The next presidential election and possible civil war.


Gold Member
Oct 28, 2023
Is dragging a US president through the courts a good idea? We know that third world countries and totalitarian societies try to criminalize people in front of controlled populations to demonstrate the goodness and neccessity of authoritarian government. Ocasionally a politician will arise that goes against the corruption of established leadership and exposes it as rotten. In closed societies this is often met with imprisonment, assassination, and even execution. Up until this election cycle the US was able to operate above this kind of ignorant barbarism. But when Donald Trump was the suprise winner of the presidency in 2016 all that changed.

When Trump got elected all the actors that were beneficieries of crooked government went into panic mode. Education and media in the US that had become public relations for the corruption of bad leadership realized that the jig could be up. Their gravy train was close to derailmant. The only option left to the hacks was to promulgate a mass psychosis onto the population and portray Trump as a kind of AntiChrist figure. Under reaonable circumstances this would be laughed off by free people in a free society especially considering the moronic, neurologically disabled, offering that the US government put up as an alternative.

But it is human nature that those who were fooled in the first place would never admit to being fooled. The government minions were so thoroughly brainwashed that there could no turning back. The useful idiots will never just give up and walk away. In order to save face and preserve a sense of self respect they will vote against the person that exposed them as centrally-planned dunces. So the next election will feature a skull-empty puppet of the government against an unlikely representative of the people's rejection of longstanding bad administrations on both sides of the aisle. Many will vote for puppet but it will probably not be enough. Even vote cheating will be much harder this time because too many eyes will be on the cheaters.

Assassination is not out of the picture and it could be used to keep Trump from taking power back if it is seen that what worked last time will not work this time. Let us hope that the ridiculous lawfare that is hamstringing Trump will end and that no assassination takes place because a second Civl War cannot be ruled out.
Is dragging a US president through the courts a good idea? We know that third world countries and totalitarian societies try to criminalize people in front of controlled populations to demonstrate the goodness and neccessity of authoritarian government. Ocasionally a politician will arise that goes against the corruption of established leadership and exposes it as rotten. In closed societies this is often met with imprisonment, assassination, and even execution. Up until this election cycle the US was able to operate above this kind of ignorant barbarism. But when Donald Trump was the suprise winner of the presidency in 2016 all that changed.

When Trump got elected all the actors that were beneficieries of crooked government went into panic mode. Education and media in the US that had become public relations for the corruption of bad leadership realized that the jig could be up. Their gravy train was close to derailmant. The only option left to the hacks was to promulgate a mass psychosis onto the population and portray Trump as a kind of AntiChrist figure. Under reaonable circumstances this would be laughed off by free people in a free society especially considering the moronic, neurologically disabled, offering that the US government put up as an alternative.

But it is human nature that those who were fooled in the first place would never admit to being fooled. The government minions were so thoroughly brainwashed that there could no turning back. The useful idiots will never just give up and walk away. In order to save face and preserve a sense of self respect they will vote against the person that exposed them as centrally-planned dunces. So the next election will feature a skull-empty puppet of the government against an unlikely representative of the people's rejection of longstanding bad administrations on both sides of the aisle. Many will vote for puppet but it will probably not be enough. Even vote cheating will be much harder this time because too many eyes will be on the cheaters.

Assassination is not out of the picture and it could be used to keep Trump from taking power back if it is seen that what worked last time will not work this time. Let us hope that the ridiculous lawfare that is hamstringing Trump will end and that no assassination takes place because a second Civl War cannot be ruled out.
Except we don't do that in this country. We have free and fair elections and the loser accepts defeat with grace. Only two times that hasn't happened in our history. 2000, where there were multiple court cases, but no insurrection, and the loser actually stood up in front of the Senate and declared his opponent the victor. And conceded and congratulated him...and then moved on. The other time was in 2020. Where the loser did not concede, did not offer a peaceful transition, and whipped his supporters up into a violent insurrection in order to stay in power.

It will be more fun watching Trump suffer. And he deserves every moment of it. :)
Except we don't do that in this country. We have free and fair elections and the loser accepts defeat with grace. Only two times that hasn't happened in our history. 2000, where there were multiple court cases, but no insurrection, and the loser actually stood up in front of the Senate and declared his opponent the victor. And conceded and congratulated him...and then moved on. The other time was in 2020. Where the loser did not concede, did not offer a peaceful transition, and whipped his supporters up into a violent insurrection in order to stay in power.

It will be more fun watching Trump suffer. And he deserves every moment of it. :)
LOL.That's the "useful idiot" version. Good luck with that by the way.
Is dragging a US president through the courts a good idea?
If he’s indicted for a felony...yes.
We know that third world countries and totalitarian societies try to criminalize people in front of controlled populations to demonstrate the goodness and neccessity of authoritarian government. Ocasionally a politician will arise that goes against the corruption of established leadership and exposes it as rotten. In closed societies this is often met with imprisonment, assassination, and even execution. Up until this election cycle the US was able to operate above this kind of ignorant barbarism. But when Donald Trump was the suprise winner of the presidency in 2016 all that changed.
No it didn’t. When the blob broke the law it changed.
When Trump got elected all the actors that were beneficieries of crooked government went into panic mode. Education and media in the US that had become public relations for the corruption of bad leadership realized that the jig could be up. Their gravy train was close to derailmant. The only option left to the hacks was to promulgate a mass psychosis onto the population and portray Trump as a kind of AntiChrist figure. Under reaonable circumstances this would be laughed off by free people in a free society especially considering the moronic, neurologically disabled, offering that the US government put up as an alternative.
LOL... You mean a guy who served like 48 years in the government, respected by all world leaders, etc...

Yeah, you’re nuts.
But it is human nature that those who were fooled in the first place would never admit to being fooled. The government minions were so thoroughly brainwashed that there could no turning back. The useful idiots will never just give up and walk away. In order to save face and preserve a sense of self respect they will vote against the person that exposed them as centrally-planned dunces. So the next election will feature a skull-empty puppet of the government against an unlikely representative of the people's rejection of longstanding bad administrations on both sides of the aisle. Many will vote for puppet but it will probably not be enough. Even vote cheating will be much harder this time because too many eyes will be on the cheaters.
There were no sizable cheaters in 2020.
Assassination is not out of the picture and it could be used to keep Trump from taking power back if it is seen that what worked last time will not work this time. Let us hope that the ridiculous lawfare that is hamstringing Trump will end and that no assassination takes place because a second Civl War cannot be ruled out.

If you really believed the blob was cheated out of an election in 2020, you’d be shooting people in the streets.

It will be amazing though...if the blob doesn’t get convicted in are you going to explain the “deep state” taking it easy on him?
Holding people to account for their illegal actions are what Liberal Democracies do. They get their day in court like everyone else in society. Unless they get pardoned like Nixon did, or the host of Trump psychophants did........
Except we don't do that in this country. We have free and fair elections and the loser accepts defeat with grace. Only two times that hasn't happened in our history. 2000, where there were multiple court cases, but no insurrection, and the loser actually stood up in front of the Senate and declared his opponent the victor. And conceded and congratulated him...and then moved on. The other time was in 2020. Where the loser did not concede, did not offer a peaceful transition, and whipped his supporters up into a violent insurrection in order to stay in power.

It will be more fun watching Trump suffer. And he deserves every moment of it. :)
Hell no, he shouldn`t have been "dragged through the courts". When his riot ended he should have been given a blindfold and a last donut. He was hired to do a job for 4 years and then he was fired by the voters, but he formed an ugly mob to vandalize his former workplace and beat up 130 cops. Something is seriously wrong with this country that allows that person to be on the ballot.
Hell no, he shouldn`t have been "dragged through the courts". When his riot ended he should have been given a blindfold and a last donut. He was hired to do a job for 4 years and then he was fired by the voters, but he formed an ugly mob to vandalize his former workplace and beat up 130 cops. Something is seriously wrong with this country that allows that person to be on the ballot.
The ignorant POS didn’t even have the decency to attend His successor’s inauguration.

The next presidential election and possible civil war.​

MAGA couldn't even steal the election in 2020, no matter how hard they tried. Many leaders of the attempted insurrection are in prisons or on probation and parole. This lame imitations of the Nazi Brownshirts will not declare a civil way. :auiqs.jpg: Most have friends, family, co-workers who turned them in. They are connected through online nonsense. The real world sees them for the fools they actually are.

Well we all have the right to speak our minds. The real question is this, how many of those in the clips went on to pursue unlawful means of subverting the election results? Like the Special prosecutor wrote:

"The Defendant had a right, like every American, to speak publicly about the election and even to claim, falsely, that there had been outcome-determinative fraud during the election and that he had won. He was also entitled to formally challenge the results of the election through lawful and appropriate means, such as by seeking recounts or audits of the popular vote in states or filing lawsuits challenging ballots and procedures. Indeed, in many cases, the Defendant did pursue these methods of contesting the election results. His efforts to change the outcome in any state through recounts, audits, or legal challenges were uniformly unsuccessful.

Shortly after election day, the Defendant also pursued unlawful means of discounting legitimate votes and subverting the election results. In so doing, the Defendant perpetrated three criminal conspiracies:"

Is dragging a US president through the courts a good idea? We know that third world countries and totalitarian societies try to criminalize people in front of controlled populations to demonstrate the goodness and neccessity of authoritarian government. Ocasionally a politician will arise that goes against the corruption of established leadership and exposes it as rotten. In closed societies this is often met with imprisonment, assassination, and even execution. Up until this election cycle the US was able to operate above this kind of ignorant barbarism. But when Donald Trump was the suprise winner of the presidency in 2016 all that changed.

When Trump got elected all the actors that were beneficieries of crooked government went into panic mode. Education and media in the US that had become public relations for the corruption of bad leadership realized that the jig could be up. Their gravy train was close to derailmant. The only option left to the hacks was to promulgate a mass psychosis onto the population and portray Trump as a kind of AntiChrist figure. Under reaonable circumstances this would be laughed off by free people in a free society especially considering the moronic, neurologically disabled, offering that the US government put up as an alternative.

But it is human nature that those who were fooled in the first place would never admit to being fooled. The government minions were so thoroughly brainwashed that there could no turning back. The useful idiots will never just give up and walk away. In order to save face and preserve a sense of self respect they will vote against the person that exposed them as centrally-planned dunces. So the next election will feature a skull-empty puppet of the government against an unlikely representative of the people's rejection of longstanding bad administrations on both sides of the aisle. Many will vote for puppet but it will probably not be enough. Even vote cheating will be much harder this time because too many eyes will be on the cheaters.

Assassination is not out of the picture and it could be used to keep Trump from taking power back if it is seen that what worked last time will not work this time. Let us hope that the ridiculous lawfare that is hamstringing Trump will end and that no assassination takes place because a second Civl War cannot be ruled out.
Don’t break the law don’t worry about being dragged through court…. Pretty simple
Well we all have the right to speak our minds. The real question is this, how many of those in the clips went on to pursue unlawful means of subverting the election results? Like the Special prosecutor wrote:

"The Defendant had a right, like every American, to speak publicly about the election and even to claim, falsely, that there had been outcome-determinative fraud during the election and that he had won. He was also entitled to formally challenge the results of the election through lawful and appropriate means, such as by seeking recounts or audits of the popular vote in states or filing lawsuits challenging ballots and procedures. Indeed, in many cases, the Defendant did pursue these methods of contesting the election results. His efforts to change the outcome in any state through recounts, audits, or legal challenges were uniformly unsuccessful.

Shortly after election day, the Defendant also pursued unlawful means of discounting legitimate votes and subverting the election results. In so doing, the Defendant perpetrated three criminal conspiracies:"

If you are talking about Trump, what did he do that was illegal?
Except we don't do that in this country. We have free and fair elections and the loser accepts defeat with grace. Only two times that hasn't happened in our history. 2000, where there were multiple court cases, but no insurrection, and the loser actually stood up in front of the Senate and declared his opponent the victor. And conceded and congratulated him...and then moved on. The other time was in 2020. Where the loser did not concede, did not offer a peaceful transition, and whipped his supporters up into a violent insurrection in order to stay in power.

It will be more fun watching Trump suffer. And he deserves every moment of it. :)
Yeah total coincidence all these cases waited until campaigns were in full swing

No sane person believes you Leftists
If you are talking about Trump, what did he do that was illegal?
Well he is being indicted in 4 different state and federal courts for dozens of felonies ranging from falsifying business records to mishandling classified documents to interfering in an election.

I’m surprised you don’t know about this. It’s rather big news. We shall see how it all shakes out.

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