The next "military" rifle that will send the gunophobes into a tizzy.

Fascism was embraced by hardline Italian conservatives. Look at the fascists of the 20th century. None of them were liberals.

Conservatives are LIMITED GOVERNMENT

Liberals (aka Progressives, Communists, Socialists and Fascist) are government Uber Alles

Fascism is Left Wing, not right wing
Nope. You're ignorant. Fascism is hard right. Why don't you read about the Fascists of the 20th century?
Many experts agree that fascism is a mass political movement that emphasizes extreme nationalism, militarism, and the supremacy of both the nation and the single, powerful leader over the individual citizen. This model of government stands in contrast to liberal democracies, which support individual rights, competitive elections, and political dissent.

Nothing here indicates fascism is inherently right-wing
Ok. Let me get this straight. For what? 70 years now people have studied it. Thousands around the globe have gotten Doctoral Degrees on it. Many thousands more have gotten Masters Degrees on it. Today tens of thousands are studying Political Science in Universities around the planet. They are all wrong because you say so.

I think I understand. My personal definition says you are an inveterate liar. I presume so you can encourage people to feel comfortable with the Extreme Right. Unfortunately for you. Most of us. Including more than 95% of Veterans, which started this, disagree with you.
It’s the political Flat Earthers!! You cannot seriously believe that Fascism supports the right wing concepts of individualism, Liberty and Freedom?! You’ve been lied to!!
I kinda said that in the post:

Guns are like tools.

And just like each tool has a specific purpose each type of gun does as well.

We don't hunt anymore. So a gun is just protection for the home or perhaps a wandering copperhead. We don't have a lot of "specific purposes."

My 80 year old grandmother in rural Mississippi did shoot birdshot at some creep who was cutting her screens in the middle of the night. That was 50 years ago.

Of course that was the only gun she had.
It’s the political Flat Earthers!! You cannot seriously believe that Fascism supports the right wing concepts of individualism, Liberty and Freedom?! You’ve been lied to!!

Individualism, Liberty, and Freedom. Interesting. Where exactly are these RW ideals evident? None of the Republican controlled states embrace them. Certainly not the political standard bearers. Florida and Texas.

Let’s begin with the obvious. Liberty, Freedom, and Individualism are all the same things. The challenge isn’t that. It is Liberty and Equality.
Individualism, Liberty, and Freedom. Interesting. Where exactly are these RW ideals evident? None of the Republican controlled states embrace them. Certainly not the political standard bearers. Florida and Texas.

Let’s begin with the obvious. Liberty, Freedom, and Individualism are all the same things. The challenge isn’t that. It is Liberty and Equality.

Equality of what?? Equal under the law? Equal results?

Florida and Texas, no income tax
Lol 🤣 are you kidding? Since when do the Trumpies support individualism and Liberty? You're being skunked by nouveau riche morons.

So you see how wrong you are about Fascism being right wing and that's your response? I suppose that's progress
We don't hunt anymore. So a gun is just protection for the home or perhaps a wandering copperhead. We don't have a lot of "specific purposes."

My 80 year old grandmother in rural Mississippi did shoot birdshot at some creep who was cutting her screens in the middle of the night. That was 50 years ago.

Of course that was the only gun she had.
That's the beauty of the Taurus Judge. It is a revolver that shoots a 410 round OR a 45 long colt.
Notice Fidel promised the world when he was taking over Cuba and the FIRST THING he and Che did after they won was to disarm his slaves! He didn't live up yo ANY of his promises (Surprise! Surprise!!)
The people who wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights would, today, be called right-wing extremists.

Actually no. They would be denounced as Liberals by the Right. They would be called Socialists by many here now.

It was the Conservatives who joined the British in an effort to put down the Revolution.

I’m sorry. But your ideal of History is just wrong.
Actually no. They would be denounced as Liberals by the Right. They would be called Socialists by many here now.
In precise terms, how did the people who wrote the constitution and the bill of rights support socialism?
I’m sorry. But your ideal of History is just wrong.
Says he who fails to understand the difference between classic and mondern American liberals.
The Democrats of the 1960s would be called right-wing extremists today.

Actually. No. They pushed Civil Rights legislation and launched investigations into the KKK and other racist groups.

It was JFK who ordered the Federal Marshalls and National Guard to move Governor Wallace out of the way to desegregate the schools.

This is not the actions of a Conservative.

Pouring tons of money into NASA for a goal that was only just barely possible. Not very conservative.

I’m not sure why this effort to rewrite history is ongoing. But frankly I am not surprised. The Conservatives are desperate to avoid the obvious comparisons with Fascist Italy, Spain, Germany, and many other RW Dictatorships.
The "broomhandle" Mauser had a six round magazine.

Yes. And Han shot first...


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