The nitpicking republicans do about Bernie or Warren paying for their programs is such hypocrisy

Let me start off by saying that I don’t think Bernie’s tax plan to pay for his programs is sound. I do think his programs can be paid for by both new revenue and cutting our bloated defense budget, but that’s a topic for another time.

What I find so petty is republicans nitpicking these policies while blatantly supporting tax cuts and new spending. Trump is set to explode the debt and deficit because of his spending and tax cuts but repubs pretend like children that won’t happen.

Tell me: how exactly is Trump’a useless wall going to be paid for? How are we paying for the THOUSANDS of migrant kids being detained here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime? It is impossible to take republicans seriously.

You don't understand politics. First off, tax cuts help the economy as we are witness to. Secondly, most of that spending is on social programs which were started by the Democrats. Spending creates deficits and debt, not taking less money from people.

Healthcare is making every citizen a government dependent. That being said, like all social programs, it will be impossible to fund for a long period of time. College doesn't benefit anybody except those who attend college, and even that's not true in every case. So why are Democrats calling for it? Because most colleges are Democrat indoctrination centers. They fill the heads of these poor young people full of liberal propaganda and hope it lasts a lifetime.

You do understand the Op'er is trying to have his cake and eat it while you and I pay for it.

Billy is trying to use the illegal alien and their children as an excuse to why we should have Medicare for All because in Billy eyes we are wasting taxpayer dollars on a program he disagree with.

Now will Billy admit the fact he is for open Borders and abolishment of ICE?

Most of them are for that, but nobody has the guts to say it.

People who want Medicare for all fail to see the multiple problems with it. First off, Medicare underpays for services. They usually pay about 2/3 of the actual cost. To recoup that lost money, they increase prices which individuals and private insurance has to pay. Without private insurance, our clinics and hospitals would be forced to close down, like they have across the country in lower income communities where most patients are government patients, and very few private pay or private insurance.

Billy is some guy that live in one of the hippie wannabe communities thinking he knows how to fix the Healthcare issue while never working in Healthcare at all.

Just not what you stated the level of fraud that is done, the fact our doctors and nurses would quit and we would have to import new doctors and nurses should make those like Billy realize the dangerous road he is on but he will never change...

Hell he will explain how if we just keep the GOP out of power everything will work...

Also another thing Billy fail to grasp is the fact the rich will not wait in lines and will go to other countries, so what will be Billy proposal to stop that?
Let me start off by saying that I don’t think Bernie’s tax plan to pay for his programs is sound. I do think his programs can be paid for by both new revenue and cutting our bloated defense budget, but that’s a topic for another time.

What I find so petty is republicans nitpicking these policies while blatantly supporting tax cuts and new spending. Trump is set to explode the debt and deficit because of his spending and tax cuts but repubs pretend like children that won’t happen.

Tell me: how exactly is Trump’a useless wall going to be paid for? How are we paying for the THOUSANDS of migrant kids being detained here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime? It is impossible to take republicans seriously.

You don't understand politics. First off, tax cuts help the economy as we are witness to. Secondly, most of that spending is on social programs which were started by the Democrats. Spending creates deficits and debt, not taking less money from people.

Healthcare is making every citizen a government dependent. That being said, like all social programs, it will be impossible to fund for a long period of time. College doesn't benefit anybody except those who attend college, and even that's not true in every case. So why are Democrats calling for it? Because most colleges are Democrat indoctrination centers. They fill the heads of these poor young people full of liberal propaganda and hope it lasts a lifetime.

You do understand the Op'er is trying to have his cake and eat it while you and I pay for it.

Billy is trying to use the illegal alien and their children as an excuse to why we should have Medicare for All because in Billy eyes we are wasting taxpayer dollars on a program he disagree with.

Now will Billy admit the fact he is for open Borders and abolishment of ICE?

Most of them are for that, but nobody has the guts to say it.

People who want Medicare for all fail to see the multiple problems with it. First off, Medicare underpays for services. They usually pay about 2/3 of the actual cost. To recoup that lost money, they increase prices which individuals and private insurance has to pay. Without private insurance, our clinics and hospitals would be forced to close down, like they have across the country in lower income communities where most patients are government patients, and very few private pay or private insurance.

Billy is some guy that live in one of the hippie wannabe communities thinking he knows how to fix the Healthcare issue while never working in Healthcare at all.

Just not what you stated the level of fraud that is done, the fact our doctors and nurses would quit and we would have to import new doctors and nurses should make those like Billy realize the dangerous road he is on but he will never change...

Hell he will explain how if we just keep the GOP out of power everything will work...

Also another thing Billy fail to grasp is the fact the rich will not wait in lines and will go to other countries, so what will be Billy proposal to stop that?

Like I said, it would create more problems than it would solve.

We all know, there are good doctors and not so good doctors. We know there are good hospitals and not so good hospitals. In our current system, the people with no coverage or money usually get the not so good ones, and the people with money get the better care.

So if we all went on the same program, everybody would want the good doctors and hospitals. Since that isn't possible, who would get to decide which group of people get the good doctors and hospitals, and which ones would not?

It would boil down to politics. If Democrats were in charge, the poor (where the most Democrat voters are at) would get the great care, and the upper-class who pay the most money into our tax system could end up with the worst care. Democrats can't fart in private without making politics out of it. So it would be a nightmare.
Let me start off by saying that I don’t think Bernie’s tax plan to pay for his programs is sound. I do think his programs can be paid for by both new revenue and cutting our bloated defense budget, but that’s a topic for another time.

What I find so petty is republicans nitpicking these policies while blatantly supporting tax cuts and new spending. Trump is set to explode the debt and deficit because of his spending and tax cuts but repubs pretend like children that won’t happen.

Tell me: how exactly is Trump’a useless wall going to be paid for? How are we paying for the THOUSANDS of migrant kids being detained here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime? It is impossible to take republicans seriously.

Migrant kids or illegals attempting to cross into the country without proper authorization?

See when you ask a question and you deliberately lie in your question should anyone answer your question with a serious answer?

As to Trump wall it is well noted as for me I am against it and believe the money spent is being wasted.

As for your demand for Medicare for All, well seeing the Federal Government does a poor job running regular Medicare, Medicaid and the V.A. it tell me you, Bernie and Liz just want to waste taxpayer dollars while forcing everyone onto a system that will be bloated with fraud while milking the taxpayer...
Uh yeah they came over without authorization by following their PARENTS. What scum right? Either way, they are being held here rather than being deported and the program is not paid for. That’s stupid no matter how you slice it.

What's stupid is realizing that is a problem and inviting more here. At least Trump (with the forced help from Mexico) is keeping the illegals out. He also created the restrictions that if you want to apply for asylum, do it at your US embassy. Don't come here until your court date.

Recently, Trump got the okay from the courts to enforce his green card restrictions. Now if you want a green card, and it looks like you will likely end up on one or several of our social programs, you don't get the green card like you did before Trump. Lord knows how many billions of dollars that will save taxpayers. If you want to come here, prove you can support yourself and perhaps your family. No more freebies.
Lol you people keep talking about Trump keeping illegals out when he is clearly doing the opposite. How are you not seeing that? The US tax payer is responsible for that bill. You get that right?

A 70% reduction since may of last year. He's doing a pretty good job of it. Also remember that many things Trump has tried in the past, the Democrats stopped it. What they couldn't stop, their commie judges did. So don't put this entirely on Trump. Your side is more to blame than he is.
Lol so it just doesn’t matter to you that 10’s of thousands of kids are being held here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime? Of course I really don’t buy your 70% reduction figure either way.
Migrant kids or illegals attempting to cross into the country without proper authorization?

See when you ask a question and you deliberately lie in your question should anyone answer your question with a serious answer?

As to Trump wall it is well noted as for me I am against it and believe the money spent is being wasted.

As for your demand for Medicare for All, well seeing the Federal Government does a poor job running regular Medicare, Medicaid and the V.A. it tell me you, Bernie and Liz just want to waste taxpayer dollars while forcing everyone onto a system that will be bloated with fraud while milking the taxpayer...
Uh yeah they came over without authorization by following their PARENTS. What scum right? Either way, they are being held here rather than being deported and the program is not paid for. That’s stupid no matter how you slice it.

What's stupid is realizing that is a problem and inviting more here. At least Trump (with the forced help from Mexico) is keeping the illegals out. He also created the restrictions that if you want to apply for asylum, do it at your US embassy. Don't come here until your court date.

Recently, Trump got the okay from the courts to enforce his green card restrictions. Now if you want a green card, and it looks like you will likely end up on one or several of our social programs, you don't get the green card like you did before Trump. Lord knows how many billions of dollars that will save taxpayers. If you want to come here, prove you can support yourself and perhaps your family. No more freebies.
Lol you people keep talking about Trump keeping illegals out when he is clearly doing the opposite. How are you not seeing that? The US tax payer is responsible for that bill. You get that right?

A 70% reduction since may of last year. He's doing a pretty good job of it. Also remember that many things Trump has tried in the past, the Democrats stopped it. What they couldn't stop, their commie judges did. So don't put this entirely on Trump. Your side is more to blame than he is.
Lol so it just doesn’t matter to you that 10’s of thousands of kids are being held here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime? Of course I really don’t buy your 70% reduction figure either way.

And it does not matter to you we have laws that we must follow because all you want is to toss this kids onto the streets so they can be abused and then demand society to pay more taxes for them on social welfare programs you support...

Fact is Billy you hear Warren and Sanders speak and you believe their ideas are achievable, so why not try it first on a State level before trying on a Federal Level?
Let me start off by saying that I don’t think Bernie’s tax plan to pay for his programs is sound. I do think his programs can be paid for by both new revenue and cutting our bloated defense budget, but that’s a topic for another time.

What I find so petty is republicans nitpicking these policies while blatantly supporting tax cuts and new spending. Trump is set to explode the debt and deficit because of his spending and tax cuts but repubs pretend like children that won’t happen.

Tell me: how exactly is Trump’a useless wall going to be paid for? How are we paying for the THOUSANDS of migrant kids being detained here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime? It is impossible to take republicans seriously.

I agree. Sanders' and Warren's plans require massive tax increases from everyone, rich to poor, to implement and even then it may not be enough, but the Republicans are not one to criticize. They have been absolutely reckless with our country's finances for the last 20 years.
Uh yeah they came over without authorization by following their PARENTS. What scum right? Either way, they are being held here rather than being deported and the program is not paid for. That’s stupid no matter how you slice it.

What's stupid is realizing that is a problem and inviting more here. At least Trump (with the forced help from Mexico) is keeping the illegals out. He also created the restrictions that if you want to apply for asylum, do it at your US embassy. Don't come here until your court date.

Recently, Trump got the okay from the courts to enforce his green card restrictions. Now if you want a green card, and it looks like you will likely end up on one or several of our social programs, you don't get the green card like you did before Trump. Lord knows how many billions of dollars that will save taxpayers. If you want to come here, prove you can support yourself and perhaps your family. No more freebies.
Lol you people keep talking about Trump keeping illegals out when he is clearly doing the opposite. How are you not seeing that? The US tax payer is responsible for that bill. You get that right?

A 70% reduction since may of last year. He's doing a pretty good job of it. Also remember that many things Trump has tried in the past, the Democrats stopped it. What they couldn't stop, their commie judges did. So don't put this entirely on Trump. Your side is more to blame than he is.
Lol so it just doesn’t matter to you that 10’s of thousands of kids are being held here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime? Of course I really don’t buy your 70% reduction figure either way.

And it does not matter to you we have laws that we must follow because all you want is to toss this kids onto the streets so they can be abused and then demand society to pay more taxes for them on social welfare programs you support...

Fact is Billy you hear Warren and Sanders speak and you believe their ideas are achievable, so why not try it first on a State level before trying on a Federal Level?
Lol when did anyone say we should just toss these kids into the street? I just told you that they should be deported. Deported WITH their parents because that is basic human decency.
What's stupid is realizing that is a problem and inviting more here. At least Trump (with the forced help from Mexico) is keeping the illegals out. He also created the restrictions that if you want to apply for asylum, do it at your US embassy. Don't come here until your court date.

Recently, Trump got the okay from the courts to enforce his green card restrictions. Now if you want a green card, and it looks like you will likely end up on one or several of our social programs, you don't get the green card like you did before Trump. Lord knows how many billions of dollars that will save taxpayers. If you want to come here, prove you can support yourself and perhaps your family. No more freebies.
Lol you people keep talking about Trump keeping illegals out when he is clearly doing the opposite. How are you not seeing that? The US tax payer is responsible for that bill. You get that right?

A 70% reduction since may of last year. He's doing a pretty good job of it. Also remember that many things Trump has tried in the past, the Democrats stopped it. What they couldn't stop, their commie judges did. So don't put this entirely on Trump. Your side is more to blame than he is.
Lol so it just doesn’t matter to you that 10’s of thousands of kids are being held here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime? Of course I really don’t buy your 70% reduction figure either way.

And it does not matter to you we have laws that we must follow because all you want is to toss this kids onto the streets so they can be abused and then demand society to pay more taxes for them on social welfare programs you support...

Fact is Billy you hear Warren and Sanders speak and you believe their ideas are achievable, so why not try it first on a State level before trying on a Federal Level?
Lol when did anyone say we should just toss these kids into the street? I just told you that they should be deported. Deported WITH their parents because that is basic human decency.

Again, when an Illegal Immigrant with their kids claim Asylum we have laws we must obey, so yes those kids will stay in detention until the courts can clear the matter up if the family is eligible for asylum or not.

What you want is to close down the system and toss those kids out on the street while ignoring the legal process that must be followed!
Migrant kids or illegals attempting to cross into the country without proper authorization?

See when you ask a question and you deliberately lie in your question should anyone answer your question with a serious answer?

As to Trump wall it is well noted as for me I am against it and believe the money spent is being wasted.

As for your demand for Medicare for All, well seeing the Federal Government does a poor job running regular Medicare, Medicaid and the V.A. it tell me you, Bernie and Liz just want to waste taxpayer dollars while forcing everyone onto a system that will be bloated with fraud while milking the taxpayer...
Uh yeah they came over without authorization by following their PARENTS. What scum right? Either way, they are being held here rather than being deported and the program is not paid for. That’s stupid no matter how you slice it.

What's stupid is realizing that is a problem and inviting more here. At least Trump (with the forced help from Mexico) is keeping the illegals out. He also created the restrictions that if you want to apply for asylum, do it at your US embassy. Don't come here until your court date.

Recently, Trump got the okay from the courts to enforce his green card restrictions. Now if you want a green card, and it looks like you will likely end up on one or several of our social programs, you don't get the green card like you did before Trump. Lord knows how many billions of dollars that will save taxpayers. If you want to come here, prove you can support yourself and perhaps your family. No more freebies.
Lol you people keep talking about Trump keeping illegals out when he is clearly doing the opposite. How are you not seeing that? The US tax payer is responsible for that bill. You get that right?

A 70% reduction since may of last year. He's doing a pretty good job of it. Also remember that many things Trump has tried in the past, the Democrats stopped it. What they couldn't stop, their commie judges did. So don't put this entirely on Trump. Your side is more to blame than he is.
Lol so it just doesn’t matter to you that 10’s of thousands of kids are being held here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime? Of course I really don’t buy your 70% reduction figure either way.

Trump immigration policies showing results, with illegal border crossings plummeting

Trump’s plan to stem border crossings gets results
Lol you people keep talking about Trump keeping illegals out when he is clearly doing the opposite. How are you not seeing that? The US tax payer is responsible for that bill. You get that right?

A 70% reduction since may of last year. He's doing a pretty good job of it. Also remember that many things Trump has tried in the past, the Democrats stopped it. What they couldn't stop, their commie judges did. So don't put this entirely on Trump. Your side is more to blame than he is.
Lol so it just doesn’t matter to you that 10’s of thousands of kids are being held here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime? Of course I really don’t buy your 70% reduction figure either way.

And it does not matter to you we have laws that we must follow because all you want is to toss this kids onto the streets so they can be abused and then demand society to pay more taxes for them on social welfare programs you support...

Fact is Billy you hear Warren and Sanders speak and you believe their ideas are achievable, so why not try it first on a State level before trying on a Federal Level?
Lol when did anyone say we should just toss these kids into the street? I just told you that they should be deported. Deported WITH their parents because that is basic human decency.

Again, when an Illegal Immigrant with their kids claim Asylum we have laws we must obey, so yes those kids will stay in detention until the courts can clear the matter up if the family is eligible for asylum or not.

What you want is to close down the system and toss those kids out on the street while ignoring the legal process that must be followed!
Lol the courts aren’t clearing up the matter. You do get that right? Either way, doesn’t it make more sense to deport them ASAP? That is how the process always worked.
Uh yeah they came over without authorization by following their PARENTS. What scum right? Either way, they are being held here rather than being deported and the program is not paid for. That’s stupid no matter how you slice it.

What's stupid is realizing that is a problem and inviting more here. At least Trump (with the forced help from Mexico) is keeping the illegals out. He also created the restrictions that if you want to apply for asylum, do it at your US embassy. Don't come here until your court date.

Recently, Trump got the okay from the courts to enforce his green card restrictions. Now if you want a green card, and it looks like you will likely end up on one or several of our social programs, you don't get the green card like you did before Trump. Lord knows how many billions of dollars that will save taxpayers. If you want to come here, prove you can support yourself and perhaps your family. No more freebies.
Lol you people keep talking about Trump keeping illegals out when he is clearly doing the opposite. How are you not seeing that? The US tax payer is responsible for that bill. You get that right?

A 70% reduction since may of last year. He's doing a pretty good job of it. Also remember that many things Trump has tried in the past, the Democrats stopped it. What they couldn't stop, their commie judges did. So don't put this entirely on Trump. Your side is more to blame than he is.
Lol so it just doesn’t matter to you that 10’s of thousands of kids are being held here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime? Of course I really don’t buy your 70% reduction figure either way.

Trump immigration policies showing results, with illegal border crossings plummeting

Trump’s plan to stem border crossings gets results

Billy is a Bernie Sanders voter so they are for:

1. Closing of ICE

2. Medicare for All

3. Free College Program with no requirement

4. Collge Debt Forgiveness

5. National Rent Control.

6. Green Energy

7. Elimination of Nuclear Fuel.

And that is just off the top of my head...

So as Billy write about the waste of Taxpayer dollars for detaining asylum seekers they forget to mention the percentage of those seeking are not eligible and once they seek asylum we must give them a court date which mean it could take a few years...
A 70% reduction since may of last year. He's doing a pretty good job of it. Also remember that many things Trump has tried in the past, the Democrats stopped it. What they couldn't stop, their commie judges did. So don't put this entirely on Trump. Your side is more to blame than he is.
Lol so it just doesn’t matter to you that 10’s of thousands of kids are being held here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime? Of course I really don’t buy your 70% reduction figure either way.

And it does not matter to you we have laws that we must follow because all you want is to toss this kids onto the streets so they can be abused and then demand society to pay more taxes for them on social welfare programs you support...

Fact is Billy you hear Warren and Sanders speak and you believe their ideas are achievable, so why not try it first on a State level before trying on a Federal Level?
Lol when did anyone say we should just toss these kids into the street? I just told you that they should be deported. Deported WITH their parents because that is basic human decency.

Again, when an Illegal Immigrant with their kids claim Asylum we have laws we must obey, so yes those kids will stay in detention until the courts can clear the matter up if the family is eligible for asylum or not.

What you want is to close down the system and toss those kids out on the street while ignoring the legal process that must be followed!
Lol the courts aren’t clearing up the matter. You do get that right? Either way, doesn’t it make more sense to deport them ASAP? That is how the process always worked.

No, not really. The way the process works is to get rid of the criminal illegals. If they are not bothering anybody, nobody deports them. The real problem is the Democrats protect the criminal illegals, so they are harder to deport.
A 70% reduction since may of last year. He's doing a pretty good job of it. Also remember that many things Trump has tried in the past, the Democrats stopped it. What they couldn't stop, their commie judges did. So don't put this entirely on Trump. Your side is more to blame than he is.
Lol so it just doesn’t matter to you that 10’s of thousands of kids are being held here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime? Of course I really don’t buy your 70% reduction figure either way.

And it does not matter to you we have laws that we must follow because all you want is to toss this kids onto the streets so they can be abused and then demand society to pay more taxes for them on social welfare programs you support...

Fact is Billy you hear Warren and Sanders speak and you believe their ideas are achievable, so why not try it first on a State level before trying on a Federal Level?
Lol when did anyone say we should just toss these kids into the street? I just told you that they should be deported. Deported WITH their parents because that is basic human decency.

Again, when an Illegal Immigrant with their kids claim Asylum we have laws we must obey, so yes those kids will stay in detention until the courts can clear the matter up if the family is eligible for asylum or not.

What you want is to close down the system and toss those kids out on the street while ignoring the legal process that must be followed!
Lol the courts aren’t clearing up the matter. You do get that right? Either way, doesn’t it make more sense to deport them ASAP? That is how the process always worked.



Even if they are truly no eligible they must be seen by a court first before being rejected and that is the requirement.

So now you do not care about the law either?

Illegals are deported!
What's stupid is realizing that is a problem and inviting more here. At least Trump (with the forced help from Mexico) is keeping the illegals out. He also created the restrictions that if you want to apply for asylum, do it at your US embassy. Don't come here until your court date.

Recently, Trump got the okay from the courts to enforce his green card restrictions. Now if you want a green card, and it looks like you will likely end up on one or several of our social programs, you don't get the green card like you did before Trump. Lord knows how many billions of dollars that will save taxpayers. If you want to come here, prove you can support yourself and perhaps your family. No more freebies.
Lol you people keep talking about Trump keeping illegals out when he is clearly doing the opposite. How are you not seeing that? The US tax payer is responsible for that bill. You get that right?

A 70% reduction since may of last year. He's doing a pretty good job of it. Also remember that many things Trump has tried in the past, the Democrats stopped it. What they couldn't stop, their commie judges did. So don't put this entirely on Trump. Your side is more to blame than he is.
Lol so it just doesn’t matter to you that 10’s of thousands of kids are being held here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime? Of course I really don’t buy your 70% reduction figure either way.

Trump immigration policies showing results, with illegal border crossings plummeting

Trump’s plan to stem border crossings gets results

Billy is a Bernie Sanders voter so they are for:

1. Closing of ICE

2. Medicare for All

3. Free College Program with no requirement

4. Collge Debt Forgiveness

5. National Rent Control.

6. Green Energy

7. Elimination of Nuclear Fuel.

And that is just off the top of my head...

So as Billy write about the waste of Taxpayer dollars for detaining asylum seekers they forget to mention the percentage of those seeking are not eligible and once they seek asylum we must give them a court date which mean it could take a few years...

Not to mention Trump stopped most of the asylum seekers from coming here, so we only have to deal with the ones here already.
Let me start off by saying that I don’t think Bernie’s tax plan to pay for his programs is sound. I do think his programs can be paid for by both new revenue and cutting our bloated defense budget, but that’s a topic for another time.

What I find so petty is republicans nitpicking these policies while blatantly supporting tax cuts and new spending. Trump is set to explode the debt and deficit because of his spending and tax cuts but repubs pretend like children that won’t happen.

Tell me: how exactly is Trump’a useless wall going to be paid for? How are we paying for the THOUSANDS of migrant kids being detained here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime? It is impossible to take republicans seriously.

You are crazy. The French tried the 'tax the rich' plan, and the result was a mass exodus of the wealthy, and their tax revenue, from the country.

Venezuela tried the 'tax the rich' plan, and it has the poor eating their pets.


You see this? Absolute, undeniable, concrete proof that jacking up taxes on the rich, did not result in higher tax revenues in the past.

Your system has never worked. Never. There is nothing "nitpicking" about pointing out that your entire ideology in all human history, has never worked.
Lol you people keep talking about Trump keeping illegals out when he is clearly doing the opposite. How are you not seeing that? The US tax payer is responsible for that bill. You get that right?

A 70% reduction since may of last year. He's doing a pretty good job of it. Also remember that many things Trump has tried in the past, the Democrats stopped it. What they couldn't stop, their commie judges did. So don't put this entirely on Trump. Your side is more to blame than he is.
Lol so it just doesn’t matter to you that 10’s of thousands of kids are being held here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime? Of course I really don’t buy your 70% reduction figure either way.

Trump immigration policies showing results, with illegal border crossings plummeting

Trump’s plan to stem border crossings gets results

Billy is a Bernie Sanders voter so they are for:

1. Closing of ICE

2. Medicare for All

3. Free College Program with no requirement

4. Collge Debt Forgiveness

5. National Rent Control.

6. Green Energy

7. Elimination of Nuclear Fuel.

And that is just off the top of my head...

So as Billy write about the waste of Taxpayer dollars for detaining asylum seekers they forget to mention the percentage of those seeking are not eligible and once they seek asylum we must give them a court date which mean it could take a few years...

Not to mention Trump stopped most of the asylum seekers from coming here, so we only have to deal with the ones here already.

And we still have a backlog because of past Presidents unwillingness to deal with the issue!

I know you will point to Obama but George W. was worst!

Again, Billy is trying to be sly and play games while knowing we can not do what he is claiming we should do!
Lol so it just doesn’t matter to you that 10’s of thousands of kids are being held here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime? Of course I really don’t buy your 70% reduction figure either way.

And it does not matter to you we have laws that we must follow because all you want is to toss this kids onto the streets so they can be abused and then demand society to pay more taxes for them on social welfare programs you support...

Fact is Billy you hear Warren and Sanders speak and you believe their ideas are achievable, so why not try it first on a State level before trying on a Federal Level?
Lol when did anyone say we should just toss these kids into the street? I just told you that they should be deported. Deported WITH their parents because that is basic human decency.

Again, when an Illegal Immigrant with their kids claim Asylum we have laws we must obey, so yes those kids will stay in detention until the courts can clear the matter up if the family is eligible for asylum or not.

What you want is to close down the system and toss those kids out on the street while ignoring the legal process that must be followed!
Lol the courts aren’t clearing up the matter. You do get that right? Either way, doesn’t it make more sense to deport them ASAP? That is how the process always worked.



Even if they are truly no eligible they must be seen by a court first before being rejected and that is the requirement.

So now you do not care about the law either?

Illegals are deported!

Average Time Pending Cases Have Been Waiting in Immigration Courts as of December 2020
Let me start off by saying that I don’t think Bernie’s tax plan to pay for his programs is sound. I do think his programs can be paid for by both new revenue and cutting our bloated defense budget, but that’s a topic for another time.

What I find so petty is republicans nitpicking these policies while blatantly supporting tax cuts and new spending. Trump is set to explode the debt and deficit because of his spending and tax cuts but repubs pretend like children that won’t happen.

Tell me: how exactly is Trump’a useless wall going to be paid for? How are we paying for the THOUSANDS of migrant kids being detained here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime? It is impossible to take republicans seriously.

Pay for? what?! Those plans are FREE!




Let me start off by saying that I don’t think Bernie’s tax plan to pay for his programs is sound. I do think his programs can be paid for by both new revenue and cutting our bloated defense budget, but that’s a topic for another time.

What I find so petty is republicans nitpicking these policies while blatantly supporting tax cuts and new spending. Trump is set to explode the debt and deficit because of his spending and tax cuts but repubs pretend like children that won’t happen.

Tell me: how exactly is Trump’a useless wall going to be paid for? How are we paying for the THOUSANDS of migrant kids being detained here indefinitely on the tax payer’s dime? It is impossible to take republicans seriously.

Pay for? what?! Those plans are FREE!





If free can we have NASA create me a living version that never ages of Ana De Armas and if possible then Bernie has my vote and Billy can have his medicare for all!
And it does not matter to you we have laws that we must follow because all you want is to toss this kids onto the streets so they can be abused and then demand society to pay more taxes for them on social welfare programs you support...

Fact is Billy you hear Warren and Sanders speak and you believe their ideas are achievable, so why not try it first on a State level before trying on a Federal Level?
Lol when did anyone say we should just toss these kids into the street? I just told you that they should be deported. Deported WITH their parents because that is basic human decency.

Again, when an Illegal Immigrant with their kids claim Asylum we have laws we must obey, so yes those kids will stay in detention until the courts can clear the matter up if the family is eligible for asylum or not.

What you want is to close down the system and toss those kids out on the street while ignoring the legal process that must be followed!
Lol the courts aren’t clearing up the matter. You do get that right? Either way, doesn’t it make more sense to deport them ASAP? That is how the process always worked.



Even if they are truly no eligible they must be seen by a court first before being rejected and that is the requirement.

So now you do not care about the law either?

Illegals are deported!

Average Time Pending Cases Have Been Waiting in Immigration Courts as of December 2020

So here is my solution. Take the money spent on welfare, and hire more judges.

Understanding the Hidden $1.1 Trillion Welfare System and How to Reform It

Total cost of direct cash-aid in the US, was $184 Billion. I think that could afford to hire some more qualified judges.

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