The Next War

Semper Fi

VIP Member
Nov 25, 2003
Didnt know where to post this, so feel free to move it.

When, where, and why do you think the next war will be? Who will it be between, and why? Just an interesting thing to ponder....

Right now, I dont have time to make an accurate and logical prediction, as it is getting late and I'd like to have a restful day tomorrow. Good night.
The next important (to you and me) war will take place on American soil. It will take place because our leaders lie about what they are up to. It will take place because the liars think that a few scapegoats revealed without complete investigation or examination of aligning criterion is ignored and because in this administration day is night, truth is lies, war is peace and the devil is GOD. Take it for what it's worth. Period.

Psychoblues said:
The next important (to you and me) war will take place on American soil. It will take place because our leaders lie about what they are up to. It will take place because the liars think that a few scapegoats revealed without complete investigation or examination of aligning criterion is ignored and because in this administration day is night, truth is lies, war is peace and the devil is GOD. Take it for what it's worth. Period.

Of course it will be Bush's fault...who else? Couldn't be folks like PB who do their damndest to divide this country and it's people by making false allegations against our elected leaders, decieve the people by reporting false or slanted news, oppress the masses through strict enforcement of socialistitic philosophy, arrogantly curb creativity, independent thinking and higher human endeavor by vigorously supporting mediocrity ... who covertly encourage class warfare among the citizens, who hold the interests of specialized groups and minorities above those of the best interests of the majority of this country's citizens and who would rather live under the heel of tyranny than offend any foriegn country or institution. None of those things would have any bearing on why this country has a remote possibilty of falling into civil strife, right PB?

Personally, I think that we will be embroiled in the Middle East for some time to come. China, North Korea and other hot spots around the globe will be of concern for the forseeable future as well. Africa will always be a troublespot, but I dont believe the US will becoming deeply involved there except in those countries considered part of the Middle East. It remains to be seen what happens in the former Soviet Union's satellite nations.
Psychoblues said:
The next important (to you and me) war will take place on American soil. It will take place because our leaders lie about what they are up to. It will take place because the liars think that a few scapegoats revealed without complete investigation or examination of aligning criterion is ignored and because in this administration day is night, truth is lies, war is peace and the devil is GOD. Take it for what it's worth. Period.


If that happens, it won't be much of a war. Remember, one side owns all the guns and the other side things war is never the answer.
My guess is China. I think the war will be waged over resources. But it probably wouldn't happen for 20-30 more years.
The next war will be on fast food, bird flu or whatever other issue popular culture decides causes the most societal anxiety.

War on communism. (there were two of those)
War on drugs.
War on poverty.
War on terror.
Coming up next...War on Science!:eek:...And the sequel, War on Liberalism!:eek:
Hagbard Celine said:
The next war will be on fast food, bird flu or whatever other issue popular culture decides causes the most societal anxiety.

War on communism. (there were two of those)
War on drugs.
War on poverty.
War on terror.
Coming up next...War on Science!:eek:...And the sequel, War on Liberalism!:eek:

The War on Poverty and the War on Drugs are two of the biggest failures ever propagated on the US. The War on Religion has also failed, just as its sequel the War on Conservatism will.
Next war is against Venezuela. After all, we are already planning its invasion.
The ClayTaurus said:
Can I be optimistic?

We all know that would be too easy. Not enough challenge and room for colossal f*ckups for the US Government to take it on.
Hagbard Celine said:
We all know that would be too easy. Not enough challenge and room for colossal f*ckups for the US Government to take it on.
It would be soooooooooo gratifying, though...
Blame Canada! Blame Canada! All you Canadians with your flapping heads and beady little eyes don't know what anything is aboot!:laugh:

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