The "No Evidence" Crowd Seems To Have Become Silent

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Keep clinging, anti-American.

I'm sure you'll side with Kim Jong-un if the alt-right media can somehow tie him and a Democrat together.

Because cult.


OK....OK......stop begging.

Here is your remedial education:

The Constitution was a distillation of the views of Madison, Jefferson and Franklin. Progressivism is from the views of Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

Now, let's quote 'progressives,' Democrats.....also known as totalitarians.

a. The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

b. The attitude of the FDR government can be seen in these words of A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor: “[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.”

From a speech delivered on the Senate floor

May 14, 1943
Happy Chandler's dangerous statism - The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

c. Jim Cramer, one of the Left's apparatchiks, say what Democrats believe, encourage.....but blames it on the other side.

“government has a right to force you to obey and has always exercised it especially under GOP”

Anyone think to question what the GOP has forced any to obey about?




See what I mean about the Left/Progressives lying about everything?

The Democrats are the European Party, the party of Obey.

We’re the other side, the personal liberty, individualism, the right to make personal decisions.
Red China, Russia, and corrupt oil companies in Ukraine all paid bribes to Hunter Biden....who cried that he had to share half with your candidate.

The NYTimes admitted it....basically calling you a fool.

Still with Biden and not the American, Trump????

Why are you afraid to respond?

Is it becasue it utterly destroys and cachet you might have believed you had (I almost said 'thought you had')???

Biden has been proven an asset of foreign powers.....and you stood shoulder to shoulder with him.

As opposed to this:

Let's remind all the Trump's five Nobel nominations for peace in the Middle East, quieting of North Korea, no invasions by Russia, keeping Iran guessing, having the courage to move our embassy to Jerusalem, forcing Mexico to keep invaders on their side of the border, sending ships through the South China Sea that China claimed was theirs, not turning over tons of armaments to the Taliban..........astounding foreign policy achievements that no Democrat can claim.
PPPPPPPTTTTTTT!!!!!!LOL...Nobel prizes nominations??? :auiqs.jpg:
Putin, Kim, Erdogan...all Trump's best buds. Not surprising you would think these are acheivements. You righties really like your strongmen.
Admit it...Trump made you feel safe, didn't he? :)

Again, HUNTER BIDEN ISN'T PRESIDENT!!..there I shouted it for you..since you seem to be deaf..and dumb., except for you alt-right lemmings.
OK....OK......stop begging.

Here is your remedial education:

The Constitution was a distillation of the views of Madison, Jefferson and Franklin. Progressivism is from the views of Rousseau, Hegel and Marx.

Now, let's quote 'progressives,' Democrats.....also known as totalitarians.

a. The Germans have a history of embracing authoritarian rule. As the German philosopher Hegel said, “The state says … you must obey …. The state has rights against the individual; its members have obligations, among them that of obeying without protest” (Ralf Dahrendorf, Society and Democracy in Germany).

b. The attitude of the FDR government can be seen in these words of A.B. “Happy” Chandler, a former Kentucky governor: “[A]ll of us owe the government; we owe it for everything we have—and that is the basis of obligation—and the government can take everything we have if the government needs it. . . . The government can assert its right to have all the taxes it needs for any purpose, either now or at any time in the future.”

From a speech delivered on the Senate floor

May 14, 1943
Happy Chandler's dangerous statism - The Bluegrass Institute for Public Policy Solutions

c. Jim Cramer, one of the Left's apparatchiks, say what Democrats believe, encourage.....but blames it on the other side.

“government has a right to force you to obey and has always exercised it especially under GOP”

Anyone think to question what the GOP has forced any to obey about?




See what I mean about the Left/Progressives lying about everything?

The Democrats are the European Party, the party of Obey.

We’re the other side, the personal liberty, individualism, the right to make personal decisions.


I'm pretty sure you ain't getting your money back on that Ivy League education.

I'm pretty sure you ain't getting your money back on that Ivy League education.

I'm pretty sure readers of our posts will recognize the terrible mistakes you've made, and what you've become.

There is no way for you to slither away from what you are now.

I bet you are even a disappointment to yourself.
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PPPPPPPTTTTTTT!!!!!!LOL...Nobel prizes nominations??? :auiqs.jpg:
Putin, Kim, Erdogan...all Trump's best buds. Not surprising you would think these are acheivements. You righties really like your strongmen.
Admit it...Trump made you feel safe, didn't he? :)

Again, HUNTER BIDEN ISN'T PRESIDENT!!..there I shouted it for you..since you seem to be deaf..and dumb., except for you alt-right lemmings.

In my lifetime...and even in yours, no elected official has been able to do in the Middle East what Trump did.

Peace....breaking out all over.

Search Results​

Featured snippet from the web​

Abraham Accords
  • The Abraham Accords are a joint statement between the State of Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States, reached on August 13, 2020. ...
  • The statement marked the first public normalization of relations between an Arab country and Israel since that of Jordan in 1994.
More items...

Abraham Accords - Wikipedia › wiki › Abraham_Accords

Five Nobel Peace nominations for more than melanin.

And all you can do is lick the boots of the Democrat Party.
In my lifetime...and even in yours, no elected official has been able to do in the Middle East what Trump did.

Peace....breaking out all over.

Search Results​

Featured snippet from the web​

Abraham Accords
  • The Abraham Accords are a joint statement between the State of Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States, reached on August 13, 2020. ...
  • The statement marked the first public normalization of relations between an Arab country and Israel since that of Jordan in 1994.
More items...

Abraham Accords - Wikipedia › wiki › Abraham_Accords

Five Nobel Peace nominations for more than melanin.

And all you can do is lick the boots of the Democrat Party.
Again, your savior was a complete and utter failure from one end of his Presidency to the last.

Podunk deals with small Arab countries...aren't peace deals. :)
Same empty shelves I saw for four months at the beginning of the pandemic.
Remind the class who was President then? :auiqs.jpg:

Again, your savior was a complete and utter failure from one end of his Presidency to the last.

Podunk deals with small Arab countries...aren't peace deals. :)

Not my "savior."

That is a religious term, one I don't apply to human you did when you called Obama god, Jesus and the messiah.

Did you vote for Hussein???
I'm pretty sure readers of our posts will recognize the terrible mistakes you've made, and what you've become.

There is no way for you to slither away from what you are now.

I bet you are even a disappointment to yourself.
The understatement of the century toto is a disappointment to himself.the truth hurts so he tries to laugh off the truth. :rofl:
In my lifetime...and even in yours, no elected official has been able to do in the Middle East what Trump did.

Peace....breaking out all over.

Search Results​

Featured snippet from the web​

Abraham Accords
  • The Abraham Accords are a joint statement between the State of Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States, reached on August 13, 2020. ...
  • The statement marked the first public normalization of relations between an Arab country and Israel since that of Jordan in 1994.
More items...

Abraham Accords - Wikipedia › wiki › Abraham_Accords

Five Nobel Peace nominations for more than melanin.

And all you can do is lick the boots of the Democrat Party.
And that has all the trump haters angry throwing objects at the wall after being schooled on that little truth.:up:
Not my "savior."

That is a religious term, one I don't apply to human you did when you called Obama god, Jesus and the messiah.

Did you vote for Hussein???
If he did,he was no more stupid as you are for voting for your hero warmonger bush who you ignore Had the same dreconian policys thst Obama expanded on fake trump supporter.
I support America, and Western Civilization.

You have become the enemy of both.



.....Or this.....

There you go lying again,anybody who votes fir criminal Bush and does not regret it does not support America,you both hate America.
We're just tired of engaging in this pointless conversation
Jack, you have never once engaged in any conversation at all about the election. You simply refute it as you are doing here without ever giving a shred of any basis or proof to believe a thing you claim, while just this one thread alone raises 100 very big and legitimate questions, not one of which you can offer any solid grounds to dismiss.

Which is why it is a pointless conversation with you, because I could offer up Joe's own confession to the cheat and you would still dismiss the issue, claim Biden won and just tell everyone again to just move on. Your own consistently obdurate replies to everything no matter what are alone grounds to raise suspicion that you just want to cover up and move on.
Jack, you have never once engaged in any conversation at all about the election. You simply refute it as you are doing here without ever giving a shred of any basis or proof to believe a thing you claim, while just this one thread alone raises 100 very big and legitimate questions, not one of which you can offer any solid grounds to dismiss.

Which is why it is a pointless conversation with you, because I could offer up Joe's own confession to the cheat and you would still dismiss the issue, claim Biden won and just tell everyone again to just move on. Your own consistently obdurate replies to everything no matter what are alone grounds to raise suspicion that you just want to cover up and move on.
Sit down, Freaky. Speak when spoken to. You've been posting all over these boards since the day after the election about massive fraud that never once had an ounce of proof behind it. Then you bray how you are going to start a comprehensive election fraud thread that will bring My Pillow proof that there was massive voter fraud that cost your savior the election. Day after day, month after month goes by, you brag and boast how it's coming and how it will change history...only to post..nothing. Just whine and complain. Because it's easier than getting exposed as the massive fraud you are within 20 posts of starting your silly fraud thread.

60+ court cases tossed (yes, most of them on lack evidence), audits and recounts (all coming out in favor of the winner), and finally, an explosion of hatred and ignorance resulting in insurrection 1/20/2021. He lost. Deal with it and move on. NOTHING on this thread raises anything other than the subject of your sanity and the amount of time you have to sit in front of a computer every day.

You have ZERO credibility. The courts, recounts, audits, and state certifications have done the refuting for me. I don't have to refute anything. I don't have to offer any proof of anything. YOU are the one making the accusations. It is incumbent upon YOU to offer the proof..which you have failed to do so far. As long as you post lies, I'll be here to knock you down.'s fun watching you cry. :)
Sit down, Freaky. Speak when spoken to.
French kiss me where the Sun doesn't shine, Jerky.

You've been posting all over these boards since the day after the election about massive fraud that never once had an ounce of proof behind it.
You mean like this, Jerk?

Screen Shot 2021-09-01 at 3.41.20 PM.png

Unlike me, you've never shown even the slightest evidence to support a single thing you say Jack as mountain after mountain of proof is presented here and elsewhere of MASSIVE fraud. And as to threads, you are welcome any time you want to post your proof here or in another thread or start a thread of your own to show how you can magically clairvoyantly ordain the outcome of elections even before they were decided! :auiqs.jpg:
Sit down, Freaky. Speak when spoken to. You've been posting all over these boards since the day after the election about massive fraud that never once had an ounce of proof behind it. Then you bray how you are going to start a comprehensive election fraud thread that will bring My Pillow proof that there was massive voter fraud that cost your savior the election. Day after day, month after month goes by, you brag and boast how it's coming and how it will change history...only to post..nothing. Just whine and complain. Because it's easier than getting exposed as the massive fraud you are within 20 posts of starting your silly fraud thread.

60+ court cases tossed (yes, most of them on lack evidence), audits and recounts (all coming out in favor of the winner), and finally, an explosion of hatred and ignorance resulting in insurrection 1/20/2021. He lost. Deal with it and move on. NOTHING on this thread raises anything other than the subject of your sanity and the amount of time you have to sit in front of a computer every day.

You have ZERO credibility. The courts, recounts, audits, and state certifications have done the refuting for me. I don't have to refute anything. I don't have to offer any proof of anything. YOU are the one making the accusations. It is incumbent upon YOU to offer the proof..which you have failed to do so far. As long as you post lies, I'll be here to knock you down.'s fun watching you cry. :)

Here comes the knife through where your heart would be if you had one.

Just because a series of corrupt courts.....including the 'supreme' one.....wouldn't hear the evidence doesn't mean there wasn't clear and dispositive evidence.

I can provide it.

The fact is that the only document that Americans have agreed to be governed by is the Constitution. It is written in English….no ‘interpretation’ is required. Wherein we find this:
Under the second clause of Article II of the Constitution, the legislatures of the several states have exclusive power to direct the manner in which the electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed.
Such appointment may be made by the legislatures directly, or by popular vote in districts, or by general ticket, as may be provided by the legislature.”

McPherson v. Blacker, 146 U.S. 1 (1892)

But....this occurred: courts altered voting rules.
“In Pennsylvania, the question was whether the state’s Supreme Court could override voting rules set by the state legislature. In North Carolina, the question was whether state election officials had the power to alter such voting rules.”
NYTimes, the election was not correctly decided, and we don't actually know who won the election.
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