers of their authors and use their birth location was rejected as the stupid crap that it is.

But you're not answering where you think Obama was born since I said Hawaii and you called me a conspiracy nut
So now you're a birther? I said Obama was born in Hawaii and you called me a conspiracy nut

You think an error in a publishing pamphlet somehow makes Obama a birther. This holding on to scraps of out of context information is what conspiracy nuts do.

This isn't even the topic.

Trump was trolling the nation by promoting his birtherism. That's not like anything any president had ever done. It's just destructive. We have enough conspiracy nuts out there, no need to put one in the white house.

Exactly. Obama's publisher made a "mistake." Michelle made a mistake not knowing what home country means. Nothing was Obama, nothing was the Democrats ever. We can just assume anything they say is just innocent. Not like Republicans. They don't make mistakes ever.

I'm more curious though how you think my saying Obama was born in Hawaii is a "conspiracy." How do you figure that? Where do you think Obama was born? He said he was born in Kenya. Do you think he's right?
I never said that you thought Obama being born in Hawaii was a conspiracy. I’m saying you sound like a conspiracy nut.

I guess in your world, no one ever makes mistakes? Is that what you want us to believe?

(the only mistake Michelle made was assuming any of you had a lick of sense to know what she was talking about).

Obama and his ho BOTH said he was born in Kenya and you just say they are all mistakes which proves you right. Talk about a conspiracy nut. Obama and his wife are both conspiring against him?

And I said Obama was born in Hawaii and you called me a conspiracy nut. Another "mistake?"
Obama never said he was born in Kenya.

You’re lying.

Your lame excuse that Obama's publishers look up the fathers of their authors and use their birth location was rejected as the stupid crap that it is.

But you're not answering where you think Obama was born since I said Hawaii and you called me a conspiracy nut
I don’t know what happened, just saying it’s a rational explanation. Far more rational than you’re being. Either way, clearly a minor mistake. Do people in your world make mistakes?

Obama was born in Hawaii and all I did was say you sound like a conspiracy but. You probably are in other ways even if you’re not a birther.

But the conflation of these mistakes with Trump’s birtherism is what defies all logic and rationality even if you did ever admit that you lied about Obama claiming to be born in Kenya (which you never will).
Colfax Don't mind these idiots They see trump getting his ass kicked and they're fighting back Wait till after he's gone Their wailing will be like music to my ears
Your lame excuse that Obama's publishers look up the fathers of their authors and use their birth location was rejected as the stupid crap that it is.

But you're not answering where you think Obama was born since I said Hawaii and you called me a conspiracy nut
I don’t know what happened, just saying it’s a rational explanation. Far more rational than you’re being. Either way, clearly a minor mistake. Do people in your world make mistakes?

Obama was born in Hawaii and all I did was say you sound like a conspiracy but. You probably are in other ways even if you’re not a birther.

But the conflation of these mistakes with Trump’s birtherism is what defies all logic and rationality even if you did ever admit that you lied about Obama claiming to be born in Kenya (which you never will).

Right. You came up with this wild ass theory that somehow Obama's publisher accidentally listed his father's birth place as if they'd have any f'ing idea where his father was even born.

Does your boss know where your father was born?

Then with the Mooch saying he was born in Kenya, you said that was a mistake too.

You keep wanting me to prove that they meant what they said and it wasn't a mistake. Apparently it's not your job to prove your claim they were mistakes.

Just more of your stupid crap
Your lame excuse that Obama's publishers look up the fathers of their authors and use their birth location was rejected as the stupid crap that it is.

But you're not answering where you think Obama was born since I said Hawaii and you called me a conspiracy nut
I don’t know what happened, just saying it’s a rational explanation. Far more rational than you’re being. Either way, clearly a minor mistake. Do people in your world make mistakes?

Obama was born in Hawaii and all I did was say you sound like a conspiracy but. You probably are in other ways even if you’re not a birther.

But the conflation of these mistakes with Trump’s birtherism is what defies all logic and rationality even if you did ever admit that you lied about Obama claiming to be born in Kenya (which you never will).

Right. You came up with this wild ass theory that somehow Obama's publisher accidentally listed his father's birth place as if they'd have any f'ing idea where his father was even born.

Does your boss know where your father was born?

Then with the Mooch saying he was born in Kenya, you said that was a mistake too.

You keep wanting me to prove that they meant what they said and it wasn't a mistake. Apparently it's not your job to prove your claim they were mistakes.

Just more of your stupid crap

So I see you’re going to continue to avoid admitting you lied about Obama claiming to have been born in Kenya?

Hypothetically, it someone says they were born in Hawaii a thousand times and ones says they were born in Kenya, would you think that one time is a mistake? Of course you would, unless you’re a conspiracy nut.

But what does this have to do with Trump trolling the nation with his birtherism? Seems you’re desperate to avoid this too.
And yes, Trump is a Traitor....for taking help from the Russians, in order to win the 2016 election....

What was that Russian help again?
Hacking the DNC and Podesta and disseminating their private emails to the public.

Hacking the DNC and Podesta and disseminating their private emails to the public.

Making Dem wrongdoing public must have really hurt Hillary.

There was no wrongdoing exposed.

There was no wrongdoing exposed.

Emails that exposed no wrongdoing were released by the Russians and cost Hillary the election?

Not sure if it "cost" her election, but it certainly helped. We could release Trump's financials, it might not show any wrongdoing but it would be damaging.

Not sure if it "cost" her election, but it certainly helped.

Why would emails, with nothing bad in them, harm Clinton?

"Bad" and "wrongdoing" are different concepts, and you've used them interchangeably.

As I said, it's not that there was anything wrong, but that they could be portrayed as such. As other posters have said, people have the impression that those emails demonstrated the DNC rigged the election, which is not true.

As I said, it's not that there was anything wrong, but that they could be portrayed as such.

What things in the emails were portrayed as wrong?
Your lame excuse that Obama's publishers look up the fathers of their authors and use their birth location was rejected as the stupid crap that it is.

But you're not answering where you think Obama was born since I said Hawaii and you called me a conspiracy nut
I don’t know what happened, just saying it’s a rational explanation. Far more rational than you’re being. Either way, clearly a minor mistake. Do people in your world make mistakes?

Obama was born in Hawaii and all I did was say you sound like a conspiracy but. You probably are in other ways even if you’re not a birther.

But the conflation of these mistakes with Trump’s birtherism is what defies all logic and rationality even if you did ever admit that you lied about Obama claiming to be born in Kenya (which you never will).

Right. You came up with this wild ass theory that somehow Obama's publisher accidentally listed his father's birth place as if they'd have any f'ing idea where his father was even born.

Does your boss know where your father was born?

Then with the Mooch saying he was born in Kenya, you said that was a mistake too.

You keep wanting me to prove that they meant what they said and it wasn't a mistake. Apparently it's not your job to prove your claim they were mistakes.

Just more of your stupid crap

So I see you’re going to continue to avoid admitting you lied about Obama claiming to have been born in Kenya?

Hypothetically, it someone says they were born in Hawaii a thousand times and ones says they were born in Kenya, would you think that one time is a mistake? Of course you would, unless you’re a conspiracy nut.

But what does this have to do with Trump trolling the nation with his birtherism? Seems you’re desperate to avoid this too.

No, I've never accidentally told anyone that I wasn't born in the United States like Obama did. Not even once.

Maybe when his publisher asked Obama where he was born, he should have phoned a friend rather than getting it wrong.

And now you think a birther is someone who thinks Obama was born in Hawaii? You're just getting more and more ridiculous
Investigation of Russian interference in 2016 election SENATE INTEL .....Which means traitors your own senate knows it was crooked,,,,but we know you don't give a damn He's your crook
/——-/ Breaking News: Libtards love guilty pleas on the Russia Collusion. Here’s one:
Former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith plead guilty Wednesday in federal court to making a false statement in the first criminal case arising from U.S. Attorney John Durham’s review of the investigation into links between Russia and the 2016 Trump campaign.
Ex-FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith pleads guilty in first criminal case arising from Durham probe
No, I've never accidentally told anyone that I wasn't born in the United States like Obama did.
Still sticking with this lie, huh?

Obviously it's true. Publishers ask their authors where they were born. Your claim that they make it up or look up where their father was born and use that is moronic.

Obama was the original birther, the first to accuse himself of being born in Kenya. And his wife Mooch was second. Hillary was third. Trump was down the line later after them
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