The North Koreans


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Their leader is barbaric indeed! The free world should remove him from power! If he is taken alive they should make him sing Gangnam Style!


Seriously, Kim Jong Un is WAAAY more badass than any of you lmao

Yeah. Saw on the news how he had one of his staff members killed.

Guess the words, "You're Fired." Never entered his troll mind.
North Korea's dictator is hilarious for those fun stories, but half of them turn out to not be true.

Like when he had his mistress executed, but she showed up on TV later.

Or when they said he fed his uncle to some dogs. Turns out that wasn't true either, but people still inserted their own jokes about dogs eating Koreans for a change.

This story is probably going to turn out not to be true, either.
It really is amazing they've been able to maintain such a closed, insulated, isolated society for so long.

Won't last forever, and it'll be fascinating to watch when the dam bursts.


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