The next president of the United States

In November 2020 Bernie will be 79 years old. He's already senile, developing Alzheimers and will probably be on life support by that time. Why 18-30 year old voters are infatuated with him is puzzling.
If Trump gets senile & Alzheimers, how will we tell?

I'd say if he spells his own wife's name wrong that's a pretty good measure of Alz .... oh wait.

I thought you liked Democrats? You wanted Bernie to win. Bernie supported Hillary.
He had no plausible choice. Going third party would have been suicide.
That would seem to be the best choice for you, you allegedly hate Hillary even more than Trump.

You don't die from losing an election.

Had Sanders went third party, I would have voted for him. A lot better choice than Clinton or Trump. I didn’t agree with him however he was mush more sincere than the other two. That ship has sailed for me, he lost my vote with his campaign hire.
bernie turned out to be a wuss and a hypocrite.....

Yep, not the guy I’d want.
In November 2020 Bernie will be 79 years old. He's already senile, developing Alzheimers and will probably be on life support by that time. Why 18-30 year old voters are infatuated with him is puzzling.
If Trump gets senile & Alzheimers, how will we tell?

I'd say if he spells his own wife's name wrong that's a pretty good measure of Alz .... oh wait.


Remember your spelling rules, Pogo? E before A except after N.
I thought you liked Democrats? You wanted Bernie to win. Bernie supported Hillary.
He had no plausible choice. Going third party would have been suicide.

And I'm not for that with either party. If you are a Dem, be a Dem. If you are a Republican, be a Republican. Don't just jump on board come election time to gain a base with the name and seek their nomination.

Either way while he has an enthusiastic group supporting him, last time he couldn't unseat one of the least liked Democratic candidates in a LONG time... I hope that doesn't change.
In November 2020 Bernie will be 79 years old. He's already senile, developing Alzheimers and will probably be on life support by that time. Why 18-30 year old voters are infatuated with him is puzzling.
If Trump gets senile & Alzheimers, how will we tell?

I'd say if he spells his own wife's name wrong that's a pretty good measure of Alz .... oh wait.


Remember your spelling rules, Pogo? E before A except after N.

--- "or when sounded as A,
as in the spouse you see every day"
Will be Bernie Sanders.
Here he is in Iowa last week already gathering momentum for
an election that's still 20 months away.

You can talk about Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Donald Trump all you want, but they don't have what Bernie has....a real enthusiastic following. My biggest hope right now as far as the 2020 election is the he picks Tulsi Gabbard to be VP.

There was a very good reason that the Founding Fathers excluded Bernie from the rest of the Founding Fathers.

Ever consider that?
Bernie sold his soul in 2016. Threw away an entire career of rhetoric.
Fuck him
Bernie sold his soul in 2016. Threw away an entire career of rhetoric.
Fuck him

Yea, but he got a fancy new red sports car and a cool million dollar house by the lake, so all in all, I'd say he did pretty well for himself.

Keep fighting those evil white, rich, capitalists Bernie!!
It'll be interesting to watch this. We'll get a pretty good idea of how far Left the party has moved.

The Democrats could still end up keeping the Regressives under control and run a more moderate candidate.

That depends on the leadership. So far they are scared shitless of the new, younger freshmen like the Hani sisters and the rich Mexican gal from the Bronx’s?
Bernie sold his soul in 2016. Threw away an entire career of rhetoric.
Fuck him

Yea, but he got a fancy new red sports car and a cool million dollar house by the lake, so all in all, I'd say he did pretty well for himself.

Keep fighting those evil white, rich, capitalists Bernie!!

Amazing how that house from his wife's inheritance has skyrocketed in value so fast.

Guy must know way more about real estate than Rump.
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I thought you liked Democrats? You wanted Bernie to win. Bernie supported Hillary.
He had no plausible choice. Going third party would have been suicide.

And I'm not for that with either party. If you are a Dem, be a Dem. If you are a Republican, be a Republican. Don't just jump on board come election time to gain a base with the name and seek their nomination.

Why not? For better or worse running with the Duopoly is THE only way to get elected in this broken system. Your only other option is to pull a George Wallace and try to siphon off enough votes from both sides so that neither gets a 270 and the election gets thrown to the House of Reps. And that means literally undermining the whole election.

Is that really preferable?

Either way while he has an enthusiastic group supporting him, last time he couldn't unseat one of the least liked Democratic candidates in a LONG time... I hope that doesn't change.

Kind of hard to unseat in a rigged system. One word: "superdelegates".
It’s impossible to know if Sanders would have won a general election against Trump, but if he wasn’t the perfect antithesis to beat him, then why does the current slate of 2020 opponents seem to resemble him so closely? I understand—and love—that when they look in the mirror they don’t see an aged white man, but what they do see in that mirror is his platform. His enthusiasm. His disregard for the establishment. His penchant for change. Much like Hillary Clinton punched deep cracks in the glass ceiling for women (and we may see the result of that in 2020 too), Sanders paved the way for bold progressives across the country.
Bernie Sanders Has Already Won 2020
I thought you liked Democrats? You wanted Bernie to win. Bernie supported Hillary.
He had no plausible choice. Going third party would have been suicide.

And I'm not for that with either party. If you are a Dem, be a Dem. If you are a Republican, be a Republican. Don't just jump on board come election time to gain a base with the name and seek their nomination.

Why not? For better or worse running with the Duopoly is THE only way to get elected in this broken system. Your only other option is to pull a George Wallace and try to siphon off enough votes from both sides so that neither gets a 270 and the election gets thrown to the House of Reps. And that means literally undermining the whole election.

Is that really preferable?

Either way while he has an enthusiastic group supporting him, last time he couldn't unseat one of the least liked Democratic candidates in a LONG time... I hope that doesn't change.

Kind of hard to unseat in a rigged system. One word: "superdelegates".

Part is I'm not a Bernie fan.

But the only way he can run as a Democrat is to embrace their ideals. Otherwise if he doesn't he's basically a lame duck in office. Kinda like where Jesse Ventura was when he was governor of Minnesota. So he's just another Dem but on the more extreme side which has no attraction to me.
It’s impossible to know if Sanders would have won a general election against Trump, but if he wasn’t the perfect antithesis to beat him, then why does the current slate of 2020 opponents seem to resemble him so closely? I understand—and love—that when they look in the mirror they don’t see an aged white man, but what they do see in that mirror is his platform. His enthusiasm. His disregard for the establishment. His penchant for change. Much like Hillary Clinton punched deep cracks in the glass ceiling for women (and we may see the result of that in 2020 too), Sanders paved the way for bold progressives across the country.
Bernie Sanders Has Already Won 2020

I guess it's a fools dream for me, but when it comes to politics I would rather see the antithesis to Trump on the fringe extreme to be someone more centered myself.
Does anyone not believe that if Bernie Sanders had joined Jill Stein to form
a real Independent party, or even if he had joined the Green Party, that they would have easily won a 3-way race with Trump and Clinton ? Keep in mind the progressives that hated Hillary and the conservatives who didn't really like Trump. Sanders/Stein 2016 would have gotten the lion's share of votes.

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