The NFL Clown Show with the so-called "black national anthem"

Yes. Because it US people that are banning books, suppressing history, denigrating LGBTQ+ individuals, asserting our dominance and control over women's bodies....sheesh. What reality do you live in? Are there unicorns there?
Liberals ban To Kill a Mockingbird

Liberals rewriting history

You shitlibs denigrate straight whites daily

You all wanted everyone to get clot shots or lose their jobs or die in a hole somewhere so stfu
Any Conservative who hates Blacks is free to get up and grab a beer while the song is on
Liberals ban To Kill a Mockingbird

Liberals rewriting history

You shitlibs denigrate straight whites daily

You all wanted everyone to get clot shots or lose their jobs or die in a hole somewhere so stfu
No liberal is moving to ban this book. It's all the holy rollers calling for it. Don't know where you learned to read. :)

Jeez, you're all over the map. Take your meds.
The level of divisiveness continues, from the NFL to big corporations to the Democratic Party.

MLK holiday, black history month, and the even dumber juneteenth that is now a national holiday (a day that has no meaning outside of black slaves in Texas being informed by a Union General that Lincoln freed them), to reparation demands, now this.

We have ONE National Anthem, screw the NFL, and the rest of the dividers.

The NFL has gone totally woke. However, it is really the fault of righties who continue watching and contributing financially to them. Bottom line, the right shouldn't complain about the wokeness if they are spineless to take a stand against it. The NFL should just drop the National Anthem altogether and just play the black national anthem. Righties are addicted to football like crack cocaine and are unable to stand up against wokeness. The left won because the right are spineless, gutless, bastards.
You took all that away. You gave us nothing but broken promises.
If you want someone to blame start with your own people. Who trades Staten Island for a bunch of beads LOL

Your people showed at every chance you'd rape, kill and steal from whites

Your people have Casinos where NONE of you off the reservation have to actually work instead you get money starting at 18 for life

So cry me a fucking river
Merciless Indian Savages, according to your Declaration of Independence.
Hmmm like trannies can call themselves a woman and not be one 🤔 you're getting close to making sense

Doesn't change the fact the media and everyone calls it "the black" national anthem

I thought the media could not be trusted.

You all need to make up your minds.

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