The next president of the United States

Old, white. No chance.
Not unless they think that he is bat crap crazy enough to be used by the evil ones (the Demon-crats). They were counting on hillbilly to be gullable enough, and power hungry enough to be used during her would be term as the first female president.

When will this nation wake the hell up to what is going on in all this bullcrap ??

Watching or listening to what are supposed to be highly intelligent people, having to contend with the likes of AOC, and others is a remarkable thing. I just sit back in amazement that these progs have actually gotten as far as they have in the system.

What happened ? Being baited into debates with scatter brains is an amazing thing. Hard to believe really.
That's a pretty twisted bunch of bantering about something.
Did Bill know she was all spiffyed up like that for Putin ?? Looks like she had her best ear rings and necklace on...
I think post-Lewinsky , one of her main goals was always to make Bill jealous . It would be interesting to see her list of partners - maybe her and Bammers in the Oval Office when Michelle was busy in the garden ?? I bet she banged Comey a few times.....maybe a 3-some with Mueller.
Sure they do. They didn’t know in 2016. That came as a shock which cracked the psyche of many of them. They thought the fix was in, that they had imported enough voters and that the media would destroy a trump.
They know better now:)
They don't know- it's why they're testing the waters with all these candidates and upcoming early debates scheduled. If Sanders comes out even with Biden the DNC and MSM won't sabotage him this time--that's the lesson they would have learned.

The sabotage will be subtle. The media want democrats to stick it to white males and Christians. And they can’t beat trump. Like a sports team 2020 is a rebuilding year so they will insist on a female or at least a non white. Biden’s self loathing isn’t enough.
And though Sanders is Jewish they can’t help but worry he will be perceived as white. Besides you have the AOC and Ilyan factions to satisfy.
In the end your candidate will be who the multinational media conglomerates pick for you. .
I thought you liked Democrats? You wanted Bernie to win. Bernie supported Hillary.
He had no plausible choice. Going third party would have been suicide.
That would seem to be the best choice for you, you allegedly hate Hillary even more than Trump.

You don't die from losing an election.
Proof of Bernie's life being threatened;
That would seem to be the best choice for you, you allegedly hate Hillary even more than Trump.

You don't die from losing an election.
" Bernie, if you start a third party they'll kill you. "
I thought you liked Democrats? You wanted Bernie to win. Bernie supported Hillary.
He had no plausible choice. Going third party would have been suicide.
That would seem to be the best choice for you, you allegedly hate Hillary even more than Trump.

You don't die from losing an election.

Had Sanders went third party, I would have voted for him. A lot better choice than Clinton or Trump. I didn’t agree with him however he was mush more sincere than the other two. That ship has sailed for me, he lost my vote with his campaign hire.
I don't care who the POTUS is in 2020 so long as it's not Trump or a Progressive extremist like Sanders.
In November 2020 Bernie will be 79 years old. He's already senile, developing Alzheimers and will probably be on life support by that time. Why 18-30 year old voters are infatuated with him is puzzling.
He's only about 5 years older than Trump.
yea he is to old too....i wont consider either one,age is a big thing with a pressure packed job like this one........
I thought you liked Democrats? You wanted Bernie to win. Bernie supported Hillary.
He had no plausible choice. Going third party would have been suicide.
That would seem to be the best choice for you, you allegedly hate Hillary even more than Trump.

You don't die from losing an election.

Had Sanders went third party, I would have voted for him. A lot better choice than Clinton or Trump. I didn’t agree with him however he was mush more sincere than the other two. That ship has sailed for me, he lost my vote with his campaign hire.
bernie turned out to be a wuss and a hypocrite.....
In November 2020 Bernie will be 79 years old. He's already senile, developing Alzheimers and will probably be on life support by that time. Why 18-30 year old voters are infatuated with him is puzzling.
For the same reason they loved Ron Paul. He's the grandpa they never had.

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