The next president of the United States

For the next 20 months the Far right radicals will be digging as far as they can, and creating fake conspiracy theories about Sanders. This might be the craziest next 20 months you'll ever see.

All those conspiracy stuff posted about Hillary last election will be a drop in the bucket compared to this next election.

Wait till the rumor comes out about Bernie being an albino Ubangi witch doctor.
For the next 20 months the Far right radicals will be digging as far as they can, and creating fake conspiracy theories about Sanders. This might be the craziest next 20 months you'll ever see.

All those conspiracy stuff posted about Hillary last election will be a drop in the bucket compared to this next election.

Wait till the rumor comes out about Bernie being an albino Ubangi witch doctor.

Ubangist! :death:
The next President of the United States is already sitting in the White House.


So, you'll vote Trump even if he is indicted?
You can't indict a President for winning the election.

The left is definitely trying.
Will be Bernie Sanders.
Here he is in Iowa last week already gathering momentum for
an election that's still 20 months away.

You can talk about Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Donald Trump all you want, but they don't have what Bernie has....a real enthusiastic following. My biggest hope right now as far as the 2020 election is the he picks Tulsi Gabbard to be VP.

Democrats are already plotting how they'll steal the nomination from Bernie. BTW drawing adoring crowds in the People's Republic of Iowa City is no big feat.

Which makes sense. If next cycle Joe Biden says "I'm now running as a republican" with no change to his platforms, I'd hope the Republicans pushed him out the door too. But that's my opinion. You want the party nomination, join the party.

Again --- what does that even mean, to "join a party"?

If one runs as, in this case, a "Republican", that means they got the endorsement of the Republican Party. That's all it means. It tells us nothing about the candidate personally.

No it doesn't tell you completely about them personally. But my thought is if you want to run for their party you should be a member. If you want to be an independent then run as an independent.

If you want to be independent of the party, not fundraise for them, campaign for them, etc, but just show up when they can help you, that's just something I think would be fine if we didn't have.

I just think if you aren't willing to join the party through your political career, then if they don't welcome you with open arms to win their nomination that's okay to me.
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Will be Bernie Sanders.
Here he is in Iowa last week already gathering momentum for
an election that's still 20 months away.

You can talk about Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Donald Trump all you want, but they don't have what Bernie has....a real enthusiastic following. My biggest hope right now as far as the 2020 election is the he picks Tulsi Gabbard to be VP.

Democrats are already plotting how they'll steal the nomination from Bernie. BTW drawing adoring crowds in the People's Republic of Iowa City is no big feat.

Which makes sense. If next cycle Joe Biden says "I'm now running as a republican" with no change to his platforms, I'd hope the Republicans pushed him out the door too. But that's my opinion. You want the party nomination, join the party.

Again --- what does that even mean, to "join a party"?

If one runs as, in this case, a "Republican", that means they got the endorsement of the Republican Party. That's all it means. It tells us nothing about the candidate personally.

Well parties have platforms. For example if Hillary kept her ideals and said "I'm running for the rep
Will be Bernie Sanders.
Here he is in Iowa last week already gathering momentum for
an election that's still 20 months away.

You can talk about Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Donald Trump all you want, but they don't have what Bernie has....a real enthusiastic following. My biggest hope right now as far as the 2020 election is the he picks Tulsi Gabbard to be VP.

Democrats are already plotting how they'll steal the nomination from Bernie. BTW drawing adoring crowds in the People's Republic of Iowa City is no big feat.

Which makes sense. If next cycle Joe Biden says "I'm now running as a republican" with no change to his platforms, I'd hope the Republicans pushed him out the door too. But that's my opinion. You want the party nomination, join the party.

Again --- what does that even mean, to "join a party"?

If one runs as, in this case, a "Republican", that means they got the endorsement of the Republican Party. That's all it means. It tells us nothing about the candidate personally.

No it doesn't tell you completely about them personally. But my thought is if you want to run for their party you should be a member. If you want to be an independent then run as an independent.

I just think if you aren't willing to join the party through your political career, then if they don't welcome you with open arms to win their nomination that's okay to me.

I've still got no answer on what it means to "join" a party. To register in their name, that's it? What's the point?

Absolutely true, the party is going to nominate who it wants to nominate, and the "primaries" are bread and circus to make it look like a real thing. But that's all it is --- a cartel. You get two subcartels, one red, one blue, and they control everything. Go outside the cartel, you go nowhere. Think of the two together as a Mob. It may feel nice and idealistic to fantasize about breaking the system from the outside but it's not gonna happen in the real world as long as Duopoly rules. Therefore you run red or you run blue, and those are your only choices. Regardless of anybody's ideals.
Thanks for the heads does that mean we can just bypass the Democrat primaries and general election declare a winner? It would save a lot of time and money and we wouldn't have to put up with those dam non stop political robocalls.
Will be Bernie Sanders.
Here he is in Iowa last week already gathering momentum for
an election that's still 20 months away.

You can talk about Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Donald Trump all you want, but they don't have what Bernie has....a real enthusiastic following. My biggest hope right now as far as the 2020 election is the he picks Tulsi Gabbard to be VP.

If Crazy Bernie does become President, the first order of business for the Resistance in January 2021 will be the establishment of a Special Counsel to look into the Burlington College scandal with his wife. Sanders is a corrupt piece of crap, that really needs to be ruined, along with anyone in his entourage.
Will be Bernie Sanders.
Here he is in Iowa last week already gathering momentum for
an election that's still 20 months away.

You can talk about Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Donald Trump all you want, but they don't have what Bernie has....a real enthusiastic following. My biggest hope right now as far as the 2020 election is the he picks Tulsi Gabbard to be VP.

Democrats are already plotting how they'll steal the nomination from Bernie. BTW drawing adoring crowds in the People's Republic of Iowa City is no big feat.

Which makes sense. If next cycle Joe Biden says "I'm now running as a republican" with no change to his platforms, I'd hope the Republicans pushed him out the door too. But that's my opinion. You want the party nomination, join the party.

Again --- what does that even mean, to "join a party"?

If one runs as, in this case, a "Republican", that means they got the endorsement of the Republican Party. That's all it means. It tells us nothing about the candidate personally.

Well parties have platforms. For example if Hillary kept her ideals and said "I'm running for the rep
Will be Bernie Sanders.
Here he is in Iowa last week already gathering momentum for
an election that's still 20 months away.

You can talk about Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Donald Trump all you want, but they don't have what Bernie has....a real enthusiastic following. My biggest hope right now as far as the 2020 election is the he picks Tulsi Gabbard to be VP.

Democrats are already plotting how they'll steal the nomination from Bernie. BTW drawing adoring crowds in the People's Republic of Iowa City is no big feat.

Which makes sense. If next cycle Joe Biden says "I'm now running as a republican" with no change to his platforms, I'd hope the Republicans pushed him out the door too. But that's my opinion. You want the party nomination, join the party.

Again --- what does that even mean, to "join a party"?

If one runs as, in this case, a "Republican", that means they got the endorsement of the Republican Party. That's all it means. It tells us nothing about the candidate personally.

No it doesn't tell you completely about them personally. But my thought is if you want to run for their party you should be a member. If you want to be an independent then run as an independent.

I just think if you aren't willing to join the party through your political career, then if they don't welcome you with open arms to win their nomination that's okay to me.

I've still got no answer on what it means to "join" a party. To register in their name, that's it? What's the point?

Absolutely true, the party is going to nominate who it wants to nominate, and the "primaries" are bread and circus to make it look like a real thing. But that's all it is --- a cartel. You get two subcartels, one red, one blue, and they control everything. Go outside the cartel, you go nowhere. Think of the two together as a Mob. It may feel nice and idealistic to fantasize about breaking the system from the outside but it's not gonna happen in the real world as long as Duopoly rules. Therefore you run red or you run blue, and those are your only choices. Regardless of anybody's ideals.

Well one is to say "in this election I will be opposing your parties candidates"

And if you want to run blue then run blue. Don't run to beat the guy running blue, then decide that is the group you want to join for your political gain as you choose. That's it.

Or in Sanders case run as a Dem, then decline the nomination to ensure the Democratic party can't field a candidate to oppose you in the general election. Then expect them to welcome you with open arms to do it again.

I just am fine if the party you run against to keep out of an election doesn't want you using their party when it suits you only
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Will be Bernie Sanders.
Here he is in Iowa last week already gathering momentum for
an election that's still 20 months away.

You can talk about Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Donald Trump all you want, but they don't have what Bernie has....a real enthusiastic following. My biggest hope right now as far as the 2020 election is the he picks Tulsi Gabbard to be VP.

He’s a Soviet. You really want to forfeit the Cold War win? Are you that naive?
Democrats are already plotting how they'll steal the nomination from Bernie. BTW drawing adoring crowds in the People's Republic of Iowa City is no big feat.

Which makes sense. If next cycle Joe Biden says "I'm now running as a republican" with no change to his platforms, I'd hope the Republicans pushed him out the door too. But that's my opinion. You want the party nomination, join the party.

Again --- what does that even mean, to "join a party"?

If one runs as, in this case, a "Republican", that means they got the endorsement of the Republican Party. That's all it means. It tells us nothing about the candidate personally.

Well parties have platforms. For example if Hillary kept her ideals and said "I'm running for the rep
Democrats are already plotting how they'll steal the nomination from Bernie. BTW drawing adoring crowds in the People's Republic of Iowa City is no big feat.

Which makes sense. If next cycle Joe Biden says "I'm now running as a republican" with no change to his platforms, I'd hope the Republicans pushed him out the door too. But that's my opinion. You want the party nomination, join the party.

Again --- what does that even mean, to "join a party"?

If one runs as, in this case, a "Republican", that means they got the endorsement of the Republican Party. That's all it means. It tells us nothing about the candidate personally.

No it doesn't tell you completely about them personally. But my thought is if you want to run for their party you should be a member. If you want to be an independent then run as an independent.

I just think if you aren't willing to join the party through your political career, then if they don't welcome you with open arms to win their nomination that's okay to me.

I've still got no answer on what it means to "join" a party. To register in their name, that's it? What's the point?

Absolutely true, the party is going to nominate who it wants to nominate, and the "primaries" are bread and circus to make it look like a real thing. But that's all it is --- a cartel. You get two subcartels, one red, one blue, and they control everything. Go outside the cartel, you go nowhere. Think of the two together as a Mob. It may feel nice and idealistic to fantasize about breaking the system from the outside but it's not gonna happen in the real world as long as Duopoly rules. Therefore you run red or you run blue, and those are your only choices. Regardless of anybody's ideals.

Well one is to say "in this election I will be opposing your parties candidates"

And if you want to run blue then run blue. Don't run to beat the guy running blue, then decide that is the group you want to join for your political gain as you choose. That's it.

Or in Sanders case run as a Dem, then decline the nomination to ensure they can't field a candidate to oppose you in the election.

I just am fine if the party you run against to keep out of an election doesn't want you using their party when it suits you.

I'm afraid that IS the only function of a political party. It's the horse you ride to get to the office.
That's what I'm trying to tell you.

It doesn't mean anything ideologically --- it means "what will work in this time and place". That's why mayors like Frank Rizzo and Ray Nagin ran as Democrats .... they knew if you're going to run a city that's the only way you get elected. That's simply practical, nothing to do with ideologies. That's why Strom Thurmond and Jesse Helms and Richard Shelby and Trent Lott et al jumped from Democrat to Republican. Same people with the same ideologies, jumping to a different horse because the odds had changed.

I keep bringing up the example of the sheriff in my town. In different years he runs as a Democrat or as a Republican, depending on whichever way he thinks the winds are blowing. Same guy doing the same job in the same way.

This is step one to overthrowing the Duopoly --- to be honest about what it IS. What it is NOT is anything "ideological". It's a racket, with the goal of attaining Power. I think the more we exalt them with this cockamamie idea that "Democrat" or "Republican" somehow mean something "pure", the longer the Duopoly stays entrenched.
Will be Bernie Sanders.
Here he is in Iowa last week already gathering momentum for
an election that's still 20 months away.

You can talk about Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Donald Trump all you want, but they don't have what Bernie has....a real enthusiastic following. My biggest hope right now as far as the 2020 election is the he picks Tulsi Gabbard to be VP.

He’s a Soviet. You really want to forfeit the Cold War win? Are you that naive?

Crazy Bernie actually honeymooned in the Soviet Freaking Union.

People were clamoring to leave, trying to climb over the Berlin Wall, and the Crazy One is vacationing in the Gulag with his bride Back in the USSR as the old standard says.

I won't say that Sanders is a traitor, but he is crooked- becoming a Multi Millionaire monetizing his time as an elected official. And he is crazy as a loon.
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Will be Bernie Sanders.
Here he is in Iowa last week already gathering momentum for
an election that's still 20 months away.

You can talk about Joe Biden, Elizabeth Warren and Donald Trump all you want, but they don't have what Bernie has....a real enthusiastic following. My biggest hope right now as far as the 2020 election is the he picks Tulsi Gabbard to be VP.

He’s a Soviet. You really want to forfeit the Cold War win? Are you that naive?

Crazy Bernie actually honeymooned in the Soviet Freaking Union.

People were clamoring to leave, trying to climb over the Berlin Wall, and the Crazy One is vacationing in the Gulag with his bride Back in the USSR as the old standard says.

I won't say that Sanders is a traitor, but he is crooked- becoming a Multi Millionaire monetizing his time as an elected official. And he is crazy as a loon.

"Multi Millioniare"?

Fucking bullshit. As always.

And btw the Berlin Wall was never in the Soviet Union. Fun fact.

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